Fiction Adventure Artemis: A Kydd Novel BR 15234 by Julian Stockwin 3 volumes Following his introduction to the sea in Kydd (BR 13841), Thomas Kydd and his friend Nicholas Renzi continue to fight Napoleon's navy—this time aboard a frigate. During a stop in Macao, Kydd falls in love but can't commit to a life ashore. Some descriptions of sex, some violence, and some strong language. 2001. The Dragon's Son BR 15254 by Sarah L. Thomson 2 volumes Four short stories about King Arthur as seen through the eyes of family members and friends. In the first, Nimue marries a bard who supports the king in uniting England against the invading Saxons. In the last, Arthur's son arrives to overthrow his father. Some violence. For junior and senior high readers. 2001. H.M.S. Surprise BR 15328 by Patrick O'Brian 3 volumes (Reissue) Captain Jack Aubrey and Dr. Stephen Maturin escort an English envoy to India aboard the H.M.S. Surprise. Meanwhile, one of Napoleon's ships plies the Indian Ocean, intent on attacking the China fleet. Aubrey plots to capture the French vessel and alleviate his financial troubles with the prize money. Bestseller. 1973. The Hot Kid BR 16125 by Elmore Leonard 3 volumes Oklahoma, 1930s. Young U.S. marshal Carlos "Carl" Webster loves chasing felons and savors the publicity. While searching for rich-boy-gone-bad Jack Belmont, Carl falls for gun moll Louly Brown. Hack writer Tony Antonelli tags along looking for new material. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2005. Leaving Protection BR 15505 by Will Hobbs 1 volume Port Protection, Alaska. Sixteen-year-old Robbie signs on with captain Tor Torsen to fish for salmon. Robbie realizes he's in danger when he discovers Torsen secretly searching for valuable metal plaques laid by early Russian explorers to claim Alaska. Then a storm hits, imperiling them both. For senior high readers. 2004. The Mauritius Command BR 15383 by Patrick O'Brian 3 volumes (Reissue) As the Napoleonic Wars rage in Europe, Captain "Lucky" Jack Aubrey takes command of a British squadron in the Indian Ocean on a mission to capture the French-held islands of Mauritius and La Réunion. Problems arise not from the hazards of warship living but from the other captains. Some strong language. 1977. Men against the Sea BR 15979 by Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall 2 volumes 1789. Following the Mutiny on the Bounty (BR 8669), Captain Bligh and eighteen loyal men are set adrift in the South Pacific on a twenty-three-foot open launch. Alone on uncharted waters, the crew struggles to survive the 3,600-mile voyage to the Dutch colony of Timor in the East Indies. 1933. Paradise: Based on a True Story of Survival BR 15312 by Joan Elizabeth Goodman 2 volumes In 1542, sixteen-year-old French Huguenot Marguerite de La Rocque sails to America with her uncle. When he discovers Marguerite in the arms of her Catholic lover, he abandons them both on a Canadian island, where they struggle to survive. Some descriptions of sex. For senior high readers. 2002. Pitcairn's Island BR 15995 by Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall 3 volumes South Pacific, 1790s–1800s. Fletcher Christian, his fellow H.M.S. Bounty mutineers, and their Polynesian wives flee Tahiti for Pitcairn's Island. Living undiscovered for eighteen years, they establish a primitive but thriving settlement until a bitter struggle for vengeance shatters the peace. Sequel to Men against the Sea (BR 15979). 1934. Seaflower: A Kydd Novel BR 15319 by Julian Stockwin 3 volumes Following the devastating shipwreck of the frigate Artemis (BR 15234), Thomas Kydd and his friend Nicholas Renzi are assigned to a Royal Navy cutter in the Caribbean. As Britain and Napoleonic France fight to control the West Indies, the Seaflower endures battles, storms, and shark attacks. Some violence and some strong language. 2003. A Sterkarm Kiss BR 15867 by Susan Price 2 volumes Andrea Mitchell, from The Sterkarm Handshake (BR 13376), returns to sixteenth-century Great Britain in the Time Tube. Her lover Per marries into a rival clan, rekindling a civil war. Some violence and some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2003. Storm Warning BR 15432 by Jack Higgins 2 volumes 1944. During World War II, some loyal German expatriates trapped in Brazil plot to return to their homeland on the three-masted sailing ship Deutschland. With five nuns also aboard as passengers, captain Eric Berger and his crew attempt an impossible voyage across an ocean dominated by British and American navies. 1976. Tough Trails BR 15435 by Irene Morck 1 volume Seventeen-year-old Ambrose takes tourists on trail rides while working for his uncle in Alberta's Rocky Mountains. He buys an older mare out of compassion but faces disaster when the animal can't make it up a pass. Uncontracted braille. For senior high and older readers. 2003. 21: The Final Unfinished Voyage of Jack Aubrey, including Facsimile of the Manuscript; the Aubrey-Maturin Novels BR 15955 by Patrick O'Brian 1 volume Following Blue at the Mizzen (BR 12454), Jack Aubrey, now a rear admiral, is ordered to South America. Trouble brews when Catholic inhabitants along the coast resent the Protestant crew and the nations they represent. Manuscript unfinished at the author's death in 2000. Afterword by Richard Snow. Strong language. 2004. Blindness and Physical Handicaps Blind Curve BR 15929 by Annie Solomon 3 volumes Detective Danny Sinofsky loses his sight in an undercover operation. Martha Crowe, who worshipped Danny in high school, becomes his mobility instructor. When Danny and Martha are sent to a safe house for protection, they fall in love. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2005. Blue Skies: The Coulter Family, Book 4 BR 15389 by Catherine Anderson 3 volumes Carly Adams, born with lattice dystrophy, waited twenty-eight years to see. Celebrating her new vision with a friend at a bar, she meets Hank Coulter. Their brief encounter leaves her pregnant. Companion to Phantom Waltz (BR 15334). Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2004. Cruise Control BR 15839 by Terry Trueman 1 volume Basketball star Paul's senior year seems perfect but his misdirected anger could ruin everything. He's upset with his father for abandoning the family and struggles to accept brother Shawn's severe cerebral palsy. Companion to Stuck in Neutral (BR 14082). Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. Bestseller. 2004. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time BR 15215 by Mark Haddon 2 volumes Fifteen-year-old Christopher, who exhibits behavioral problems associated with autism, investigates the murder of his neighbor's dog. His severely logical approach leads him down an unexpected path, bringing him face to face with the dissolution of his parent's marriage while providing insight into the workings of his mind. Some strong language. Bestseller. 2002. Deafening BR 15382 by Frances Itani 3 volumes Grania is deaf, a victim of scarlet fever at age five in early 1900s Canada. After learning sign language and speech, she meets and marries Jim, with whom she develops a special vocabulary. World War I erupts, and her life and silent fears take on new shapes. 2003. Finding Grace BR 15866 by Alyssa Brugman 2 volumes Australia. Quirky eighteen-year-old Rachel is hired as a live-in caregiver for Grace, recently brain-injured. Rachel starts university, makes friends, and learns never to leave Grace alone. While trying to piece together Grace's former life, Rachel gains insights about herself too. Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2001. Lucca BR 15141 by Jens Christian Grondahl 3 volumes Thirty-two-year-old actress Lucca Montale loses her sight in a near-fatal car accident. Over time she becomes close to her recently divorced doctor, Robert. The two fall in love while reliving tense family relationships and troubled romances in the past. Some explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1998. A Mulligan for Bobby Jobe BR 15849 by Bob Cullen 4 volumes Bobby Jobe leads the PGA Championship until an attractive woman distracts him. He loses the tournament, fires his caddy, and is struck by lightning on the practice tee and permanently blinded. Therapist Angela Murphy reunites caddy and golfer and unexpectedly urges Jobe to return to the game. Strong language. 2001. Phantom Waltz: The Coulter Family, Book 2 BR 15334 by Catherine Anderson 3 volumes Rancher Ryan Kendrick of Oregon falls in love with paraplegic Bethany Coulter. Bethany was injured during a barrel-racing contest eight years ago and resists romance. But Ryan puts aside all of her obstacles and continues pursuing her. Explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 2001. The Rescuer: The O'Malley Series, Book 6 BR 15318 by Dee Henderson 3 volumes Following The Healer (BR 14407) paramedic Stephen O'Malley leaves his job due to burnout, grief from losing his sister, and loss of faith. But when his blind friend, Meghan, is threatened by a gang of jewel thieves he rescues her and rediscovers his roots. 2003. Classics Don Quixote BR 15246 by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 9 volumes Spanish classic depicting the adventures of Don Quixote, an aging gentleman addled by chivalrous visions, who appoints himself a knight-errant and sets out with his faithful squire, Sancho Panza, on a quest to right the world's wrongs. Originally published in two parts in 1605 and 1615. New translation by Edith Grossman. Bestseller. 2003. Fahrenheit 451 BR 15332 by Ray Bradbury 2 volumes (Reissue) Fiftieth anniversary edition of this social satire set in the future, when owning or reading a book is a crime. Guy Montag, a fireman charged with destroying books, becomes a fugitive when he succumbs to temptation. 2003 introduction by the author. Some strong language. 1951. How Green Was My Valley BR 16153 by Richard Llewellyn 4 volumes Before leaving his childhood home, Huw Morgan reminisces about his youth in South Wales. He remembers when the coal mines still flourished and family members and friends fought, loved, laughed, and cried as they struggled to survive labor troubles and hard times in the valley. National Book Award. 1939. Invisible Man BR 14988 by Ralph Ellison 4 volumes Classic novel of a young black man's search for identity. Follows the unnamed protagonist from his youth in a Southern town through the depression years in Harlem, where he examines and rejects the values thrust on him by both whites and blacks. Some strong language. National Book Award 1953. 1947. The Mill on the Floss BR 14969 by George Eliot 5 volumes Classic Victorian novel about Maggie Tulliver, a young woman from a working-class family in a small English town, who is dominated by her coarse older brother. In her pursuit of beauty and love, Maggie finds herself rejected by her brother and condemned by the respectable townspeople. 1860. Roughing It BR 16169 by Mark Twain 4 volumes A humorous account loosely based on the celebrated author's life during the years 1861–1867. Mark Twain tries his hand at prospecting, speculating, laboring, and, more successfully, reporting. His exaggerated adventures take him across the frontier plains to California and then to Hawaii. 1962 foreword by Leonard Kriegel. 1872. Their Eyes Were Watching God BR 16074 by Zora Neale Hurston 2 volumes Classic novel of Janie, a handsome black woman, and her three marriages: to Logan Killicks, a prosperous farmer; to go-getter Joe Starks, who makes her Mrs. Mayor Starks of Eatonville, Florida; and to Tea Cake Woods, who teaches Janie, at forty, the reality of love and happiness. 1990 foreword. Bestseller. 1937. Contemporary The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time BR 15215 by Mark Haddon 2 volumes Fifteen-year-old Christopher, who exhibits behavioral problems associated with autism, investigates the murder of his neighbor's dog. His severely logical approach leads him down an unexpected path, bringing him face to face with the dissolution of his parents' marriage while providing insight into the workings of his mind. Some strong language. Bestseller. 2002. Lighthousekeeping BR 16285 by Jeanette Winterson 1 volume The young orphan girl Silver learns the value of stories while apprenticed to Pew, a blind lighthouse keeper at Cape Wrath, Scotland. Among Pew's tales are the deeds of the double-natured minister Babel Dark, aka Lux, who inspired Robert Louis Stevenson. Some explicit descriptions of sex and some violence. Bestseller. 2004. Family The Amateur Marriage BR 15181 by Anne Tyler 3 volumes Baltimore residents Michael Anton and Pauline Barclay fall in love at first sight at the start of World War II and marry impulsively. Remaining completely incompatible despite increasing prosperity, they spend the next five decades making themselves, and their three children, miserable. Bestseller. 2004. Appointment in Samarra BR 15398 by John O'Hara 2 volumes Fast-moving first novel by journalist/critic John O'Hara (1905–1970) set in 1930s small-town Pennsylvania. As Gibbsville celebrates Christmas with parties, music, and liquor, aristocratic drunkard Julian English breaks with polite society in one rash moment, beginning his rapid descent to self-destruction. 1991 introduction by John Updike. Some strong language. 1934. Baker Towers BR 15933 by Jennifer Haigh 3 volumes Post-World War II. After their father's sudden death, the five Novak children struggle to survive in the coal mining town of Bakerton, Pennsylvania. All eventually leave town to pursue their dreams. But while the boys escape the constraints of small town life, the girls eventually return. 2005. Brother and Sister BR 15840 by Joanna Trollope 3 volumes Adopted into the same British family as children, David and Nathalie decide as adults to search for their individual birth parents. Their quest threatens the relationships of all their families and acquaintances, including their birth mothers. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2004. Bull Rider BR 15411 by Marilyn Halvorson 1 volume Sixteen-year-old Layne McQueen wants to follow in his late father's footsteps and enters a rodeo against his mother's wishes. Although his dad was killed bull riding, Layne secretly practices on a ranch nearby. Uncontracted braille. For junior and senior high and older readers. 2003. The Clarinet Polka BR 15545 by Keith Maillard 4 volumes 1969. Soldier Jimmy Koprowski returns to his blue-collar Polish American community, where a friend's death, a destructive affair, and alcohol aggravate his depression. Only when he falls in love with Janice, the clarinetist in his sister's polka band, does he discover the healing power of music and tradition. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2002. The Clock Winder BR 15494 by Anne Tyler 2 volumes Baltimore, 1960. Eccentric elderly widow Pamela Emerson hires college-age drifter Elizabeth Abbott as a live-in helper. Pamela's unstable family, including her grown sons, rely increasingly on Elizabeth and absorb her into their bizarre and deadly personal dramas. Some violence. 1972. Coal Run BR 16165 by Tawni O'Dell 3 volumes Ivan Zoschenko returns to his hometown in the coal-mining region of Pennsylvania after years of absence. Once a local football hero, he becomes a deputy involved in the locals' problems and learns to confront his own demons. Strong language, some explicit descriptions of sex, and some violence. 2004. Cooking for Harry: A Low-Carbohydrate Novel BR 15601 by Kay-Marie James 2 volumes Harry likes to eat and cook, and these activities are fundamental to his life and marriage to Francie. At the office Christmas party he wins a computerized scale that tells him he's a hundred pounds overweight, so Harry begins a low-carb diet that changes the family dynamics. 2004. Dinner for Two BR 15742 by Mike Gayle 2 volumes London. Hopeful would-be father Dave Harding copes with his wife's miscarriage and his newfound unemployment by taking a job as a teen magazine advice columnist. A letter from a thirteen-year-old girl claiming to be his daughter soon rekindles his fatherly instincts, but the revelation could threaten his marriage. 2002. Divining Women BR 15437 by Kaye Gibbons 2 volumes 1918. As World War I ends and the influenza pandemic gathers momentum, liberally educated Mary travels to North Carolina from her wealthy, eccentric, Washington, D.C., family to help her pregnant Aunt Maureen. Finding Maureen psychologically tormented by her husband, Mary helps her to spiritual freedom. Some strong language. 2004. Eat Cake BR 14979 by Jeanne Ray 2 volumes Beleaguered housewife Ruth Hopson is suddenly saddled with an unemployed husband, estranged parents who both need temporary refuge, and a sullen teenage daughter. Her solution is to bake. Includes recipes. Some strong language. 2003. Eve Green BR 15924 by Susan Fletcher 2 volumes During her first pregnancy, Evangeline Green recalls her childhood in Wales, where she came to live with her grandparents after her mother's death. Eve puzzles over family secrets, has a few comfortable friendships, and becomes involved in the drama of a local girl's disappearance. Whitbread Book Award. 2004. The Full Matilda BR 15720 by David Haynes 3 volumes For generations Matilda Housewright's African American family has served the elite of Washington, D.C. When Matilda's father dies in the 1940s, her brother Martin takes up catering. Unmarried Matilda lives as behind-the-scenes director, guiding Martin and his ill-behaved sons and grandsons to redefine the family legacy. Some strong language. 2004. Gilead BR 16160 by Marilynne Robinson 2 volumes 1950s. Dying seventy-six-year-old Gilead, Iowa, minister John Ames writes a parting letter to his young son. John reflects on the tensions between his pacifist father and militant abolitionist grandfather (both preachers), the death of his first wife and child, the gospel, a friend's transgressions, and life's eternal mystery. Pulitzer Prize. Bestseller. 2004. Girls in Trouble BR 15659 by Caroline Leavitt 3 volumes Abandoned by her boyfriend, pregnant sixteen-year-old Sara Rothman opts for an open adoption with Eva and George. But when Sara cannot let baby Anne go, the couple makes a decision that has consequences for years to come. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2004. The Glass Café; or, The Stripper and the State: How My Mother Started a War with the System That Made Us Kind of Rich and a Little Bit Famous BR 15303 by Gary Paulsen 1 volume Twelve-year-old Tony is almost taken away from his mother when Social Services discovers that she is an exotic dancer. For junior and senior high readers. 2003. The Goodbye Summer BR 15664 by Patricia Gaffney 3 volumes Shy, thirty-two-year-old music teacher Caddie Winger is on her own after her grandmother, who raised her, moves into a convalescent home. Alone, Caddie uncovers startling family truths, gets her heart broken, and develops a new romance. Some descriptions of sex. 2004. Housekeeping BR 16132 by Marilynne Robinson 2 volumes Ruth and her younger sister, Lucille, are haphazardly raised by their extended family in the small, lakeside town of Fingerbone. Their grandmother cares for them until her death, then two bumbling great aunts take over, and finally eccentric aunt Sylvie looks after them. 1980. In Her Shoes BR 14928 by Jennifer Weiner 3 volumes Estranged sisters Maggie, who is dyslexic, and Rose Feller, an attorney, were left motherless as children and haven't seen their maternal grandmother, Ella Hirsch, in twenty years. Widowed Ella searches for her granddaughters, and the three attempt to become a family again. Some descriptions of sex and some strong language. Bestseller. 2002. The Interruption of Everything BR 16158 by Terry McMillan 3 volumes Bored African American forty-something Marilyn Grimes deals with a husband's midlife crisis, kids in college, a live-in mother-in-law, and her own mother showing signs of dementia. Marilyn, with the help and support of her friends, faces decisions about her future, including a possible pregnancy. Some descriptions of sex and some strong language. Bestseller. 2005. Jacob Have I Loved BR 15613 by Katherine Paterson 2 volumes Louise has always lived in the shadow of her beautiful twin sister on a tiny Chesapeake Bay Island. Tomboy Louise grows up hating delicate Caroline, who robs her of her friends, her hopes for schooling, and even the boy she loves. For junior and senior high readers. Newbery Medal. 1980. June in Winter BR 15092 by Patricia Anne Phillips 2 volumes At the hospital where African American real estate broker Tracey Woods learns her husband, Donald, died in an auto accident, a stranger informs her that Donald was having an affair. Grief becomes anger as Tracey moves on with her life, helped by her family and another chance at love. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 2003. Kicked Out BR 15410 by Beth Goobie 1 volume Fifteen-year-old Dime is so unmanageable that her parents allow her to move in with her older brother Darren, who is a quadriplegic. After Dime's boyfriend leaves her, she reassesses her life and begins to build self-esteem. Uncontracted braille. For senior high and older readers. 2002. Laelia BR 15376 by Ruth-Miriam Garnett 2 volumes Illinois. Three wealthy African American sisters conspire to free themselves from lackluster marriages by placing their chronically ill husbands in care facilities. To preserve their good names and simultaneously win community support, Rebecca, Gracelyn, and Claudia must first oust their church's pastor. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 2004. The Language of Sycamores BR 15926 by Lisa Wingate 3 volumes Karen Sommerfield loses her job and learns the cancer that left her childless may be back, so she accepts Missouri sister Kate's invitation to visit her on their late grandmother's farm. Newly discovered kinfolk and a young neighbor needing nurture help Karen recover joy and forgotten purpose. 2005. Letting Go of Bobby James; or, How I Found My Self of Steam BR 15769 by Valerie Hobbs 1 volume After being abandoned by her husband at a gas station in Florida, sixteen-year-old Jody decides to make a better life for herself. Along the way she acquires friends and patches together a new family. For senior high readers. 2004. Liars and Saints BR 15143 by Maile Meloy 2 volumes During World War II, French-Canadian Catholic Yvette marries an American fighter pilot and settles in California. Years later, when one of her teenage daughters becomes pregnant, Yvette passes the baby off as her own son. Ultimately the family's falsehoods create problems for the next five decades. 2003. Long for This World BR 14977 by Michael Byers 4 volumes While studying a fatal aging disease in children, geneticist Dr. Henry Moss finds a potential cure that raises ethical dilemmas but could make him incredibly wealthy. Meanwhile, his nonpracticing physician wife and two teenage children struggle with unfulfilled expectations of their own. Some descriptions of sex and some strong language. 2003. Loosing My Espanish BR 15901 by H.G. Carrillo 3 volumes Black Cuban American Óscar Delossantos loses his longtime teaching job at a Jesuit school in Chicago. His last lecture to bored students consists of a rambling reminiscence about his family's flight to America, his struggles, and his mother's dementia. Some strong language. 2004. The Love Wife BR 15743 by Gish Jen 3 volumes Chinese American Carnegie Wong, his Caucasian wife, two adopted Asian daughters, and their biological son cope with the arrival from China of Lan, Carnegie's mysterious female relative. But Lan's ambiguous intentions and "nanny" status disrupt the Wong household. Some descriptions of sex, some violence, and some strong language. 2004. Mahalia BR 15232 by Joanne Horniman 2 volumes Australian teens Matt and Emmy drop out of school and have a baby girl, Mahalia. After five months Emmy is overwhelmed and leaves Matt, a musician, struggling as a single father. He and Mahalia forge a life together. Then Emmy returns. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2001. Miranda's Vines BR 15381 by Kimberly Kafka 2 volumes Miranda and Bridie are lifelong, crisis-surviving friends. Miranda is riding the crest of her culinary career, and Bridie is a champion dogsled racer. Then disaster strikes both their lives, forcing them into drastic decisions and testing the bonds of their friendship. Strong language. 2004. Much Ado about Jessie Kaplan BR 15817 by Paula Marantz Cohen 2 volumes New Jersey housewife Carla Goodman worries about her family as she prepares for her daughter's bat mitzvah, contends with her son's hyperactivity, and sympathizes with her husband's lackluster medical practice. Worse, her mother Jessie believes she's the reincarnation of Shakespeare's girlfriend, the "dark lady" of the sonnets. 2004. Necessary Noise: Stories about Our Families as They Really Are BR 15367 edited by Michael Cart 2 volumes Ten short stories portraying different kinds of family scenes. "Visit" by Walter Dean Myers describes a father's awkward meeting with his long-abandoned son, a death row convict. In "Snowbound" by Lois Lowry, a college girl returns home to introduce her unwashed, obnoxious boyfriend. Strong language. For senior high readers. 2003. One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies BR 15850 by Sonya Sones 2 volumes After her mother's death, fifteen-year-old Ruby leaves Boston and reluctantly moves to California to live with her father, a famous actor. Ruby has trouble adapting but gradually accepts the change while learning family secrets. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2004. The Other Woman BR 15935 by Jane Green 3 volumes Motherless Ellie Black falls in love and happily marries Londoner Dan Cooper, embracing his close-knit family. But over time Dan's mother, Linda, tries to control every aspect of their lives—especially after they have a baby. Finally Ellie explodes. Some strong language. 2004. The Probable Future BR 15449 by Alice Hoffman 3 volumes For generations women of the Sparrow family in Massachusetts have been blessed—or cursed—with clairvoyant powers. When thirteen-year-old Stella has a premonition that lands her father in jail on suspicion of murder, she goes to live in the historic ancestral home where she confronts her haunting legacy. Some strong language. 2003. The Professor's Daughter BR 16104 by Emily Raboteau 2 volumes Yale freshman Emma's dyslexic brother Bernie has an accident and becomes comatose. Emma always struggled with being biracial, while Bernie embraced his blackness. Now Emma tries to understand her professor father's southern background, her mother's family secrets, and her role without Bernie. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2005. Roads of the Heart BR 15597 by Christopher Tilghman 2 volumes Ailing former Maryland senator Frank Alwin, whose family and reputation were devastated by scandal, embarks on a cross-country mission to reconcile with his ex-wife. His ad-executive son Eric accompanies him, learning about life, love, and his own failing marriage in the process. Descriptions of sex and strong language. 2004. Rock Star Superstar BR 15846 by Blake Nelson 2 volumes Pete, a talented bass player and the son of musicians, leaves the high school jazz band to join a popular rock group. He finds the experience exhilarating even as his new fame jeopardizes his relationships. For senior high readers. 2004. Rococo BR 16293 by Adriana Trigiani 3 volumes 1970. Bachelor Bartolomeo di Crespi is the renowned interior decorator of Our Lady of Fatima, New Jersey, where he lives amongst his large Italian clan. When Bartolomeo is hired to redo the local church, he gets stained glass artisans Rufus McSherry and Pedro Alarcon to help. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2005. Run if You Dare BR 15641 by Randy Powell 1 volume Fifteen-year-old Gardner is shocked to discover that his beloved but recently unemployed father considers himself a failure and may leave the family. Gardner seeks direction in his own life by joining the track team and renewing his friendship with an old girlfriend. For junior and senior high readers. 2001. Sacred Time BR 15860 by Ursula Hegi 2 volumes Bronx, 1953. Calamity strikes Anthony's Italian Catholic family when Uncle Malcolm goes to jail for theft and his wife and twin daughters move into Anthony's house. An unthinkable event and reverberations of guilt reshape the family for generations. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2003. Say When BR 15130 by Elizabeth Berg 2 volumes Frank Griffin's wife, Ellen, informs him one morning that she has fallen in love with another man—and wants a divorce. Numbed by the revelation but unwilling to leave his eight-year-old daughter, Griffin refuses to move out, creating an awkward living situation rectified only when he reevaluates life and love. Some strong language. 2003. See You down the Road BR 15875 by Kim Ablon Whitney 2 volumes Sixteen-year-old Irish American Bridget Daugherty questions her family's nomadic and criminal way of life. Her parents pressure her to quit school, marry, and help them in their shady business enterprises while Bridget yearns for a different life. Strong language. For senior high readers. 2004. Sometimes a Great Notion BR 15536 by Ken Kesey 6 volumes Oregon timber country. A bitter labor strike against old Henry Stamper's lumber empire intensifies his two sons' rivalry. Hank, rough-hewn like his father, is eventually provoked to fight his sensitive half-brother Lee, who has returned home intent on revenge. Some descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1963. The Truth about Forever BR 15577 by Sarah Dessen 3 volumes Macy suppresses sorrow for a year and a half after her father's death, but finally learns to grieve—and to live a little—on her summer job at a zany catering business. There she connects with Wes, whose mother has also died. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2004. The Untelling BR 16109 by Tayari Jones 2 volumes Atlanta. Twenty-five-year-old African American teacher Aria struggles with memories of a fatal childhood car accident. When Aria happily believes she is pregnant, her boyfriend, Dwayne, offers to marry her. Later Aria discovers she is actually infertile and withholds the truth from Dwayne. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2005. Vegan Virgin Valentine BR 15649 by Carolyn Mackler 2 volumes High-school senior Mara's life goes topsy-turvy when her delinquent sixteen-year-old niece "V" arrives to live with the family. Mara loosens up when she falls for her boss at the coffee-house and when V enjoys her new, stable home. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. For senior high readers. 2004. Where Do We Go from Here? BR 15619 by Doris Dörrie 2 volumes Fred Kaufmann and his wife are struggling against infidelity and dissatisfaction, and their daughter Franka wants to leave home for a lama. Attempting to dissuade her, Fred follows his daughter to a Buddhist retreat where, despite himself, he finds answers to his midlife crisis. Some descriptions of sex. 2000. Where I Want to Be BR 16189 by Adele Griffin 1 volume Two teenage sisters, one alive and one deceased, reach out to each other, sharing their lives. Jane, from the grave, relates what happened when she stopped taking her medication for mental illness. Lily tells about finding happiness with her boyfriend, Caleb. For junior and senior high readers. 2005. Fantasy Cybele, with Bluebonnets BR 15224 by Charles L. Harness 2 volumes Depression-era Texas. Joe Barnes falls in love with his high school chemistry teacher, Cybele Wilson. After Joe graduates, they have a fantastic romance, cut short by her early death. But his enchantment with Cybele—and her spirit—linger throughout his life, which seems to be guided by miraculous and supernatural events. 2002. Legends II: New Short Novels by the Masters of Modern Fantasy BR 15271 edited by Robert Silverberg 6 volumes Eleven authors, including six contributors to Legends (BR 11950), return to fantasy worlds of their popular series. Anne McCaffrey revisits planet Pern, Raymond E. Feist writes of the Riftwar, and Tad Williams further explores Otherland network. Also features Terry Brooks, George R.R. Martin, and others. Some strong language. 2004. One for Sorrow, Two for Joy BR 16156 by Clive Woodall 2 volumes The evil magpies led by Slyekin and his sadistic assassin are systematically eradicating other bird species in the kingdom of Birddom. Guided by the wise old owl Tomar, plucky young robin Kirrick, widowed by the massacre, undertakes three perilous journeys to rally avian allies against the onslaught. Some violence. 2002. Spindle's End BR 15579 by Robin McKinley 3 volumes Evil fairy Pernicia curses a princess on the infant's naming day, but Katriona, a young fairy, whisks the baby away to raise as her own and evade Pernicia's vengeful powers. Based on the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty." For junior and senior high and older readers. 2000. Tithe: A Modern Faerie Tale BR 15101 by Holly Black 2 volumes Sixteen-year-old Kaye, the daughter of a wannabe rock singer now living at the Jersey shore, has been visited by faeries all her life. She discovers that she is a changeling with a special destiny that includes a handsome knight and a war. Strong language. For senior high readers. 2002. Tooth and Claw BR 16100 by Jo Walton 3 volumes A tale of love, money, and dynastic intrigue—among dragons. When patriarch Bon Agornin dies, his heirs maneuver for position and power within the family. At the customary eating of the deceased, Bon's greedy son-in-law consumes more than his share, sparking a series of unexpected calamities. World Fantasy Award. 2003. General The Courage Consort: Three Novellas BR 15807 by Michel Faber 2 volumes Author of bestseller The Crimson Petal and the White (BR 14394) presents three tales of desolation and resolution. In the title piece, an a cappella vocal ensemble rehearses a challenging new work in a Belgian chateau. The soprano contemplates suicide until a tragedy shocks her into reality. 2004. The Funeral Party BR 15689 by Ludmila Ulitskaya 1 volume In the humid heat of a loft without air conditioning, five women gather at the bedside of their beloved Alik, a failed and dying artist. It is 1991, and these Russian émigrés are following the Yeltsin putsch on television as they comfort Alik and reminisce. Some strong language. 1999. Miss Julia Meets Her Match BR 15461 by Ann B. Ross 3 volumes Sam is still courting the widow Miss Julia, but she is unsure about marrying again. Meanwhile she leases some property to a man wanting to build a religious theme park and learns more about her deceased husband's indiscretions. Sequel to Miss Julia Hits the Road (BR 14753). 2004. Miss Julia's School of Beauty BR 16144 by Ann B. Ross 3 volumes Miss Julia and Sam are finally married—or are they, since their marriage may not have been legal? While Sam investigates, Miss Julia helps Hazel Marie instruct beauty pageant contestants on poise and etiquette. Sequel to Miss Julia Meets Her Match (BR 15461). 2005. Morningside Heights BR 15468 by Cheryl Mendelson 3 volumes Tucked into Manhattan's west side, Morningside Heights, home of modest intellectuals, is a middle-class neighborhood threatened by gentrification. Longtime residents Charles and Anne Braithwaite and their children may be forced out of their beloved apartment. They contemplate moving to an affordable but lifeless suburb—until some shady business deals come to light. 2003. Now Is the Time to Open Your Heart BR 15510 by Alice Walker 2 volumes Fifty-seven-year-old writer Kate and her artist-lover Yolo begin separate journeys: Yolo to Hawaii and Kate to the Colorado and Amazon rivers. In the course of adventures filled with snakes, shamans, and memories, both experience spiritual alignment while cleansing themselves of materialism, past loves, and tragedies. Some descriptions of sex. 2004. Prodigal Summer BR 15136 by Barbara Kingsolver 4 volumes At Zebulon Mountain in southern Appalachia, reclusive ranger Deanna Wolfe allows young hunter Eddie Bondo into her cabin and private space. In the valley two other women redefine their roles while championing ecological issues. Some explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. Bestseller. 2000. PS, I Love You BR 15821 by Cecelia Ahern 3 volumes Ireland. Twenty-nine-year-old Holly grieves for her husband, who succumbed to a brain tumor. Before dying, Gerry prepared a final gift: ten letters, one for each month remaining in the year, listing tasks for Holly to accomplish. Surrounded by family and friends, Holly learns to move on. Some strong language. 2004. The Rules of Engagement BR 15808 by Anita Brookner 2 volumes Two girlhood friends, both born in London in 1948, have the same name, though one prefers Betsy. After troubled young adult years Elizabeth lives mannered and conventionally, while Betsy opts for catastrophic romance. Their relationship is strained when later in life they inadvertently share a lover. 2003. Saul and Patsy BR 15275 by Charles Baxter 3 volumes Newlyweds Saul Bernstein and his wife, Patsy, settle in a Michigan town where Saul works as a high school teacher. While Patsy is distracted by motherhood, Saul struggles with chronic disappointment and a student's ill-fated obsession. Descriptions of sex, some violence, and some strong language. 2003. The Things We Do for Love BR 15904 by Kristin Hannah 3 volumes After suffering the loss of her child and the end of her marriage, Angie Malone returns to her hometown to help her family's floundering restaurant business. She befriends a troubled teenager facing an unexpected pregnancy and gives love a second chance. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2004. Growing Up Autobiography of My Dead Brother BR 16294 by Walter Dean Myers 1 volume Childhood friends Jesse and Rise are growing apart. While fifteen-year-old Jesse develops his interest in art, Rise turns to the Harlem streets under pressure to be cool. When their long-established neighborhood social group becomes a gang, more violence enters their community. Violence. For junior and senior high readers. 2005. The Beast BR 15204 by Walter Dean Myers 1 volume When sixteen-year-old "Spoon" receives a scholarship to a New England prep school, he leaves Harlem and his girlfriend Gabi behind. Returning home at Christmastime, he discovers Gabi is a drug addict and he no longer is in step with street life. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2003. Boy Proof BR 16098 by Cecil Castellucci 1 volume Hollywood. Nerdy high school senior Victoria Jurgen, called Egg after her favorite science fiction movie character, is a loner. But when Max Carter, a gifted new student, invades her space, she is not as boy-proof as she thought. Strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 2005. Breakout BR 15286 by Paul Fleischman 1 volume Twenty-five-year-old Del writes a play describing her time as a runaway teenage foster child who finds herself in a massive traffic jam on a Los Angeles freeway. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2003. Bucking the Sarge BR 15809 by Christopher Paul Curtis 2 volumes Involuntarily involved by his cold, manipulative mother (the "Sarge") in her shady business dealings, fourteen-year-old African American Luther keeps a sense of humor. He runs the Happy Neighbor Group Home for Men for Sarge while dreaming of going to college and becoming a philosopher. For senior high readers. 2004. Girls in Pants: The Third Summer of the Sisterhood BR 15872 by Ann Brashares 2 volumes Following Second Summer of the Sisterhood (BR 14736) lifelong friends Carmen, Lena, Bridget, and Tibby graduate from high school and look forward to attending four different colleges. Over the summer amid family and boyfriend problems, they treasure their friendship. For senior high readers. 2005. Leap Day BR 15493 by Wendy Mass 2 volumes Chronicles one full day in the life of sixteen-year-old Josie as she takes her driving test, discovers where her father works, participates in a scavenger hunt, and celebrates her fourth leap-year birthday. In alternating chapters, family and friends shed different perspectives on the day's events. For senior high readers. 2004. Lucas BR 15403 by Kevin Brooks 3 volumes Fifteen-year-old Cait befriends sixteen-year-old Lucas, a drifter on her home island off the English coast. Local bullies are suspicious of Lucas and eventually accuse him of rape, setting off a tragic sequence of events. Some violence and some strong language. For senior high readers. 2003. Norman Tuttle on the Last Frontier: A Novel in Stories BR 16273 by Tom Bodett 1 volume Fifteen short episodes follow Alaskan teen Norman Tuttle from age thirteen to almost sixteen. Living in a small town Norman has adventures fishing, falling in love, and being grounded by his parents. For junior and senior high readers. 2004. Pool Boy BR 14985 by Michael Simmons 1 volume Spoiled California teen Brett must forego his wealthy lifestyle after his dad goes to prison for insider trading and his family has to survive on reduced income. Brett takes a job cleaning pools and learns to adjust to his new circumstances. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 2003. Shopaholic BR 16139 by Judy Waite 1 volume Overwhelmed by her mother's depression, Taylor is easily manipulated by Kat, an older classmate, to use a credit card to buy clothes she can't afford. Finally understanding Kat's true nature and with help from her recovering mom, Taylor regains control of her life. For senior high readers. 2001. Slumming BR 15258 by Kristen D. Randle 1 volume High school seniors Alicia, Nikki, and Sam, who are Mormons, decide to find three "losers" to take to the prom. Sam chooses a girl with a dark family secret; Alicia cozies up to the class geek; and Nikki befriends a rebel. But problems arise. For senior high readers. 2003. Zigzag BR 15235 by Ellen Wittlinger 2 volumes When her boyfriend deserts her for the summer, seventeen-year-old Robin drives from Iowa to California with her widowed aunt and two nasty younger cousins. The grieving family fights along the way, but Robin helps console them and also begins to become more independent. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2003. Historical Fiction B for Buster BR 15706 by Iain Lawrence 2 volumes Sixteen-year-old Canadian "Kak" lies about his age to join the air force in 1943. He becomes part of a crew flying deadly bombing raids over Germany and fears for his life. Bert, an ex-pilot who trains homing pigeons to accompany the planes, comforts Kak. For senior high readers. Bestseller. 2004. The Birth of Venus BR 15267 by Sarah Dunant 3 volumes Renaissance Florence. Sixteen-year-old Alessandra Cecchi, the educated, artistic daughter of a wealthy merchant, is forced to marry an older man, who promises her freedom. Upon discovering his true intentions, she turns for love to an artist commissioned by her father. Some explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. Bestseller. 2003. Carolina Courage: The Holts; an American Dynasty, Volume 3 BR 15698 by Dana Fuller Ross 3 volumes 1890s. Dr. Janessa Holt Lawrence and her husband travel to North Carolina Cherokee country to fight yellow fever and learn the truth about her heritage. Meanwhile, Sam and Annie Brentwood move to Hawaii to start a sugar plantation. Sequel to Oklahoma Pride (BR 8223). Some violence. 1990. The Colour BR 15499 by Rose Tremain 3 volumes 1860s. Newlywed English immigrants Joseph and Harriet Blackstone seek their fortune in rugged New Zealand. Joseph, who hides a terrible secret, grows increasingly distant and eventually follows the gold rush to the west coast. Abandoned, Harriet sets out after him—an odyssey that leads to revelations of the heart. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 2003. Creation BR 15315 by Katherine Govier 3 volumes Fictional account of an undocumented period in John James Audubon's life, the summer of 1833 he spent in Labrador furthering his quest to paint every bird in North America. Audubon kills his beloved feathered creatures to obtain life-sized models, romances his assistant, and becomes friends with a Royal Navy captain conducting a mapping survey. 2002. Echoes BR 15615 by Danielle Steel 3 volumes In 1915 Beata Wittgenstein, eldest daughter of an affluent German Jewish family, runs off to Switzerland to marry Antoine de Vallerand, a young French Catholic officer. But her newfound happiness and the future of her children are threatened by war. Bestseller. 2004. The Egyptologist BR 15956 by Arthur Phillips 4 volumes 1922. Staking his reputation and fiancée's fortune, obsessive Egyptologist Ralph Trilipush excavates King Atum-hadu's tomb. Mystery and discovery unfold through Ralph's journal entries and the correspondence of Australian detective Harold Ferrell, who investigates Ralph's possible connection to a series of murders. Some descriptions of sex and some violence. 2004. The Empress of the Last Days BR 16103 by Jane Stevenson 3 volumes This sequel to The Shadow King (BR 15553) moves forward to the twentieth century. Oxford don Michael Foxwist is shown seventeenth-century documents that lead him to believe a young black scientist in Barbados may have descended from Elizabeth of Bohemia and Pelagius and be the true queen of England. 2003. Evidence of Things Unseen BR 15773 by Marianne Wiggins 3 volumes Ray "Fos" Foster returns to Tennessee after WWI and begins married life with his wife, Opal. Eventually Fos lands a job building the atomic bomb. When he and Opal succumb to radiation poisoning, their adopted son tries to decipher clues about their past. Some descriptions of sex and some strong language. 2003. Farewell, My Queen BR 15282 by Chantal Thomas 2 volumes Exiled Agathe-Sidonie Laborde reminisces about her years at Versailles when she was a reader to Queen Marie-Antoinette. She recalls the elegance, isolation, and physical discomfort of the palace, remaining loyal to her mistress to the very end. 2002. Fire along the Sky: The Wilderness Series, Book 4 BR 15587 by Sara Donati 6 volumes New York, 1812. As the Bonner family saga continues, war looms. Hannah returns home to find her half-brother Daniel eager to fight. Widowed Scottish cousin Jennet arrives, and Lily pursues independence in Montreal. Sequel to Lake in the Clouds (BR 14406). Some explicit descriptions of sex and some violence. 2004. The Fox's Walk BR 15576 by Annabel Davis-Goff 3 volumes During World War I, ten-year-old Alice Moore is left in County Waterford, Ireland, to live with relatives while her parents return to London. She gradually becomes aware of the nationalist movement as well as the dangers that threaten her aristocratic Protestant family with the outbreak of the civil war. 2003. Ghost Riders BR 15724 by Sharyn McCrumb 3 volumes The Civil War reverberates throughout several interwoven stories. In the 1860s, Malinda Blalock, disguised as a boy, accompanies her husband to war. Meanwhile, North Carolina congressman Zebulon Vance postpones politics to raise a militia. Decades later, battle reenactors encounter ghosts of Union and Confederate soldiers. Some violence. 2003. Gloriana's Torch BR 15313 by Patricia Finney 5 volumes Britain, 1580s. Following Unicorn's Blood (BR 11881), English spy David Becket returns to Spain for information and to rescue colleague Simon Ames from the Inquisition. Ames's wife, Rebecca, and her African slave, Merula, complicate matters by traveling with him. Some strong language. 2003. The Great Fire BR 15103 by Shirley Hazzard 3 volumes 1947. Thirty-two-year-old British major Aldred Leith comes from China to Occupied Japan to report on Hiroshima conditions. Postwar loneliness haunts him and his friend Peter Exley, who saved his life in battle. Leith falls in love with teenaged Australian Helen Driscoll, who is also struggling to recover from personal trauma. National Book Award. 2003. Hell at the Breech BR 15119 by Tom Franklin 3 volumes Alabama, 1890s. Fifteen-year-old Mack Burke keeps it a secret when he accidentally shoots storekeeper and aspiring politician Arch Bedsole. The unsolved murder spurs Bedsole's cousin with his vigilantes to seek their own justice—targeting innocent and guilty alike in a year of terror. Violence, some explicit descriptions of sex, and some strong language. 2003. Heretic: Grail Quest, Book 3 BR 15314 by Bernard Cornwell 3 volumes France, 1347. English archer Thomas of Hookton is sent to Gascony to capture a fortress, apprehend his cousin Guy Vexille, and, if possible, find the Grail. Thomas falls in love with Genevieve, a heretic sentenced to burn, and becomes a fugitive by sparing her life. Sequel to Vagabond (BR 15478). Violence. 2003. Holy Fools BR 15486 by Joanne Harris 3 volumes Brittany coast, 1610. Five years ago a young, pregnant woman sought refuge in a convent. Now, as Soeur Auguste, she meets former lover LeMerle, who is masquerading as spiritual advisor to the new abbess. The manipulating false priest brings evil into the nuns' lives and shatters their peace. Bestseller. 2004. The Lady and the Unicorn BR 15278 by Tracy Chevalier 2 volumes Paris, 1490. Handsome, seductive painter Nicolas des Innocents is commissioned to design tapestries by nobleman Jean Le Viste. As the intricate design of the unicorn weaving develops, so does romance between Nicolas and Jean's daughter, Claude. Some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2004. Lucy BR 15302 by Ellen Feldman 2 volumes A fictionalized account of Lucy Mercer's longtime love affair with Franklin Delano Roosevelt, beginning in 1914 when she was his wife Eleanor's social secretary. Describes Roosevelt's termination of the relationship in 1918 to preserve his presidential ambitions, Mercer's subsequent marriage, and resumption of the affair nearly twenty years later. 2003. The Master BR 15897 by Colm Tóibín 3 volumes Fictional portrayal of the complex personality of Anglo American writer Henry James. In 1895, James's play fails in London and he gradually returns to fiction. His encounters with the privileged classes in Paris, Rome, Venice, and Florence provide material for his psychologically penetrating novels. 2004. No Shame, No Fear BR 16263 by Ann Turnbull 2 volumes England, 1662. After her father is jailed for his religious beliefs, fifteen-year-old Susanna Thorn, a poor Quaker girl, becomes an apprentice printer in order to provide for her family. Susanna meets and falls in love with William Heywood, an Anglican, despite his father's objections. For senior high readers. 2003. Pagan in Exile: The Pagan Chronicles, Book 2 BR 15985 by Catherine Jinks 2 volumes Lord Roland and his squire, Pagan, travel from Jerusalem to Roland's castle in France. Since Roland is a devout Christian, the de Bram family's violent feuds surprise Pagan. He fears losing his lord. For junior and senior high readers. 1994. Pagan's Crusade: The Pagan Chronicles, Book 1 BR 15990 by Catherine Jinks 2 volumes Jerusalem, 1187. Sixteen-year-old Pagan Kidrouk enlists as squire to Templar knight Lord Roland Roucy de Bram. Quick-witted Pagan and the devout Lord Roland form an odd pair but slowly bond as Saladin's armies close in on the Holy City. For junior and senior high readers. 1992. Pagan's Scribe: The Pagan Chronicles, Book 4 BR 16155 by Catherine Jinks 2 volumes France, 1209. Pagan Kidrouk, now archdeacon, hires Isidore, a fifteen-year-old orphan with epilepsy, to be his scribe. Together they try to survive the siege of Carcassonne. Concluding book of the Pagan Chronicles. For junior and senior high readers. 2000. Pagan's Vows: The Pagan Chronicles, Book 3 BR 16154 by Catherine Jinks 2 volumes France, 1188–1189. Pagan accompanies Lord Roland, now determined to be a monk, to the Abbey of Saint Martin. Pagan chafes at being a novice in a monastery and uncovers a dangerous blackmail plot. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. Pocahontas BR 15679 by Joseph Bruchac 2 volumes Jamestown colony, 1607. Alternating narratives of Pocahontas, a Powhatan chief's daughter, and captain John Smith reveal the alliance between Smith and his fellow English settlers and the native Indian population. Portrays the cultural misunderstandings that arose during their encounters. For junior and senior high readers. 2003. Pompeii BR 15250 by Robert Harris 3 volumes Italy, A.D. 79. Pliny the Elder sends engineer Marcus Attilius Primus to Pompeii to investigate a water flow problem. Attilius examines the aqueduct, uncovers an embezzlement scheme, discovers the imminent eruption of the volcano Vesuvius, and attempts to rescue his new love. Some violence and some strong language. Bestseller. 2003. Private Peaceful BR 15787 by Michael Morpurgo 1 volume When Thomas Peaceful's older brother Charlie is drafted into the British army in World War I, Thomas lies about his age and enlists. On guard duty years later, Thomas reminisces about his family, love for his mentally disabled brother, and neighbor Molly. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2003. Property BR 15133 by Valerie Martin 2 volumes 1828. An unsentimental monolog in which a southern slaveholder laments her miserable existence on a sugarcane plantation. Manon Gaudet detests her husband and resents his affair with their servant, Sarah. Self-absorbed, Manon is caught off-guard by an impending slave rebellion. Some descriptions of sex, some violence, and some strong language. 2003. The Shadow King BR 15553 by Jane Stevenson 3 volumes Seventeenth century. Balthasar van Overmeer, a young doctor, is caught between his mother's royal heritage and his father's African roots. Moving from Holland to London to Barbados and finally back to London, Balthasar cannot escape racism, class distinctions, and political controversy in establishing his identity. Sequel to The Winter Queen (BR 15552). 2002. The Singing Fire BR 15802 by Lilian Nattel 3 volumes Nineteenth-century London. Young Jewish runaway Nehama is tricked into prostitution shortly after arriving from Poland. She eventually escapes and helps pregnant refugee Emilia, who gives birth then disappears. Nehama adopts the newborn as both women struggle to build their lives. Some explicit descriptions of sex and some violence. 2004. The Songs of the Kings BR 15325 by Barry Unsworth 2 volumes A retelling of events preceding the expedition of Greek warriors to conquer Troy, delayed by adverse winds that keep the fleet trapped at home. Recounts the betrayal and sacrifice of King Agamemnon's daughter Iphigeneia to appease the gods and obtain favorable sailing conditions. Some violence and some strong language. 2003. This Vast Land: A Young Man's Journal of the Lewis and Clark Expedition BR 15180 by Stephen E. Ambrose 2 volumes Fictionalized diary of eighteen-year-old George Shannon, the youngest member of the exploration crew. During the journey to the Pacific Northwest, Shannon records becoming lost for two weeks and falling in love with a Native American woman. Some descriptions of sex, some violence, and some strong language. For senior high readers. 2003. Vagabond: Grail Quest, Book 2 BR 15478 by Bernard Cornwell 4 volumes England, 1340s. Thomas of Hookton searches for Christendom's most precious relic, the Holy Grail, rumored to have once been possessed by his family. Along the way, Thomas battles Scottish invaders and other adversaries—including a Dominican Inquisitor and his own cousin, who murdered Thomas's father. Sequel to The Archer's Tale (BR 14373). Some violence. 2002. The Virgin's Lover BR 16142 by Philippa Gregory 4 volumes England, 1558. Twenty-five-year-old Princess Elizabeth ascends the throne, giving her friend, ex-traitor Robert Dudley, opportunity to restore his place at court. Defying advice to choose a husband for political advantage, Elizabeth pursues an affair with married Robert, igniting a scandal. Some explicit descriptions of sex and some violence. 2004. The Virtues of War: A Novel of Alexander the Great BR 15851 by Steven Pressfield 3 volumes Alexander of Macedonia relates the story of his battles and passions to his young brother-in-law, Itanes, as his weary army readies to invade India. The king reflects on his illustrious father, Philip, and his homeland, as well as his conquest of the known world. Violence and strong language. 2004. The Widow of the South BR 16286 by Robert Hicks 3 volumes 1864. Carrie McGavock's Tennessee plantation becomes a Confederate hospital. Caring for wounded sergeant Zachariah Cashwell rejuvenates Carrie, who is mourning her children's deaths. Decades later, before 1,500 graves can be plowed for farmland, Carrie has the soldiers reburied in her backyard—then Zachariah returns. Some strong language. 2005. The Winter Queen BR 15552 by Jane Stevenson 3 volumes Holland, 1630s. Freed African slave Pelagius van Overmeer, a former prince of the Yoruba tribe, studies theology and has a reputation as a seer. With the Winter Queen—Elizabeth of Bohemia, exiled widowed sister of England's Charles I—he develops a bond that turns to love, yet must remain secret. 2001. Holidays Christmas, Present BR 15220 by Jacquelyn Mitchard 1 volume Elliott Banner and his wife, Laura, are driving home after celebrating their fourteenth wedding anniversary on December 23 when Laura experiences a painful headache. At the hospital, they learn Laura suffered a brain aneurysm and has only hours to live. Their family gathers around her bedside for a last Christmas Eve together. 2003. Silent Star BR 15758 by Tracie Peterson 1 volume Haven, Pennsylvania; World War II. Scarred at fifteen in a tragic car accident and later orphaned, eighteen-year-old telegram courier Andy Gilbert bears sad news of wartime losses to his fellow townspeople. Andy is alone as Christmas approaches, until widow Estella Nelson changes his and all the residents' lives. 2003. Silver Bells: A Holiday Tale BR 15767 by Luanne Rice 2 volumes Widowed Canadian farmer Christopher Byrne journeys to New York City every December to sell Christmas trees. Last year his teenaged son stayed on to pursue a photography career. Manhattan librarian Catherine Tierney buys her trees from Chris and looks out for the boy. Love is soon in the air. 2004. When Christmas Comes BR 15868 by Debbie Macomber 2 volumes Emily Springer wants to be near her daughter in Boston for Christmas, while Charles Brewster seeks a quiet place to work on his book. The two strangers swap homes over the Internet, and surprises follow at their respective houses as unsuspecting holiday visitors arrive. 2004. Human Relationships Accidental Happiness BR 16157 by Jean Reynolds Page 3 volumes South Carolina. Since her husband Ben unexpectedly died three months ago, thirty-three-year-old Gina Melrose has been living aboard their sailboat. When Reese, Ben's ex-wife, and her seven-year-old daughter Angel, who might be Ben's child, arrive on the boat, Gina confronts the possibility that Ben betrayed her. Strong language. 2005. At Home in Covington: Ladies of Covington BR 15654 by Joan Medlicott 3 volumes Friends Grace, Hannah, and Amelia, from The Spirit of Covington (BR 15227), escape rural life with a Caribbean cruise. Tension mounts between Hannah and Amelia, who leaves for a Maine photography workshop. Hannah finally sets a wedding date, and Grace and her son mourn his partner's death. 2004. A Blessed Event BR 15830 by Jean Reynolds Page 3 volumes Darla Stevens, infertile, asks friend Joanne to carry husband Cal's child. More than four months pregnant, Joanne is left comatose after a bizarre car crash. Darla fights to save the baby and uncovers heartwrenching revelations about the accident and Cal's feelings for Joanne. Descriptions of sex and strong language. 2004. A Distant Shore BR 15458 by Caryl Phillips 3 volumes Dorothy, a divorced, retired schoolteacher struggling with mental illness, meets Solomon, a refugee from war-torn Africa trying to forget the past. Desperate and misplaced in a secluded English village smoldering with racial tension, they find solace and understanding together until tragedy strikes. 2003. Emako Blue BR 16211 by Brenda Woods 1 volume Los Angeles. African American classmates Monterey, Jamal, and Eddie remember their friend Emako who was accidentally shot and killed. Having bonded with her through a mutual interest in singing, they reminisce about the talented vocalist. Some violence. For senior high readers. 2004. The Finishing School BR 15814 by Muriel Spark 1 volume Husband-and-wife team Rowland Mahler and Nina Parker run an unusual school, College Sunrise, as a means of support while Rowland works on a novel. But when gay, seventeen-year-old Chris Wiley enters Rowland's creative writing class, a rivalry ignites between the two authors. Strong language. 2004. Going to Bend BR 15515 by Diane Hammond 3 volumes In the fishing village of Hubbard, Oregon, Petie and Rose—both thirty-one and mothers, girlhood friends, and partners in business—struggle with their dark past and cloudy present. While the women write and illustrate a cookbook, their hidden talents emerge, radically changing their lives and their futures. Strong language. 2004. A Good Yarn BR 16187 by Debbie Macomber 3 volumes Yarn shop owner Lydia Hoffman has several people interested in her class on knitting socks: adults Elise and Bethanne and teenager Courtney. Each has her own personal problems, but in the knitting group they find companionship and comfort. Sequel to The Shop on Blossom Street (BR 15547). 2005. Goodbye, Earl: A Bad Girl Creek Novel BR 15504 by Jo-Ann Mapson 3 volumes Continuation of the lives and loves of four female friends following Along Came Mary (BR 14680). Beryl's Alaska boyfriend abruptly disappears; Phoebe contends with a willful five-year-old daughter in California; Ness nurses a friend dying of AIDS; and Nance suffers repeated miscarriages. Some explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. Bestseller. 2004. The Kite Runner BR 15785 by Khaled Hosseini 3 volumes An Afghan in California recalls a fateful 1975 day in Kabul that seared his soul at age twelve—the day he won a kite tournament and abandoned a younger companion to rape. That cowardice keeps haunting him during exile in America until the opportunity for atonement arises—back in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. Violence and some strong language. 2003. The Kreutzer Sonata BR 16075 by Margriet de Moor 1 volume Marius van Vlooten, a music critic, reveals the depths of his passionate nature while recounting two love affairs. The first led to an attempted suicide that left him blind, and the second led to marriage with a lovely, talented violinist, whom he almost killed in a fit of jealousy. 2001. The Master Quilter: An Elm Creek Quilts Novel BR 15399 by Jennifer Chiaverini 3 volumes The Elm Creek Quilters were quite surprised when master quilter Sylvia married Andrew Cooper on Christmas Eve. Now they are secretly conspiring to create a bridal quilt. But the project hits a snag when the local stitchers are confronted with their own personal problems. 2004. The Mermaid Chair BR 15958 by Sue Monk Kidd 2 volumes When fortyish Jesse Sullivan returns to Egret Island to reconnect with her failing mother, she doesn't expect to be overwhelmed with passion for a Benedictine monk. Jessie confronts her present confusion while she probes her mother's past. Some descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2005. One Sunday Morning BR 16207 by Amy Ephron 1 volume 1920s. When four New York socialites see young Lizzie Carswell leaving the Gramercy Park Hotel early Sunday morning, still in evening clothes and with someone else's fiancé, they agree to keep the incident to themselves. Lizzie and her peers must deal with the consequences when one of them talks. 2005. The Priestly Sins BR 15434 by Andrew M. Greeley 3 volumes Wholesome, prairie-bred Father Herman Hoffman, having witnessed a young boy's rape in the parish rectory, exposes sexual abuse and cover-ups in the Church hierarchy. Herman risks his reputation by testifying against the guilty priest and the corrupt institutionalized system. Some descriptions of sex and some violence. 2004. The Savvy Sistahs BR 15873 by Brenda Jackson 3 volumes Known as the ABC's, Amber, Brandy, and Carla met at a Savvy Sistahs Mean Business meeting and became best friends. All three businesswomen, they lend support to one another through the stresses of business lawsuits, personal stalkers, and single parenthood. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 2003. The Secret Life of Bees BR 15225 by Sue Monk Kidd 3 volumes South Carolina, 1964. Fourteen-year-old Lily rescues her African American housekeeper—and substitute mother—Rosaleen, from the hospital. Rosaleen had been beaten for trying to register to vote. They flee to a safe place where Lily's battered late mother had also fled—a beekeeping operation run by three black sisters. Some strong language. 2002. Shooter BR 15506 by Walter Dean Myers 1 volume A high school tragedy related from multiple viewpoints: interviews, reports, and journals. Seventeen-year-old Len shoots a football player to death, injures several others, and commits suicide. His troubled friends recall Len's problems. In the surrounding culture no one is completely innocent nor completely guilty. For senior high readers. 2004. The Shop on Blossom Street BR 15547 by Debbie Macomber 3 volumes Three diverse women—tough girl Alix, hopeful mother Carol, and unhappy wife Jacqueline—attend a beginners' knitting class hosted by cancer survivor Lydia in her Seattle yarn store. All four become friends and make unexpected discoveries about themselves and each other. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 2004. Sky: A Novel in Three Sets and an Encore BR 15989 by Roderick Townley 2 volumes New York City, 1959. Fifteen-year-old Alec (Sky) Schuyler's passion is jazz. When his father objects to his playing the piano, Sky leaves home. He finds a mentor in a blind African American jazz musician and relies on support from friends. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 2004. The Spirit of Covington BR 15227 by Joan Medlicott 3 volumes When fire destroys the farmhouse of Amelia, Grace, and Hannah the three devastated ladies and Hannah's daughter, Laura, seek temporary refuge elsewhere. The stress of rebuilding, losing their keepsakes, and living apart affects their relationships. Sequel to From the Heart of Covington (BR 14151). 2003. The Sugar Camp Quilt: An Elm Creek Quilts Novel BR 16137 by Jennifer Chiaverini 3 volumes Creek's Crossing, Pennsylvania; 1849. Dorothea Granger, nineteen, and her parents are at the mercy of Uncle Jacob. So when he asks Dorothea to sew a quilt for him according to a specific yet unusual pattern, she agrees. Uncle Jacob dies, and Dorothea makes a startling discovery about the quilt. 2005. The Tea House on Mulberry Street BR 16092 by Sharon Owens 2 volumes Daniel and Penny Stanley are owners of Muldoon's Tea Rooms, known for its cozy atmosphere and luscious desserts. There residents of Belfast seek refuge from their various dilemmas, including dieting housewife Sadie, struggling artist Brenda, retired twin schoolteachers Beatrice and Alice, and failed novelist Henry. 2003. Ya-Yas in Bloom BR 15988 by Rebecca Wells 2 volumes In this sequel to Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (BR 14189), Vivi, Teensy, Necie, and Caro spill more tales of their lifelong friendship. Meanwhile their offspring bond, forming new generations: the Petites Ya-Yas and the Très Petites Ya-Yas. Some strong language. Bestseller. 2005. Humor Alice MacLeod, Realist at Last BR 16178 by Susan Juby 2 volumes In this sequel to Miss Smithers (BR 15805), sixteen-year-old aspiring screenwriter Alice continues a journal describing her latest challenges: her boyfriend leaves for Scotland, her environmental activist mom goes on trial, and her depressed dad is out of work. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2005. Away Laughing on a Fast Camel: Even More Confessions of Georgia Nicolson BR 15567 by Louise Rennison 2 volumes Following Dancing in My Nuddy-pants (BR 14686), English schoolgirl Georgia Nicolson continues her journal. She describes her trying existence at school and home and falling in love with a local Italian American singer. For senior high readers. 2004. Be More Chill BR 15968 by Ned Vizzini 2 volumes To become popular and attract the beautiful Christine, New Jersey high school nerd Jeremy swallows an illegal "squip" microchip. The device tells him how to act cool, but eventually Jeremy wants to be back in control. Some descriptions of sex and some strong language. For senior high readers. 2004. Blue Avenger and the Theory of Everything BR 15413 by Norma Howe 2 volumes Sixteen-year-old David Schumacher, the "Blue Avenger," returns from Italy in this sequel to Blue Avenger Cracks the Code (BR 13445). To help his true love, Omaha, avoid eviction, he takes a job that offends his morals but will pay the rent. For junior and senior high readers. 2002. Cupidity BR 16199 by Caroline Goode 2 volumes Senior Laura Sweeney, a mythology buff, prays to Jupiter for a boyfriend. The Roman gods at the Mount Olympus retirement home heed Laura's call and send Cupid disguised as a beautiful girl (Cupidity) to help Laura. Cupidity, however, causes more havoc than Laura can handle. For senior high readers. 2005. For Better, for Worse BR 15559 by Carole Matthews 3 volumes Josie Flynn, newly separated, flies to New York from London for her cousin Martha's wedding. En route she meets Matt Jarvis and agrees to get together with him in the city. Matt forgets, Josie's husband shows up, and the bride has an affair. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2000. Girl, 15, Charming but Insane BR 16173 by Sue Limb 2 volumes British fifteen-year-old Jess Jordan deals with having an imperfect body, a beautiful best friend, and a crush on an unattainable boy. Jess aspires to be a comedian and ends up appreciating a nerdy guy whom she has taken for granted. For senior high readers. 2004. Her Name Was Lola BR 15717 by Russell Hoban 2 volumes Thirty-nine-year-old Max Lesser, struggling novelist and children's book author, meets his "destiny woman," beautiful, leggy Lola Bessington. Soon after, flirtatious Lula Mae Flowers distracts Max's attention, and in the ensuing drama he loses both women. Five years later a strange course of events again twists Max's fate. Some strong language. 2003. Hollywood Hustle: Son of the Mob, Book 2 BR 15843 by Gordon Korman 2 volumes Following Son of the Mob (BR 14671), Vince Luca, son of a mobster, and girlfriend Kendra Bightly, daughter of an FBI agent, move to Los Angeles for college. Vince enjoys his film classes until his older brother arrives on business. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 2004. Kissing Vanessa BR 15922 by Simon Cheshire 1 volume In England, fifteen-year-old Kevin plans to improve at school, but when the next term begins he is smitten with his new classmate Vanessa. Kevin's energy becomes focused on getting the girl's attention. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 2003. Lunch at the Piccadilly BR 15212 by Clyde Edgerton 2 volumes Bachelor Carl Turnage visits his favorite aunt during her convalescence at a North Carolina nursing home. But Aunt Lil and some friends there crave adventure and find it when they steal a car. Meanwhile Carl joins a preacher's band at the home and attempts romance with a social worker. Some strong language. 2003. Miss Smithers BR 15805 by Susan Juby 2 volumes In this sequel to Alice, I Think (BR 14898) former home-schooled misfit Alice, sixteen, continues her journal describing her latest experiences. She makes new friends, joins clubs, and competes in the local beauty pageant that gives competitors a much-needed clothing allowance. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2004. Rockville Pike: A Suburban Comedy of Manners BR 15886 by Susan Coll 3 volumes Suburban Maryland soccer mom Jane Kramer has problems: her marriage is crumbling, her teenage son has turned "goth," and the family furniture store is bankrupt. Jane finds solace in visiting F. Scott Fitzgerald's grave and in scrapbooking. But a weekend alone forces Jane to reevaluate her life. Some strong language. 2005. Wake Up, Sir! BR 15835 by Jonathan Ames 3 volumes Thirty-year-old Jewish author Alan Blair receives insurance money, hires a valet named Jeeves, leaves his aunt's house, and heads to a Sarasota artists' colony. For a week Blair meets eccentric characters while Jeeves tries to keep him out of trouble. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2004. Who's Your Daddy? BR 15980 by Lynda Sandoval 2 volumes Sixteen-year-old wallflowers Meryl, Caressa, and Lila blame their lack of romance on their dads: a vice-principal, a police chief, and a famous musician. Dateless for homecoming, the girls play a game to find true love and, by coincidence, meet three guys. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2004. Legal Themes Conviction BR 16088 by Richard North Patterson 4 volumes Attorney Christopher Paget, from The Lasko Tangent (BR 10255), and his wife, Terri, reexamine a fifteen-year-old rape and murder case involving a nine-year-old Cambodian girl. Rennell Price, convicted for the crime, is headed to California's death chamber when Terri questions his guilt. Strong language and some violence. Bestseller. 2005. In the Moon of Red Ponies: A Billy Bob Holland Mystery BR 15695 by James Lee Burke 3 volumes Former Texas ranger Billy Bob Holland, from Bitterroot (BR 13715), now a Montana attorney, defends a Native American political activist accused of murder. Holland, investigating, must also protect his own family when his wife's psychopathic attacker is released from prison. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2004. The Last Juror BR 15333 by John Grisham 3 volumes Clanton, Mississippi; 1970. Twenty-three-year-old Willie Traynor buys the bankrupt county paper and begins building circulation. He inflames readers with his reporting of a young widow's rape and murder by Danny Padgitt, who threatens his jury with revenge if they convict him. Years later Padgitt returns for retribution. Some strong language. Bestseller. 2004. Literature About Love and Other Stories BR 16108 by Anton Chekhov 3 volumes Seventeen short stories by the nineteenth-century Russian writer. In the title piece a lonely bachelor tells a sad tale of undeclared love and the toll it exacts. The collection includes "The Lady with the Little Dog" (1899), "Gusev" (1890), and "Rothschild's Violin" (1894). Translation by Rosamund Bartlett. 2004. Arrowsmith; Elmer Gantry; Dodsworth BR 15684 by Sinclair Lewis 12 volumes Three early-twentieth-century American classics by Nobel Prize-winning author. In Arrowsmith, an idealistic young doctor is disillusioned by greedy and self-serving colleagues. Elmer Gantry takes aim against the hypocrisy of a tent-show evangelist. In Dodsworth, a retired auto maker's dull marriage comes unglued during a European tour. 2002. Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ BR 15150 by Lew Wallace 5 volumes Accused of attempting to assassinate the new governor of Jerusalem, Judah Ben-Hur is sentenced to life as a galley slave. Intermingled with the account of his escape and revenge against the friend who betrayed him is the story of Jesus, who changes Ben-Hur's world forever. Includes an introduction by Tim LaHaye. 1880. Cry, the Beloved Country BR 15354 by Alan Paton 3 volumes The classic story of Zulu pastor Stephen Kumalo's search for his delinquent son, Absalom, in 1940s Johannesburg, South Africa. Kumalo's experiences are set against a background of a land and people struggling not only with overwhelming racial injustice but also with disintegration of tribal culture and traditional family bonds. 1948. Essential Stories BR 16170 by V.S. Pritchett 2 volumes Jeremy Treglown, a biographer of Pritchett (1900–1997), assembles sixteen of Pritchett's short stories that exhibit his legendary skills. "A Serious Question" explores a failing, childless marriage. "The Lion's Den" is autobiographical and "Our Oldest Friend" is an examination of what it means to be rejected. 2005. Goodbye, Mr. Chips BR 15211 by James Hilton 1 volume Chronicles sixty years in the life of Mr. Chipping, an English schoolmaster who arrives at exclusive Brookfield in 1870 with much enthusiasm but little experience. At first unpopular, Mr. Chips eventually develops a more personal relationship with his students and becomes a legend by the time they must say goodbye. For senior high and older readers. 1933. The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Stories BR 16105 by Leo Tolstoy 3 volumes Four short stories by the nineteenth-century Russian author. In the title piece, a husband confesses to being so consumed by sexual jealousy that he feels compelled to murder his wife. The public outcry against the story, published in 1890, caused Tolstoy to write the postface included here. 1985. The Mrs. Dalloway Reader BR 15586 edited by Francine Prose 3 volumes Selection of critical essays exploring the evolution and impact of Virginia Woolf's 1925 classic novel Mrs. Dalloway and the companion piece, "Mrs. Dalloway's Party." Includes the two works, Woolf's journal entries and letters regarding the works' creation, and various writers' commentary. Includes editor's introduction. 2003. Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc BR 15498 by Mark Twain 4 volumes Fictional biography of French heroine Saint Joan of Arc (1412–1431) told from the viewpoint of her page, secretary, and lifelong friend, Sieur Louis de Conte. Describes her early childhood, the "voices" that prompted her to aid the dauphin, the fight for Orleans, and her eventual capture, trial, and martyrdom. 1895. Tar Baby BR 15625 by Toni Morrison 3 volumes Son, a black fugitive, invades the West Indian home of a retired millionaire, upsetting the racially diverse household. He captivates pampered Jadine, a black fashion model. Their ideologically complicated love affair plays out from the Caribbean to Manhattan. 2004 foreword by the author. Strong language. 1981. The Way of All Flesh BR 15129 by Samuel Butler 4 volumes (Reissue) Satirical portrayal by notable Victorian novelist, in a partly autobiographical piece, of the relations between Ernest Pontifex and his pious, self-righteous parents. Being the son of a middle-class English clergyman and a sanctimonious mother makes for an unhappy childhood, followed by dismal university years and an unsuitable marriage. Literature—and an aunt's bequest—become his salvation. 1903. Mystery and Detective Absent Friends BR 15754 by S.J. Rozan 3 volumes New York City. Fire captain James McCaffery died a hero on September 11, 2001. When journalist Harry Randall uncovers a link between McCaffery and organized crime, he winds up dead. Randall's lover, Laura Stone, digs into the fireman's past to learn the truth. Strong language. 2004. The Alias Man BR 15765 by Bill Pronzini 2 volumes A complex drama of deception and fraud engulfs three attractive young women, who discover the common denominator in their lives: the man they love. As these victims jointly uncover the con man's deadly scheme, they must confront their individual fears. Some violence and some strong language. 2004. Angels in the Gloom: A World War I Novel BR 16291 by Anne Perry 3 volumes Cambridge, England; 1916. After being wounded at Flanders, chaplain Joseph Reavley returns home to recuperate. When someone murders scientist Theo Blaine, Joseph searches the Scientific Establishment for the traitor, who may have also betrayed his parents. Sequel to Shoulder the Sky (BR 15592). 2005. Bad Business BR 15276 by Robert B. Parker 2 volumes Boston private detective Spenser, last seen in Back Story (BR 14638), is hired by Marlene Rowley to track her philandering husband, Trenton, CFO of an energy firm. Trenton's subsequent murder at his office leads Spenser to investigate a wife-swapping ring and corporate corruption. Strong language. Bestseller. 2004. Birds of a Feather BR 15546 by Jacqueline Winspear 3 volumes London, 1930s. Wealthy Joseph Waite hires private investigator Maisie Dobbs, a former battlefield nurse, to find his missing thirty-two-year-old daughter, Charlotte. Maisie finds chilling links to Scotland Yard inspector Stratton's latest murder case and the Great War's terrible legacy. 2004. The Bishop and the Missing L Train: A Blackie Ryan Mystery BR 15811 by Andrew M. Greeley 2 volumes Chicago. When unpopular bishop Augustus Quill and the "L" train that he was riding on disappear, Bishop "Blackie" Ryan is dispatched to investigate. Suspects include Ryan's friend, stockbroker Tommy Flynn, and divorcée Jenny Carlson, whose first marriage was annulled. Strong language. 2000. The Bishop at Sea: A Blackie Ryan Mystery BR 15730 by Andrew M. Greeley 2 volumes The archbishop of Chicago's cousin, captain David "Speed" Cronin, commands a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier haunted by ancient Irish ghosts. The archbishop enlists Bishop "Blackie" Ryan's aid. Motion sickness pills help Ryan deal with missing sailors and Irish mythology. Strong language. 1997. The Bishop Goes to the University: A Blackie Ryan Mystery BR 15281 by Andrew M. Greeley 2 volumes Bishop Blackwood "Blackie" Ryan investigates the murder of a visiting Russian Orthodox monk in the monk's office at a southside Chicago university. Suspects include four other professors, but intelligence agents, foreign gangsters, and even the Vatican may be involved. 2003. Blow Fly: A Dr. Kay Scarpetta Mystery BR 14976 by Patricia Cornwell 3 volumes Dr. Kay Scarpetta, forensics consultant, investigates the eight-year-old murder of a Louisiana socialite. Now a serial killer is operating there. Death-row maniac Jean-Baptiste Chandonne, from The Last Precinct (BR 12803), knows something about both situations and lures Kay to visit him. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2003. Breaking Up Is Hard to Do: A Sam McCain Mystery BR 15656 by Ed Gorman 2 volumes Black River Falls, Iowa; 1962. Attorney Sam McCain investigates the murder of Karen Hastings, a prostitute found dead in a bomb shelter. Thetrail leads to four prominent citizens. Meanwhile two of McCain's former love interests are divorcing their husbands. Some violence and some strong language. 2004. The Burglar on the Prowl BR 15371 by Lawrence Block 3 volumes Bernie Rhodenbarr, New York bookseller and intrepid thief from The Burglar in the Rye (BR 12534), is asked by a friend to rob a surgeon who stole the friend's mistress. Bernie's attempted heists implicate him in a triple homicide. Some descriptions of sex, some violence, and some strong language. 2004. C Is for Corpse: A Kinsey Millhone Mystery BR 15301 by Sue Grafton 2 volumes (Reissue) Private eye Kinsey Millhone meets wealthy twenty-three-year-old Bobby Callahan at the gym. When she learns that his disfigured face and body result from a mysterious car crash, Kinsey takes on the case, but not in time to avert another accident. Some strong language. 1986. Cat Cross Their Graves: A Joe Grey Mystery BR 15914 by Shirley Rousseau Murphy 3 volumes Molena Point, California. Feline sleuths Joe Grey and Dulcie search for their friend, Kit, who is tracking the killer of retired actress Patty Rose, a local inn and orphans' home proprietor. With their human companions, the cats link the crime to children's graves and a runaway girl. Some violence. 2005. Cat Fear No Evil: A Joe Grey Mystery BR 15957 by Shirley Rousseau Murphy 3 volumes When a sophisticated thief strikes sleepy Molena Point, California, tomcat detective Joe Grey, from Cat Seeing Double (BR 14690), investigates. More troubling, a waiter mysteriously dies at artist Charlie Harper's gallery opening. Meanwhile, who should return to town but Joe's owner's friend, Kate, as well as Azrael, Joe's sinister feline adversary. Bestseller. 2004. The Cat Who Dropped a Bombshell BR 16260 by Lilian Jackson Braun 1 volume Journalist Jim Qwilleran helps plan a knock-out celebration of Pickax City's sesquicentennial. Meanwhile Nathan and Doris Ledfield, a wealthy couple, mysteriously die leaving their greedy nephew to inherit their estate. Siamese cats Koko and Yum Yum help to uncover the truth about the couple's demise. Bestseller. 2006. The Cat Who Talked Turkey BR 15183 by Lilian Jackson Braun 1 volume A dead body found on his property slightly dims Moose County columnist Jim "Qwill" Qwilleran's excitement over a new bookstore and a neighboring town's upcoming bicentennial. After wild turkeys, rare for the area, suddenly appear, Qwill looks to his clairvoyant cat, Koko, for answers. Bestseller. 2004. The Cat Who Wasn't a Dog BR 15123 by Marian Babson 2 volumes Aging British actresses Trixie Dolan and Evangeline Sinclair accompany Dame Cecile Savoy to the taxidermist to have her beloved dead Pekinese stuffed. They discover the owner murdered and rescue a rare cat. Meanwhile, the housekeeper where they are staying as guests disappears, their hostess's antagonistic stepmother arrives, and Trixie's daughter panics writing a cookbook. 2003. The Cat Who Went Bananas BR 15794 by Lilian Jackson Braun 2 volumes Pickax City eagerly awaits the theatre club's opening of a play in which Alden Wade, a newcomer in town, is the lead actor. But when a cast member is killed and Siamese cat Koko acts like he's lost his mind, local columnist Jim Qwilleran investigates Wade's past. Bestseller. 2004. The Cemetery Yew BR 15214 by Cynthia Riggs 2 volumes Elderly Victoria Trumbull of Martha's Vineyard becomes involved in a case of empty graves and missing coffins as well as a mysterious boarder with secrets to hide. Events lead to murder and smuggling. Some violence and some strong language. 2003. Child of Silence: A Bo Bradley Mystery BR 16078 by Abigail Padgett 2 volumes San Diego child-abuse investigator Bo Bradley has a new case: four-year-old deaf boy Weppo, found tied to a mattress on a Paiute reservation. When hired gunmen target Weppo, Bo flees with him and uncovers an alarming connection to a Houston political hopeful. Strong language and some violence. 1993. A Christmas Journey BR 15343 by Anne Perry 1 volume Lady Vespasia Cumming-Gould, a budding sleuth from the Charlotte and Thomas Pitt mysteries, attends a holiday party at which her friend Isobel cruelly insults a young widow who commits suicide later that night. Feeling guilty, Isobel goes with Vespasia to visit the victim's mother in Scotland where they uncover a shocking secret. 2003. The Christmas Thief: A Regan Reilly Mystery BR 15551 by Mary Higgins Clark and Carol Higgins Clark 1 volume During a vacation weekend in Stowe, Vermont, lottery winner Alvirah Meehan and her friend private investigator Regan Reilly become involved in the case of a stolen Christmas tree. The tree, designated for Rockefeller Center, connects a scam artist, a swindled waitress, and a sparkling treasure. 2004. A Christmas Visitor BR 15906 by Anne Perry 1 volume Henry Rathbone, from the William Monk series, is summoned to the Lake District during the Christmas holidays to support his goddaughter Antonia when her husband, Judah Dreghorn, dies accidentally. Rathbone discovers that the incident may have been intentional. 2004. Clouds of Witness: A Lord Peter Wimsey Mystery BR 15911 by Dorothy L. Sayers 2 volumes On holiday in France, Lord Peter Wimsey learns his brother, the Duke of Denver, is charged with murdering their sister's fiancé. Lord Peter returns to England and assumes the unpleasant duty of clearing his brother's name by painstakingly following every clue with humor and ingenuity. Bestseller. 1927. A Cold Treachery: An Inspector Ian Rutledge Mystery BR 16150 by Charles Todd 3 volumes Lake District, England; 1919. After the Elcott family is murdered, Scotland Yard inspector Ian Rutledge investigates the crime. Ten-year-old Josh Elcott is missing, possibly a victim or the perpetrator. Rutledge, haunted by his own war ghost, searches for the boy and the killer. Some violence. 2005. The Cradle Will Fall BR 15451 by Mary Higgins Clark 3 volumes While hospitalized, New Jersey prosecutor Katie DeMaio spies from her window a man loading a woman's body into a car. Later, she helps medical examiner Richard Carroll investigate a questionable suicide. Richard suspects Edgar Highley—Katie's new doctor—and fears the worst when Katie disappears. Some violence and some strong language. 1980. The Da Vinci Code BR 15406 by Dan Brown 4 volumes Professor Robert Langdon investigates the crime scene of the Louvre's murdered curator. Joining him is French cryptologist Sophie Neveu. The clues left behind pit two Catholic societies against each other in search of the Holy Grail. Some violence and some strong language. Bestseller. 2003. The Damascened Blade: A Detective Joe Sandilands Mystery BR 15683 by Barbara Cleverly 2 volumes India-Afghanistan border, 1922. Detective Joe Sandilands, from Ragtime in Simla (BR 15080), chaperones a feisty American heiress at a British fort amid political tension. Kinsmen of an assassinated Afghani take a hostage, demanding that Sandilands find and execute the killer within a week. Strong language and some violence. 2003. The Danger Zone and Other Stories BR 15852 by Erle Stanley Gardner 3 volumes Eleven previously uncollected tales by mystery writer Erle Stanley Gardner (1889–1970), creator of lawyer-detective Perry Mason. The stories, most from the 1930s, feature such characters as unorthodox PI Snowy Shane, gentleman burglar George Brokay, and an ex-con who utilizes his "talents" for good. Introduction by Bill Pronzini. Some violence. 2004. A Dark Devotion BR 14975 by Clare Francis 4 volumes London attorney Alex O'Neill returns to her home village to help childhood friend Will Dearden find his missing wife, Grace. As Alex joins the investigation she uncovers Grace's true nature, her late father's secrets, and the solution to her marriage problems. Some strong language. 1997. Death for Dessert BR 15445 by T. Dawn Richard 2 volumes Sixty-five-year-old May List leaves her philandering husband and moves into a senior citizen apartment complex. As May adjusts to her new life, she discovers that her neighbor, Mrs. Berkowitz, runs a blackmail operation. When Mrs. Berkowitz is murdered, May and her zany elderly cohorts determine to solve the crime. 2003. The Deserter: Murder at Gettysburg BR 15503 by Jane Langton 2 volumes Homer Kelly's wife, Mary, wants to clear the name of her Civil War ancestor, Seth Morgan, accused of deserting the Union during the Battle of Gettysburg. In the narrative, which alternates between past and present, the Kellys come to suspect Seth's former Harvard classmate and comrade-at-arms, Otis Pike. Some strong language. 2003. Done for a Dime BR 15583 by David Corbett 3 volumes When a legendary blues musician is murdered, his son, Toby, is a major suspect. As Rio Mirada detective Dennis Murchison investigates, it becomes apparent that the killing is only part of a larger, darker scheme centering around racism and mob activity. Strong language and some violence. 2003. Dreams of Rescue BR 15285 by Laura Shaine Cunningham 3 volumes After being attacked by her husband, actress Juliana Smythe escapes to her isolated mountain home—built for an heiress's 1899 wedding—and prepares to sue him. While Juliana relives her marital horrors, she is terrorized by a stalker and survives only by unraveling the mystery of the Victorian bride's death. Some violence. 2003. Dying in the Dark: A Tamara Hayle Mystery BR 15752 by Valerie Wilson Wesley 2 volumes Newark, New Jersey. PI Tamara Hayle is haunted by the spirit of her murdered high school best friend, Celia Jones. After Celia's son Cecil asks Tamara to solve the mystery of his mother's death, Tamara explores the secrets of Celia's troubled life. Then Cecil is brutally killed. Strong language. 2004. Eighteen BR 15593 by Jan Burke 3 volumes Eighteen short mystery and suspense stories by Edgar Award winner and author of Nine (BR 14528). In "Mea Culpa," a disabled boy believes his stepfather will kill his mom. Includes "Miscalculation," about the wartime service of the oceanliner Queen Mary, "Unharmed," "The Muse," and others. Some violence. 1993. A Faint Cold Fear BR 15088 by Karin Slaughter 3 volumes Georgia coroner Sara Linton and her ex-husband, detective Jeffrey Tolliver, investigate a series of suicides—or murders—at the local college. And Sara's pregnant sister is attacked on the campus, where an untrustworthy former policewoman now works. Sequel to Kisscut (BR 14576). Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2003. Fall Guy: A Rachel Alexander Mystery BR 15759 by Carol Lea Benjamin 2 volumes Private investigator/dog trainer Rachel Alexander is appointed executor of the estate of detective Timothy O'Fallon, whom she'd met only once during a post-terrorism pet-therapy session. As she settles his affairs, she soon begins to wonder about O'Fallon's supposedly accidental death. Strong language. 2004. For the Love of Mike BR 15427 by Rhys Bowen 3 volumes New York, 1901. In this sequel to Death of Riley (BR 14657), Molly Murphy inherits her boss's detective business. Two cases, one to uncover industrial espionage and the other to locate a runaway, intertwine. Molly tries to ease the plight of an immigrant family and finds a new love. 2003. The Frumious Bandersnatch: A Novel of the 87th Precinct BR 15292 by Ed McBain 2 volumes Two masked men snatch twenty-year-old hip-hop diva Tamar from a party on a yacht in New York City's harbor. Detectives Steve Carella and Cotton Hawes, of the 87th precinct, assist the FBI in the search for the kidnappers. Violence and strong language. 2004. The Fyre Mirror: An Elizabeth I Mystery BR 15999 by Karen Harper 2 volumes England, 1565. Queen Elizabeth holds a competition between three artists to paint her official portrait. The rivalry intensifies when Elizabeth's protégé Gil Sharpe returns from studying art in Italy. Gil harbors a secret that may be causing the fires that kill one artist and destroy portraits by the others. 2005. The General's Daughter BR 15542 by Nelson DeMille 4 volumes Captain Ann Campbell, the base commander's daughter, is found dead on the Fort Hadley, Georgia, firing range. Army criminal investigator Paul Brenner and rape specialist Cynthia Sunhill, Brenner's ex-girlfriend, must handle the politically explosive case. They uncover Campbell's shocking secret life. Descriptions of sex and strong language. 1992. The Girl with the Long Back: A Harpur and Iles Mystery BR 15731 by Bill James 2 volumes Assistant chief constable Desmond Iles feels uneasy about hints of a new superintendent. The rumors upset a delicate balance between drug dealers and the police, leading to murder and revenge. Meanwhile detective Colin Harpur is attracted to one of his undercover agents. Violence and strong language. 2003. Guardian of the Horizon: An Amelia Peabody Mystery, Book 16 BR 15424 by Elizabeth Peters 4 volumes Egypt, 1907. Archaeologist family headed by Amelia Peabody and husband Emerson accepts a hazardous mission to Lost Oasis to save their friend Prince Tarek, suffering from a strange sickness. They encounter constant deceptions and dangers on the desert trek, ultimately finding themselves victims of a ruse to dethrone the prince. 2004. H Is for Homicide BR 15331 by Sue Grafton 2 volumes (Reissue) Kinsey Millhone learns that claims adjuster Parnell Perkins, a California Fidelity coworker, has been murdered and she's assigned one of his cases: a possibly bogus insurance claim made by Bibianna Diaz. Millhone's investigation lands both Diaz and herself in jail. Some strong language. 1991. In like Flynn: A Molly Murphy Mystery BR 15944 by Rhys Bowen 3 volumes In early-twentieth-century, typhoid-ridden New York, policeman Daniel Sullivan hires Molly Murphy to investigate the Sorensen sisters. Molly poses as an Irish relative at Senator Flynn's country estate where the siblings, who claim to be spiritualists, are trying to solve the kidnapping of Flynn's son. 2005. In Pursuit of the Proper Sinner BR 14856 by Elizabeth George 6 volumes Inspector Thomas Lynley's search for clues to connect a suicide and several murders provides him with multiple suspects. Lynley's longtime partner Barbara Havers works especially hard in hopes of redeeming the reputation she lost in Deception on His Mind (BR 14864). Some violence and some strong language. Bestseller. 1999. In the Presence of the Enemy BR 14852 by Elizabeth George 5 volumes Newspaper editor Dennis Luxford receives a threatening note demanding that he publicly reveal he is the father of ten-year-old Charlotte Bowen, the kidnapped daughter of a member of Parliament with whom Luxford had an affair years earlier. Scotland Yard inspector Thomas Lynley enters the case when a body is discovered. Strong language. Bestseller. 1996. Indelible BR 15721 by Karin Slaughter 3 volumes Georgia coroner Sara Linton is visiting ex-husband police chief Jeffrey Tolliver at the station when gunmen open fire, wounding Jeffrey. Throughout the hostage standoff, Sara flashes back to their initial romance. Sequel to A Faint Cold Fear (BR 15088). Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2004. Jack in the Pulpit: A Martha's Vineyard Mystery BR 15768 by Cynthia Riggs 2 volumes Ninety-two-year-old Victoria Trumbull is well prepared to be the deputy police chief: she knows everyone in town and their ancestry. When four local residents die in one month, Turnbull investigates, uncovering the secrets of missing corpses and gravestones in the process. Some strong language. 2004. Last Lullaby: An Eve Diamond Novel BR 15604 by Denise Hamilton 3 volumes L.A. reporter Eve Diamond accompanies a U.S. Customs supervisor meeting a plane from China. Shots ring out, leaving three people dead and a two-year-old toddler missing. Eve and a score of unsavory characters search for the child amongst the immigrant population. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2004. Maisie Dobbs BR 15352 by Jacqueline Winspear 3 volumes Thirteen-year-old Maisie is lucky to be a maid in the home of a wealthy London suffragette who sees to her education. Maisie becomes a private investigator in 1929 after serving as a nurse during the Great War. Her first case involves a shelter for wounded veterans. 2003. Melancholy Baby: A Sunny Randall Mystery BR 15756 by Robert B. Parker 2 volumes Boston PI Sunny Randall, upset over her ex-husband's remarriage, seeks counseling from Dr. Susan Silverman. Meanwhile Randall's latest case involves a young woman who is convinced her parents have adopted her—and the father is soon murdered. Strong language and some violence. 2004. Mr. Paradise BR 15236 by Elmore Leonard 2 volumes Model Kelly has accompanied roommate Chloe on her job as escort to elderly Mr. Paradiso when two gunmen kill Chloe and her client. Wanting Paradiso's fortune, the crooks coerce Kelly into impersonating Chloe. While a Detroit investigating detective falls for "Chloe," she tries to dodge the murderers. Violence and strong language. Bestseller. 2004. Murder at Union Station BR 15763 by Margaret Truman 3 volumes Washington, D.C. The subject of Richard Marienthal's latest book, mobster-turned-informant Louis Russo, is murdered at the train station before he can testify for the government. Marienthal realizes that material in his manuscript threatens to expose secrets in high places and endanger his fiancée and himself. Some strong language. 2004. Murder in Montparnasse: A Phryne Fisher Mystery BR 15573 by Kerry Greenwood 2 volumes Australia, 1928. Bert and Cec, soldiers who unknowingly witnessed a murder in post-WWI Paris, appeal to Phryne Fisher to investigate the suspicious deaths of two comrades. Phryne confronts her own repressed memories as she proceeds with this assignment. Some explicit descriptions of sex, some violence, and some strong language. 2002. Murder Is No Mitzvah BR 15778 edited by Abigail Browning 3 volumes Short mysteries set against a background of Jewish culture and tradition and published between 1967 and 2000. Includes Doug Allyn's "The Christmas Mitzvah," Max Allan Collins's "Kaddish for the Kid," and Michael Kahn's "Bread of Affliction," in which a lawyer struggles to keep a Holocaust survivor's fortune from neo-Nazis. 2004. Murder on the Marmora BR 15538 by Conrad Allen 3 volumes 1908. Aboard the Egypt-bound cruise ship Marmora, American detective George Dillman and his partner Genevieve Masefield, while investigating a jewel theft, become bodyguards of the English princess royal. When a body is found, George and Genevieve inquire among the passengers, including Genevieve's ex-fiancé, to find connections. Some violence. Bestseller. 2004. The Murder Room BR 15105 by P.D. James 3 volumes When museum trustee Neville Dupayne votes to close the institution, he is murdered in a gruesome way that mimics one of the exhibits. Commander Adam Dalgliesh, still in love with Emma Lavenham from Death in Holy Orders (BR 13402), investigates. But more deaths occur. Bestseller. 2003. Nightcrawlers: A "Nameless Detective" Novel BR 15972 by Bill Pronzini 2 volumes "Nameless" private detective Bill, anticipating semiretirement, promotes Tamara Corbin to partner and hires field agent Jake Runyon. When homosexuals are attacked in San Francisco, among them Jake's estranged son's lover, and Tamara disappears after discovering a disturbing scene, Bill decides to investigate. Violence and strong language. 2005. No Graves as Yet: A World War I Novel BR 15128 by Anne Perry 3 volumes England; June, 1914. Reverend Joseph Reavley, a professor at Cambridge, and his brother Matthew, an intelligence officer, investigate their parents' suspicious deaths. Their father, a former politician, had alerted them that he possessed a secret document—now missing. Meanwhile, a pacifist student at the university is murdered amidst rumors of war. Bestseller. 2003. The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency BR 15865 by Alexander McCall Smith 2 volumes Mma "Precious" Ramotswe opens a detective agency in Botswana when she inherits her father's cattle. People consult her about straying husbands, fraudulent business associates, and missing children. Along the way she learns their life stories and tales of Africa. Bestseller. 1998. Plum Island BR 15599 by Nelson DeMille 5 volumes When two research biologists are found shot on Plum Island, NYPD detective John Corey, recuperating from wounds sustained on a previous job, joins the case. He finds himself in a perilous world of germ warfare, buried treasure, avarice, and murder. Descriptions of sex, violence, and strong language. 1997. The Queene's Christmas: An Elizabeth I Mystery BR 15228 by Karen Harper 2 volumes London, England; 1564. Even as she feuds with her cousin Mary Stuart of Scotland, thirty-one-year-old Queen Elizabeth plans an old-fashioned Yuletide celebration. But when one of the kitchen help is murdered, court herb mistress Meg Milligrew and trusted companions join Elizabeth in hunting for the killer before he strikes again. 2003. R Is for Ricochet BR 15394 by Sue Grafton 3 volumes Convicted embezzler Reba Lafferty's dying father hires PI Kinsey Millhone to keep Reba out of trouble upon her release from prison. But the wealthy thirty-two-year-old party girl resumes her previous lifestyle and involves Kinsey in burglary, revenge, and eventually murder. Strong language and some violence. Bestseller. 2004. Ragtime in Simla: A Detective Joe Sandilands Mystery BR 15080 by Barbara Cleverly 3 volumes Himalayas, 1922. British detective Joe Sandilands from The Last Kashmiri Rose (BR 14693) is en route to Simla when his traveling companion is shot exactly where a year-earlier murder occurred. He investigates local residents, including several conniving English businesswomen—one the sister of the previous victim. Some violence and some strong language. 2002. Reflecting the Sky BR 14972 by S.J. Rozan 3 volumes Private investigator Lydia Chin and her partner, Bill Smith, are hired by a New York City Chinatown elder to travel to Hong Kong to deliver an old friend's ashes, a letter to the dead man's brother, and a keepsake to his grandson. They find the apartment ransacked and the youngster kidnapped. 2001. The Return of the Black Widowers BR 15495 by Isaac Asimov 3 volumes Sixteen stories, some previously unpublished in any collection, involving the Black Widowers club members, who gather monthly to dine and solve a brainteasing puzzle. The men ponder mysteries ranging from murder and theft to an umbrella's seemingly inexplicable disappearance into a space warp. Foreword by Harlan Ellison. Some strong language. 2003. The Rottweiler BR 15952 by Ruth Rendell 3 volumes Police discover that a serial killer is placing "trophies" from his victims in an antiques shop. Inez, the owner, and her diverse tenants above the shop become suspects. Detective Crippen investigates the renters' backgrounds while the murders continue. Some violence and some strong language. 2003. Rumpole and the Penge Bungalow Murders: A Rumpole Mystery BR 15907 by John Mortimer 2 volumes Shocked that his colleagues never heard of the case that launched his career, British barrister Rumpole puts it to pen. Rumpole interceded when a son convicted of murdering his father, a decorated war hero, headed to the gallows. Rumpole also met his future wife and the infamous Timson family. 2004. Rumpole and the Primrose Path: A Rumpole Mystery BR 15364 by John Mortimer 2 volumes Six stories featuring British barrister Rumpole, now recovering from his near-fatal heart attack in Rumpole Rests His Case (BR 14645). In the title piece, Rumpole investigates a fellow patient's mysterious death at the Primrose Path convalescent home in Sussex. Back in London he takes on five other cases. 2002. Savage Garden: An Eve Diamond Novel BR 16138 by Denise Hamilton 3 volumes Los Angeles Times reporter Eve Diamond investigates the murder of Latin stage actress Catarina Velosi, a friend of Eve's lover, Silvio Aguilar. While forced to mentor Felice Morgan, a rising African American star at the newspaper, Eve interrogates several suspects. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2005. Scenarios: A "Nameless Detective" Casebook BR 15539 by Bill Pronzini 2 volumes Fourteen short mysteries spanning thirty-five years of "nameless" San Francisco PI stories. In "It's a Lousy World," Nameless vindicates a friend suspected of—and shot for—robbing a liquor store. Also includes "Wrong Place, Wrong Time" and "Incident in a Neighborhood Tavern." Violence and some strong language. 2003. Search the Dark BR 15469 by Charles Todd 3 volumes Scotland Yard inspector Ian Rutledge, from Wings of Fire (BR 12443), searches for two missing children after their mother's murder. Tormented veteran Bert Mowbray, the prime suspect, claims the victim was his wife. Rutledge must identify the dead woman before he can apprehend the real killer. Some violence. 1999. Shoulder the Sky: A World War I Novel BR 15592 by Anne Perry 3 volumes Chaplain Joseph Reavley, from No Graves as Yet (BR 15128), journeys to the Flanders war front in 1915 to help the wounded. When a hated military correspondent is murdered, Reavley probes into the mystery of his own parents' deaths caused by the unknown "Peacemaker." Some violence. 2004. Snobbery with Violence: An Edwardian Murder Mystery BR 15209 by Marion Chesney 2 volumes Captain Harry Cathcart, impoverished youngest son of a baron and fresh from the Boer War, becomes a private investigator for the wealthy. After a murder at a weekend house party, Harry receives assistance from Lady Rose Summer, whom he has previously saved from seduction. Some strong language. 2003. Something's Down There BR 15322 by Mickey Spillane 3 volumes Former government agent Mako Hooker, spending his retirement fishing, is recalled to action when a sea creature nicknamed the "eater" attacks boats and old war mines resurface. A film company headed by a former mobster arrives to film the investigation. Some strong language. 2003. Stealing with Style: A Sterling Glass Novel BR 16265 by Emyl Jenkins 3 volumes Virginia antiques appraiser Sterling Glass becomes suspicious when a nineteenth-century silver urn and diamond brooch surface among the effects of an elderly woman who recently died under questionable circumstances. On a business trip to New York, Sterling discovers an insurance claim that exposes schemes of crooked antiques dealers. 2005. A Stranger Is Watching BR 15589 by Mary Higgins Clark 2 volumes Manhattan. Steve Peterson eagerly awaits the execution of Ronald Thompson, the man convicted of his wife Nina's brutal murder. But days before the scheduled event, Steve's six-year-old asthmatic son, Neil, and his journalist girlfriend, Sharon, are kidnapped, possibly by the actual killer. Violence and some strong language. 1977. A Test of Wills BR 15431 by Charles Todd 3 volumes To investigate a colonel's murder in 1919, Scotland Yard needs an experienced, but expendable, detective. Inspector Ian Rutledge, tormented mentally since returning from WWI, is assigned the politically sensitive case. His reputation at stake, Rutledge questions the victim's beautiful ward, her war-hero fiancé, and a shell-shocked witness. Some violence. 1996. Thieves' Dozen: A Dortmunder Mystery BR 15757 by Donald E. Westlake 2 volumes Eleven short mystery stories involving hapless criminal John Dortmunder. In "Ask a Silly Question," the thief is hired by a wealthy man to steal a counterfeit statue from his ex-wife. In "Too Many Crooks," the gang breaks into a bank that is already being robbed. Some strong language. 2004. A Time Gone By BR 15617 by William Heffernan 3 volumes While investigating the murder of a prominent NYC judge, rookie homicide detective Jake Downing has an affair with the judge's widow and knowingly sends the wrong man to the electric chair. Thirty years later, haunted by his decisions, Jake reopens the case. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2003. Trace: A Dr. Kay Scarpetta Mystery BR 15588 by Patricia Cornwell 3 volumes Former medical examiner Kay Scarpetta returns to Richmond, Virginia, to advise on the mysterious death of a teenage girl whose father is associated with Homeland Security. Meanwhile Kay's lover, Benton, and niece Lucy investigate another case—which later appears connected to Kay's. Violence and strong language. Bestseller. 2004. The Unfinished Clue BR 15791 by Georgette Heyer 2 volumes Wealthy general Sir Arthur Billington-Smith, giving a house party, is murdered in his study. Scotland Yard Inspector Harding finds prime suspects in hapless widow Fay; the butler; and a cabaret dancer, the victim's unsuitable future daughter-in-law. All have justification and means to kill the unlikable, verbally abusive host. 1934. Unnatural Death (The Dawson Pedigree): A Lord Peter Wimsey Mystery BR 15953 by Dorothy L. Sayers 2 volumes A chance remark overheard in a London restaurant leads to the revelation that a wealthy elderly woman did not die of natural causes three years before but was murdered. Lord Peter Wimsey and his friends, Detective-Inspector Parker and garrulous Miss Climpson, have a difficult time catching the killer. 1927. An Unthymely Death: And Other Garden Mysteries; A China Bayles Mystery BR 14995 by Susan Wittig Albert 2 volumes Collection of ten mysteries—including four never before published—featuring herb shop owner and sometime-sleuth China Bayles as well as other familiar characters from Pecan Springs, Texas, portrayed in the author's earlier tales. Also includes story-linked tidbits and digressions on herbal lore, recipes, and creative ideas for the home. 2003. Where Are the Children? BR 15161 by Mary Higgins Clark 2 volumes Nancy Eldredge moves across America to Cape Cod to escape a terrible secret in her past. Remarried, she begins to live happily again until her two children disappear, linking her past and present once more. 1975. The White Russian BR 15311 by Tom Bradby 4 volumes St. Petersburg, 1917. On the brink of the Bolshevik Revolution chief investigator Sandro Ruzsky copes with a double murder. The dead woman is discovered to have ties to the royal family, while the dead man is American. Ruzsky uncovers treachery amid political and social unrest. Some violence and some strong language. 2003. Whose Body? A Lord Peter Wimsey Mystery BR 15920 by Dorothy L. Sayers 2 volumes Lord Peter Wimsey derives considerable amusement from outwitting Scotland Yard. When a nude corpse, wearing only a golden pince-nez, is found in a timid architect's bathtub, Lord Peter cleverly untangles the mystery with the help of a friend. 1923. With No One as Witness: An Inspector Thomas Lynley Mystery BR 15959 by Elizabeth George 6 volumes London. Inspector Thomas Lynley and coworkers Barbara Havers and Winston Nkata investigate the gruesome murders of teenage boys—most of whom are racial minorities. Strong language and some violence. Bestseller. 2005. Occult and Horror The Afterlife BR 15796 by Gary Soto 1 volume Chuy, a high school senior, is brutally murdered in a dance club's restroom. Haunting the halls of his alma mater, he learns new things about his friends and relatives—and falls in love. Some violence and some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. Americas Award commendation. 2003. Cell BR 16287 by Stephen King 3 volumes Clayton Riddell is in Boston celebrating the sale of his graphic novel when the Pulse, a phenomenon that turns cell-phone users into murderous zombies, strikes people around him. Clayton begins the long walk back to his family in Maine, joined by other normal humans. Violence and strong language. Bestseller. 2006. The Night Country BR 15681 by Stewart O'Nan 2 volumes One year ago on Halloween, a car carrying five Connecticut teenagers slammed into a tree. Two survived—Tim, physically unharmed, and Kyle, left severely brain-damaged. As the anniversary of the crash approaches, Toe, Danielle, and Marco return to haunt the living. Strong language, some descriptions of sex, and some violence. 2003. The Presence BR 15701 by Eve Bunting 1 volume On a trip to California to visit her grandmother, seventeen-year-old Catherine meets a mysterious stranger at church. Noah claims he can help her contact a friend who died in a car crash for which Catherine feels responsible. But Noah turns out to be a ghost. For senior high readers. 2003. The Probable Future BR 15449 by Alice Hoffman 3 volumes For generations women of the Sparrow family in Massachusetts have been blessed—or cursed—with clairvoyant powers. When thirteen-year-old Stella has a premonition that lands her father in jail on suspicion of murder, she goes to live in the historic ancestral home where she confronts her haunting legacy. Some strong language. 2003. Political Themes Dead Line BR 15459 by Brian McGrory 3 volumes Boston Record newspaperman Jack Flynn, from The Nominee (BR 15477), gets a lead from the FBI about an unsolved museum heist. A prime suspect is the estranged son of Boston's mayor. After a murder, Flynn realizes he's involved in a deadly cat and mouse game. Strong language and some violence. Bestseller. 2004. The Nominee BR 15477 by Brian McGrory 3 volumes With his newspaper facing a hostile takeover, Boston investigative reporter Jack Flynn, from The Incumbent (BR 13563), postpones a damaging story on Massachusetts governor Lance Randolph, nominee for U.S. attorney general, to help publisher Paul Ellis. When Ellis is murdered, Flynn searches for his killer. Violence and strong language. 2002. The Plot against America BR 16161 by Philip Roth 4 volumes In this alternative history, a young man—called Philip Roth—recounts his Jewish family's fears and humiliations when aviation hero Charles Lindbergh is victorious in the 1940 presidential election. The New Jersey Roths struggle as America, caught up in anti-Semitic fervor, descends into fascism. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2004. The Tyrant's Novel BR 15740 by Thomas Keneally 2 volumes A nameless totalitarian desert country. Camp detainee Alan Sheriff recounts his misfortunes. The country's dictator, dubbed Great Uncle, commands Sheriff, under contract with an American publisher, to ghostwrite a polemic novel denouncing international sanctions on this country, throwing Sheriff into political conflict and personal danger. Strong language. 2004. Vote for Larry BR 15616 by Janet Tashjian 2 volumes After faking his death in The Gospel according to Larry (BR 13993), seventeen-year-old Josh "Larry" Swensen runs for president as the Peace Party's candidate to advocate for youth issues and to encourage voter turnout. He doesn't anticipate mudslinging and a love triangle. For senior high readers. 2004. Psychological Themes Before You Know Kindness BR 15908 by Chris Bohjalian 4 volumes Matriarch Nan Seton hosts her annual family reunion in New Hampshire. When twelve-year-old Charlotte mistakes her father, Spencer McCullough, for a deer and wounds him with her uncle's hunting rifle, Spencer's animal rights activist group views the accident as another cause. Some strong language. 2004. The Coma BR 15607 by Alex Garland 1 volume After being attacked on a subway train and left comatose, Carl regains consciousness—or at first he thinks he does—to a familiar but distorted life. He visits a friend and has a surprisingly pleasant affair with his secretary, but eventually fights to awaken from his dreamlike new reality. Some violence. 2004. The Farther You Run BR 15203 by Davida Wills Hurwin 2 volumes Eighteen-year-old Samantha has a hard time adjusting to life without her friend, Juliana, who died of cancer in A Time for Dancing (BR 10714). But Samantha meets Mona in summer school. They graduate, get jobs, boyfriends, and an apartment, and Samantha learns to cope. Strong language. For senior high readers. 2003. Friction BR 15240 by E.R. Frank 1 volume When Stacy, a new eighth-grade girl, starts spreading nasty rumors about classmate Alexandra and her favorite teacher, Simon, the class doesn't know what to think. But when Stacy accuses Simon of molesting her, Alex visits her house and discovers the truth. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 2003. I Am the Cheese BR 14796 by Robert Cormier 2 volumes Chilling tale of fourteen-year-old Adam Farmer's desperate search for his father and for a mysterious past that he must not remember if he is to remain alive. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 1977. Inside Out BR 15762 by Terry Trueman 1 volume Sixteen-year-old Zach suffers from schizophrenia and, unless he takes his medication, hears voices that urge him to kill himself. When held hostage during a holdup, Zach resolves the crisis, learns about himself, and helps others understand his disorder. Strong language and some violence. For senior high readers. 2003. Light Years BR 15895 by Tammar Stein 2 volumes After a suicide bomber kills her boyfriend, Maya Laor leaves Israel to study astronomy at the University of Virginia in the United States. Maya, who blames herself for the tragedy, reminisces about her past while trying to start a new life. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2005. Making Things Better BR 15375 by Anita Brookner 2 volumes Young Julius Herz fled Nazi Germany to England with his relatives, beginning a self-effacing life of familial obligation. Now retired, the reclusive Herz faces each day with anxious regret, longing for fulfillment. He dreams of a cousin he once loved, turns to his ex-wife for companionship, and obsesses over a young neighbor. 2002. The Man in My Basement BR 15291 by Walter Mosley 2 volumes Thirty-three-year-old Sag Harbor embezzler Charles Blakey is about to lose his late mother's ancestral home when a white man makes him an offer he can't refuse: mysterious Anniston Bennet gives Charles a small fortune to rent the basement for a few weeks, with certain conditions. Some strong language. 2004. Our Lady of the Forest BR 15323 by David Guterson 3 volumes A sickly sixteen-year-old runaway living in a Washington state rain forest sees visions of the Virgin Mary. As the news spreads, Ann Holmes becomes a disciple of sorts while young priest Father Collins, unemployed logger Tom Cross and his paralyzed son, and others seek redemption. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2003. The Portrait BR 15987 by Iain Pears 2 volumes Small island near Brittany, early 1900s. When famous British art critic William Naysmith visits Scottish artist Henry MacAlpine to sit for a portrait, he becomes captive to the artist's diatribe. The artist indicts the critic's ruthless use of power and gradually reveals a plan of vengeance. Some descriptions of sex and some violence. 2005. Reunion BR 15284 by Alan Lightman 2 volumes Charles, a professor, attends his thirtieth college reunion where he encounters a vision of his twenty-two-year-old self. Overwhelmed by memories of his idyllic love for a ballerina, Charles relives a series of tragic events that would forever change his life. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2003. Revenge of the Middle-Aged Woman BR 15289 by Elizabeth Buchan 3 volumes After twenty-five years of domestic bliss, Rose Lloyd loses both her husband and her job at a London newspaper to her young assistant. Devastated, Rose reexamines life, motherhood, and love as she fights to move on with her unexpected independence. Some descriptions of sex and some strong language. 2002. Rules for Old Men Waiting BR 16072 by Peter Pouncey 2 volumes Widowed history professor Robert MacIver quietly mourns his wife's death at their home on Cape Cod. MacIver, originally from Scotland, passes the time by writing a World War I novel and reminiscing about his own life and the death of his only child in Vietnam. Some descriptions of sex. 2005. Shipwreck BR 15349 by Louis Begley 2 volumes Prize-winning American novelist John North recounts his adulterous liaisons with obsessive French journalist Léa Morini. He reveals to a stranger in a Parisian cafe how he was confused by his desires and how he struggled to hide this ill-fated affair. Some explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 2003. Something Happened BR 15540 by Joseph Heller 5 volumes Disillusioned with the life he once had such high hopes for, forty-year-old sales executive Bob Slocum tries to come to grips with his work and family. In a stream-of-consciousness style, Bob ruminates about his past, present, and future until something unimaginable happens. Explicit descriptions of sex and strong language. 1966. The Spinning Man BR 15362 by George Harrar 2 volumes Philosophy professor Evan Birch's life is thrown into turmoil after he becomes the main suspect in the kidnapping of a teenage cheerleader. Even his wife and one of his ten-year-old twins begin to question his innocence. Meanwhile, rumors fly around campus. Some strong language. 2003. Religious Themes Arena BR 15662 by Karen Hancock 3 volumes Allegorical Christian tale in which artist Callie Hayes is surreptitiously transported to an alien world. Armed with only a guidebook, she must trust the enigmatic Pierce, who helps her find a path through the treacherous Arena, her only hope of escape. Violence and some descriptions of sex. 2002. Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ BR 15150 by Lew Wallace 5 volumes Accused of attempting to assassinate the new governor of Jerusalem, Judah Ben-Hur is sentenced to life as a galley slave. Intermingled with the account of his escape and revenge against the friend who betrayed him is the story of Jesus, who changes Ben-Hur's world forever. Includes an introduction by Tim LaHaye. 1880. A Certain Truth: The Trials of Kit Shannon, Book 3 BR 15994 by James Scott Bell 2 volumes Los Angeles, 1907. Criminal lawyer Kit Shannon Fox and her husband are returning from their delayed honeymoon when a murder occurs aboard their ship. Kit agrees to defend newly married Wanda Boswell, who is accused of killing her husband. But Kit begins to doubt Wanda's innocence. 2004. Christy BR 15428 by Catherine Marshall 5 volumes Based on experiences of the author's mother, this tale describes nineteen-year-old Christy Huddleston's first year teaching in an Appalachian mountain hamlet. With the help of Quaker Alice Henderson, who founded the Cutter Gap mission school, Christy finds a point of reference in God and inspires love in two admirable men. 1967. The Face of God BR 15598 by Bill Myers 3 volumes Following his wife's death in Istanbul, Pastor Daniel Lawson discovers she had been given a mysterious stone—one of twelve from a breastplate representing the tribes of Israel. An Arab terrorist also has one of the stones, and as both men search for the remaining ones, lives of millions hang in the balance. Violence. 2002. Gideon's Gift: A Red Gloves Novel BR 16344 by Karen Kingsbury 1 volume Portland, Oregon. Earl Badgett lost his faith after his family died in a car accident five years ago. This Christmas, eight-year-old leukemia patient Gideon Mercer wants to restore Earl's belief in God, so she gives him a life-changing gift. When Gideon needs an expensive bone marrow transplant, Earl reciprocates. 2002. Glorious Appearing: The End of Days BR 15335 by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins 3 volumes Seven years after the Rapture, millions of people, Global Community members, and the Tribulation Force are gathering in the Middle East. Nicolae Carpathia still believes his ultimate triumph is close at hand, until Jesus arrives in his Glorious Appearing. Sequel to Armageddon (BR 14702). Violence. Bestseller. 2004. The Great Divide BR 15912 by T. Davis Bunn 4 volumes Attorney Marcus Glenwood retreats to North Carolina following a devastating tragedy. He agrees to prosecute New Horizons, a local multinational conglomerate. Gloria Hall has disappeared while investigating the company's Factory 101 in China. Glenwood uncovers an international web of deceit that circles back to North Carolina. Christy Award. 2000. A Greater Glory: The Trials of Kit Shannon, Book 1 BR 15380 by James Scott Bell 2 volumes Los Angeles, 1905. Criminal lawyer Kit Shannon tries the case of Celia Harcourt, who is being blackmailed for past events that threaten her family's happiness. A murder intensifies Kit's involvement, forcing her to face a ruthless female prosecutor. Undaunted and aided by her strong religious beliefs, Kit exposes the truth. 2003. Hannah's Hope: A Red Gloves Novel BR 16342 by Karen Kingsbury 1 volume Washington, D.C. Facing another Christmas alone, fifteen-year-old Hannah Roberts, the daughter of workaholic politicians, learns that her biological father is Mike Conner, an army pilot stationed in Iraq. Hannah's search for Mike attracts media attention, and soon everyone is praying for a holiday reunion. Bestseller. 2005. A Higher Justice: The Trials of Kit Shannon, Book 2 BR 15384 by James Scott Bell 2 volumes Los Angeles, 1906. Kit Shannon, devout Christian defense attorney, represents both a mother who lost her son in a trolley accident and a rail worker accused of attempted murder. The two cases pit her against powerful railroad men and politicians who seem to have something to hide. 2003. The Outside World BR 15806 by Tova Mirvis 3 volumes Two dissimilar Orthodox Jewish families are brought together by their children's marriage. Twenty-two-year-old "spinster" Tzippy Goldman and Bryan Miller, who wants to go by his Hebrew name, Baruch, fall in love in Jerusalem. As the couple builds a future together, their relatives struggle to reconcile traditional and modern values. 2004. The Passion of Reverend Nash BR 15484 by Rachel Basch 3 volumes Haunted by the loss of two children and a failing marriage, reverend Jordanna Nash adopts a congregation in her sister's Connecticut town. When a young girl's pregnancy and a mother's disappearance test Jordanna's faith, she must overcome her own grief to help. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2003. A Place Called Wiregrass BR 15889 by Michael Morris 3 volumes Alabama. Erma Lee Jacobs flees her abusive husband, uncaring mother, and dead-end factory job and makes a fresh start in Wiregrass with granddaughter Cher. Friendship with elderly socialite Miss Claudia and the arrival of Cher's father force all three women to confront buried secrets. 2002. The Rising: Antichrist Is Born before They Were Left Behind; Countdown to the Rapture, Book 1 BR 16069 by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins 3 volumes A prequel to the Left Behind series relating events leading up to the Rapture. Nicolae Carpathia is born to a woman who allows herself to become a chosen vessel for the birth of evil. Rayford Steele avoids taking over the family business by becoming a pilot. Bestseller. 2005. Romance Abandon: A Romance BR 15340 by Pico Iyer 3 volumes In Damascus studying Sufi poets, California graduate student John Macmillan hears rumors that elusive manuscripts of the Islamic mystical sect exist. In search of the texts, he becomes inextricably linked to a woman who could hold the key to his poetic illumination—and his heart. Some descriptions of sex. 2003. Ask Me Anything BR 15658 by Francesca Delbanco 2 volumes Twenty-six-year-old Rosalie Preston writes an advice column for teens. She loves the theater and has very close friends in the First Born Company. But when she starts dating her best friend's father, she suddenly needs to take her own advice. Some strong language. 2004. Blessed Are the Cheesemakers BR 15154 by Sarah-Kate Lynch 3 volumes Abbey returns to her grandfather's cheese-making farm in Ireland after twenty-four years of separation. Also arriving is just-fired New York stockbroker Kit Stephens, who goes there to dry out and get his life together. The two fall in love at the eccentric homestead. Some explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 2002. Blue Skies: The Coulter Family, Book 4 BR 15389 by Catherine Anderson 3 volumes Carly Adams, born with lattice dystrophy, waited twenty-eight years to see. Celebrating her new vision with a friend at a bar, she meets Hank Coulter. Their brief encounter leaves her pregnant. Companion to Phantom Waltz (BR 15334). Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2004. Bright Eyes: The Coulter Family, Book 5 BR 15705 by Catherine Anderson 3 volumes Natalie Patterson's son Chad vandalizes neighbor Zeke Coulter's property. Since she can't pay for the damages, Zeke allows Chad to work off the debt. Zeke soon becomes attracted to the entire family. Sequel to Blue Skies (BR 15389). Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2004. Calder Promise: The Calder Saga, Volume 8 BR 15614 by Janet Dailey 3 volumes Laura Calder meets two men in Europe who pursue her: Boone Rutledge, son of a Texas billionaire, and Sebastian Dunshill, earl of Crawford. One man is a threat to her family. Sequel to Shifting Calder Wind(BR 15298). Some explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 2004. ¡Caliente! The Best Erotic Writing in Latin American Fiction BR 15098 edited by J.H. Blair 2 volumes Anthology of literary depictions of sexual experiences by authors such as Gabriel García Márquez, Isabel Allende, Laura Esquivel, Carlos Fuentes, Ana Castillo, Oscar Hijuelos, Julia Alvarez, and Mario Vargas Llosa. Explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 2002. Charming Grace BR 15750 by Deborah Smith 3 volumes Superstar Stone Senterra and his entourage invade small-town Georgia to film a movie about the real-life bravery of agent Harper Vance, killed in the line of duty. Harper's widow, Grace, tries to sabotage the film and finds an ally in Senterra's ex-con bodyguard. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 2004. Deafening BR 15382 by Frances Itani 3 volumes Grania is deaf, a victim of scarlet fever at age five in early 1900s Canada. After learning sign language and speech, she meets and marries Jim, with whom she develops a special vocabulary. World War I erupts, and her life and silent fears take on new shapes. 2003. I Know Who Holds Tomorrow BR 15854 by Francis Ray 3 volumes Madison and Wes Reed, both popular TV personalities, seem like a perfect couple, but actually they have become estranged since the loss of their child. When Wes is critically injured in an accident, Madison discovers that he has a mistress and baby daughter. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 2002. The Last Male Virgin BR 15210 by Katherine Deauxville 2 volumes Anthropologist Peter Havistock has written a book about being raised by the Antorok tribe in Papua New Guinea. Leslie Hall-Grumman, representing her family's sponsoring foundation, escorts Peter on his book tour. But Leslie is unprepared when Peter announces that he is a virgin on the hunt. Some descriptions of sex. 2002. Let's Get It On BR 15931 by Rochelle Alers, Brenda Jackson, 3 volumes Four novellas feature African American women finding love. In Donna Hill's Lady in Waiting, Noah's first love returns to reclaim him although he is engaged to another. In Brenda Jackson's Irresistible Attraction, Sydney meets someone at her brother's wedding. Explicit descriptions of sex. 2004. Little Bitty Lies BR 15541 by Mary Kay Andrews 4 volumes When Mary Bliss McGowan's husband abandons her and their teenage daughter, she stages his death to collect insurance money. After that, dodging bill collectors and suitors (one ex-cop included), she discovers she's not the only one who's been untruthful. Some descriptions of sex and some strong language. 2003. Love's Proof BR 15361 by Catherine Palmer 2 volumes London, 1819. Jane Fellowes, descendant of Sir Isaac Newton, discovers a mysterious box of papers that may establish scientific proof of the existence of God. When the box disappears, scientist Thomas Norcross and Jane investigate. Bizarre events ensue as the pair realize the true puzzle is a matter of the heart. 2003. A Loving Scoundrel: A Malory Family Novel BR 15422 by Johanna Lindsey 3 volumes Danny, a street-living London lass dressed as a lad, helps gentleman rake Jeremy Malory steal back jewels lost in a card game. Intrigued by her spunk, Jeremy hires her as a maid. When Danny poses as his new love, someone recognizes her, endangering her future. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 2004. Lucca BR 15141 by Jens Christian Grondahl 3 volumes Thirty-two-year-old actress Lucca Montale loses her sight in a near-fatal car accident. Over time she becomes close to her recently divorced doctor, Robert. The two fall in love while reliving tense family relationships and troubled romances in the past. Some explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1998. Maine Squeeze BR 15946 by Catherine Clark 2 volumes The summer before Colleen goes to college, her parents travel to Europe while Colleen stays with her friends at their Maine island home. Although they try to obey house rules, Colleen breaks up with her boyfriend and rekindles a romance with Evan. For senior high readers. 2004. The Masqueraders BR 15708 by Georgette Heyer 3 volumes Temporarily abandoned by their reckless father, Prudence and her brother Robin each disguise themselves as the opposite sex to avoid capture by their political enemies. Dangerous entanglements develop when Prue falls in love with Sir Anthony and Robin is smitten by a lovely heiress. Foreword by Anne Stuart. 1928. Message in a Bottle BR 15466 by Nicholas Sparks 3 volumes Beautiful single mother Theresa Osborne, a syndicated columnist, is vacationing at Cape Cod. She finds a corked bottle containing a love letter to mysterious Catherine from Garrett. Believing Garrett is a sensitive and caring man, Theresa decides to find him. Some descriptions of sex. 1998. Miracle BR 16162 by Danielle Steel 1 volume A fierce storm hits San Francisco on New Year's Eve, bringing together three people who form a unique friendship. Each gradually reveals his or her personal problems to the group and finds strength in the growing camaraderie. And in the end, love blossoms for all. Some descriptions of sex and some strong language. Bestseller. 2005. My Fine Lady BR 15533 by Yolanda Joe 2 volumes Imani and Taz, her lover and lyric writer, dream of her becoming a hip-hop star. Hearing a street performance, music professor Orenthal Hopson accepts a bet to turn Imani into a traditional jazz singer. Through him, she achieves success—in an unlikely way. Some descriptions of sex and some strong language. 2004. My Sunshine: The Coulter Family, Book 6 BR 16096 by Catherine Anderson 3 volumes Isaiah Coulter's mother is matchmaking for him again, this time with a neighbor whose granddaughter works as a kennel keeper. They hope the couple's mutual love of animals will spark a romance. Sequel to Bright Eyes (BR 15705). Some explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. Bestseller. 2005. The Notebook BR 15245 by Nicholas Sparks 2 volumes An elderly man reads from a notebook to his wife, who has Alzheimer's disease. Gradually he unfolds the story of a couple who fell in love the summer after high school and were reunited by a fluke fourteen years later. But will his wife recognize her own story? Some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 1996. The Ocean between Us BR 15674 by Susan Wiggs 3 volumes Middle-aged navy wife Grace Bennett, tired of continual relocation, buys a house in Washington state and starts a business. Something in her husband Steve's past strains their faltering relationship, but before they can reconcile, a mishap aboard Steve's ship sends him overboard. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2004. Once upon a Pillow BR 15124 by Christina Dodd and Connie Brockway 2 volumes Four stories featuring an 800-year-old bed in an English manor house, now a museum, and the love affairs of selected couples who slept in it. Crusader Sir Nicholas first brings his reluctant bride in medieval times, while museum curator Laura Whitney wants a last fling before an upcoming auction. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 2002. Phantom Waltz: The Coulter Family, Book 2 BR 15334 by Catherine Anderson 3 volumes Rancher Ryan Kendrick of Oregon falls in love with paraplegic Bethany Coulter. Bethany was injured during a barrel-racing contest eight years ago and resists romance. But Ryan puts aside all of her obstacles and continues pursuing her. Explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 2001. Safe Harbour BR 15104 by Danielle Steel 3 volumes After losing her husband and son, Ophélie Mackenzie and her eleven-year-old daughter, Pip, spend a summer at the beach where Pip befriends lonely artist Matt Bowles. Matt and Ophélie find solace together through heartache and betrayal until romance replaces their grief. Some descriptions of sex and some strong language. Bestseller. 2003. San Francisco Earthquake, 1906 BR 15565 by Kathleen Duey 2 volumes San Francisco, 1906. Chambermaid Sierra O'Neille works in the hotel where rancher Joseph Harlan and his family are staying. While rescuing others when disaster strikes, the two are thrown together and fall in love. For junior and senior high readers. 1999. Second Chance BR 15489 by Danielle Steel 2 volumes At the Paris couture shows forty-two-year-old Fiona Monaghan, editor-in-chief of a chic New York fashion magazine, falls for conservative advertising executive John Anderson, a widowed father. Their whirlwind romance leads to marriage, divorce, then a passionate rekindling—and deciding to try again. Descriptions of sex and some strong language. Bestseller. 2004. Secrets of the Heart BR 15167 by Candace Camp 3 volumes Seven years ago Rachel Aincourt tried to elope with another man on the eve of her marriage to Michael, the earl of Westhampton. Now, as she begins to love Michael, she discovers he leads a double life. Suddenly both existences are endangered. Sequel to The Hidden Heart (BR 14565). Some descriptions of sex. 2003. Shifting Calder Wind: The Calder Saga, Volume 7 BR 15298 by Janet Dailey 3 volumes Texas. When Chase Calder regains consciousness, he has amnesia but is sure someone tried to kill him. Chase and his rescuer, Laredo Smith, decide to let everyone except his daughter-in-law, Jessy, think he is dead while they search for the shooter. Sequel to Green Calder Grass (BR 14312). Some strong language. 2003. Simply Unforgettable: Miss Martin's School for Girls, Book 1 BR 16107 by Mary Balogh 3 volumes Regency England. Music teacher Frances Allard is returning to Miss Martin's School for Girls in Bath after Christmas when her carriage overturns in a snowstorm. She and Lucius Marshall, the viscount Sinclair, who caused the accident, take refuge together in a nearly deserted inn. Explicit descriptions of sex. 2005. So Wild a Heart BR 15166 by Candace Camp 3 volumes Devin Aincourt, earl of Ravenscar, needs money to save his family estate and pay his gambling debts. Miranda Upshaw, a strong-willed American heiress, wants his estate and social status. The result is a marriage of convenience that turns deadly for Miranda. Prequel to Hidden Heart (BR 14565). Some descriptions of sex. 2002. Tar Baby BR 15625 by Toni Morrison 3 volumes Son, a black fugitive, invades the West Indian home of a retired millionaire, upsetting the racially diverse household. He captivates pampered Jadine, a black fashion model. Their ideologically complicated love affair plays out from the Caribbean to Manhattan. 2004 foreword by the author. Strong language. 1981. The Truth about Cats and Dogs BR 15788 by Lori Foster and Caroline Burnes 2 volumes Three stories of women whose lives revolve around animals. Sadie Harte finds romance in "Tailspin" when her Chihuahua falls for a neighbor's dog. In "Secondhand Sam," Jessica Hall's life changes after she has a car accident while trying to avoid hitting a dog. Explicit descriptions of sex. 2004. Two of a Kind BR 16271 by Nora Roberts 2 volumes Two tales of summer love. In "Impulse," ever-practical CPA Rebecca Malone sells everything she owns and heads to Greece to see what life has to offer. In "The Best Mistake," a single mother takes in a male tenant, perhaps the best mistake she ever made. Explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 1989. The Wedding BR 15299 by Nicholas Sparks 2 volumes Jane and Wilson Lewis have been married for thirty years. Wilson realized a year ago that the love was gone from his marriage. With the help of Jane's father, Noah Calhoun, from The Notebook (BR 15245), Wilson sets out to make his wife fall in love with him again. Bestseller. 2003. When Christmas Comes BR 15868 by Debbie Macomber 2 volumes Emily Springer wants to be near her daughter in Boston for Christmas, while Charles Brewster seeks a quiet place to work on his book. The two strangers swap homes over the Internet, and surprises follow at their respective houses as unsuspecting holiday visitors arrive. 2004. Zipped BR 15374 by Laura McNeal and Tom McNeal 2 volumes Fifteen-year-old Mick is upset to discover that his beloved stepmother is having an affair. He also loves Lisa despite her crush on a missionary from her Mormon church. Lisa's friend Janice dates her own low-life boss. Somehow things work out. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2003. Science Fiction Gateway BR 15605 by Frederik Pohl 2 volumes Wealthy prospector Robinette Broadhead wins a one-way trip to Gateway, an abandoned interstellar depot of the vanished Heechee race. Unsettled by the experience and with the help of his computerized psychoanalyst, Broadhead begins a personal journey that could lead to his destruction. Strong language. 1976. Nightfall and Other Stories BR 15727 by Isaac Asimov 4 volumes Twenty science fiction stories written between 1941 and 1967. The title piece, considered a classic of the genre and later expanded into a novel, depicts civilization on the planet Lagash, where night falls once in two thousand years. Asimov's comments and notes precede each story. 1969. Reflex BR 16172 by Steven Gould 4 volumes A mysterious organization kidnaps National Security Agency operative Davy Rice to use his teleportation powers. Davy's wife, Millie, searches frantically for him with her own newfound teleporting skills. Sequel to Jumper (BR 9548). Strong language, some descriptions of sex, and some violence. For senior high and older readers. 2004. Singularity Sky BR 16110 by Charles Stross 3 volumes An information plague called the Festival strikes the New Republic, an isolationist planetary colony banning technology. Contractor Martin Springfield and United Nations of Earth Security Council agent Rachel Mansour, both on covert missions, become unlikely allies as the colony prepares for war. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2003. Star Wars: Survivor's Quest BR 15500 by Timothy Zahn 4 volumes Luke Skywalker and his wife, Mara, lead a diplomatic mission to inspect wreckage of the Jedi expedition destroyed fifty years ago by enemies. The mission, escorted by alien hosts and a mysterious New Republic impersonator, arrives at the remains and finds survivors. Follows the Corellian Trilogy. 2004. Strangers BR 15858 by Gardner Dozois 2 volumes On the planet Weinunnach, graphic artist Joseph Farber lives uneasily in a colony of Earthmen among the native Cian. One night he ventures from the enclave and meets Liraun, a humanoid Cian, and falls in love. Fundamental differences between their alien cultures complicate their blossoming romance. Descriptions of sex and strong language. 1978. Sunstorm: A Time Odyssey, Book 2 BR 15986 by Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter 3 volumes London, 2037. UN peacekeeper Bisesa Dutt, newly returned from an alternate Earth, faces catastrophe—within five years a massive solar flare will annihilate earthly life. Scientists race to construct a shield but discover the sunstorm is no natural disaster. Sequel to Time's Eye (BR 15420). Some descriptions of sex. 2005. Time's Eye: A Time Odyssey, Book 1 BR 15420 by Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter 3 volumes Eurasia, 2037. United Nations peacekeepers crash land only to discover civilization is reassembled into a patchwork of eras dating from prehistory. Alexander the Great's army and nineteenth-century British troops join forces as Genghis Khan's horde approaches Babylon and a lone radio signal. Violence, some descriptions of sex, and some strong language. 2004. 2001: A Space Odyssey BR 15307 by Arthur C. Clarke 2 volumes (Reissue) On a voyage into the unexplored universe, the spacecraft Discovery hurtles its human passengers through time toward a confrontation with an unknown, powerful intelligence. Written for the production of a science fiction film of the same name. 1968. Warrior's Woman: A Ly-San-Ter Novel, Book 1 BR 15160 by Johanna Lindsey 3 volumes Amazonian Tedra De Arr flies to the world of the Sha-Ka'ari warriors to enlist support in saving her planet from evil ruler Crad Ce Moerr. But Tedra meets Challen Ly-San-Ter and is shaken by her attraction to this magnificent barbarian. Prequel to Keeper of the Heart (BR 9471). Descriptions of sex and strong language. 1990. Way Station BR 15514 by Clifford D. Simak 2 volumes As keeper of Earth's only galactic transfer station, 124-year-old civil war veteran Enoch Wallace has been attending to visitors and facilitating interstellar communication for over a century. When his charts indicate Earth's impending destruction, his alien friends offer a solution that seems worse than the disaster itself. Hugo Award. 1963. Sea Stories H.M.S. Surprise BR 15328 by Patrick O'Brian 3 volumes (Reissue) Captain Jack Aubrey and Dr. Stephen Maturin escort an English envoy to India aboard the H.M.S. Surprise. Meanwhile, one of Napoleon's ships plies the Indian Ocean, intent on attacking the China fleet. Aubrey plots to capture the French vessel and alleviate his financial troubles with the prize money. Bestseller. 1973. The Mauritius Command BR 15383 by Patrick O'Brian 3 volumes (Reissue) As the Napoleonic Wars rage in Europe, Captain "Lucky" Jack Aubrey takes command of a British squadron in the Indian Ocean on a mission to capture the French-held islands of Mauritius and La Réunion. Problems arise not from the hazards of warship living but from the other captains. Some strong language. 1977. Men against the Sea BR 15979 by Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall 2 volumes 1789. Following the Mutiny on the Bounty (BR 8669), Captain Bligh and eighteen loyal men are set adrift in the South Pacific on a twenty-three-foot open launch. Alone on uncharted waters, the crew struggles to survive the 3,600-mile voyage to the Dutch colony of Timor in the East Indies. 1933. Pitcairn's Island BR 15995 by Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall 3 volumes South Pacific, 1790s–1800s. Fletcher Christian, his fellow H.M.S. Bounty mutineers, and their Polynesian wives flee Tahiti for Pitcairn's Island. Living undiscovered for eighteen years, they establish a primitive but thriving settlement until a bitter struggle for vengeance shatters the peace. Sequel to Men against the Sea (BR 15979). 1934. Seaflower: A Kydd Novel BR 15319 by Julian Stockwin 3 volumes Following the devastating shipwreck of the frigate Artemis (BR 15234), Thomas Kydd and his friend Nicholas Renzi are assigned to a Royal Navy cutter in the Caribbean. As Britain and Napoleonic France fight to control the West Indies, the Seaflower endures battles, storms, and shark attacks. Some violence and some strong language. 2003. Storm Warning BR 15432 by Jack Higgins 2 volumes 1944. During World War II, some loyal German expatriates trapped in Brazil plot to return to their homeland on the three-masted sailing ship Deutschland. With five nuns also aboard as passengers, captain Eric Berger and his crew attempt an impossible voyage across an ocean dominated by British and American navies. 1976. 21: The Final Unfinished Voyage of Jack Aubrey, including Facsimile of the Manuscript; the Aubrey-Maturin Novels BR 15955 by Patrick O'Brian 1 volume Following Blue at the Mizzen (BR 12454), Jack Aubrey, now a rear admiral, is ordered to South America. Trouble brews when Catholic inhabitants along the coast resent the Protestant crew and the nations they represent. Manuscript unfinished at the author's death in 2000. Afterword by Richard Snow. Strong language. 2004. Short Stories Amber's Mirage and Other Stories BR 15475 by Zane Grey 2 volumes Five short stories of survival in Arizona's deserts. Includes "The Saga of the Ice Cream Kid," about the West before barbed wire and railroads, and "Amber's Mirage," a romantic tale of a young man's quest for gold and the woman he loves. 1928. Blackbird House BR 16267 by Alice Hoffman 2 volumes Twelve interconnected stories spanning two hundred years about the inhabitants of a Cape Cod farmhouse. Sailor John Hadley builds the home for his family before he perishes at sea. Successive generations face fear, love, and the forces of nature. Some descriptions of sex and some strong language. 2004. Bret Harte's Gold Rush: Outcasts of Poker Flat, The Luck of Roaring Camp, Tennessee's Partner, and Other Favorites BR 14981 by Bret Harte 2 volumes Fifteen stories set in California during the 1850s Gold Rush. Archetypal characters—gold-fevered pioneers, gamblers, preachers, drunkards, cattle-robbers, and iron-willed women—experience twists of fortune and the realities of frontier life. Reuben H. Margolin introduces the collection, which spans the career of this author, poet, and literary critic. 1997. Brownsville BR 15288 by Oscar Casares 2 volumes Nine short stories about poverty, resourcefulness, and the cultural chasm existing in the U.S.-Mexican border town of Brownsville, Texas. Characters confront an array of situations, contradictions, and solutions, from youth learning lessons about money and neighborhood disputes over barking dogs to finding meaning in a depressed world. 2003. The Danger Zone and Other Stories BR 15852 by Erle Stanley Gardner 3 volumes Eleven previously uncollected tales by mystery writer Erle Stanley Gardner (1889–1970), creator of lawyer-detective Perry Mason. The stories, most from the 1930s, feature such characters as unorthodox PI Snowy Shane, gentleman burglar George Brokay, and an ex-con who utilizes his "talents" for good. Introduction by Bill Pronzini. Some violence. 2004. The Deep and Other Stories BR 15163 by Mary Swan 2 volumes Canadian writer's evocative collection of fourteen short stories of time and emotion, love and loss. Includes O. Henry Prize-winning "The Deep" about twin sisters who volunteer to tend soldiers in France at the close of World War I, and other stories, many of them rooted in history. 2003. The Delinquent Virgin BR 16370 by Laura Kalpakian 2 volumes Nine stories with unpredictable twists. In "Lavee, Lagair, Lamore, Lamaird," Miss Savage, the governess, wreaks time-delayed revenge on a bourgeois mining family by teaching the daughters truly offensive French. "The Delinquent Virgin" is a nativity scene statue that reappears in strange places. Some descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1999. Desperadoes BR 15682 edited by Ed Gorman and Martin H. Greenberg 2 volumes A collection of seventeen short westerns about men in trouble—gamblers, outlaws, miners, and lawmen—some victims of circumstance, others because of their own doing. Includes Louis L'Amour's "The Town No Guns Could Tame" as well as works by Loren D. Estleman, Bill Pronzini, Bill Gulick, and others. Bestseller. 2001. The Devil and Daniel Webster and Other Stories BR 15337 by Stephen Vincent Benét 1 volume Three short tales by Pulitzer Prize-winning poet. In the title piece, a New Hampshire farmer sells the devil his soul for a prosperous decade but implores Daniel Webster to defend him when the devil comes to collect. Also includes "By the Waters of Babylon" and "Johnny Pyre and the Fool-Killer." 1936. The Early Stories, 1953–1975 BR 15219 by John Updike 8 volumes More than one hundred short pieces originally published in the New Yorker and other magazines. Includes the Olinger and Tarbox sagas as well as "Pigeon Feathers," "The Family Meadow," and "The Witnesses." Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2003. Eighteen BR 15593 by Jan Burke 3 volumes Eighteen short mystery and suspense stories by Edgar Award winner and author of Nine (BR 14528). In "Mea Culpa" a disabled boy believes his stepfather will kill his mom. Includes "Miscalculation," about the wartime service of the oceanliner Queen Mary, "Unharmed," "The Muse," and others. Some violence. 1993. God's Gym BR 15932 by John Edgar Wideman 2 volumes Ten stories about African Americans by a prize-winning author. In "Weight," a son honors his mother, who shoulders life's calamities the way others lift weights, by saying she should wear a T-shirt with "God's Gym" printed on it. Other themes include love, death, and age-old mysteries. Strong language and some violence. 2005. Holidays on Ice BR 15182 by David Sedaris 1 volume Six short Christmas tales by humorist, playwright, and National Public Radio commentator. Sedaris relives his stint as a department store elf in "SantaLand Diaries." In "Seasons Greetings to Our Friends and Family!!!," a housewife facing homicide charges updates loved ones in her annual holiday newsletter. Bestseller. 1997. Hot Biscuits: Eighteen Stories by Women and Men of the Ranching West BR 15623 edited by Max Evans and Candy Moulton 2 volumes A collection of short stories by cowboys and cowgirls of the "real working West." Diverse tales of ranch hands, a horse trainer, and even murder have a few themes in common: hard work, survival among the elements, and homemade biscuits. Includes Jimbo Brewer's Spur Award-winner, "The Old Man." 2002. I Got Somebody in Staunton: Stories BR 16077 by William Henry Lewis 2 volumes Ten short stories featuring African Americans. In the title piece a black professor offers a white woman a ride to Staunton where he's going to visit a dying uncle. He remembers his uncle's warning about the danger inherent in such pairings. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2005. The King in the Tree: Three Novellas BR 14853 by Steven Millhauser 2 volumes Three novellas centering on illicit love. In the title piece, the king's counselor deplores the queen's affair but doesn't tell her husband. In Revenge, a widow remembers her husband's infidelities and wants to punish his mistress. In An Adventure of Don Juan, the Spanish rake discovers unrequited love in England. Strong language. 2003. Losing Is Not an Option: Stories BR 15880 by Rich Wallace 1 volume Nine interwoven episodes relate athlete Ronny's coming of age in small-town Pennsylvania, from sneaking into a football game in sixth grade to racing for the state track championship in high school. In "Dawn," he struggles with the rules of mutual attraction. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2003. Max Brand's Best Western Stories BR 15534 by Max Brand 2 volumes Five stories and a short novel pitting man against both nature and his human enemies, written in the 1920s and 1930s. Includes the classic "Wine on the Desert," "Partners," and "Dust across the Range." Edited with a biographical introduction by William F. Nolan. 1923. Max Brand's Best Western Stories, Volume 2 BR 15474 by Max Brand 2 volumes Five stories of heroic deeds and fabulous adventures that originally appeared in pulp magazines between 1919 and 1935. In "Outcast," a man of mixed heritage fights to overcome prejudice, while in "Cayenne Charlie," an overage easterner tries to manage a ranch in an alien environment. Some violence. 1985. Max Brand's Best Western Stories, Volume 3 BR 15472 by Max Brand 2 volumes Seven short stories written in the 1930s feature high-noon shoot-outs, canyon avalanches, cross-country chases, and bare-knuckle brawls. Each stars a classic hero, horse, and villain. Stories include "Reata's Peril Trek," "The Third Bullet," and "Crazy Rhythm." Some violence. 1987. Murder Is No Mitzvah BR 15778 edited by Abigail Browning 3 volumes Short mysteries set against a background of Jewish culture and tradition and published between 1967 and 2000. Includes Doug Allyn's "The Christmas Mitzvah," Max Allan Collins's "Kaddish for the Kid," and Michael Kahn's "Bread of Affliction," in which a lawyer struggles to keep a Holocaust survivor's fortune from neo-Nazis. 2004. Necessary Noise: Stories about Our Families as They Really Are BR 15367 edited by Michael Cart 2 volumes Ten short stories portraying different kinds of family scenes. "Visit" by Walter Dean Myers describes a father's awkward meeting with his long-abandoned son, a death row convict. In "Snowbound" by Lois Lowry, a college girl returns home to introduce her unwashed, obnoxious boyfriend. Strong language. For senior high readers. 2003. Nightfall and Other Stories BR 15727 by Isaac Asimov 4 volumes Twenty science fiction stories written between 1941 and 1967. The title piece, considered a classic of the genre and later expanded into a novel, depicts civilization on the planet Lagash, where night falls once in two thousand years. Asimov's comments and notes precede each story. 1969. On Treacherous Ground: Secret Stories of the West BR 15165 by Earl Murray 2 volumes Ten short stories spanning two centuries of the American West. In "Untold Honor," soldiers escorting pioneer wagons prepare for a showdown with the Sioux Indians. Also includes "On Treacherous Ground"—a modern tale of lawlessness set in the 1990s. 2002. One Novella and Thirteen Superstar Short Stories from the Finest in Mystery and Suspense BR 15836 edited by Otto Penzler 3 volumes In David Baldacci's "The Mighty Johns," college football star Tor North tackles a forty-year-old mystery—the disappearance of an All American tailback during a game. The novella kicks off this sports fiction anthology that also features works by Lawrence Block, Dennis Lehane, Brad Meltzer, and others. Strong language. 2002. Out of Bounds: Seven Stories of Conflict and Hope BR 15366 by Beverley Naidoo 1 volume South Africa, 1948–2000. Seven stories show young South Africans of different eras, races, and ethnic groups as they cope with apartheid. In "The Playground," Rosa is the first girl to integrate the local school. Foreword by Desmond Tutu. For junior and senior high readers. 2001. The Return of the Black Widowers BR 15495 by Isaac Asimov 3 volumes Sixteen stories, some previously unpublished in any collection, involving the Black Widowers club members who gather monthly to dine and solve a brainteasing puzzle. The men ponder mysteries ranging from murder and theft to an umbrella's seemingly inexplicable disappearance into a space warp. Foreword by Harlan Ellison. Some strong language. 2003. Rumpole and the Primrose Path: A Rumpole Mystery BR 15364 by John Mortimer 2 volumes Six stories featuring British barrister Rumpole, now recovering from his near-fatal heart attack in Rumpole Rests His Case (BR 14645). In the title piece, Rumpole investigates a fellow patient's mysterious death at the Primrose Path convalescent home in Sussex. Back in London he takes on five other cases. 2002. Runaway: Stories BR 15771 by Alice Munro 3 volumes Eight short stories about women of all ages and circumstances. In "Runaway," Carla, though willing, is incapable of leaving her husband. In three connected stories, "Chance," "Soon," and "Silence," Juliet falls for an older man, returns as a young mother, and rescues her daughter from a cult. Bestseller. 2004. Scenarios: A "Nameless Detective" Casebook BR 15539 by Bill Pronzini 2 volumes Fourteen short mysteries spanning thirty-five years of "nameless" San Francisco PI stories. In "It's a Lousy World," Nameless vindicates a friend suspected of—and shot for—robbing a liquor store. Also includes "Wrong Place, Wrong Time" and "Incident in a Neighborhood Tavern." Violence and some strong language. 2003. Sweet Land Stories BR 15497 by E.L. Doctorow 1 volume Five short stories about faith, love, and abuse of power. In "A House on the Plain," a son abets his mother's murderous greed; in "Jolene: A Life," a young woman navigating some bad relationships reaches a bruised but resolute independence. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2004. Thieves' Dozen: A Dortmunder Mystery BR 15757 by Donald E. Westlake 2 volumes Eleven short mystery stories involving hapless criminal John Dortmunder.In "Ask a Silly Question," the thief is hired by a wealthy man to steal a counterfeit statue from his ex-wife. In "Too Many Crooks," the gang breaks into a bank that is already being robbed. Some strong language. 2004. The Trembling of a Leaf BR 16299 by W. Somerset Maugham 2 volumes Stories and sketches about romance and tragedy in the South Seas. In "Rain," a contest of wills becomes a fight to the death during the monsoon season on Pago Pago. Mr. Davidson, a self-righteous missionary, confronts prostitute Sadie Thompson, demanding her repentance. Later adapted for stage and screen. 1921. The Truth about Cats and Dogs BR 15788 by Lori Foster and Caroline Burnes 2 volumes Three stories of women whose lives revolve around animals. Sadie Harte finds romance in "Tailspin" when her Chihuahua falls for a neighbor's dog. In "Secondhand Sam," Jessica Hall's life changes after she has a car accident while trying to avoid hitting a dog. Explicit descriptions of sex. 2004. An Unthymely Death: And Other Garden Mysteries; A China Bayles Mystery BR 14995 by Susan Wittig Albert 2 volumes Collection of ten mysteries—including four never before published—featuring herb shop owner and sometime-sleuth China Bayles as well as other familiar characters from Pecan Springs, Texas, portrayed in the author's earlier tales. Also includes story-linked tidbits and digressions on herbal lore, recipes, and creative ideas for the home. 2003. Spy and Espionage Absolute Friends BR 15110 by John Le Carré 3 volumes Unassuming Bavarian tour guide Ted Mundy is actually a retired British double agent. After September 11, 2001, old friend and former colleague Sasha contacts him with a new mission: to stop an impending war in Iraq and become very rich in the process. Strong language and some violence. Bestseller. 2003. Secret Father BR 15126 by James Carroll 3 volumes Germany, 1961. Three American teenagers—Michael, Rick, and Kit—venture into East Berlin, where they are detained by the secret police. Michael's father and Rick's German mother rush to rescue them. But Rick has information that will endanger everyone. Some explicit descriptions of sex, some violence, and some strong language. 2003. Sports All Hat BR 15652 by Brad Smith 3 volumes Ray Dokes returns to the horse racing world in his Canadian hometown after two years in jail for attempting to murder billionaire Sonny Stanton, his sister's rapist. With a former lover, a pretty jockey, and other friends helping, Ray plots Sonny's demise. Strong language, some descriptions of sex, and some violence. 2003. Fat Boy Swim BR 15876 by Catherine Forde 2 volumes Scottish teen Jimmy is teased mercilessly for being overweight. When the swimming coach discovers Jimmy's secret cooking skills, he trades swim lessons for Jimmy's help with a fund-raiser. Jimmy unexpectedly excels at the sport and also develops an interest in visually impaired Ellie. For junior and senior high readers. 2003. Losing Is Not an Option: Stories BR 15880 by Rich Wallace 1 volume Nine interwoven episodes relate athlete Ronny's coming of age in small-town Pennsylvania, from sneaking into a football game in sixth grade to racing for the state track championship in high school. In "Dawn," he struggles with the rules of mutual attraction. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2003. A Mulligan for Bobby Jobe BR 15849 by Bob Cullen 4 volumes Bobby Jobe leads the PGA Championship until an attractive woman distracts him. He loses the tournament, fires his caddy, and is struck by lightning on the practice tee and permanently blinded. Therapist Angela Murphy reunites caddy and golfer and unexpectedly urges Jobe to return to the game. Strong language. 2001. One Novella and Thirteen Superstar Short Stories from the Finest in Mystery and Suspense BR 15836 edited by Otto Penzler 3 volumes In David Baldacci's "The Mighty Johns," college football star Tor North tackles a forty-year-old mystery—the disappearance of an All American tailback during a game. The novella kicks off this sports fiction anthology that also features works by Lawrence Block, Dennis Lehane, Brad Meltzer, and others. Strong language. 2002. Out of Order BR 15295 by A.M. Jenkins 2 volumes Sophomore "Colt" Trammel hides his learning disabilities until his brainy girlfriend leaves him and his grades jeopardize his baseball-team eligibility. He turns to a new girl to tutor him while trying to keep up appearances with the other jocks. Strong language. For senior high readers. 2003. Suspense Alice in Jeopardy BR 15841 by Ed McBain 3 volumes Young Florida widow Alice Glendenning struggles to raise her daughter and mute son following their father's drowning. When the kids are abducted from their school, the kidnappers demand Alice's nonexistent insurance money. Bungling law enforcement agencies force Alice to act alone. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2005. Beachcomber BR 14931 by Karen Robards 3 volumes Christy Petrino quits her job when she discovers that the law firm she works for and her fiancé are involved with the mob. Now, with her life at stake, she must deliver a package to Ocracoke Island, North Carolina, where she faces more danger—a serial killer. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2003. Broken Prey BR 16128 by John Sandford 3 volumes Gruesome murders that mimic the crimes of the "Big Three"—serial murderers presently incarcerated—bring Lucas Davenport to investigate. The prime suspect is Charlie Pope, newly released from a Minnesota mental hospital. But the killer is too smart to be Pope. Explicit descriptions of sex, violence, and strong language. Bestseller. 2005. The Broker BR 15632 by John Grisham 3 volumes The CIA pressures lame-duck president Arthur Morgan into releasing jailed lobbyist Joel Backman, who obtained stolen satellite software six years before. The Agency spirits Backman to Italy to use him for bait, leaks his whereabouts—and waits to see who kills him. Some violence and some strong language. Bestseller. 2005. Dead Lines BR 16171 by Greg Bear 2 volumes Los Angeles. Following his best friend's death, washed-up erotica director Peter Russell promotes a new high-tech communications device called Trans. After several chilling encounters—including one with his own murdered daughter—Peter realizes Trans may be a link to the dead. Strong language, some descriptions of sex, and some violence. 2004. Deception BR 15496 by John Altman 2 volumes Hannah Gray takes a Mediterranean cruise despite her fears of being accused of insurance fraud. She befriends Renee Epstein, who unknowingly loans her a paperback containing a formula for a powerful weapon. When the Epsteins are murdered, Hannah flees with the book—not knowing why or from whom. Violence and strong language. 2003. 4th of July: A Women's Murder Club Mystery BR 16085 by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro 2 volumes San Francisco police lieutenant Lindsay Boxer retreats to her sister's house in Half Moon Bay while fighting a charge of police brutality. But a killer is loose, and Lindsay enlists the help of the Women's Murder Club to catch him. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2005. The Havana Room BR 15780 by Colin Harrison 4 volumes With career and marriage over, lawyer Bill Wyeth frequents a Manhattan steak house, where he agrees to help intriguing manager Allison Sparks's friend finalize a deal in the restaurant's private bar. His new client's dangerous obsessions soon ensnare him. Strong language, some explicit descriptions of sex, and some violence. 2004. Hidden Prey BR 15419 by John Sandford 3 volumes Duluth, Minnesota. When ex-KGB agent Rodion Oleshev is found dead on a city dock, police, the FBI, and Russian officials want answers. Special investigator Lucas Davenport, from Naked Prey (BR 14804), and Moscow cop Nadya Kalin team up to solve the crime. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2004. High Plains Tango BR 16288 by Robert James Waller 3 volumes Carlisle McMillan, carpenter son of photographer Robert Kincaid from The Bridges of Madison County (BR 9823), settles in Salamander, South Dakota. There McMillan renovates his home and falls in love with Susanna Benteen—while he resists the local government's seizure of his land to build a highway. Strong language, some explicit descriptions of sex, and some violence. 2005. Honeymoon BR 16141 by James Patterson and Howard Roughan 2 volumes While tracing terrorist funding, FBI agent John O'Hara accidentally stumbles across a beautiful woman diverting laundered money to the Cayman Islands. Nora Sinclair murders husbands and a fiancé to amass millions, but O'Hara is determined to stop her. Strong language, some descriptions of sex, and some violence. Bestseller. 2005. Life Expectancy BR 15828 by Dean Koontz 3 volumes As Jimmy Tock is born, his dying grandfather foretells dire events in Jimmy's future. In the same hospital, a clown murders medical staff before escaping with his own newborn son. Years later the predictions come true when the clown's son abducts Jimmy. Some violence and some strong language. Bestseller. 2004. Lifeguard BR 16143 by James Patterson and Andrew Gross 2 volumes Palm Beach, Florida, lifeguard Ned Kelly takes part in a mansion art heist to get rich quick. After Ned's friends and lover are killed, he flees to Boston. FBI agent Ellie Shurtleff tracks Ned down but believes that he is innocent. Explicit descriptions of sex, violence, and strong language. Bestseller. 2005. The Lion's Game: A John Corey Novel BR 15668 by Nelson DeMille 6 volumes New York. Former NYPD homicide detective John Corey and his FBI mentor Kate Mayfield are at the airport to meet a Libyan terrorist nicknamed "the lion." But the aircraft lands with all passengers dead and the lion missing. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2000. My Cousin Rachel BR 15687 by Daphne Du Maurier 3 volumes After his uncle Ambrose's death, Philip Ashley travels to the funeral in Italy and meets Ambrose's alluring widow, Rachel. She later joins the young heir in England, where their budding passionate relationship is tainted by Philip's suspicion that Rachel may have played a role in Ambrose's demise. 1951. Night Fall BR 15590 by Nelson DeMille 4 volumes Antiterrorist agents John Corey and wife Kate Mayfield reopen the investigation of a Paris-bound jet's 1996 crash off the Long Island coast. They learn of an adulterous videotape made on the beach the night of the disaster and search for the couple. Violence and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2004. No Place like Home BR 15896 by Mary Higgins Clark 3 volumes Celia Nolan is horrified when her new husband surprises her with a gift. He has bought the New Jersey house where, at age ten, Celia accidentally killed her mother while trying to protect her from an estranged husband. Now a killer is threatening Celia's new family. Bestseller. 2005. Paranoia BR 15370 by Joseph Finder 3 volumes When Adam Cassidy, a low-level employee of Wyatt Telecommunications, is caught rerouting funds, he receives two options—face embezzlement charges or become a spy at Trion Systems, Wyatt's largest competitor. Risking exposure, Adam infiltrates Trion but ultimately finds his loyalties tested. Strong language, some explicit descriptions of sex, and some violence. 2004. The Prince of Beverly Hills: A Rick Barron Book BR 15709 by Stuart Woods 2 volumes Beverly Hills cop Rick Barron saves movie star Clete Barrow from unwanted publicity after a deadly traffic accident. This good deed lands Barron a security position at Barrow's studio. The cop squires around actors and starlets and soon gets involved with gangster Bugsy Siegel. Violence and strong language. 2004. Prince of Thieves BR 15884 by Chuck Hogan 4 volumes Boston. After robbing a bank, career bandit Doug MacRay romantically pursues branch manager Claire Keesey, who is unaware Doug was her masked assailant. Lovesick Doug reconsiders criminal ways but can't resist one last heist. Violence and strong language. 2004. Ransom BR 15262 by Danielle Steel 3 volumes After recently widowed Fernanda Barnes's youngest child is abducted, San Francisco detective Ted Lee arrives to run the police operation. The kidnappers, ex-cons Peter Morgan and Carl Waters, mistakenly believe that Fernanda was left wealthy—but she can't come up with the money they demand. Some strong language. Bestseller. 2004. Red Tide BR 15569 by G.M. Ford 3 volumes Seattle. While disgraced journalist Frank Corso attends ex-lover Meg Dougherty's photo exhibition, a terrorist releases a modified Ebola virus into a bus tunnel, killing 116 people. Police, firefighters, and federal officials race for answers. During the chaos Corso infiltrates the scene—and becomes a prime suspect. Violence and strong language. 2004. The Rescuer: The O'Malley Series, Book 6 BR 15318 by Dee Henderson 3 volumes Following The Healer (BR 14407), paramedic Stephen O'Malley leaves his job due to burnout, grief from losing his sister, and loss of faith. But when his blind friend, Meghan, is threatened by a gang of jewel thieves, he rescues her and rediscovers his roots. 2003. Scott Free BR 15346 by John Gilstrap 3 volumes To impress her estranged teenage son, Scott, self-help guru Sherry O'Toole treats him to a week-long Utah ski trip. Avoiding his mother, Scott boards a small plane headed for a concert—and crashes in a snowstorm. As Sherry's ex-husband arrives, Scott's fight for survival begins. Strong language and some violence. 2003. Shooting Monarchs BR 15249 by John Halliday 1 volume Macy, a sociopathic killer abused as a child, forces sixteen-year-old Leah Hoffman into his car trunk but waits to murder her. Leah is saved by Danny Driscoll, a classmate with an untreated spinal condition who secretly loves her. The rescue ends in tragedy for Danny. Some violence. For senior high readers. 2003. State of Fear BR 15892 by Michael Crichton 4 volumes Philanthropist and environmental sponsor George Morton suspects that ecoterrorists plan to create natural disasters to promote the theory of global warming. When Morton dies his as-sistant Sarah Jones and attorney Peter Evans help scientist and FBI agent John Kenner stop the destruction. Strong language and some violence. Bestseller. 2004. Suspect BR 15893 by Michael Robotham 3 volumes Fortyish London psychologist Joseph O'Loughlin, recently diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, stands accused of murdering former troubled patient Catherine McBride. As detective inspector Vincent Ruiz develops a case and his marriage and health deteriorate, O'Loughlin begins his own investigation. Strong language and some violence. 2005. 3rd Degree: A Women's Murder Club Mystery BR 15251 by James Patterson and Andrew Gross 2 volumes The Women's Murder Club, last seen in 2nd Chance (BR 14209), reconvenes to stop domestic terrorist attacks in San Francisco. Detective Lindsay Boxer, lawyer Jill Bernhardt, physician Claire Washburn, and reporter Cindy Thomas assist Joe Molinari of Homeland Security, who falls for Lindsay. Violence and strong language. Bestseller. 2004. Thirteen Steps Down BR 16297 by Ruth Rendell 3 volumes Fitness equipment repairman Mix Cellini lodges in the crumbling London mansion of elderly Gwendolen Chawcer. Mix obsesses about serial killers and supermodel Nerissa Nash, while Gwendolen lives in the past. Gradually Mix becomes more and more unhinged until he commits murder and the police close in. Some violence. 2004. Up Country BR 15543 by Nelson DeMille 6 volumes Retired army investigator Paul Brenner must revisit the murder of an American officer thirty years ago in Vietnam. An enemy soldier witnessed the crime and now the U.S. military wants the truth. Sequel to The General's Daughter (BR 15542). Strong language, some descriptions of sex, and some violence. 2002. Whiteout BR 15864 by Ken Follett 3 volumes As head of security at Stanley Oxenford's Scottish pharmaceutical firm, Antonia Gallo investigates a technician's horrifying death. Meanwhile terrorists steal a deadly virus, and the Oxenford family, stranded at home by a blizzard, discover a traitor in their midst. Strong language, some descriptions of sex, and some violence. Bestseller. 2004. War Flight of the Intruder BR 15226 by Stephen Coonts 3 volumes Vietnam, 1972. U.S. Navy pilot Jake Grafton struggles for meaning in the senseless death and destruction. Bitter and angry, he plans an illegal bombing raid on Hanoi. Prequel to Final Flight (BR 7630). Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1986. Johnny Got His Gun BR 15448 by Dalton Trumbo 2 volumes Classic antiwar novel presents the internal monologue of a young soldier maimed during World War I. Hospitalized Joe Bonham, drifting in and out of consciousness, is beset by past memories and present horrors. 1990 introduction by Vietnam veteran/author Ron Kovic. Violence, some descriptions of sex, and some strong language. 1939. The Warlord's Son BR 15915 by Dan Fesperman 3 volumes After the terrorism of 2001, veteran journalist Stan "Skelly" Kelly heads to Pakistan hoping for a major scoop. American-educated translator Najeeb Azam, who is on bad terms with his tribal leader father, negotiates Skelly's crossing into Afghanistan, where intrigue and betrayal confound them. Some violence and some strong language. 2004. When the Elephants Dance BR 15274 by Tess Uriza Holthe 4 volumes World War II, 1945. Through the eyes of young Alejandro, his headstrong sister Isabelle, and guerilla commander Domingo, the Japanese occupation of a Filipino community unfolds. As invading soldiers terrorize the islanders and the U.S. fights for control, families and neighbors struggle to keep hope alive. Violence and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2002. Westerns Amber's Mirage and Other Stories BR 15475 by Zane Grey 2 volumes Five short stories of survival in Arizona's deserts. Includes "The Saga of the Ice Cream Kid," about the West before barbed wire and railroads, and "Amber's Mirage," a romantic tale of a young man's quest for gold and the woman he loves. 1928. The Big Sky BR 14920 by A.B. Guthrie Jr. 4 volumes 1830s. Seventeen-year-old Boone Caudill leaves Kentucky and heads west after trying to kill his strict father. Traveling the Missouri River to the Rockies, Boone joins other mountain men, takes a native wife, and becomes as harsh as the wilderness. Foreword by Wallace Stegner. Some violence and some strong language. 1947. Bret Harte's Gold Rush: Outcasts of Poker Flat, The Luck of Roaring Camp, Tennessee's Partner, and Other Favorites BR 14981 by Bret Harte 2 volumes Fifteen stories set in California during the 1850s Gold Rush. Archetypal characters—gold-fevered pioneers, gamblers, preachers, drunkards, cattle-robbers, and iron-willed women—experience twists of fortune and the realities of frontier life. Reuben H. Margolin introduces the collection, which spans the career of this author, poet, and literary critic. 1997. Comstock Lode BR 15561 by Louis L'Amour 4 volumes 1849. Soon after young Val Trevallion accompanies his family from England to America for a shot at the California gold rush, thieves kill his parents. Orphan Val grows up, becomes a successful miner, and awaits the opportunity for revenge. Some violence and some strong language. 1981. Desperadoes BR 15682 edited by Ed Gorman and Martin H. Greenberg 2 volumes A collection of seventeen short westerns about men in trouble—gamblers, outlaws, miners, and lawmen—some victims of circumstance, others because of their own doing. Includes Louis L'Amour's "The Town No Guns Could Tame" as well as works by Loren D. Estleman, Bill Pronzini, Bill Gulick, and others. 2001. Hot Biscuits: Eighteen Stories by Women and Men of the Ranching West BR 15623 edited by Max Evans and Candy Moulton 2 volumes A collection of short stories by cowboys and cowgirls of the "real working West." Diverse tales of ranch hands, a horse trainer, and even murder have a few themes in common: hard work, survival among the elements, and homemade biscuits. Includes Jimbo Brewer's Spur Award-winner, "The Old Man." 2002. Max Brand's Best Western Stories BR 15534 by Max Brand 2 volumes Five stories and a short novel pitting man against both nature and his human enemies, written in the 1920s and 1930s. Includes the classic "Wine on the Desert," "Partners," and "Dust across the Range." Edited with a biographical introduction by William F. Nolan. 1923. Max Brand's Best Western Stories, Volume 2 BR 15474 by Max Brand 2 volumes Five stories of heroic deeds and fabulous adventures that originally appeared in pulp magazines between 1919 and 1935. In "Outcast," a man of mixed heritage fights to overcome prejudice, while in "Cayenne Charlie," an overage easterner tries to manage a ranch in an alien environment. Some violence. 1985. Max Brand's Best Western Stories, Volume 3 BR 15472 by Max Brand 2 volumes Seven short stories written in the 1930s feature high-noon shoot-outs, canyon avalanches, cross-country chases, and bare-knuckle brawls. Each stars a classic hero, horse, and villain. Stories include "Reata's Peril Trek," "The Third Bullet," and "Crazy Rhythm." Some violence. 1987. On Treacherous Ground: Secret Stories of the West BR 15165 by Earl Murray 2 volumes Ten short stories spanning two centuries of the American West. In "Untold Honor," soldiers escorting pioneer wagons prepare for a showdown with the Sioux Indians. Also includes "On Treacherous Ground"—a modern tale of lawlessness set in the 1990s. 2002. The Tall Stranger BR 16146 by Louis L'Amour 1 volume Though Rock Bannon saves a wagon train of easterners from an Indian attack, they refuse to heed his advice and instead follow fast-talking Morton Harper, who secretly lusts for land and beautiful Sharon Crockett. When Mort's evil intentions come to light, it's once again up to Rock to help. 1957. Tonto Basin: A Western Story BR 15733 by Zane Grey 3 volumes Restored version of classic tale serialized in 1921 as To the Last Man. At his family cattle ranch in Arizona, twenty-four-year-old Jean Isbel's father prepares for a showdown with the Lee Jorth rustler gang. Jean's unexpected love for Lee's daughter, Ellen, complicates the blood feud. 1921.