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Library of Congress Subject Headings
Tentative (Unapproved) List 38 (September 20, 2006)

SACO participants should contact their SACO liaison on the Cooperative Cataloging Team with comments/questions.

Changes to existing headings are indicated by an asterisk. (A) indicates proposals that were approved before the editorial meeting. (C) indicates proposals submitted by cooperating libraries. Note: Diacritics and special characters are not displayed in this list. In order to verify the presence and accuracy of diacritics for a specific heading, use the LC ILS to view the full subject authority record for the heading.

(C)  150  Acacia erioloba   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003338]                 
     053       QK495.L52 (Botany)                                            
     450    UF Acacia giraffae                                               
     450    UF Camel thorn                                                   
     450    UF Camel thorn acacia                                            
     450    UF Camelthorn                                                    
     450    UF Camelthorn acacia                                             
     550    BT Acacia                                                        
(C)  150  Advertising--Soft drinks   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005006912]        
     450    UF Soft drinks--Advertising                                      
(C)  150  African American gay men--Identity   [sp2006003331]                
     550    BT Identity (Psychology)                                         
(C)  150  Ailanthus altissima   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005008327]             
     053       QK495.S59 (Botany)                                            
     450    UF Ailanthus cacodendron                                         
     450    UF Ailanthus giraldii                                            
     450    UF Ailanthus glandulosa                                          
     450    UF Ailanthus vilmoriniana                                        
     450    UF Cedar, Stinking                                               
     450    UF China sumac                                                   
     450    UF Chinese sumac                                                 
     450    UF Chinese sumach                                                
     450    UF Chinese tree of heaven                                        
     450    UF Copal (Plant)                                                 
     450    UF Copal tree                                                    
     450    UF Hemelboom                                                     
     450    UF Stinking cedar                                                
     450    UF Stinktree                                                     
     450    UF Sumac, China                                                  
     450    UF Sumac, Chinese                                                
     450    UF Sumach, Chinese                                               
     450    UF Toxicodendron altissimum                                      
     450    UF Tree of heaven                                                
     450    UF Tree of the gods                                              
     450    UF Varnish tree                                                  
     450    UF Varnishtree                                                   
     550    BT Ailanthus                                                     
(A)  100  Akhlufi  family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006006411]                 
     400    UF Al akhlufi family                                             
(C)  150  Anti-war poetry, American   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006001298]       
     450    UF American anti-war poetry                                      
     550    BT American poetry                                               
(A)  100  Appleyard family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006006256]                
(C)  150  Aquatic animal welfare   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006001689]          
     550    BT Animal welfare                                                
(C)  151  Arizona State Route 64 (Ariz.)   [sp2006005999]                    
     451    UF Arizona State Highway 64 (Ariz.)                              
     451    UF Route 64 (Ariz.)                                              
     451    UF SR 64 (Ariz.)                                                 
     451    UF State Highway 64 (Ariz.)                                      
     451    UF State Route 64 (Ariz.)                                        
     550    BT Roads--Arizona                                                
(C)  151  Arizona State Route 72 (Ariz.)   [sp2006006009]                    
     451    UF Arizona State Highway 72 (Ariz.)                              
     451    UF Route 72 (Ariz.)                                              
     451    UF SR 72 (Ariz.)                                                 
     451    UF State Highway 72 (Ariz.)                                      
     451    UF State Route 72 (Ariz.)                                        
     550    BT Roads--Arizona                                                
(C)  151  Arizona State Route 79 (Ariz.)   [sp2006006010]                    
     451    UF Arizona State Highway 79 (Ariz.)                              
     451    UF Route 79 (Ariz.)                                              
     451    UF SR 79 (Ariz.)                                                 
     451    UF State Highway 79 (Ariz.)                                      
     451    UF State Route 79 (Ariz.)                                        
     550    BT Roads--Arizona                                                
(C)  151  Arizona State Route 96 (Ariz.)   [sp2006006037]                    
     451    UF Arizona State Highway 96 (Ariz.)                              
     451    UF Route 96 (Ariz.)                                              
     451    UF SR 96 (Ariz.)                                                 
     451    UF State Highway 96 (Ariz.)                                      
     451    UF State Route 96 (Ariz.)                                        
     550    BT Roads--Arizona                                                
(C)  151  Arizona State Route 97 (Ariz.)   [sp2006006038]                    
     451    UF Arizona State Highway 97 (Ariz.)                              
     451    UF Route 97 (Ariz.)                                              
     451    UF SR 97 (Ariz.)                                                 
     451    UF State Highway 97 (Ariz.)                                      
     451    UF State Route 97 (Ariz.)                                        
     550    BT Roads--Arizona                                                
(C)  151  Arizona State Route 98 (Ariz.)   [sp2006006041]                    
     451    UF Arizona State Highway 98 (Ariz.)                              
     451    UF Route 98 (Ariz.)                                              
     451    UF SR 98 (Ariz.)                                                 
     451    UF State Highway 98 (Ariz.)                                      
     451    UF State Route 98 (Ariz.)                                        
     550    BT Roads--Arizona                                                
(C)  151  Arizona State Route 179 (Ariz.)   [sp2006006065]                   
     451    UF Arizona State Highway 179 (Ariz.)                             
     451    UF Route 179 (Ariz.)                                             
     451    UF SR 179 (Ariz.)                                                
     451    UF State Highway 179 (Ariz.)                                     
     451    UF State Route 179 (Ariz.)                                       
     550    BT Roads--Arizona                                                
(C)  151  Arizona State Route 188 (Ariz.)   [sp2006006066]                   
     451    UF Arizona State Highway 188 (Ariz.)                             
     451    UF Route 188 (Ariz.)                                             
     451    UF SR 188 (Ariz.)                                                
     451    UF State Highway 188 (Ariz.)                                     
     451    UF State Route 188 (Ariz.)                                       
     550    BT Roads--Arizona                                                
(C)  151  Arizona State Route 273 (Ariz.)   [sp2006006067]                   
     451    UF Arizona State Highway 273 (Ariz.)                             
     451    UF Route 273 (Ariz.)                                             
     451    UF SR 273 (Ariz.)                                                
     451    UF State Highway 273 (Ariz.)                                     
     451    UF State Route 273 (Ariz.)                                       
     550    BT Roads--Arizona                                                
(C)  151  Arizona State Route 386 (Ariz.)   [sp2006006072]                   
     451    UF Arizona State Highway 386 (Ariz.)                             
     451    UF Route 386 (Ariz.)                                             
     451    UF SR 386 (Ariz.)                                                
     451    UF State Highway 386 (Ariz.)                                     
     451    UF State Route 386 (Ariz.)                                       
     550    BT Roads--Arizona                                                
(C)  151  Arizona State Route 564 (Ariz.)   [sp2006006073]                   
     451    UF Arizona State Highway 564 (Ariz.)                             
     451    UF Route 564 (Ariz.)                                             
     451    UF SR 564 (Ariz.)                                                
     451    UF State Highway 564 (Ariz.)                                     
     451    UF State Route 564 (Ariz.)                                       
     550    BT Roads--Arizona                                                
(C)  150  Army Physical Fitness Test   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006001350]      
     450    UF APFT (Physical fitness test)                                  
     550    BT Physical fitness--Testing                                     
(C)  100  Arsen?ev family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006003980]                 
     400    UF Arsenieff family                                              
(C)  150  Asian American sexual minorities   [May Subd Geog]                 
     450    UF Sexual minorities, Asian American                             
     550    BT Sexual minorities--United States                              
(C)  150  Pacific Islander American sexual minorities   [May Subd Geog]      
     450    UF Sexual minorities, Pacific Islander American                  
     550    BT Sexual minorities--United States                              
     150  Sexual minorities--United States   [sp2006006214]                  
     150  Astrology, Lao   [sp2006005624]                                    
     053       BF1714.L3                                                     
     450    UF Lao astrology                                                 
     150  Calendar, Lao   [sp2006005625]                                     
     450    UF Lao calendar                                                  
(A)  100  Auger family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006006233]                    
     400    UF Auge family                                                   
     400    UF Augur family                                                  
(C)  150  Authors, Cambodian   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006005796]              
     450    UF Cambodian authors                                             
(C)  150  Batrachochytrium   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006004824]                
     550    BT Chytridiales                                                  
(C)  150  Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006004822]  
     450    UF Amphibian chytrid                                             
     450    UF Amphibian chytrid fungus                                      
     450    UF Chytrid, Amphibian                                            
     450    UF Chytrid frog fungus                                           
     450    UF Chytrid fungus, Amphibian                                     
     450    UF Chytrid fungus, Frog                                          
     450    UF Frog chytrid fungus                                           
     450    UF Frog fungus, Chytrid                                          
     550    BT Batrachochytrium                                              
(C)  150  Chytridiomycosis   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006004818]                
     053       SF997.5.A45                                                   
     450    UF Amphibian chytrid fungus disease                              
     450    UF Chytrid fungus disease, Amphibian                             
     550    BT Amphibians--Infections                                        
     550    BT Mycoses                                                       
(C)  150  Black carp   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005007527]                      
     053       QL638.C94 (Zoology)                                           
     450    UF Amur, Black                                                   
     450    UF Barbus tonkinensis                                            
     450    UF Black amur                                                    
     450    UF Black Chinese roach                                           
     450    UF Carp, Black                                                   
     450    UF Carp, Snail                                                   
     450    UF Chinese black carp                                            
     450    UF Chinese roach                                                 
     450    UF Leucisculus fuscus                                            
     450    UF Leuciscus aethiops                                            
     450    UF Leuciscus dubius                                              
     450    UF Leuciscus piceus                                              
     450    UF Myloleuciscus aethiops                                        
     450    UF Myloleuciscus atripinnis                                      
     450    UF Myloleucus aethiops                                           
     450    UF Mylopharyngodon aethiops                                      
     450    UF Mylopharyngodon piceus                                        
     450    UF Mylopharyngodon pisceus                                       
     450    UF Roach, Chinese                                                
     450    UF Snail carp                                                    
     550    BT Mylopharyngodon                                               
(C)  150  Mylopharyngodon   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005007528]                 
     053       QL638.C94 (Zoology)                                           
     450    UF Leucisculus                                                   
     450    UF Myloleuciscus                                                 
     450    UF Myloleucops                                                   
     450    UF Myloleucus                                                    
     550    BT Cyprinidae                                                    
(C)  151  Blakely Rock (Wash. : Rock)   [sp2006001208]                       
     451    UF Blakely Rocks (Wash.)                                         
     550    BT Islands--Washington (State)                                   
     550    BT Rocks--Washington (State)                                     
(C)  150  Blank verse, English   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006001813]            
     450    UF English blank verse                                           
     550    BT English poetry                                                
(C)  150  Blank verse, German   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006001812]             
     450    UF German blank verse                                            
     550    BT German poetry                                                 
   * 150  BOC Challenge Race   CANCEL   [sp 85015197 ]                       
   * 682       This authority record has been deleted because the subject    
          heading is covered by the name heading BOC Challenge Race          
   * 150  Observer Transatlantic Singlehanded Sailing Race   CANCEL   [sp    
          85093750 ]                                                         
   * 682       This authority record has been deleted because the subject    
          heading is covered by the name heading Observer Single-handed      
          Trans-Atlantic Race (n 2006057254).                                
(A)  100  Borger family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006006316]                   
(C)  150  Bosnian language--Technical Bosnian   [sp2006005788]               
     450    UF Bosnian language--Scientific Bosnian                          
     450    UF Scientific Bosnian                                            
     450    UF Technical Bosnian                                             
     550    BT Technology--Language                                          
(C)  150  Breast cancer patients' writings, Japanese   [May Subd Geog]       
     450    UF Japanese breast cancer patients' writings                     
     550    BT Japanese literature                                           
(A)  100  Brivio family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006006241]                   
     100  Brunel family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006006226]                   
     100  De Scitivaux de Greische family   [Not Subd Geog]                  
     100  Gorgeu family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006006227]                   
(A)  150  Buddhist modernism   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006006421]              
     450    UF Modernism, Buddhist                                           
     550    BT Buddhism                                                      
     150  Burkina Fasoan . . .   [sp2006006270]                              
     260    USE subject headings beginning with or qualified by the word     
               Burkinabe, e.g. Burkinabe literature; Art, Burkinabe          
     150  Burkinabe   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 97001213 ]                       
   * 450    UF Burkina Fasoans                                               
     150  Burkinabe literature   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 91000091 ]            
   * 681       Example under reference from Burkina Fasoan                   
     150  Art, Burkinabe   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85007586 ]                  
   * 681       Example under reference from Burkina Fasoan                   
(C)  151  Campbell Rise   [sp2006002226]                                     
     451    UF Campbell Island Rise                                          
     451    UF Campbell Spur                                                 
     550    BT Mid-ocean ridges--South Pacific Ocean                         
     150  Candombe (Dance)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85019578 ]                
   * 680       Here are entered works on the Candombe as a dance. Musical    
          compositions are entered under the heading Candombes.              
   * 681       Note under Candombes                                          
     150  Candombes   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006006069]                       
     680       Here are entered musical compositions. This heading is not    
          qualified by medium of performance. For candombes for a specific   
          medium, an additional heading is assigned for the medium of        
     680       Works on the candombe as a dance are entered under the        
          heading Candombe (Dance).                                          
     550    BT Blacks--Argentina--Music                                      
     550    BT Blacks--Uruguay--Music                                        
     550    BT Dance music--Argentina                                        
     550    BT Dance music--Uruguay                                          
     550    BT Popular music--Argentina                                      
     550    BT Popular music--Uruguay                                        
     681       Note under Candombe (Dance)                                   
     150  Blacks--Argentina--Music   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006006077]        
     150  Blacks--Uruguay   [sp2006006385]                                   
     150  Blacks--Uruguay--Music   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006006079]          
     150  Dance music--Uruguay   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006006081]            
     150  Popular music--Argentina   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006006080]        
(C)  150  Cape Fear shiner   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005008312]                
     053       QL638.C94 (Zoology)                                           
     450    UF Notropis mekistocholas                                        
     550    BT Notropis                                                      
(C)  151  Cape Horn (Chelan County, Wash.)   [sp2006001210]                  
     551    BT Icicle Ridge (Wash.)                                          
     550    BT Mountains--Washington (State)                                 
(C)  151  Icicle Ridge (Wash.)   [sp2006001211]                              
     551    BT Cascade Range                                                 
     550    BT Mountains--Washington (State)                                 
(C)  151  Cattai National Park (N.S.W.)   [sp2005007148]                     
     451    UF Caddie Park (N.S.W.)                                          
     451    UF Cattai Park (N.S.W.)                                          
     451    UF Cattai State Recreation Area (N.S.W.)                         
     550    BT National parks and reserves--Australia                        
     550    BT Recreation areas--Australia                                   
     150  Recreation areas--Australia   [sp2006006413]                       
(A)  100  Chebyshev family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006006382]                
(C)  150  Children's writings, Huichol   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003418]    
     450    UF Huichol children's writings                                   
     550    BT Huichol literature                                            
(C)  150  Clione   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005007545]                          
     053       QL430.5.C6 (Zoology)                                          
     550    BT Clionidae (Mollusks)                                          
(C)  150  Clione limacina   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005007537]                 
     053       QL430.5.C6 (Zoology)                                          
     450    UF Clione elegantissima                                          
     450    UF Clione kincaidi                                               
     450    UF Clione papillonacea                                           
     550    BT Clione                                                        
(C)  150  Clionidae (Mollusks)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005007546]            
     053       QL430.5.C6 (Zoology)                                          
     550    BT Gymnosomata                                                   
(C)  150  Clutches (Zoology)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005006700]              
     450    UF Animal clutches                                               
     450    UF Brood size                                                    
     450    UF Broods                                                        
     450    UF Clutch size (Zoology)                                         
     450    UF Clutch sizes (Zoology)                                        
     450    UF Egg clutches                                                  
     550    BT Animal populations                                            
     550    RT Eggs                                                          
(C) 150  Eggs   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85041229 ]                            
   * 550    RT Clutches (Zoology)                                            
     150  Coeur d'Alene Miners' Strike, Idaho, 1892   [sp2006006376]         
     450    UF Coeur d'Alene Mining War, Idaho, 1892                         
     450    UF Coeur d'Alene Strike, 1892   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]        
     550    BT Strikes and lockouts--Miners--Idaho                           
(C)  150  Common octopus fisheries   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003347]        
     053       SH374                                                         
     550    BT Octopus fisheries                                             
(C)  150  Concrete poetry, Czech   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006001807]          
     450    UF Czech concrete poetry                                         
     550    BT Czech poetry                                                  
(C)  150  Concrete poetry, Hindi   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006001808]          
     450    UF Hindi concrete poetry                                         
     550    BT Hindi poetry                                                  
     150  Cosmos (Plants)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006006348]                 
     053       QK495.C74 (Botany)                                            
     450    UF Cosmos (Botany)   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]                   
     450    UF Cosmoses (Plants)                                             
     550    BT Compositae                                                    
     150  Sulphur cosmos   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006006349]                  
     053       QK495.C74 (Botany)                                            
     450    UF Cosmos sulphureus                                             
     450    UF Orange cosmos                                                 
     450    UF Yellow cosmos                                                 
     550    BT Cosmos (Plants)                                               
(C)  151  Cowen Park (Seattle, Wash.)   [sp2005008600]                       
     667       This heading is not valid for use as a geographic             
     550    BT Parks--Washington (State)                                     
(C)  151  Crete (Greece)--Civilization--Egyptian influences                  
     551    BT Egypt--Civilization                                           
(C)  151  Egypt--Civilization--Cretan influences   [sp2005007106]            
     551    BT Crete (Greece)--Civilization                                  
(C)  151  Cross Creek (Pa. : River)   [sp2006005775]                         
     550    BT Rivers--Pennsylvania                                          
(C)  151  Cross Creek Watershed (Pa.)   [sp2006005778]                       
     550    BT Watersheds--Pennsylvania                                      
(C)  151  Crow Wing State Forest (Minn.)   [sp2006003154]                    
     550    BT Forest reserves--Minnesota                                    
(C)  150  Dadaist literature, German   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003027]      
     450    UF German Dadaist literature                                     
     550    BT German literature                                             
(C)  150  Danish language--Business Danish   [sp2006005714]                  
     450    UF Business Danish                                               
     150  Deafblind children in literature   [Not Subd Geog]                 
     150  Teachers of deafblind people in literature   [Not Subd Geog]       
(A)  150  Dehn surgery (Topology)   [sp2006006222]                           
     550    BT Surgery (Topology)                                            
(C)  150  Document object model (Web site development technology)            
     450    UF DOM (Web site development technology)                         
     550    BT Web site development                                          
     550    RT Object-oriented programming (Computer science)                
     150  Object-oriented programming (Computer science)   [May Subd Geog]   
          [sp 87007503 ]                                                     
   * 550    RT Document object model (Web site development technology)       
(C)  150  Dramatists, Sudanese   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006005785]            
     450    UF Sudanese dramatists                                           
(C)  150  Dress accessories--Patterns   [sp2006003403]                       
     450    UF Dress accessory patterns                                      
     450    UF Patterns for dress accessories                                
(C)  150  Drug addiction--Treatment--Religious aspects   [sp2006002134]      
(C)  150  Drug addiction--Treatment--Religious aspects--Buddhism,            
          [Christianity, etc.]   [sp2006002135]                              
(A)  150  Eddy current testing   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006006239]            
     450    UF ECT (Testing)                                                 
     550    BT Electric testing                                              
     550    BT Electromagnetic testing                                       
(A)  150  Electromagnetic testing   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006006238]         
     550    BT Nondestructive testing                                        
(C)  100  Edin family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006004376]                     
(C)  151  Egypt--Civilization--Moroccan influences   [sp2005007077]          
     551    BT Morocco--Civilization                                         
     151  Morocco--Civilization   [sp2006006412]                             
(C)  150  Emerging church   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002881]                 
     450    UF Emergent church                                               
     550    BT Church renewal                                                
     550    BT Non-institutional churches                                    
(C)  150  Epioblasma   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005008262]                      
     053       QL430.7.U6 (Zoology)                                          
     550    BT Unionidae                                                     
(C)  150  Oyster mussel   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005008263]                   
     053       QL430.7.U6 (Zoology)                                          
     450    UF Dysnomia capsaeformis                                         
     450    UF Epioblasma capsaeformis                                       
     450    UF Plagiola capsaeformis                                         
     550    BT Epioblasma                                                    
(C)  150  Tan riffleshell   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005008264]                 
     053       QL430.7.U6 (Zoology)                                          
     450    UF Dysnomia florentina walkeri                                   
     450    UF Dysnomia walkeri                                              
     450    UF Epioblasma florentina walkeri                                 
     450    UF Epioblasma walkeri                                            
     450    UF Plagiola florentina walkeri                                   
     450    UF Riffleshell, Tan                                              
     550    BT Yellow blossom (Mollusk)                                      
(C)  150  Yellow blossom (Mollusk)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005008265]        
     053       QL430.7.U6 (Zoology)                                          
     450    UF Blossom, Yellow (Mollusk)                                     
     450    UF Dysnomia florentina                                           
     450    UF Epioblasma florentina                                         
     450    UF Plagiola florentina                                           
     550    BT Epioblasma                                                    
(C)  150  Feminist poetry, Urdu   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006001806]           
     450    UF Urdu feminist poetry                                          
     550    BT Urdu poetry                                                   
(C)  150  Fish radio tracking   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002835]             
     550    BT Animal radio tracking                                         
(C)  150  Fishes--Effect of insecticides on--Monitoring   [May Subd Geog]    
     450    UF Monitoring of effects of insecticides on fishes               
     450    UF Monitoring of insecticide effects on fishes                   
     550    BT Fishes--Monitoring                                            
(C)  150  Flipping (Real estate investment)   [May Subd Geog]                
     450    UF Property flipping                                             
     550    BT Real estate investment                                        
(C)  151  Fourth Avenue (Seattle, Wash.)   [sp2005008603]                    
     667       This heading is not valid for use as a geographic             
     451    UF 4th Avenue (Seattle, Wash.)                                   
     451    UF Fourth Avenue North (Seattle, Wash.)                          
     451    UF Fourth Avenue South (Seattle, Wash.)                          
     550    BT Streets--Washington (State)                                   
   * 150  Gallflies   CANCEL                                                 
(C) 150  Gall wasps   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85052835 ]                      
     053       QL568.C9                                                      
     450    UF Cynipid gall wasps                                            
     450    UF Cynipid wasps                                                 
     450    UF Cynipidae                                                     
     450    UF Gall-flies   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]                        
     450    UF Gallflies   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]                         
     450    UF Wasps, Gall                                                   
     550    BT Gall insects                                                  
     550    BT Hymenoptera                                                   
(C)  150  Gay men in advertising   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003328]          
     680       Here are entered works discussing the portrayal of gay men in 
     550    BT Advertising                                                   
(C)  150  Homosexuality, Male, in advertising   [May Subd Geog]              
     680       Here are entered works discussing the portrayal of male       
          homosexuality in advertising.                                      
     550    BT Advertising                                                   
(A)  100  Gazan family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006006231]                    
(A)  150  Geometry--Religious aspects   [sp2006006236]                       
(C)  151  Grand Portage State Forest (Minn.)   [sp2006003152]                
     550    BT Forest reserves--Minnesota                                    
(C)  150  Greek language--Written Greek   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006005736]   
     450    UF Written Greek                                                 
     550    BT Written communication                                         
(C)  150  Green sturgeon   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002160]                  
     053       QL638.A25 (Zoology)                                           
     450    UF Acipenser acutirostris                                        
     450    UF Acipenser medirostris                                         
     450    UF Barbel sturgeon                                               
     450    UF Green Japanese sturgeon                                       
     450    UF Japanese sturgeon                                             
     450    UF North American green sturgeon                                 
     450    UF Saghalein sturgeon                                            
     450    UF Sakhalin sturgeon                                             
     550    BT Acipenser                                                     
     150  Grids (Crisscross patterns)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006005408]     
     150  Grids (Crisscross patterns) in art   [Not Subd Geog]               
(A)  100  Guinan family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006006351]                   
     400    UF Guinane family                                                
(A)  100  Soisson family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006006352]                  
(C)  150  High school students' writings, Vietnamese   [May Subd Geog]       
     450    UF Vietnamese high school students' writings                     
     550    BT Vietnamese literature                                         
(C)  150  Hoodlums in literature   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006002144]          
     150  Hump yards   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85110984 ]                      
   * 550    BT Railroads--Buildings and structures   CANCEL                  
   * 550    BT Railroad yards                                                
(C)  150  Imagist poetry, American   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002270]        
     450    UF American imagist poetry                                       
     550    BT American poetry                                               
(C)  150  Imagist poetry, Canadian   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002268]        
     450    UF Canadian imagist poetry                                       
     550    BT Canadian poetry                                               
(C)  150  Imagist poetry, Russian   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002271]         
     450    UF Russian imagist poetry                                        
     550    BT Russian poetry                                                
(C)  150  Impersonation in motion pictures   [Not Subd Geog]                 
     550    BT Motion pictures                                               
(C)  150  Self-presentation in motion pictures   [Not Subd Geog]             
     550    BT Motion pictures                                               
(A)  150  Implied author (Rhetoric)   [sp2006006374]                         
     053       PN213                                                         
     680       Here are entered works on a literary work's creative          
          presence, imagined by the reader, distinct from the author or      
     550    BT Rhetoric                                                      
     150  Ingrians   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85066361 ]                        
   * 450    UF Ingrian Finns                                                 
   * 550    BT Ethnology--Russia (Federation)                                
   * 550    BT Ethnology--Soviet Union   CANCEL                              
   * 550    BT Finns--Russia (Federation)                                    
     150  Finns--Russia (Federation)   [sp2006006379]                        
(C)  150  Islamic shrines in art   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006006340]          
(C)  150  Muslim saints in art   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006006341]            
(C)  151  Jim Weaver Loop Trail (Or.)   [sp2006002706]                       
     451    UF Forest Service Trail No. 3590 (Or.)                           
     451    UF Jim Weaver National Recreation Trail (Or.)                    
     451    UF Waldo Lake Trail (Or.)                                        
     550    BT Nature trails--Oregon                                         
     150  Nature trails--Oregon   [sp2006006369]                             
     151  Jockey's Ridge State Park (N.C.)   [sp2006006230]                  
     550    BT Parks--North Carolina                                         
(C)  151  Jupiter, Mount (Wash.)   [sp2006001182]                            
     451    UF Mount Jupiter (Wash.)                                         
     550    BT Mountains--Washington (State)                                 
     551    BT Olympic Mountains (Wash.)                                     
(C)  151  Koochiching State Forest (Minn.)   [sp2006003153]                  
     550    BT Forest reserves--Minnesota                                    
(C)  150  Larvae--Microbiology   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003407]            
     550    BT Microbiology                                                  
     360    SA subdivision Larvae--Microbiology under individual animals and 
               groups of animals, e.g. Fishes--Larvae--Microbiology          
(C)  150  Fishes--Larvae--Microbiology   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003406]    
     550    BT Fishes--Microbiology                                          
     681       Example under Larvae--Microbiology                            
(C)  150  Latin language--Written Latin   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006005738]   
     450    UF Written Latin                                                 
     550    BT Written communication                                         
(C)  151  Lenore Lake (Wash.)   [sp2006001183]                               
     451    UF Lake Lenore (Wash.)                                           
     550    BT Lakes--Washington (State)                                     
(C)  150  Leysera   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003336]                         
     053       QK495.C74 (Botany)                                            
     450    UF Callisia                                                      
     550    BT Compositae                                                    
(C)  150  Leysera gnaphalodes   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003335]             
     053       QK495.C74 (Botany)                                            
     550    BT Leysera                                                       
(C)  151  Little James Island (Wash.)   [sp2006003114]                       
     550    BT Islands--Washington (State)                                   
(C)  150  Marine ecosystem management   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006001836]     
     053       QH541.5.S3                                                    
     450    UF Marine ecosystems management                                  
     550    BT Ecosystem management                                          
(C)  151  Mason Bay (N.Z.)   [sp2005007507]                                  
     550    BT Bays--New Zealand                                             
(C)  150  Masques, American   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006004151]               
     450    UF American masques                                              
     550    BT American drama                                                
(A)  100  Menci family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006006400]                    
(C)  151  Mercer Island (Wash. : Island)   [sp2006002089]                    
     550    BT Islands--Washington (State)                                   
(C)  150  Mexican-American neighborhoods   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003451]  
     450    UF Chicano barrios                                               
     450    UF Chicano neighborhoods                                         
     550    BT Ethnic neighborhoods--United States                           
     550    BT Hispanic American neighborhoods                               
(C)  151  Miller Bay (Kitsap County, Wash.)   [sp2006001181]                 
     451    UF Squaib Bay (Wash.)                                            
     550    BT Bays--Washington (State)                                      
(C)  150  Minerals--Nomenclature   [sp2005007506]                            
     053       QE357                                                         
     450    UF Mineral names                                                 
     450    UF Mineral nomenclature                                          
     450    UF Mineralogical nomenclature                                    
     450    UF Mineralogy--Nomenclature                                      
     450    UF Minerals--Names                                               
     450    UF Names of minerals                                             
(C)  150  Motion picture plays, German   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002232]    
     450    UF German motion picture plays                                   
     550    BT German drama                                                  
(C)  150  Motion picture plays, Indonesian   [May Subd Geog]                 
     450    UF Indonesian motion picture plays                               
     550    BT Indonesian drama                                              
(C)  150  Motion picture plays, Japanese   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002237]  
     450    UF Japanese motion picture plays                                 
     550    BT Japanese drama                                                
(C)  150  Motion picture plays, Persian   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002236]   
     450    UF Persian motion picture plays                                  
     550    BT Persian drama                                                 
(C)  150  Motion picture plays, Turkish   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002238]   
     450    UF Turkish motion picture plays                                  
     550    BT Turkish drama                                                 
(C)  151  Mount Baker Boulevard (Seattle, Wash.)   [sp2006003627]            
     667       This heading is not valid for use as a geographic             
     451    UF Mt. Baker Boulevard (Seattle, Wash.)                          
     451    UF South Mount Baker Boulevard (Seattle, Wash.)                  
     550    BT Streets--Washington (State)                                   
(C)  150  Munca (The Romanian word)   [sp2006003245]                         
(C)  151  Myrtle Street (Seattle, Wash.)   [sp2006003628]                    
     667       This heading is not valid for use as a geographic             
     451    UF South Myrtle Street (Seattle, Wash.)                          
     451    UF Southwest Myrtle Street (Seattle, Wash.)                      
     550    BT Streets--Washington (State)                                   
(A)  100  Naryshkin family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006064443]                
     151  Nauset Beach (Mass.)   [sp2006006166]                              
     451    UF Great Beach (Mass.)                                           
     451    UF Nausett Beach (Mass.)                                         
     451    UF North Beach (Mass.)                                           
     451    UF Orleans Beach (Mass.)                                         
     451    UF Outer Beach (Mass.)                                           
     550    BT Beaches--Massachusetts                                        
(C)  110  Newhalem Powerhouse (Newhalem, Wash.)   [sp2006005083]             
     410    UF Newhalem Creek Power Plant (Newhalem, Wash.)                  
     410    UF Newhalem Creek Powerhouse (Newhalem, Wash.)                   
     410    UF Newhalem Hydroelectric Plant (Newhalem, Wash.)                
     410    UF Newhalem Power House (Newhalem, Wash.)                        
     550    BT Hydroelectric power plants--Washington (State)                
     150  Noir fiction, Canadian   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006006169]          
     450    UF Canadian noir fiction                                         
     550    BT Canadian fiction                                              
(C)  150  Occasional verse, Danish   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002146]        
     450    UF Danish occasional verse                                       
     550    BT Danish poetry                                                 
(C)  150  Occasional verse, Thai   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006005786]          
     450    UF Thai occasional verse                                         
     550    BT Thai poetry                                                   
(C)  150  Odes, American   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002158]                  
     450    UF American odes                                                 
     550    BT American poetry                                               
(C)  150  Odes, French   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002159]                    
     450    UF French odes                                                   
     550    BT French poetry                                                 
(C)  150  Odes, German   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002151]                    
     450    UF German odes                                                   
     550    BT German poetry                                                 
(C)  150  Odes, Greek   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002148]                     
     450    UF Greek odes                                                    
     550    BT Greek poetry                                                  
(C)  150  Odes, Latin   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002156]                     
     450    UF Latin odes                                                    
     550    BT Latin poetry                                                  
(C)  150  Odes, Latin (Medieval and modern)   [May Subd Geog]                
     450    UF Latin odes, Medieval and modern                               
     550    BT Latin poetry, Medieval and modern                             
(C)  150  Odes, Russian   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002152]                   
     450    UF Russian odes                                                  
     550    BT Russian poetry                                                
(C)  150  Omens in the Hadith   [sp2006001548]                               
     550    BT Hadith                                                        
(A)  100  Osier family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006006234]                    
     150  Oxpeckers   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006006321]                       
     053       QL696.P278 (Zoology)                                          
     450    UF Buphaginae                                                    
     450    UF Buphagus                                                      
     450    UF Tick birds (Buphagus)                                         
     450    UF Tickbirds (Buphagus)                                          
     550    BT Sturnidae                                                     
     150  Cattle egret   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85021409 ]                    
   * 450    UF Tick bird   CANCEL                                            
   * 450    UF Tick bird (Bubulcus)                                          
   * 450    UF Tickbird (Bubulcus)                                           
     150  Red-billed oxpecker   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006006319]             
     053       QL696.P278 (Zoology)                                          
     450    UF Buphagus erythrorhynchus                                      
     550    BT Oxpeckers                                                     
(C)  150  Pallas's long-tongued bat   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006004163]       
     053       QL737.C57 (Zoology)                                           
     450    UF Glossophaga amplexicaudata                                    
     450    UF Glossophaga antillarum                                        
     450    UF Glossophaga handleyi                                          
     450    UF Glossophaga microtis                                          
     450    UF Glossophaga mutica                                            
     450    UF Glossophaga soricina                                          
     450    UF Glossophaga truei                                             
     450    UF Glossophaga valens                                            
     450    UF Glossophaga villosa                                           
     450    UF Long-tongued bat, Pallas's                                    
     450    UF Pallas' long-tongued bat                                      
     550    BT Glossophaga                                                   
(C)  151  Panjevacki Rit Site (Serbia)   [sp2005007808]                      
     551    BT Serbia and Montenegro--Antiquities                            
(C)  150  Paressi Indians   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006005705]                 
     450    UF Haliti Indians                                                
     450    UF Paresi Indians                                                
     550    BT Indians of South America--Brazil                              
     150  Parkia biglobosa   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006006070]                
     053       QK495.L52 (Botany)                                            
     053       SB317.P36 (Multipurpose plant)                                
     450    UF African locust                                                
     450    UF African locust  bean tree                                     
     450    UF Nere                                                          
     450    UF Parkia africana                                               
     450    UF Parkia clappertoniana                                         
     450    UF Parkia filicoidea                                             
     450    UF Parkia oliveri                                                
     450    UF Twoball nittatree                                             
     550    BT Parkia                                                        
(C)  150  Paternal custody   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003535]                
     450    UF Father sole custody                                           
     450    UF Paternal sole custody                                         
     450    UF Sole custody, Paternal                                        
     450    UF Sole paternal custody                                         
     550    BT Custody of children                                           
(C)  150  Perna perna   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003536]                     
     053       QL430.7.M95 (Zoology)                                         
     450    UF Brown mussel                                                  
     450    UF Chloromya perna                                               
     450    UF Edible brown mussel                                           
     450    UF Mexilhao mussel                                               
     450    UF Mya perna                                                     
     450    UF Mytilus afe                                                   
     450    UF Mytilus afer                                                  
     450    UF Mytilus africanus                                             
     450    UF Mytilus elongatus                                             
     450    UF Mytilus perna                                                 
     450    UF Mytilus pictus                                                
     450    UF Mytilus venezolanus                                           
     450    UF Perna indicata                                                
     450    UF Perna picta                                                   
     550    BT Perna                                                         
(C)  150  Pest control baits--Aerial application   [May Subd Geog]           
     450    UF Aerial application of pest control baits                      
     450    UF Application of pest control baits, Aerial                     
     450    UF Pest control baits--Application, Aerial                       
     550    BT Pesticides--Application                                       
     550    RT Aerial spraying and dusting in agriculture                    
     150  Aerial spraying and dusting in agriculture   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 
          85001282 ]                                                         
   * 550    RT Pest control baits--Aerial application                        
(C)  110  Phrourio Patron (Patrai, Greece)   [sp2006003733]                  
     410    UF Castle of Patras (Patrai, Greece)                             
     410    UF Fortress of Patras (Patrai, Greece)                           
     410    UF Kastro at Patras (Patrai, Greece)                             
     410    UF Kastro tes Patras (Patrai, Greece)                            
     550    BT Castles--Greece                                               
(C)  150  Poets, Siraiki   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006001766]                  
     450    UF Siraiki poets                                                 
(C)  151  Poinsett, Lake (S.D.)   [sp2006003498]                             
     451    UF Lake Poinsett (S.D.)                                          
     550    BT Lakes--South Dakota                                           
(C)  150  Political poetry, Chinese   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002261]       
     450    UF Chinese political poetry                                      
     550    BT Chinese poetry                                                
(C)  150  Political poetry, Czech   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002262]         
     450    UF Czech political poetry                                        
     550    BT Czech poetry                                                  
(C)  150  Political poetry, Japanese   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002263]      
     450    UF Japanese political poetry                                     
     550    BT Japanese poetry                                               
(C)  150  Political poetry, Kenyan (English)   [May Subd Geog]               
     450    UF Kenyan political poetry (English)                             
     450    UF Political poetry, English--Kenya                              
     550    BT Kenyan poetry (English)                                       
(C)  150  Political poetry, Tanzanian   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006002265]     
     450    UF Tanzanian political poetry                                    
     550    BT Tanzanian poetry                                              
(C)  150  Political poetry, Ugandan (English)   [May Subd Geog]              
     450    UF Political poetry, English--Uganda                             
     450    UF Ugandan political poetry (English)                            
     550    BT Ugandan poetry (English)                                      
(C)  150  Pottery, Bulgar   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006005766]                 
     450    UF Bulgar pottery                                                
(C)  150  Radio broadcasting, South African   [May Subd Geog]                
     450    UF South African radio broadcasting                              
(C)  151  Rakiura National Park (N.Z.)   [sp2005007510]                      
     550    BT National parks and reserves--New Zealand                      
(C)  150  Redtail prawn   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005008183]                   
     053       QL444.M33 (Zoology)                                           
     450    UF Fenneropenaeus penicillatus                                   
     450    UF Pakistan white shrimp                                         
     450    UF Penaeus indicus penicillatus                                  
     450    UF Penaeus penicillatus                                          
     450    UF White shrimp, Pakistan                                        
     550    BT Penaeus                                                       
     150  Reformed Church youth   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006005488]           
     053       BX9423.Y68 (Youth)                                            
     550    BT Christian youth                                               
(C)  150  Religious literature, Hungarian   [May Subd Geog]                  
     450    UF Hungarian religious literature                                
     550    BT Hungarian literature                                          
      151  Research Triangle Park (N.C.)   [sp2001003364]                     
   * 550    BT Industrial districts--North Carolina   CANCEL                 
   * 550    BT Research parks--North Carolina                                
     150  Research parks--North Carolina   [sp2006006370]                    
(C)  150  Rhododendron maximum   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005008326]            
     053       QK495.E68 (Botany)                                            
     450    UF Great laurel                                                  
     450    UF Great rhododendron                                            
     450    UF Laurel, Great                                                 
     450    UF Rhododendron ashleyi                                          
     450    UF Rose bay                                                      
     450    UF Rosebay                                                       
     450    UF Rosebay rhododendron                                          
     550    BT Rhododendrons                                                 
(A)  100  Riverin family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006006390]                  
(C)  151  Roseau Lake Wildlife Management Area (Minn.)   [sp2006003151]      
     550    BT Wildlife management areas--Minnesota                          
(C)  151  Roseau River Wildlife Management Area (Minn.)   [sp2006003150]     
     451    UF Roseau River State Wildlife Management Area (Minn.)           
     550    BT Wildlife management areas--Minnesota                          
(C)  150  Sexual abuse victims in literature   [Not Subd Geog]               
     151  Sharunah Site (Egypt)   [sp2006006217]                             
     053       DT73.S534                                                     
     451    UF Kom al-Ahmar Site (Egypt)                                     
     451    UF Kom al-Ahmar / Saruna Site (Egypt)                            
     451    UF Saruna Site (Egypt)                                           
     451    UF Scharuna Site (Egypt)                                         
     451    UF Sharuna Site (Egypt)                                          
     551    BT Egypt--Antiquities                                            
(C)  150  Soccer films   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006005980]                    
     053       PN1995.9.S59 [proposed]                                       
     550    BT Sports films                                                  
(C)  150  Southern bluefin tuna fisheries   [May Subd Geog]                  
     550    BT Tuna fisheries                                                
(C)  150  Southern bluefin tuna fisheries--Bycatches   [May Subd Geog]       
     550    BT Bycatches (Fisheries)                                         
     100  Speight family   [Not Subd Geog]      [sp 85126502 ]               
   * 400    UF Speck family                                                  
   * 400    UF Spight family                                                 
   * 400    UF Spights family                                                
(C)  150  Spiny lobster culture   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006004358]           
     053       SH380-SH380.2                                                 
     450    UF Rock lobster aquaculture                                      
     450    UF Rock lobster culture                                          
     450    UF Rock lobster farming                                          
     450    UF Spiny lobster aquaculture                                     
     450    UF Spiny lobster farming                                         
     550    BT Lobster culture                                               
(C)  151  Storm King, Mount (Wash.)   [sp2006003074]                         
     451    UF Mount Storm King (Wash.)                                      
     451    UF Storm King Mountain (Clallam County, Wash.)                   
     550    BT Mountains--Washington (State)                                 
     551    BT Olympic Mountains (Wash.)                                     
(C)  150  Suicide in mass media   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006005463]           
     550    BT Mass media                                                    
(C)  151  Surprise Valley (Calif. and Nev.)   [sp2006003616]                 
     550    BT Valleys--California                                           
     550    BT Valleys--Nevada                                               
(C)  151  Surprise Valley/Barrel Springs Back Country Byway (Calif. and      
          Nev.)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003617]                           
     451    UF Barrel Springs Byway (Calif. and Nev.)                        
     451    UF Surprise Valley/Barrel Springs Byway (Calif. and Nev.)        
     451    UF Surprise Valley/Barrel Springs National Back Country Byway    
               (Calif. and Nev.)                                             
     451    UF Surprise Valley National Scenic Byway (Calif. and Nev.)       
     550    BT Scenic byways--California                                     
     550    BT Scenic byways--Nevada                                         
(C)  150  Swedish language--Business Swedish   [sp2006005713]                
     450    UF Business Swedish                                              
(C)  150  Tagalog language--Business Tagalog   [sp2006005734]                
     450    UF Business Tagalog                                              
(C)  150  Teenagers' writings, Romanian   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003033]   
     450    UF Romanian teenagers' writings                                  
     550    BT Romanian literature                                           
(C)  151  Tembe Elephant Park (South Africa)   [sp2006003337]                
     550    BT Game reserves--South Africa                                   
     550    BT Parks--South Africa                                           
(C)  151  Terry Avenue (Seattle, Wash.)   [sp2005008598]                     
     667       This heading is not valid for use as a geographic             
     451    UF Terry Avenue North (Seattle, Wash.)                           
     550    BT Streets--Washington (State)                                   
(C)  150  Thai language--Business Thai   [sp2006005748]                      
     450    UF Business Thai                                                 
(C)  150  Thai language--Written Thai   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006005739]     
     450    UF Written Thai                                                  
     550    BT Written communication                                         
(C)  150  Third stream (Music)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005006979]            
     680       Here are entered musical works that synthesize essential      
          characteristics and techniques of Western art music and other      
          musical traditions. Works of other musical traditions played on    
          classical instruments are entered under the musical tradition,     
          e.g. Jazz; Celtic music; Music--Cuban influences, etc.             
     550    BT Music                                                         
     550    RT Jazz                                                          
      150  Celtic music   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 98001264 ]                    
   * 681       Note under Third stream (Music)                               
     150  Jazz   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85069833 ]                            
   * 550    RT Third stream (Music)                                          
   * 681       Note under Jazz vocals   CANCEL                               
   * 681       Notes under Jazz vocals; Third stream (Music)                 
     150  Music--Cuban influences   [sp 00000669 ]                           
   * 681       Note under Third stream (Music)                               
(C)  150  Thracia (Mollusks)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003918]              
     053       QL430.7.T (Zoology)                                           
     550    BT Thraciidae                                                    
(C)  150  Thracia meridionalis   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003917]            
     053       QL430.7.T (Zoology)                                           
     550    BT Thracia (Mollusks)                                            
(C)  150  Thraciidae   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003919]                      
     053       QL430.7.T47 (Zoology)                                         
     550    BT Pholadomyoida                                                 
(C)  150  Pholadomyoida   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003920]                   
     053       QL430.6 (Zoology)                                             
     550    BT Bivalvia                                                      
(C)  150  Traditional ecological knowledge--Law and legislation              
          [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005008370]                                   
     550    BT Environmental law                                             
     550    BT Indigenous peoples--Legal status, laws, etc.                  
(C)  151  Trout Creek Site (Wash.)   [sp2006003679]                          
     451    UF Trout Creek Archaeological Site (Wash.)                       
     551    BT Washington (State)--Antiquities                               
(C)  150  Turning (Locomotion)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005007529]            
     450    UF Turns (Locomotion)                                            
     550    BT Locomotion                                                    
(C)  151  United States Highway 163   [sp2006006074]                         
     451    UF Highway 163 (U.S.)                                            
     451    UF Route 163 (U.S.)                                              
     451    UF U.S. 163                                                      
     451    UF U.S. Highway 163                                              
     451    UF U.S. Route 163                                                
     451    UF United States Route 163                                       
     550    BT Roads--United States                                          
(A)  100  Vadnais family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006006274]                  
     400    UF Vadenay family                                                
     100  Van Meter family   [Not Subd Geog]      [sp 94002122 ]             
   * 400    UF VanMeeter family                                              
   * 400    UF VanMeetor family                                              
   * 400    UF VanMeter family                                               
   * 400    UF VanMetre family                                               
(C)  150  Vehicle extrication (Rescue work)   [May Subd Geog]                
     450    UF Motor vehicle occupant rescue                                 
     450    UF Vehicle occupant evacuation                                   
     450    UF Vehicle occupant rescue                                       
     450    UF Vehicle rescue                                                
     550    BT Rescue work                                                   
     550    RT Traffic accidents                                             
     150  Traffic accidents   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85136758 ]               
   * 550    RT Vehicle extrication (Rescue work)                             
(C)  150  Visual poetry, Czech   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006001809]            
     450    UF Czech visual poetry                                           
     550    BT Czech poetry                                                  
(C)  150  Visual poetry, Ukrainian   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006001810]        
     450    UF Ukrainian visual poetry                                       
     550    BT Ukrainian poetry                                              
(C)  151  Westview Drive (Seattle, Wash.)   [sp2005008599]                   
     667       This heading is not valid for use as a geographic             
     451    UF Westview Drive West (Seattle, Wash.)                          
     550    BT Streets--Washington (State)                                   
(C)  150  Womanism in literature   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2006003018]          
(C)  150  Women authors, Cambodian   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006005795]        
     450    UF Cambodian women authors                                       
(C)  151  Woodlawn Avenue (Seattle, Wash.)   [sp2005008256]                  
     667       This heading is not valid for use as a geographic             
     451    UF Woodlawn Avenue North (Seattle, Wash.)                        
     451    UF Woodlawn Avenue Northeast (Seattle, Wash.)                    
     550    BT Streets--Washington (State)                                   
(C)  150  Young adult fiction in libraries   [May Subd Geog]                 
     450    UF Libraries--Special collections--Young adult fiction           
     550    BT Libraries                                                     
(C)  150  Youths' writings, Russian   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2006003554]       
     450    UF Russian youths' writings                                      
     550    BT Russian literature

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