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UGID:132327     UniGene Hs.8261     Homo sapiens (human)   SPSB1
CDNA FLJ26545 fis, clone LNF00165 (SPSB1)
Tissues and development stages from this gene's sequences survey gene expression. Links to other NCBI expression resources.
Restricted Expression: neonate [show more like this]
EST Profile: Approximate expression patterns inferred from EST sources.
[Show more entries with profiles like this]
GEO profiles: Experimental gene expression data (Gene Expression Omnibus).
cDNA Sources: eye; pancreas; kidney; prostate; liver; ovary; embryonic tissue; thyroid; skin; lung; placenta; uncharacterized tissue; brain; blood; mammary gland; connective tissue; uterus; stomach; umbilical cord; mixed
Genomic location specified by transcript mapping, radiation hybrid mapping, genetic mapping or cytogenetic mapping.
Chromosome: 1
Map position: 1p36.22
UniSTS entry: Chr 1 SHGC-74186
UniSTS entry: Chr 1 D1S3275
Sequences representing this gene; mRNAs, ESTs, and gene predictions supported by transcribed sequences.

mRNA sequences (1)

AK130055.1 Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ26545 fis, clone LNF00165

EST sequences (49)

AA973677.1 Clone IMAGE:1568994 lung 3' read
AA987548.1 Clone IMAGE:1605073 lung 3' read
AI094832.1 Clone IMAGE:1687485 brain 3' read
AI368974.1 Clone IMAGE:1990929 uterus 3' read A
BX357511.2 Clone CS0DI027YK05 placenta 3' read
BX359256.2 Clone CS0DI055YI15 placenta 3' read
BX382163.2 Clone CS0DI075YP10 placenta 3' read
BX371948.1 Clone CS0DI075YP10 placenta 3' read
BX367078.2 Clone CS0DJ010YC19 blood 3' read
AW365123.1 kidney
BP288757.1 Clone LNF00165 lung 5' read
BE504078.1 Clone IMAGE:3211340 lung 3' read
BE669564.1 Clone IMAGE:3282525 lung 3' read
BE672148.1 Clone IMAGE:3222457 uncharacterized tissue 3' read A
CX783380.1 Clone IMAGE:7477504 embryonic tissue 5' read
BP398786.1 Clone htp-59-11 pancreas 3' read
BE784152.1 Clone IMAGE:3874430 eye 5' read
BE772521.1 prostate
AV688624.1 Clone GKCDRC03 liver 5' read
BE905906.1 Clone IMAGE:3897785 pancreas 5' read
BF116259.1 Clone IMAGE:3571047 ovary 3' read
BF194984.1 Clone IMAGE:3643802 ovary 3' read
DA256425.1 Clone BRCAN2007517 brain 5' read
BF513229.1 Clone IMAGE:3070368 uncharacterized tissue 3' read A
BF740532.1 thyroid
BG150412.1 Clone IMAGE:3368607 lung 3' read A
N24280.1 Clone IMAGE:261605 skin 5' read
N35182.1 Clone IMAGE:268365 skin 5' read
BG420637.1 Clone IMAGE:4590651 kidney 5' read
BG577378.1 Clone IMAGE:4707915 mammary gland 5' read
BG217226.1 connective tissue
BG924665.1 connective tissue
T40582.1 Clone IMAGE:60640 placenta 3' read
CU448543.1 skin
BM053124.1 Clone IMAGE:5672181 pancreas 5' read
BM470270.1 Clone IMAGE:5539015 skin 5' read
BM696217.1 Clone UI-E-CL1-afa-j-08-0-UI eye 5' read
BM713882.1 Clone UI-E-EJ0-ahq-a-09-0-UI eye 5' read
W52642.1 Clone IMAGE:325667 skin 5' read
BM727023.1 Clone UI-E-EJ0-air-h-18-0-UI eye 5' read
BM849243.1 Clone S13KMS5-67-B10 stomach 5' read
BQ424066.1 Clone IMAGE:6152379 eye 5' read
BQ683345.1 Clone IMAGE:6260823 skin 5' read
BU180110.1 Clone IMAGE:6267032 skin 5' read
AA082171.1 Clone IMAGE:550140 umbilical cord 5' read
AA116116.1 Clone IMAGE:490221 uterus 5' read
T79897.1 Clone IMAGE:24921 brain 5' read
AA454785.1 Clone IMAGE:809778 ovary 5' read
T97924.1 Clone IMAGE:121577 mixed 5' read

Key to Symbols

P Has similarity to known Proteins (after translation)
A Contains a poly-Adenylation signal
S Sequence is a Suboptimal member of this cluster
M Clone is putatively CDS-complete by MGC criteria

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