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2.4.11  Command Code NMFTM  (01-01-2009)
What CC-NMFTM Does

  1. Command code NMFTM establishes Automated Non-Master File (ANMF) tax delinquent account (TDA) data on the Taxpayer Information File (TIF) data base. These are accounts that either:

    1. Have become Taxpayer Delinquent Accounts (TDA), OR

    2. Are activated 53'd tax modules  (01-01-2005)
Input Definers/Screen Sequences

  1. CC-NMFTM blank definer:

    • Required initial input

    • Checks the account status on TIF for the input TIN, MFT Code, and Tax Period

    • Generates CC-NMFTM1 input screen as a valid response; when account is not present on IDRS, or dummy entity is present on IDRS

    • Generates CC-NMFTM2 input screen as a valid response, when the entity is present; but the tax module is not present, or dummy tax module is present

  2. CC-NMFTM definer ‘1’:

    • Generated by CC-NMFTM with blank definer

    • Displayed when the input TIN is not present on TIF, or when a dummy entity is present

    • Provides input fields for the taxpayer's address, and Business Operating Division Codes, and Form 5147 CLC

    • Automatically computes the Collection Location Code (CLC), using the taxpayer's zip code. (Note:The computed CLC will be overlaid if a valid form 5147 CLC is present on the input screen.)

    • Computes the collection Controlling Service Center Code from the Collection Location Code.

    • Builds the full entity on the TIF data base

    • Generates CC-NMFTM2 input screen as a valid response

  3. CC-NMFTM2 definer ‘2’:

    • Generated by CC-NMFTM with blank definer, or CC-NMFTM definer ‘1’, when the full entity has been established on TIF

    • Displayed when the tax module is not present on TIF for the input MFT and Tax Period, or a dummy tax module is present on TIF

    • Provides input fields for notice dates, the tax module transactions, dates, and amounts

    • Builds the full tax module on the TIF data base

    • Generates ‘REQUEST COMPLETE’ output screen as a valid response  (01-01-2005)
Miscellaneous Criteria


    • Must be input by CSC or PSC.

    • Stores the Home SC Code (the SC doing the input) as the ANMF-SC-CD in the Basic Entity Record.

  2. Notice History date(s)

    • Input using CC-NMFTM2

    • Must be present for the First notice

    • See CC-NMFTM2 input screen, Element 14, for valid notice types


    In the Notice History record, TIF–54, the Notice Type is shown as the true Notice Type: First Notice is 501, Second Notice is 502, Third Notice is 503, Fourth Notice is 504.

  3. Collection Statute Expiration Date (CSED):

    • Is computed by CC-NMFTM from the input 23C Date

    • Re-computed by Weekend Analysis based on the tax module assessments, and TC 550 extension dates

  4. Abstract Number(s):

    • Are NOT input for MFT Codes that have only one abstract number

    • Must be input for an MFT Code with multiple Abstract Numbers

    • See CC-NMFTM2 input screen, Element 40, for the MFT Codes that require Abstract fields, and the respective abstract numbers

  5. Abstract amount(s):

    1. Tax return abstract amounts must balance with the Total Tax Liability Amount, or the total of the input TC 240 Amounts (if no Total Tax Liability Amount is present) [See CC-NMFTM2 input screen, Element 42]

    2. Audit or DP Adjustment Abstract Amounts are required to balance with the Audit or DP Adjustment Transaction Amount [See CC-NMFTM2 input screen, Element 55]


    Abstract Numbers with zero dollar amounts are valid.

  6. All input screen transactions:

    • Are posted on TIF in the order in which they are entered on the formatted input screen (left to right, top to bottom of the screen)

    • Are not consistency checked for the sequence of transaction data (e.g. not checks to ensure that a reversal transaction follows the reversed transaction, or that an audit assessment follows a TC 420, etc.)

  7. Standard Transactions

    • Are transactions other than Audit/DP Adjustment, or DAR Transactions

    • See CC-NMFTM2 input screen for values

  8. The Module Balance Amount must equal the algebraic total of the input Transaction Amounts.

  9. The Total Tax Liability must be input to generate Transaction Code 150. (A zero dollar amount (.00) is valid.)

  10. Tax Modules are established in Status 26 (TDA). (Both the MF Status History record, and the SC Status History record)

  11. CC-NMFTM is a prerequisite for CC-NMFST. (To accommodate tax modules that contain more transactions, than can be input with CC-NMFTM.)

  12. CC-NMFTM can not build cross-reference data.

  13. CC-NMFTM can not consistency check credit transfers between two or more modules.  (01-01-2005)
Error Messages

  1. COMMAND CODE DEFINER INVALID’ — Command code definer is not blank, 1, or 2.

  2. 'ACCESS DENIED —INPUT SERVICE CENTER MUST BE CSC OR PSC —Input of NMFTM is restricted to the ANMF Service Centers, which are CSC & PSC.

  3. 'ACCESS DENIED — CC IS RESTRICTED TO SBSE COMPLIANCE TIFS'— CMODE is being used to access a Service Center that is not SBSE.

  4. REQUEST DENIED - IMPROPER INITIALIZATION’ — CC-NMFTM1 was not preceded with a valid CC-NMFTM blank definer request; or CC-NMFTM2 was not preceded with a valid CC-NMFTM blank definer request or a valid CC-NMFTM1 request.

  5. ID CHANGED - REINITIALIZE’ — The CC-NMFTM1 or CC-NMFTM2 request has a TIN, MFT Code, or tax period which differs from the preceding valid input.

  6. TIN INVALID’ — The taxpayer identification number is not in the proper EIN or SSN edited format, or does not contain valid numeric values.

  7. INVALID FILE SOURCE FOR NMF’ — The input file source is not valid for NMF (other than ‘N’).

  8. MFT INVALID’ — The MFT Code is not valid for NMF processing per subroutine VALMFT (COMMON).

  9. MFT INCONSISTENT W/FILE SOURCE OR TIN’ — The MFT code and tax period are not consistent per subroutine VALMFT(COMMON).

  10. MFT 53 INCONSISTENT W/TAX PERIOD OR DLN’ — If the tax period is 8812 or greater, the DLN must be valid for Form 706QDT. For all other MFT 53 modules the tax period must be zeroes.

  11. TAX PERIOD INVALID’ — The tax period is not valid per subroutine VALTX2 (COMMON) or is equal to zeroes.

  12. TRANS AMTS OUT-OF-BAL WITH MODULE BAL’ — The running total of the input Transaction Amounts does not match the input Module-Balance-Amount.

  13. ABST AND TC 240 TOTALS DO NOT BALANCE’ — The running total of the input Abstract-Amounts does not match the running total of the TC 240 Transaction-Amounts.

  14. REQUEST DENIED-MEMO ENTITY PRESENT’ — A memo entity exists for this TIN.

  15. 'INPUT SBSE-CLC IS NOT VALID' - the numeric value is not within the SBSE CLC range

  16. REQUEST DENIED-MEMO MODULE PRESENT’ — A memo tax module exists for the TIN, MFT-Code, and Tax-Period.

  17. MEMO-CODE OR MOD-MEMO-CODE ERROR ON TTF’ — The TIF entity Memo-Code or the TIF tax-module Mod-Memo-Code contains a value that is not consistent with the TIF Glossary values.

  18. TAXMOD ALREADY PRESENT’ — A tax module exists on TIF for the TIN, MFT-Code, and Tax-Period, which is not a dummy module.

  19. ENTITY BUILT ON TIF AFTER 1ST CC INPUT’ — CC-NMFTM1 found an entity present on TIF, which was not present when CC-NMFTM-with-blank-definer was input. CC-NMFTM-with-blank-definer must be re-input to re-initialize the specific MFT-Code and Tax-Period.

  20. CORRECT INVALID DATA’ — Input data field(s) indicated by an asterisk is/are invalid or fields may be inconsistent. Correct invalid or inconsistent field(s) and re-enter.

    Fields that may be inconsistent:
    a. Primary-Name-Line and Name-Control
    b. State and Zip-Code
    c. State and Foreign-Country
    d. Zip-Code and Foreign-Country
    e. Abstract-Number and MFT-Code
    f. Tax-Liability-Amount and Abstract-Amounts
    g. Tax-Liability-Amount and Remittance-Amount
    h. Tax-Liability-Amount and Return-Interest-Amount
    i. Tax-Liability-Amount and Failure-To-Pay-Penalty-Amount
    j. Tax-Liability-Amount and Failure-To-File-Penalty-Amount
    k. Transaction-Code and MFT-Code
    l. Audit/DP- Adjustment-Transaction-Amount and Abstract-Amounts
    m. DAR-Transaction-Code is not consistent with the input Closing-Code, Definer-Code, or Action-Code.

    Dates that may be inconsistent:
    a. Return-Date greater than the Input-23C-Date
    b. Input-23C-Date greater than the Current-23C-Date
    c. Standard-Transaction-Date greater than the Current-23C-Date
    d. Audit/DP-Adjustment-Date greater than the Input-23C-Date
    e. DAR-Transaction-Date greater than the Current-Date
    f. DAR-Extension-Date prior to the Current-Date  (01-01-2005)
Information Messages

  1. INFO NOTE: DUMMY ENTITY PRESENT’ — To advise that a dummy entity is present on TIF for the TIN. The terminal user can continue to establish a full entity, or terminate the input and check the account.

  2. INFO NOTE: DUMMY MODULE PRESENT’ — To advise that a dummy tax module is present on TIF for the TIN, MFT-Code, and Tax-Period. The terminal user can continue to establish a full tax module, or terminate the input and check the account.  (01-01-2005)
Valid Response

  1. REQUEST COMPLETE’ — Successful input of the CC-NMFTM2 tax module data (final input screen).

Exhibit 2.4.11-1  (01-01-2005)

CC NMFTM initial request to obtain the appropriate input screen format.
This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
Item Line POS Description and Validity
1 1 1–5 COMMAND CODE - 'NMFTM' — Input
3 1 7–16/17 TIN — Input
4 1 17/18 FILE SOURCE — Input (Must be 'N’ for NMF)
5 2 1–2 MFT CODE — Input (See next page for values)
6 2 4–9 TAX PERIOD — Input
      Enter true tax period except for:
      1. MFT 53: Tax Period for Form 706 must be zeroes
        Tax Period for Form 706QDT must be 198812 or greater
      2. MFT 70: Tax Period is normally the cycle of assessment (YYYYMM)
  MFT Tax Form
1. 07 1066
2. 08 8805, 8813
3. 12 1042
4. 14 8613
5. 15 8752
6. 17 941, 2749, 8288
7. 18 942
8. 19 943
9. 20 1040
10. 21 1041
11. 22 1040PR
12. 23 1120DISC, 1120IC–DISC
13. 24 957
14. 25 958
15. 26 959
16. 27 8725
17. 28 No - TIN, 1099
18. 29 5329
19. 31 1120S
20. 32 1120, 1120F, L, M, ES
21. 33 990C
22. 34 990T
23. 35 1065
24. 36 1041A
25. 37 1041PF
26. 38 2438
27. 40 5130.7 (OLD 2034)
5120.7 (OLD 2050)
5120.37 (OLD 2052)
28. 41 5110.32 (OLD 2521)
5110.35 (OLD 2552)
5110.60 (OLD 2523)
5110.39 (OLD 2527)
5110.35 (OLD 4077)
29. 42 4735
30. 43 Doc Stamps
31. 44 990PF
32. 45 720
33. 46 5734
34. 47 7201V
35. 48 4638
36. 49 3780, 3780A
37. 50 4720
38. 53 706, 706A, B, NA, QDT
39. 54 709
40. 55 949, 949A
41. 56 990BL
42. 57 6069
43. 58 MISC
44. 59 CSO (Child Support Obligation)
45. 65 5600.1, 1585 (5600.6)
46. 66 4720A
47. 67 990
48. 68 990AR
49. 69 8697
50. 70 PREP Penalty, 5811
51. 71 CT–1
52. 72 CT–2
53. 74 5500, 5500–C, 5500–K, 5500–R
54. 76 5300
55. 77 706GS(T)
56. 78 706GS(D)
57. 80 940
58. 81 926
59. 89 8612, 8831
60. 90 2137
5210.11 (OLD 2617)
5210.7 (OLD 3071)
61. 93 2290
62. 94 11
63. 95 11B
64. 96 11C
65. 97 730
66.   The MFT assigned to 100% penalty cases will vary with the type of tax involved, i.e., MFT 17 for 941, MFT 45 for 720, and MFT 71 for CT–1, even though the account carries an SSN and the assessment is against an individual.

Exhibit 2.4.11-2  (01-01-2005)

Displayed when the full entity does not exist on TIF.
This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
Item Line Pos Description
3 1 7–16/17 TIN (edited) — EIN or TIN
4 1 17/18 FILE SOURCE - 'N'
5 1 21–24 Literal (info. only)
6 1 25–26 MFT CODE
7 1 27, 30–36 Literals (info. only)
8 1 37–42 TAX PERIOD
9 1 43, 46–53 Literals (info. only)
10 1 54–57 NAME CONTROL input field
11 1 58 Literal (info. only)
12 3 18–30 Literal (info. only)
13 3 31–65 PRIMARY NAME LINE input field
14 3 66 Literal (info. only)
15 4 2–30 Literal (info. only)
16 4 31–65 PRIMARY NAME LINE CONTINUED input field
17 4 66 Literal (info. only)
18 5 21–30 Literal (info. only)
19 5 31–65 SORT NAME LINE input field
20 5 66 Literal (info. only)
21 6 18–30 Literal (info. only)
22 6 31–65 CARE OF NAME LINE input field
23 6 66 Literal (info. only)
24 7 24–30 Literal (info. only)
25 7 31–65 MAILING STREET ADDRESS input field
26 7 66 Literal (info. only)
27 8 26–30 Literal (info. only)
28 8 31–52 MAILING CITY input field
29 8 53 Literal (info. only)
30 9 25–30 Literal (info. only)
31 9 31-32 MAILING STATE CODE input field
32 9 33 Literal (info. only)
33 10 22–30, 36, 41 Literals (info. only)
34 10 31–35, 37–40 MAILING ZIP CODE input field
35 10 45 Literal (info. only)
36 11 15–30 Literal (info. only)
37 11 31–52 FOREIGN COUNTRY input field
38 11 53 Literal (info. only)
39 16 24–30 Literal (info. only)
40 16 31–32 BOD-CODE
41 16 33 Literal (info. only)
42 17 15–30 Literal (info. only)
43 17 31–33 BOD-CLIENT-CD
44 17 34 Literal (info. only)
45 18 12-30 Literal (info. only)
46 18 31-32 Form 5147 SBSE CLC
47 18 33-78 Literal (info. only)
48 19 10–54 INFO. MESSAGE — displayed if dummy entity is present on TIF
49 20 10–54 INFO. MESSAGE — displayed if dummy tax module is present on TIF

Exhibit 2.4.11-3  (01-01-2005)

This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
Item Line Pos   Description and Validity  
1 1 1–5   COMMAND CODE - 'NMFTM' — Generated  
2 1 6   COMMAND CODE DEFINER - '1' — Generated  
3 1 7–16/17   TIN — generated  
4 1 17/18   FILE SOURCE - 'N' — Generated  
5 1 21–24   Literal — (info. only)  
6 1 25–26   MFT CODE — Generated  
7 1 27, 30–36   Literals — (info. only)  
8 1 37–42   TAX PERIOD — Generated  
9 1 43, 46–53   Literals — (info. only)  
10 1 54–57   NAME CONTROL — Enter four significant characters; no blanks or spaces may appear between characters in the field. The name control entered must be equal to name control generated in the Primary Name line (element 13).  
        For SSN accounts:
Valid characters are alpha (A–Z) or blank. First position must be alpha. Second and remaining positions may be any valid character.
        For EIN accounts:
Valid characters are alpha (A–Z), numeric (0–9), ampersand (&), hyphen (-), or blank. First position must be alpha or numeric. Second and remaining positions may be any valid character.
11 1 58   Literal — (info. only)  
12 3 18–30   Literal — (info. only)  
13 3 31–65   PRIMARY NAME LINE — Maximum length is 35 characters.  
        Values for SSN accounts:
Valid characters are alpha (A–Z), right hand bracket (]), hyphen (-), ampersand (&), and blank. First position must be alpha (A–Z). Name line may contain first name, surname, and possibly a suffix. A right-hand bracket (]) must always precede the surname and must be present, but no more than two right-hand brackets (1) may be present. A right-hand bracket must be preceded by and followed by at least one character other than a blank or right-hand bracket (]). Any characters following two or more sequential blanks are invalid.
        Values for EIN accounts:
Valid characters are alpha (A–Z), numeric (0–9), right-hand bracket (]), hyphen (-), ampersand (&), and blank. First position must be alpha (A–Z) or numeric (0–9). A right-hand bracket (]) may be present, but no more than two right-hand brackets (]) may be present. A right-hand bracket must be preceded by and followed by at least one character other than a blank or right-hand bracket (]). Any characters following two or more sequential blanks are invalid.
14 3 66   Literal — (info. only)  
15 4 2–30   Literal — (info. only)  
16 4 31–65   PRIMARY NAME LINE CONTINUED — May or may not be input, as required. Maximum length is 35 characters. Valid characters are alpha (A–Z), numeric (0–9), hyphen(-), ampersand (&), and blank. Any characters following two or more sequential blanks are invalid. First position must be alpha (A–Z) or numeric (0–9). The protected screen literal ']' which precedes this input field, represents a leading blank position and is required when the name line is stored on TIF.  
17 4 66   Literal — (info. only)  
18 5 21–30   Literal — (info. only)  
19 5 31–65   SORT NAME LINE — May or may not be input, as required. Maximum length is 35 characters. Valid characters are alpha (A–Z), numeric (0–9), hyphen (-), ampersand (&), and blank. Any characters following two or more sequential blanks are invalid. First position must be alpha (A–Z) or numeric (0–9).  
20 5 66   Literal — (info. only)  
21 6 18–30   Literal — (info. only)  
22 6 31–65   CARE OF NAME LINE — May or may not be input, as required. Maximum length is 35 characters. Valid characters are alpha (A–Z), numeric (0–9), hyphen (-), ampersand (&), and blank. Any characters following two or more sequential blanks are invalid. First position must be alpha (A–Z) or numeric (0–9). The protected screen literal '%' and blank character which precedes the field, are required when this name line is stored on TIF.  
23 6 66   Literal — (info. only)  
24 7 24–30   Literal — (info. only)  
25 7 31–65   MAILING STREET ADDRESS — Must be entered. If the taxpayer does not have a street address, enter 'Local'. Maximum length is 35 characters. Valid characters are alpha (A–Z), numeric (0–9), hyphen (-), slash (/), percent (%), and blank. Any characters following two or more sequential blanks are invalid.  
26 7 66   Literal — (info. only)  
27 8 26–30   Literal — (info. only)  
28 8 31–52   MAILING CITY — Must be entered. Valid characters are alpha (A–Z) and blank. First position can not be blank, and field must contain three valid characters. For FPO and APO addresses the city must be 'FPO' or 'APO'. Any characters following two or more sequential blanks are invalid.  
29 8 53   Literal — (info. only)  
30 9 25–30   Literal — (info. only)  
31 9 31-32   MAILING STATE CODE — Must be entered (except foreign addresses). Must be a valid two character state abbreviation. For foreign address, can be blank, or entered as a period and blank. For FPO and APO addresses the abbreviation must be 'AA', 'AE', or 'AP'.  
32 9 33   Literal — (info. only)  
33 10 22–30, 36, 41   Literals — (info. only)  
34 10 31–35, 37–40   MAILING ZIP CODE — Must be entered (except foreign addresses — which must have a blank zip code). Valid entries for character positions 1 through 5 are 00601 to 99999. For FPO and APO addresses the zip code ranges are 340, 090–098, and 962–966. Positions 6 through 12 may or may not be present.  
35 10 45   Literal — (info. only)  
36 11 15–30   Literal — (info. only)  
37 11 31–52   FOREIGN COUNTRY — Must be entered for foreign address. Valid characters are alpha (A–Z), numeric (0–9), and blank. First position can not be blank, and field must contain three valid characters. Any characters following two or more sequential blanks are invalid.  
38 11 53   Literal - (info. only)  
39 16 24–30   Literal -(info. only)  
40 16 31–32   BOD-CODE — Must be present.  
41 16 33   Literal — (info. only)  
42 17 15–30   Literal — (info. only)  
43 17 31–33   BOD-CLIENT-CD — Must be present for BOD-CODEs 'LM' and 'SB'. May or may not be present for BOD-CODE 'TE' and 'WI'. Field is left justified. Valid values:  
        'LM' Numeric, range '1' through '6'
        'SB' Alpha, range 'A' through 'Z'
        'TE' 'B', 'F', 'I', '1',. '2', OR '3'
        'WI' Any left justified value
44 17 34   Literal - (info only)  
45 18 12-30   Literal - (info only)  
46 18 31-32   Form 5147-SBSE-CLC - May or may not be present. This field is required only when Collection advises (generally per Form 5147), that the account has been transferred to an SBSE SC not related to the taxpayers's address. (Note: This input value will override the CC-NMFTM computed CLC.)  
47 18 33   Literal — (info. only)  
48 18 10–54   Information Message — will be present only if a dummy entity is present on TIF. If CC-NMFTM1 is entered, a full entity will be established.  
49 19 10–54   Information Message — will be present only if a dummy tax module is present on TIF. If CC-NMFTM2 is entered, a full tax module will be established.  

Exhibit 2.4.11-4  (01-01-2005)

Also, output for NMFTM with blank definer, when full entity is present on TIF.
This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
Item Line Pos Description
1 1 1–5 COMMAND-CD - 'NMFTM'
2 1 6 CC DEFINER - '2'
3 1 7–16/17 TIN
4 1 17/18 FILE SOURCE
5 1 21–24 Literal (for info.)
6 1 25–26 MFT CODE
7 1 27, 30–36 Literals (for info.)
8 1 37–42 TAX PERIOD
9 1 43, 46–53 Literals (for info.)
10 1 54–57 NAME CONTROL
11 1 58 Literal (for info.)
12 2 1–15 Literal (for info.)
13 2 19–23, 34–38, 49–53, 64–68 Literals (for info.)
14 2 24–31, 39–46, 54–61, 69–76 NOTICE DATE — input literal
21 3 1–22 Literal (for info.)
22 3 24–30 Literal (for info.)
23 3 31–38 23C-DATE — input literal
24 3 41–50 Literal (for info.)
25 3 51–58 RETURN DATE — input literal
26 3 62–65 Literal (for info.)
27 3 66–79 DLN for Return — input literal
28 4 5–8 Literal (for info.)
29 4 9–11 SECURED RETURN CODE — input literal
30 4 18–27 Literal (for info.)
31 4 28–44 TOTAL TAX LIABILITY AMOUNT — input literal
32 4 51–65 Literal (for info.)
33 4 66–79 REMITTANCE AMOUNT — input literal
34 5 5–8 Literal (for info.)
35 5 9–22 RETURN INTEREST AMOUNT — input literal
36 5 24–27 Literal (for info.)
37 5 28–41 RETURN FTP AMOUNT — input literal
38 5 43–46 Literal (for info.)
39 5 47–60 RETURN FTF AMOUNT — input literal
40 6 5–7, 24–26, 43–45, 62–64 ABSTRACT NUMBER — input literal
41 6 8, 27, 46, 65 Literals (for info.)
42 6 9–22, 28–41, 47–50, 66–79 ABSTRACT AMOUNT — input literal
43 7 1–14 Literal (for info.)
44 7
1–3, 41–43
TRANS CODE for Standard Transaction — input literal
45 7
TRANS DATE for Standard Transaction — input literal
46 7
14–27, 54–67
TRANS AMOUNT for Standard Transaction — input literal
47 17 1–28 Literal (for info.)
48 17 50–53 Literal (for info.)
49 17 54–67 DLN for Audit/DP Transaction — input literal
50 18 1–3 TRANS CODE for Audit/DP Transaction — input literal
51 18 5–12 TRANS DATE for Audit/DP Transaction-input literal
52 18 14–27 TRANS AMOUNT for Audit/DP Transaction — input literal
53 18 30–32, 50–52 ABSTRACT NUMBER for Audit/DP Transaction — input literal
54 18 33, 53 Literal (for info.)
55 18 34–47, 54–67 ABSTRACT AMOUNT for Audit/DP Transaction — input literal
56 19 1–18 Literal (for info.)
57 19
1–3, 41–43
TRANS CODE for DAR Transactions — input literal
58 19
5–12, 45–52
TRANS DATE for DAR Transactions — input literal
59 19
14–27, 54–67
DLN for DAR Transactions — input literal
60 19
29–30, 69–70
CLOSING CODE or DEFINER CODE for DAR Transactions — input literal
61 19
32–39, 72–79
EXTENSION DATE for DAR Transactions — input literal
62 23 1–12 Literal (for info.)
63 23 13–29 MODULE BALANCE AMOUNT — input literal

Exhibit 2.4.11-5  (01-01-2005)

This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
Item Line Pos Description and Validity
1 1 1–5 COMMAND-CODE - 'NMFTM' — Generated
2 1 6 COMMAND CODE DEFINER - '2' — Generated
3 1 7–16/17 TIN — Generated
4 1 17/18 FILE SOURCE - 'N' — Generated
5 1 21–24 Literal (for info.)
6 1 25–26 MFT CODE — Generated
7 1 27, 30–36 Literals (for info.)
8 1 37–42 TAX PERIOD —Generated
9 1 43, 46–53 Literals (for info.)
10 1 54–57 NAME CONTROL — Generated
11 1 58 Literal (for info.)
12 2 1–15 Literal (for info.)
13 2 19–23, 34–38, 49–53, 64–68 Literals (for info.)
14 2   NOTICE DATE — Overlay 'MMDDYYYY' literal with the date of the notice issuance. The first notice date must be input. Up to four notices may be present.
    24–31 1st notice date (at literal 6335, posts as 501)
    39–46 2nd notice date (at literal 3967, posts as 502)
    54–61 3rd notice date (at literal 4839, posts as 501)
    69–76 4th notice date (at literal 4840, posts as 502)
15 3 1–22 Literal (for info.)
16 3 24–30 Literal (for info.)
17 3 31–38 23C-DATE — overlay 'MMDDYYYY'. Can not be subsequent to current 23C-DATE.
18 3 41–50 Literal (for info.)
19 3 51–58 RETURN DATE — if present, overlay 'MMDDYYYY'. Must be same or prior to 23C-DATE.
20 3 62–65 Literal (for info.)
21 3 66–79 DLN for Return — overlay '+++++++++++'. Enter 14 digit numeric DLN:
      First two digits — valid District Office Code or Service Center Code
      Third digit — Tax Class (EIN: 1–4, 6–9) (SSN: 2, 6)
      Fourth/Fifth digits — Doc Code (greater than 00)
      Sixth/seventh/eighth digits — Julian date (01–766)
      Ninth/tenth/eleventh digits — Block Number (000–999)
      Twelfth/thirteenth digits — Serial Number (00–99)
      Fourteenth digit — Year Digit (0–9)
22 4 5–8 Literal (for info.)
23 4 9–11 SECURED RETURN CODE — if present, overlay '+++' with three digit number. Valid range is 101 to 848.
24 4 18–27 Literal (for info.)
25 4 28–44 TOTAL TAX LIABILITY AMOUNT — if present, overlay currency signs ($) with the amount, beginning in the left most position. Format range is .00 through 99,999,999,999.99.
26 4 51–65 Literal (for info.)
27 4 66–79 REMITTANCE AMOUNT — if present, overlay currency signs ($) with the amount, beginning in the left most position. Format range is .00 through 999,999,999.99. Must be blank if the Total Tax Liability Amount is blank. This field can be entered as a TC 610 though if the Total Liability Amount is blank.
28 5 5–8 Literal (for info.)
29 5 9–22 RETURN INTEREST AMOUNT — if present, overlay currency signs ($) with the amount, beginning in the left most position. Format range is .00 through 999,999,999.99. Must be blank if the Total Tax Liability Amount is blank. This field can be entered as a TC 340 through if the Total Liability Amount is blank.
30 5 24–27 Literal (for info.)
31 5 28–41 RETURN FTP AMOUNT — if present, overlay currency signs ($) with the amount, beginning in the left most position. Format range is .00 through 999,999,999.99. Must be blank if the Total Tax Liability Amount is blank. This field can be entered as a TC 270 though if the Total Liability Amount is blank.
32 5 43–46 Literal (for info.)
33 5 47–60 RETURN FTF AMOUNT — if present, overlay currency signs ($) with the amount, beginning in the left most position. Format range is .00 through 999,999,999.99. Must be blank if the Total Tax Liability Amount is blank. This field can be entered as a TC 160 through if the Total Liability Amount is blank.
34 6 5–7, 24–26, 43–45, 62–64 ABSTRACT NUMBER — if present, overlay 'AB#' Iiteral with the three digit numeric Abstract Number. First Abstract Number must be listed on line 6, pos 5–7, second line 6, pos 24–26, etc. Each Abstract Number must have an Abstract Amount entered. There is a consistency check between MFT-CD and ABST-NUM.
      20 004, 188, 189 65 070–137
      29 160, 162, 171, 233 66 150–154, 213, 214
      40 087, 088, 093 69 210–212
      41 070–072 70 173–181
      42 155–157 74 165–167
      45 009–069, 073–076, 088, 089, 098, 101 76 159, 161, 163, 164, 200–206, 209
      46 022, 024, 026 89 199, 221
      50 150–154, 213, 214 90 102, 103, 105–117, 119–122
      56 185, 186 119–122  
          94 075–083, 085, 086, 089–092, 094–101, 125, 137
35 6 8, 27, 46, 65 Literals (for info.)
36 6 9–22, 28–41, 47–50, 66–79 ABSTRACT AMOUNT — must be present for an input abstract number, overlay currency signs ($) with the amount, beginning in the left most position. Format range is .00 through 999,999,999.99.
37 7 1–14 Literal (for info.)
38 7
1–3, 41–43
TRANS CODE (TC) for Standard Transaction — if present,
overlay 'TC#' with numeric transaction code.
Transactions should be input in date sequence.
Debit Transactions:          
160 240 310 402 612 671 692 732 771
170 270 320 535 641 672 695 742 772
180* 280 340 607 642 681 702 762 802
200** 290 350 609 651 682 712 765 820
234 300 360 611 652 691 731 767 830
Credit Transactions:        
161 241 311 400 610 690 730 730 842
171 271 321 430 640 694 740 740 851
181* 281 341 534 650 700 760 822 852
201** 291 351 606 670 710 764 832 862
235 301 361 608 680 716 766 841  
*TC 180 & 181 are valid only with MFT-CD 12, 17, 19, 45, 71, or 80
**TC200 & 201 are valid only with MFT-CD 28.
39 7
45–52, 5–12 TRANS DATE for Standard Transaction — must be present for an input TC. Overlay 'MMDDYYYY'.
40 7
54–67, 14–27, 54–67 TRANS AMOUNT for Standard Transaction — must be present for an input TC. Overlay $'s with the amount beginning in the left most position. Format range is .00 through 999,999,999.00.
41 17 1–28 Literal (for info.)
42 17 50–53 Literal (for info.)
43 17 54–67 DLN for Audit/DP Transaction — must be present for an input TC. Overlay +'s with fourteen digit numeric DLN. See Element 27.
44 18 1–3 TRANS CODE (TC) for Audit/DP Transaction — if present, overlay 'TC#' with numeric transaction code.
Valid codes for DP Adjustment: 290, 291
Valid codes for Audit Adjustment: 300, 301
45 18 5–12 TRANS DATE for Audit/DP Transaction — must be present for an input TC. Overlay 'MMDDYYYY' with transaction date. Date can not be subsequent to 23C-DATE.
46 18 14–27 TRANS AMOUNT for Audit/DP Transaction — must be present for an input TC. Overlay $'s with the amount beginning in the left most position. Format range is .00 through 999,999,999.00.
47 18 30–32, 50–52 ABSTRACT NUMBER for Audit/DP Transaction — if present, overlay 'AB#' literal with the three digit numeric Abstract Number. Each Abstract Number must have an Abstract Amount entered. There is a consistency check between MFT-CD and ABST-NUM . See element 40 for MFT-CDs and related Abstract Numbers.
48 18 33, 53 Literal (for info.)
49 18 34–47, 54–67 ABSTRACT AMOUNT for Audit/DP Transaction — must be present for an input Abstract Number. Overlay currency signs ($) with the amount, beginning in the left most position. Format range is .00 through 999,999,999.99. If amount(s) are present, they must total to the Audit or DP Adjustment Transaction amount (Element 52).
50 19 1–18 Literal (for info.)
51 19
1–3, 41–43
TRANS CODE (TC) for DAR Transactions — If present, overlay
'TC#' with numeric transaction code. Use the latest seven, if more than seven, or the transaction(s) that would change the statute to the latest date.
  468 472 483 521 528 550 575 788
  469 480 500 522 530 560 780 971*
  470 481 502 524 531 570 781  
  471 482 520 525 532 572 782  
NOTE: *TC 971 can be established with only 2 digit Action Codes. All TC 971s with 3 digit Action Codes must be established with CC-FRM77, as subsequent transactions. (This is due to screen limitations.)  
52 19
5–12, 45–52
TRANS DATE for DAR Transactions — must be present for an input TC. Overlay 'MMDDYYYY'. Can not be subsequent to the current date.
53 19
14–27, 54–67
DLN for DAR Transactions — must be present for an input TC. Overlay +'s with fourteen digit numeric DLN. See Element 27.
54 19
29–30, 69–70
CLOSING CODE or DEFINER CODE for DAR Transactions — if present, overlay 'CD' with numeric Closing Code or Definer Code.
      Valid Closing Codes for TC 470 are: 90, 93, 94, 99
      *Valid Closing Codes for TC 500 are: 50–53
      *Valid Closing Codes for TC 520 are: 70–89
      *Valid Closing Codes for TC 524 are: 40–42
      Valid Closing Codes for TC 530 are: 01–39
      **Valid Definer Codes for TC 550 are: 01–10
      ***Valid Action Codes for TC 971 are: 43, 63, 66–69
      *Closing Code must be present for TC 500, 520, & 524.
      **Definer Code must be present for TC 550.
      ***Action Codes must be present for TC 971. Action Codes are limited to 2 digits. (See note for item #57)
55 19
32–39, 72–79
EXTENSION DATE for DAR Transactions—must be present if DAR TC is 468, 550 or 560. Overlay 'MMDDYYYY'.
56 23 1–12 Literal (for info.)
57 23 13–29 MODULE BALANCE AMOUNT — must be present. Overlay the $'s with the amount beginning in the leftmost position. Format and range is .01 through 99,999,999,999.99. The Module Balance Amount must be equal to the algebraic sum of the Tax Liability Amount, Remittance Amount, Return Interest Amount, Return Failure to Pay Penalty Amount, Return Failure to File Penalty Amount, Standard Transaction Amount(s), and Audit or DP Adjustment Transaction Amount.

Exhibit 2.4.11-6  (01-01-2005)

This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
Item Line Pos Description Source
1 1 1–5 COMMAND CODE- ‘NMFTM’ Generated
2 1 6 COMMAND CODE DEFINER—blank Generated
(See RES #5 for elements 3 through 64)     Generated
65 24 64–80 Literal —‘REQUEST COMPLETED Generated

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