US 7,334,973 B2
Compressible cargo bar
Gary M. Scott, Milwaukie, Oreg. (US)
Assigned to Burns Bros., Inc., Lake Oswego, Oreg. (US)
Filed on Sep. 02, 2005, as Appl. No. 11/218,984.
Claims priority of provisional application 60/607721, filed on Sep. 07, 2004.
Prior Publication US 2006/0051179 A1, Mar. 09, 2006
Int. Cl. B60P 7/08 (2006.01)
U.S. Cl. 410—151  [410/143] 13 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A support member adapted to help restrain cargo movement comprising:
an extendable support member
a support end gripping member having
a first end adapted to grippingly engage a side member;
a second end including a flange made of resilient material that helps couple the support end gripping member to an end of the extendable support member such that upon transmission of a force caused at least in part by an overthrow distance on the support end gripping member by the extension of the extendable support member, the support end gripping member will deform enough to absorb the force caused by the overthrow distance and achieve locking of the support member between the side member and an opposing side member.