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Zoology Archive

Raising Ducks

name        sally
status      other
age         30s

Question -  My female aylesbury duck has been sitting on her eggs now 
for 9 days.
As this is hers and mine first time at brooding ducklings, I am very 
nervous about what to do once they hatch with feeding and water. She has 
her nest inside our barn in an old feeding sink which is embedded in the 
concrete floor. It is about 3-4 inches off the ground level. We have 
covered the area in sawdust and thickly lined the sink with straw. I would 
like to know what to do about feeding the ducklings. Is there a special 
mix we should get and what about water for them.
Also will they manage to climb out of the sink 3 or 4 inches to get the 
food or should we put it in the nest or does the hen take care of all of 
this? I have spent many hours looking up the simplest of questions like 
this that I simply do not know the answer to and as yet havent been able 
to find any answers on the internet. I have also beem told that the 
ducklings should be kept in the barn for 8 weeks after hatching. Do you 
think the hen should stay with them for this time or will she leave them 
before this. She is a pet together with 2 males and they are all loved 
dearly by my family and have become very tame so I am desperate to do 
things right for the ducklings as we are so fond of them all. Lastly do 
you know of any good web pages that I could look up as all I can find are 
on incubating the eggs yourself.
Thank-you very much for your time
Sally (Dumfries,Scotland)


Trust in their instincts. Birds have the motherhood behavior built into 
their genes.  They do not "learn" this behavior like mammals often 
do.  Feed the little ones the commercial food for ducks or just about the 
same thing as the adults.  Let the mother determine what should be done and 
she will mold the behavior of the ducklings.  The ducklings imprint on her 
so humans should stay away for a day or two during and after 
hatching.  Enjoy this event and don't worry.  Nature will control the outcome.



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