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Source: American Fisheries Society, 1991, database (version 1.0)

ITIS records 1 to 397 citing this source
 Kingdom Animalia
  Abietinaria filicula (Ellis and Solander, 1786) -- valid -- fern hydroid, fern hydroid
  Acanthemblemaria chaplini Böhlke, 1957 -- valid -- papillose blenny, sapito papiloso
  Acentronura dendritica (Barbour, 1905) -- valid -- caballito enano, caballito pipa, pipehorse, prehensile-tailed pipefish, seahorse pipefish
  Acropora cervicornis (Lamarck, 1816) -- valid -- staghorn coral
  Acropora palmata (Lamarck, 1816) -- valid -- elkhorn coral
  Acropora prolifera (Lamarck, 1816) -- valid -- fused staghorn coral
  Actinauge verrilli McMurrich, 1893 -- valid -- reticulate anemone
  Actiniaria -- valid -- actinies, anemones, anémones, sea anemones
  Acyrtops beryllinus (Hildebrand and Ginsburg, 1926) -- valid -- emerald clingfish, pequita esmerilada
  Aequorea victoria (Murbach and Shearer, 1902) -- valid -- water jellyfish, water jellyfish
  Agaricia agaricites carinata Wells, 1973 -- valid -- keeled lettuce coral
  Agaricia agaricites danai Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1860 -- valid -- scaled lettuce coral
  Agaricia agaricites purpurea (Leaueur, 1821) -- valid -- purple lettuce coral
  Agaricia fragilis contracta Wells, 1973 -- valid -- constricted leaf coral
  Agaricia fragilis fragilis Dana, 1846 -- valid -- fragile saucer coral
  Agaricia humilis Verrill, 1902 -- valid -- lowrelief saucer coral
  Agaricia lamarcki Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1851 -- valid -- sheet coral
  Agaricia undata (Ellis and Solander, 1786) -- valid -- scroll coral
  Aglantha digitalis (O. F. Müller, 1776) -- invalid -- pink helmet
  Aglaophenia pluma (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- podded hydroid, podded hydroid
  Aglaophenia struthionides (Murray, 1860) -- valid -- ostrichplume hydroid, ostrichplume hydroid
  Aiptasia pallida (Agassiz in Verrill, 1864) -- valid -- pale anemone
  Alcyonacea Lamouroux, 1816 -- valid -- soft corals, soft corals
  Alcyonium digitatum Linnaeus, 1758 -- valid -- dead man's fingers
  Amphelikturus dendriticus (Barbour, 1905) -- invalid -- pipehorse
  Anarchopterus criniger (Bean and Dresel, 1884) -- valid -- fringed pipefish, pez pipa orlado
  Anarchopterus tectus (Dawson, 1978) -- valid -- insular pipefish, pez pipa isleño
  Ancylopsetta dilecta (Goode and Bean, 1883) -- valid -- lenguado tres manchas, three-eye flounder
  Anthopleura elegantissima (Brandt, 1835) -- valid -- clonal anemone
  Anthopleura krebsi Duchassaing de Fonbressin and Michelotti, 1860 -- valid -- rock anemone
  Anthopleura xanthogrammica (Brandt, 1835) -- valid -- giant green anemone
  Antipatharia Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1857 -- valid -- black corals, thorny corals
  Apeltes quadracus (Mitchill, 1815) -- valid -- bloody stickleback, épinoche à quatre épines, fourspine stickleback
  Archosargus probatocephalus (Walbaum, 1792) -- valid -- sargo chopa, sheepshead
  Archosargus rhomboidalis (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- salema, sargo amarillo, sea bream
  Ariomma bondi Fowler, 1930 -- valid -- pastorcillo lucia, pastorcillo lucía, silver-rag
  Ariomma melanum (Ginsburg, 1954) -- valid -- brown driftfish, pastorcillo café
  Ariomma regulus (Poey, 1868) -- valid -- pastorcillo aquillado, spotted driftfish
  Astrangia poculata (Ellis and Solander, 1786) -- valid -- northern star coral
  Atheresthes evermanni Jordan and Starks, 1904 -- invalid -- Kamchatka flounder
  Atheresthes stomias (Jordan and Gilbert, 1880) -- invalid -- arrowtooth flounder
  Aulorhynchus flavidus Gill, 1861 -- valid -- trompudo sargacero, tube-snout, tubesnout
  Aulostomus maculatus Valenciennes, 1837 -- valid -- Atlantic trumpetfish, trompa, trompeta del Atlántico, trumpetfish
  Aurelia aurita (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- moon jelly, moon jelly
  Aurelia limbata Brandt, 1835 -- valid -- brownbanded moon jelly, brownbanded moon jelly
  Balanophyllia floridana De Pourtalès, 1868 -- valid -- porous cup coral
  Bartholomea annulata (Le Sueur, 1817) -- valid -- ringed anemone
  Berycidae -- valid -- alfonsinos, alfonsinos, berycids, béryx
  Bothus lunatus (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- lenguado lunado, peacock flounder
  Bothus ocellatus (Agassiz in Spix and Agassiz, 1831) -- valid -- chueco playón, eyed flounder, lenguado ocelado
  Bothus robinsi Topp and Hoff, 1972 -- valid -- chueco dos manchas, twospot flounder
  Briareum asbestinum (Pallas, 1766) -- valid -- corky sea finger, corky seafinger, deadman's fingers
  Bryx dunckeri (Metzelaar, 1919) -- valid -- pez pipa ñato, pugnose pipefish, trompetero nariz-corto
  Cactosoma arenaria Carlgren, 1931 -- valid -- prickly anemone
  Calamus arctifrons Goode and Bean, 1882 -- valid -- grass porgy
  Calamus bajonado (Bloch and Schneider, 1801) -- valid -- bajonao violáceo, jolthead porgy, pluma
  Calamus brachysomus (Lockington, 1880) -- valid -- Pacific porgy, pluma marotilla
  Calamus calamus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830) -- valid -- pez de pluma, saucereye porgy
  Calamus leucosteus Jordan and Gilbert in Jordan, 1885 -- valid -- pluma golfina, whitebone porgy
  Calamus nodosus Randall and Caldwell, 1966 -- valid -- knobbed porgy, mojarrón pecoso
  Calamus penna (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830) -- valid -- pez de pluma manchado, pluma manchada, sheepshead porgy
  Calamus proridens Jordan and Gilbert, 1884 -- valid -- littlehead porgy, pez de pluma rayado, pluma jorobada
  Callicarpa chazaliei Versluys, 1899 -- valid -- plumed hydroid, plumed hydroid
  Calycella syringa (Linnaeus, 1767) -- valid -- creeping bell hydroid, creeping bell hydroid
  Caryophyllia cornuformis De Pourtalès, 1874 -- valid -- lesser horn coral
  Cassiopeidae -- valid -- upside-down jellyfish, upsidedown jellyfishes
  Catablema vesicarium (A. Agassiz, 1862) -- valid -- constricted jellyfish, constricted jellyfish
  Centrolophus medusophagus Cocco, 1839 -- invalid -- brown ruff
  Centrolophus niger (Gmelin, 1789) -- valid -- black ruff
  Ceriantharia Perrier, 1893 -- valid -- tube-dwelling anemones, tube-dwelling anemones
  Cestum veneris Lesueur, 1813 -- valid -- venus girdle
  Channa striata (Bloch, 1793) -- valid -- Chevron snakehead, striped snakehead
  Charisea saxicola Torrey, 1902 -- valid -- Alaskan anemone
  Chascanopsetta lugubris Alcock, 1894 -- valid -- pelican flounder
  Chrysaora quinquecirrha (Desor, 1848) -- valid -- sea nettle
  Cichlasoma severum (Heckel, 1840) -- invalid -- banded cichlid
  Citharichthys arctifrons Goode, 1880 -- valid -- Gulf Stream flounder, lenguado golfino
  Citharichthys arenaceus Evermann and Marsh, 1900 -- valid -- lenguado arenero, sand whiff
  Citharichthys cornutus (Günther, 1880) -- valid -- horned whiff, lenguado cornudo
  Citharichthys fragilis Gilbert, 1890 -- valid -- Gulf sanddab, lenguado flaco
  Citharichthys gymnorhinus Gutherz and Blackman, 1970 -- valid -- anglefin whiff
  Citharichthys macrops Dresel, 1885 -- valid -- lenguado manchado, spotted whiff
  Citharichthys stigmaeus Jordan and Gilbert, 1882 -- valid -- lenguado pecoso, speckled sanddab
  Citharichthys xanthostigma Gilbert, 1890 -- valid -- lenguado alón, longfin sanddab
  Cladocora arbuscula Lesueur, 1881 -- valid -- tube coral
  Cladocora debilis Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1849 -- valid -- thin tube coral
  Clarias fuscus (Lacepède, 1803) -- valid -- whitespotted clarias, whitespotted freshwater catfish
  Clariidae Bonaparte, 1846 -- valid -- airbreathing catfishes, bagres laberintos, labyrinth catfishes, poissons-chats à labyrinths
  Clava multicornis (Forsskål, 1775) -- valid -- club hydroid, club hydroid
  Clupeidae -- valid -- aloses, harengs, herrings, menhadens, pilchards, sardinas, sardines, sardines, shads, sprats, sprats
  Colangia immersa De Pourtalès, 1871 -- valid -- lesser speckled cup coral
  Colpophyllia natans (Houttuyn, 1772) -- valid -- boulder brain coral
  Condylactis gigantea (Weinland, 1860) -- valid -- giant Caribbean anenone
  Cordylophora caspia (Pallas, 1771) -- valid -- freshwater hydroid, freshwater hydroid
  Coronatae -- valid -- crown jellyfish, crown jellyfishes
  Corymorpha palma Torrey, 1902 -- valid -- fairy palm hydroid, fairypalm hydroid
  Corynactis californica Carlgren, 1936 -- valid -- strawberry corallimorpharian, strawberry corallimorpharian
  Cosmocampus albirostris (Kaup, 1856) -- valid -- pez pipa hocico blanco, whitenose pipefish
  Cosmocampus arctus (Jenkins and Evermann, 1889) -- valid -- pez pipa chato, snubnose pipefish
  Cosmocampus brachycephalus (Poey, 1868) -- valid -- crested pipefish, pez pipa crestado, trompetero ñato
  Cosmocampus elucens (Poey, 1868) -- valid -- pez pipa aletilla, shortfin pipefish, trompetero brillante
  Cosmocampus hildebrandi (Herald, 1965) -- valid -- dwarf pipefish
  Cosmocampus profundus (Herald, 1965) -- valid -- deepwater pipefish, pez pipa de lo alto
  Cribrinopsis fernaldi Siebert and Spaulding, 1976 -- valid -- fernald brooding anemone
  Cribrinopsis williamsi Carlgren, 1940 -- valid -- Williams anemone
  Cubiceps paradoxus Butler, 1979 -- valid -- derivante colón, longfin cigarfish
  Cubiceps pauciradiatus Günther, 1872 -- valid -- bigeye cigarfish, derivante ojón, longfin fathead
  Cubozoa -- valid -- água viva, box jellyfish, cubozoário, medusas altas, sea wasps
  Cyanea capillata (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- lion's mane, lion's mane
  Cyclopsetta chittendeni Bean, 1895 -- valid -- lenguado mexicano, Mexican flounder
  Cyclopsetta fimbriata (Goode and Bean, 1885) -- valid -- lenguado aleta sucia, spotfin flounder
  Cynolebias nigripinnis nigripinnis Regan, 1912 -- invalid -- black-finned pearlfish, black-finned pearlfish
  Dactylopterus volitans (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- alón volador, flying gurnard, pez murciélago
  Dasmosmilia lymani (De Pourtalès, 1871) -- valid -- splitting cup coral
  Deltocyathus calcar De Pourtalès, 1874 -- valid -- deepsea star coral
  Dendrogyra cylindricus Ehrenberg, 1834 -- valid -- pillar coral
  Diadumene cincta Stephenson, 1925 -- valid -- orange anemone
  Diadumene franciscana Hand, 1956 -- valid -- San Francisco anemone
  Diadumene leucolena (Verrill, 1866) -- valid -- white anemone
  Diadumene lighti Hand, 1956 -- valid -- light anemone
  Diadumene lineata (Verrill, 1870) -- invalid -- orangestriped green anemone
  Dichocoenia stellaris Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1848 -- valid -- pancake star coral
  Dichocoenia stokesi Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1848 -- valid -- domed star coral, pineapple coral
  Diphasia kincaidi (Nutting, 1901) -- invalid -- sea pine hydroid
  Diphasia rosacea (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- lily hydroid, lily hydroid
  Diplodus argenteus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830) -- valid -- silver porgy
  Diplodus holbrookii (Bean, 1878) -- valid -- sargo cotonero, spottail pinfish
  Diplogrammus pauciradiatus (Gill, 1865) -- valid -- dragoncillo moteado, spotted dragonet
  Diploria clivosa (Ellis and Solander, 1786) -- valid -- knobby brain coral
  Diploria labyrinthiformis (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- grooved brain coral
  Diploria strigosa (Dana, 1846) -- valid -- symmetrical brain coral
  Edwardsia californica (McMurrich, 1913) -- valid -- California burrowing anemone
  Edwardsia sipunculoides (Stimpson, 1853) -- valid -- sipunculid anemone
  Elassoma boehlkei Rohde and Arndt, 1987 -- valid -- Carolina pygmy sunfish
  Elassoma evergladei Jordan, 1884 -- valid -- Everglades pygmy sunfish
  Elassoma okatie Rohde and Arndt, 1987 -- valid -- bluebarred pygmy sunfish
  Elassoma okefenokee Böhlke, 1956 -- valid -- Okefenokee pygmy sunfish
  Elassoma zonatum Jordan, 1877 -- valid -- banded pygmy sunfish
  Embassichthys bathybius (Gilbert, 1890) -- invalid -- deepsea sole, platija de profundidad
  Engyophrys senta Ginsburg, 1933 -- valid -- lenguado ojicornudo, spiny flounder
  Eopsetta exilis (Jordan and Gilbert, 1880) -- invalid -- slender sole
  Eopsetta jordani (Lockington, 1879) -- valid -- petrale sole, platija petrale
  Epiactis arctica (Verrill, 1868) -- valid -- Arctic brooding anemone
  Epiactis fernaldi Fautin and Chia, 1986 -- valid -- fernald brooding anemone
  Epiactis lisbethae Fautin and Chia, 1986 -- valid -- giant brooding anemone
  Epiactis prolifera Verrill, 1869 -- valid -- brooding anemone
  Epiactis ritteri Torrey, 1902 -- valid -- sandy anemone
  Epicystis crucifera (Le Sueur, 1817) -- invalid -- speckled anemone
  Epizoanthus induratum Cutress and Pequegnat, 1960 -- valid -- luminescent zoanthid, luminescent zoanthid
  Epizoanthus leptoderma Cutress and Pequegnat, 1960 -- valid -- elongate zoanthid, elongate zoanthid
  Epizoanthus scotinus Wood, 1958 -- valid -- orange zoanthid, orange zoanthid
  Errex zachirus (Lockington, 1879) -- invalid -- rex sole
  Etropus crossotus Jordan and Gilbert, 1882 -- valid -- fringed flounder, lenguado orlado, lenguado ribete
  Etropus cyclosquamus Leslie and Stewart, 1986 -- valid -- shelf flounder
  Etropus microstomus (Gill, 1864) -- valid -- smallmouth flounder
  Etropus rimosus Goode and Bean, 1885 -- valid -- gray flounder, lenguado sombreado
  Eudendrium album Nutting, 1896 -- valid -- white stickhydroid, white stickhydroid
  Eudendrium annulatum Norman, 1864 -- invalid -- annulate stickyhydroid
  Eudendrium californicum Torrey, 1902 -- valid -- California stickhydroid, california stickyhydroid
  Eudendrium carneum Clarke, 1882 -- valid -- red stickhydroid, red stickhydroid
  Eudendrium ramosum (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- stickhydroid, stickyhydroid
  Eudendrium tenue A. Agassiz, 1865 -- invalid -- slender stickhydroid
  Eunephthya rubiformis -- valid -- sea strawberry
  Eusmilia fastigiata (Pallas, 1766) -- valid -- smooth flower coral
  Favia fragum (Esper, 1795) -- valid -- golfball coral
  Fistularia petimba Lacepède, 1803 -- valid -- corneta colorada, Pacific cornetfish, red cornetfish, smooth flutemouth, trompetero
  Fistularia tabacaria Linnaeus, 1758 -- valid -- bluespotted cornetfish, corneta azul, pez corneta, tobacco trumpetfish
  Flabellum macandrewi Gray, 1849 -- valid -- splitting fan coral
  Foetorepus agassizi (Goode and Bean in Agassiz, 1888) -- invalid -- spotfin dragonet
  Fundulus bifax Cashner and Rogers in Cashner, Rogers and Grady, 1988 -- valid -- stippled studfish
  Fundulus dispar (Agassiz, 1854) -- valid -- northern starhead topminnow, starhead topminnow
  Fundulus escambiae (Bollman, 1887) -- valid -- russetfin topminnow
  Fundulus euryzonus Suttkus and Cashner, 1981 -- valid -- broadstripe topminnow
  Fundulus julisia Williams and Etnier, 1982 -- valid -- Barrens topminnow
  Fundulus nottii (Agassiz, 1854) -- invalid -- bayou topminnow, Gulf starhead topminnow, starhead topminnow
  Gambusia affinis (Baird and Girard, 1853) -- valid -- guayacón mosquito, mosquitofish, western mosquitofish
  Garveia annulata Nutting, 1901 -- valid -- orange hydroid, orange hydroid
  Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus, 1758 -- valid -- Alaskan stickleback, épinoche à trois épines, espinocho, threespine stickleback
  Gasterosteus wheatlandi Putnam, 1867 -- valid -- blackspotted stickleback, épinoche tachetée
  Gastropsetta frontalis Bean, 1895 -- valid -- lenguado gambero, shrimp flounder
  Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- gray sole, plie grise, witch flounder
  Gobiesox eugrammus Briggs, 1955 -- valid -- chupapiedra estriada, lined clingfish
  Gobiesox maeandricus (Girard, 1858) -- valid -- chupapiedra norteña, northern clingfish
  Gobiesox papillifer Gilbert, 1890 -- valid -- bearded clingfish, chupapiedra barbona
  Gobiesox punctulatus (Poey, 1876) -- valid -- chupapiedra punteada, pequita punteada, stippled clingfish
  Gobiesox rhessodon Smith, 1881 -- valid -- California clingfish, chupapiedra californiana
  Gobiesox strumosus Cope, 1870 -- valid -- cazoleta, skilletfish
  Gonionemus vertens L. Agassiz, 1862 -- valid -- clinging jellyfish, clinging jellyfish
  Gonostomatidae -- valid -- bristlemouths, lightfishes
  Gorgonia flabellum Linnaeus, 1758 -- valid -- Venus sea fan, venus sea fan
  Gorgonia ventalina Linnaeus, 1758 -- valid -- common sea fan, common sea fan
  Gymnachirus melas Nichols, 1916 -- valid -- naked sole, suela desnuda
  Gymnachirus texae (Gunter, 1936) -- valid -- fringed sole, suela texana
  Halcampa crypta Siebert and Hand, 1974 -- valid -- cryptic burrowing anemone
  Halcampa decemtentaculata Hand, 1955 -- valid -- ten-tentacle burrowing anemone
  Halcampa duodecimcirrata (Sars, 1851) -- valid -- twelve-tentacle burrowing anemone
  Halecium halecium (Linnaeus, 1758) -- invalid -- herringbone hydroid
  Halocordyle disticha (Goldfuss, 1820) -- invalid -- feathered hydroid
  Harenactis attenuata Torrey, 1902 -- valid -- giant burrowing anemone
  Hippocampus erectus Perry, 1810 -- valid -- caballito erecto, caballito estriado, lined seahorse, spotted seahorse
  Hippocampus ingens Girard, 1858 -- valid -- caballito del Pacífico, Pacific giant seahorse, Pacific seahorse
  Hippocampus reidi Ginsburg, 1933 -- valid -- caballito hocico largo, caballito narizon, longsnout seahorse
  Hippocampus zosterae Jordan and Gilbert, 1882 -- valid -- caballito enano, caballito oliváceo, dwarf seahorse, little seahorse, pygmy seahorse
  Hippoglossina stomata Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1890 -- valid -- bigmouth sole, lenguado bocón
  Hippoglossoides elassodon Jordan and Gilbert, 1880 -- valid -- flathead sole
  Hippoglossoides platessoides (Fabricius, 1780) -- valid -- American dab, American plaice, Canadian plaice, dab, plie canadienne
  Hippoglossoides robustus Gill and Townsend, 1897 -- valid -- Bering flounder
  Hippoglossus hippoglossus (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- Atlantic halibut, flétan atlantique
  Hippoglossus stenolepis Schmidt, 1904 -- valid -- alabato del Pacífico, Pacific halibut
  Hoplias malabaricus (Bloch, 1794) -- valid -- tigerfish, trahira
  Hormathia nodosa (Fabricii, 1780) -- valid -- rugose anemone
  Hybocodon pendulus (L. Agassiz, 1862) -- invalid -- one armed jellyfish, one-arm jelllyfish
  Hydractinia echinata (Fleming, 1828) -- valid -- snailfur, snailfur
  Hydractinia milleri Torrey, 1902 -- valid -- Miller hydractinia, miller hydractinia
  Hydrallmania falcata (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- sickle hydroid, sickle hydroid
  Hydrozoa Owen, 1843 -- valid -- água viva, hidra, hidrozoa, hidrozoário, hydraires, hydralike animals, hydroids, hydrozoaires, hydrozoans, pólipo
  Hyperoglyphe bythites (Ginsburg, 1954) -- valid -- black driftfish
  Hyperoglyphe perciformis (Mitchill, 1818) -- valid -- barrelfish
  Icichthys lockingtoni Jordan and Gilbert, 1880 -- valid -- brown rudderfish, cojinoba medusa, medusafish
  Iciligorgia schrammi Duchassaing, 1870 -- valid -- black sea fan, deep-water sea fan, deepwater sea fan
  Icosteus aenigmaticus Lockington, 1880 -- valid -- ragfish
  Ictaluridae Gill, 1861 -- valid -- bagres de agua dulce, barbottes, barbottes et barbues, barbues, bullhead catfishes, North American catfishes, North American freshwater catfishes
  Isophyllastrea rigida (Dana, 1846) -- valid -- rough star coral
  Isophyllia sinuosa (Ellis and Solander, 1786) -- valid -- lesser cactus coral, sinuous cactus coral
  Lagodon rhomboides (Linnaeus, 1766) -- valid -- chopa espina, pinfish, xlavitia
  Leiopathes glaberrima (Esper, 1788) -- valid -- smooth black coral, smooth black coral
  Leporinus fasciatus (Bloch, 1794) -- valid -- banded leporinus, black-banded leporinus
  Leptoseris cailleti (Duchassaing and Michelotti, 1864) -- valid -- lacy lettuce coral
  Leptoseris cucullata (Ellis and Solander, 1786) -- valid -- sunray lettuce coral
  Linuche unguiculata (Swartz, 1788) -- valid -- thimble jellyfish, thimble jellyfish
  Liponema brevicornis (McMurrich, 1893) -- valid -- tentacle shedding anemone
  Lytocarpia myriophyllum (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- pheasant-tail hydroid, phesant-tail hydroid
  Macroramphosus gracilis (Lowe, 1839) -- valid -- slender snipefish, tirador alargado, trompetero flaco
  Macroramphosus scolopax (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- longspine snipefish, trompetero copete
  Macrorhamphosus scolopax (Linnaeus, 1758) -- invalid -- longspine snipefish
  Macrorhynchia philippina Kirchenpauer, 1872 -- valid -- stinging hydroid, white stinger
  Madracis decactis (Lyman, 1859) -- valid -- ten-ray star coral
  Madracis formosa Wells, 1973 -- valid -- eight-ray finger coral
  Madracis mirabilis Duchassaing and Michelotti, 1860 -- invalid -- yellow pencil coral
  Madracis myriaster (Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1849) -- valid -- striate finger coral
  Maynea californica Starkes and Mann, 1911 -- invalid -- persimmon eelpout
  Meandrina meandrites brasiliensis Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1848 -- valid -- brasilian rose coral
  Meandrina meandrites meandrites (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- maze coral
  Metridium exilis Hand, 1956 -- valid -- pink clonal anemone
  Metridium giganteum Fautin, Bucklin and Hand, 1990 -- invalid -- gignatic anemone
  Metridium senile (Linnaeus, 1761) -- valid -- clonal plumose anemone
  Micrognathus crinitus (Jenyns, 1842) -- valid -- banded pipefish, insular pipefish, trompetero bandeado, West Indian pipefish
  Micrognathus ensenadae (Silvester, 1915) -- invalid -- harlequin pipefish
  Microphis brachyurus (Bleeker, 1853) -- valid -- opossum pipefish, pez pipa culebra, shorttailed pipefish, trompetero colinegro
  Microstomus pacificus (Lockington, 1879) -- valid -- Dover sole, platija resbalosa
  Mitrocoma cellularia (A. Agassiz, 1865) -- valid -- cross jellyfish
  Monolene antillarum Norman, 1933 -- valid -- slim flounder
  Monolene sessilicauda Goode, 1880 -- valid -- deepwater flounder
  Montastraea annularis (Ellis and Solander, 1786) -- valid -- boulder star coral
  Montastraea cavernosa Linnaeus, 1767 -- valid -- great star coral
  Morone chrysops (Rafinesque, 1820) -- valid -- bar blanc, white bass
  Morone mississippiensis Jordan and Eigenmann in Eigenmann, 1887 -- valid -- yellow bass
  Morone saxatilis (Walbaum, 1792) -- valid -- bar rayé, lobina estriada, rockfish, striped bass
  Mussa angulosa (Pallas, 1766) -- valid -- large flower coral, spiny flower coral
  Mycetophyllia aliciae Wells, 1973 -- valid -- knobby cactus coral
  Mycetophyllia daniana Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1849 -- valid -- lowridge cactus coral
  Mycetophyllia ferox Wells, 1973 -- valid -- rough cactus coral
  Mycetophyllia lamarckiana Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1848 -- valid -- ridged cactus coral
  Nemertesia antennina (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- sea beard, sea beard
  Nomeus gronovii (Gmelin, 1789) -- valid -- derivante fragata portuguesa, man-of-war fish, pastorcillo
  Notolepis rissoi (Bonaparte, 1840) -- invalid -- lussion blanc, white barracudina
  Obelia bidentata Clark, 1875 -- valid -- doubletoothed hydroid, doubletoothed hydroid
  Obelia dichotoma (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- sea thread hydroid, sea thread hydroid
  Obelia geniculata (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- knotted thread hydroid, knotted thread hydroid
  Oculina arbuscula Agassiz, 1864 -- valid -- compact ivory bush coral
  Oculina diffusa Lamarck, 1816 -- valid -- diffuse ivory coral, ivory bush coral
  Oculina robusta De Pourtalès, 1871 -- valid -- robust ivory tree coral
  Oculina tenella De Pourtalès, 1871 -- valid -- delicate ivory bush coral
  Oostethus Hubbs, 1929 -- invalid
  Pagrus pagrus (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- red porgy, sargo rojo
  Paracyathus pulchellus (Philippi, 1842) -- valid -- papillose cup coral
  Paradiplogrammus bairdi (Jordan in Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1888) -- valid -- dragoncillo coralino, lancer dragonet
  Paralichthys californicus (Ayres, 1859) -- valid -- California halibut, lenguado californiano
  Paralichthys dentatus (Linnaeus, 1766) -- valid -- fluke, summer flounder
  Paralichthys oblongus (Mitchill, 1815) -- invalid -- fourspot flounder
  Paralichthys squamilentus Jordan and Gilbert, 1882 -- valid -- broad flounder, lenguado huarachón
  Parazoanthus lucificum Cutress and Pequegnat, 1960 -- valid -- luminescent parazoanthid, luminescent parazoanthid
  Peachia parasitica (Agassiz, 1859) -- valid -- twelve-tentacle parasitic anemone
  Pelagia noctiluca (Forskål, 1775) -- valid -- purplestriped jelly
  Peprilus alepidotus (Linnaeus, 1766) -- invalid -- harvestfish
  Peprilus burti Fowler, 1944 -- valid -- Gulf butterfish, palometa del Golfo
  Peprilus simillimus (Ayres, 1860) -- valid -- Pacific pompano, palometa plateada
  Peprilus triacanthus (Peck, 1804) -- valid -- butterfish, palometa estrecha, stromatée à fossettes
  Phacellophora camtschatica Brandt, 1838 -- valid -- egg yolk jelly, eggyolk jelly, fried egg jellyfish
  Phyllangia americana Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1849 -- valid -- hidden cup coral
  Physalia physalia (Linnaeus, 1758) -- invalid -- portuguese man-of-war
  Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- European flounder, flounder, North Atlantic flounder, white fluke
  Pleuronectes americanus Walbaum, 1792 -- invalid -- plie rouge, winter flounder
  Pleuronectes asper Pallas, 1814 -- invalid -- yellowfin sole
  Pleuronectes bilineatus (Bloch, 1787) -- invalid -- rock sole
  Pleuronectes ferrugineus (Storer, 1839) -- invalid -- limande à queue jaune, yellowtail flounder
  Pleuronectes isolepis (Lockington, 1880) -- invalid -- butter sole
  Pleuronectes proboscideus (Gilbert, 1896) -- invalid -- longhead dab
  Pleuronectes putnami (Gill, 1864) -- valid -- eelback, plie lisse, smooth flounder, smoothback flounder
  Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus Pallas, 1814 -- valid -- Alaska plaice
  Pleuronectes vetulus (Girard, 1854) -- invalid -- English sole
  Pleuronichthys coenosus Girard, 1854 -- valid -- C-O sole, platija de fango
  Pleuronichthys ritteri Starks and Morris, 1907 -- valid -- platija moteada, spotted turbot
  Pleuronichthys verticalis Jordan and Gilbert, 1880 -- valid -- hornyhead turbot, platija cornuda
  Plexaura homomalla (Esper, 1792) -- valid -- black sea rod, black sea rod, common bushy soft coral
  Plumularia setacea (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- little seabristle, little seabristle
  Podocoryne carnea M. Sars, 1846 -- invalid -- smoothspined snailfur
  Poecilia vittata Guichenot, 1853 -- invalid -- Cuban limia
  Polymyces fragilis (De Pourtalès, 1868) -- valid -- twelve-root cup coral
  Polyorchis penicillatus (Eschscholtz, 1829) -- valid -- penicillate jellyfish, penicillate jellyfish
  Polyprion americanus (Bloch and Schneider, 1801) -- valid -- wreckfish
  Porites astreoides Lamarck, 1816 -- valid -- mustard hill coral, yellow porites
  Porites branneri Rathbun, 1888 -- valid -- blue crust coral
  Porites porites divaricata Lesueur, 1821 -- valid -- thin finger coral
  Porites porites furcata Lamarck, 1816 -- valid -- branched finger coral
  Porites porites porites (Pallas, 1766) -- valid -- clubtip finger coral
  Porpita porpita (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- blue button, blue button
  Psenes cyanophrys Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1833 -- valid -- derivante rayado, freckled driftfish, pastorcillo amarillento
  Psenes maculatus Lütken, 1880 -- valid -- silver driftfish
  Psenes pellucidus Lütken, 1880 -- valid -- bluefin driftfish, derivante aleta azul
  Psettichthys melanostictus Girard, 1854 -- valid -- sand sole
  Pseudopterogorgia acerosa (Pallas, 1766) -- valid -- purple sea plume, purple sea plume, smooth sea feather
  Pseudopterogorgia americana (Gmelin, 1791) -- valid -- slimy sea plume, slimy sea plume
  Pterogorgia anceps (Pallas, 1766) -- valid -- angular sea whip, angular sea whip
  Pterogorgia citrina (Esper, 1792) -- valid -- yellow sea whip, yellow sea whip
  Pungitius pungitius (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- épinoche à neuf épines, ninespine stickleback, tenspined stickleback
  Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Walbaum, 1792) -- valid -- flétan du Groenland, greeenland halibut, Greenland halibut, Greenland turbot, Newfoundland turbot, platija negra, turbot
  Rhizocaulus verticillatus (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- horsetail hydroid, horsetail hydroid
  Rimicola dimorpha Briggs, 1955 -- valid -- chupapiedra chiquita, southern clingfish
  Rimicola eigenmanni (Gilbert, 1890) -- valid -- chupiedra flaca, slender clingfish
  Rimicola muscarum (Meek and Pierson, 1895) -- valid -- chupapiedra sargacera, kelp clingfish
  Sarsia tubulosa (M. Sars, 1835) -- valid -- clapper hydroid, clapper hydromedusa, clapper medusa
  Scolymia cubensis Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1849 -- valid -- artichoke coral
  Scolymia lacera (Pallas, 1766) -- valid -- atlantic mushroom coral
  Scophthalmus aquosus (Mitchill, 1815) -- valid -- brill, sand dab, spotted flounder, turbot de sable, windowpane
  Sebastes marinus (Linnaeus, 1758) -- invalid -- ocean perch, redfish, rose fish
  Serrasalmus natterei (Kner, 1858) -- invalid -- redeye piranha
  Sertularella polyzonias (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- great tooth hydroid, great tooth hydroid
  Sertularella rugosa (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- snail trefoil hydroid, snail trefoil hydroid
  Siderastrea radians (Pallas, 1766) -- valid -- lesser starlet coral
  Siderastrea siderea (Ellis and Solander, 1786) -- valid -- massive starlet coral
  Solenastrea bournoni Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1850 -- valid -- smooth star coral
  Solenastrea hyades (Dana, 1846) -- valid -- knobby star coral
  Stauromedusae -- valid -- stalked jellyfish, stalked jellyfishes
  Staurophora mertensi Brandt, 1838 -- invalid -- whitecross jellyfish, whitecross jellyfish
  Stenocyathus vermiformis (De Pourtalès, 1868) -- valid -- worm coral
  Stenotomus caprinus Jordan and Gilbert, 1882 -- valid -- longspine porgy, sargo espinudo
  Stenotomus chrysops (Linnaeus, 1766) -- valid -- porgy, scup
  Stephanauge annularis Carlgren, 1936 -- valid -- signet ring anemone
  Stephanocoenia michelini Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1848 -- valid -- blushing star coral
  Stereolepis gigas Ayres, 1859 -- valid -- giant sea bass, pescara
  Stichodactyla helianthus (Ellis, 1768) -- valid -- sun anemone
  Stichopathes lutkeni (Brook, 1889) -- valid -- black sea whip, black wire coral, black wire coral
  Stomiidae -- valid -- barbeled dragonfishes, dragonfishes, dragons à écailles, peces demonios, scaly dragonfishes
  Stomolophus meleagris L. Agassiz, 1862 -- valid -- cabbagehead, cannonball jelly, cannonball jellyfish
  Stomphia coccinea (Müller, 1776) -- valid -- swimming anemone
  Stomphia didemon Siebert, 1973 -- valid -- cowardly anemone
  Stylaster californicus (Verrill, 1866) -- valid -- California hydrocoral, california hydrocoral
  Stylasteridae Gray, 1847 -- valid -- hydrocoralliaires, hydrocorals
  Stylatula elongata (Gabb, 1862) -- valid -- slender sea pen, slender sea pen
  Syacium gunteri Ginsburg, 1933 -- valid -- lenguado arenoso, shoal flounder
  Syacium micrurum Ranzani, 1842 -- valid -- channel flounder, lenguado anillado
  Syacium papillosum (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- dusky flounder, lenguado moreno
  Symphurus arawak Robins and Randall, 1965 -- valid -- Caribbean tonguefish, lengua caribeña
  Symphurus civitatus Ginsburg, 1951 -- invalid -- offshore tonguefish
  Symphurus diomedianus (Goode and Bean, 1885) -- invalid
  Symphurus parvus Ginsburg, 1951 -- valid -- lengua pigmea, pygmy tonguefish
  Symphurus pelicanus Ginsburg, 1951 -- valid -- lengua colilarga, longtail tonguefish
  Symphurus piger (Goode and Bean, 1886) -- valid -- deepwater tonguefish, lengua de vaca perezosa, lengua perezosa
  Symphurus pusillus (Goode and Bean, 1885) -- valid -- northern tonguefish
  Symphurus urospilus Ginsburg, 1951 -- valid -- lengua colipunteada, lengua de vaca colipunteada, spottail tonguefish
  Symphysanodon berryi Anderson, 1970 -- valid -- slope bass
  Synagrops bellus (Goode and Bean, 1896) -- valid -- blackmouth bass, blackmouth cardinalfish
  Synagrops spinosus Schultz, 1940 -- valid -- farolito cachetiquillada, keelcheek bass
  Syngnathus affinis Günther, 1870 -- valid -- pez pipa texano, Texas pipefish
  Syngnathus auliscus (Swain, 1882) -- valid -- barred pipefish, pez pipa anillado
  Syngnathus californiensis Storer, 1845 -- valid -- great pipefish, kelp pipefish, pez pipa californiano
  Syngnathus euchrous Fritzsche, 1980 -- valid -- chocolate pipefish, pez pipa chocolate
  Syngnathus exilis (Osburn and Nichols, 1916) -- valid -- barcheek pipefish, pez pipa cachete rayado
  Syngnathus floridae (Jordan and Gilbert, 1882) -- valid -- dusky pipefish, pez pipa prieto
  Syngnathus fuscus Storer, 1839 -- valid -- northern pipefish, syngnathe brun
  Syngnathus leptorhynchus Girard, 1854 -- valid -- bay pipefish, pez pipa de bahía, slendernosed pipefish
  Syngnathus louisianae Günther, 1870 -- valid -- chain pipefish, pez pipa cadena
  Syngnathus scovelli (Evermann and Kendall, 1896) -- valid -- Gulf pipefish, pez pipa del Golfo
  Syngnathus springeri Herald, 1942 -- valid -- bull pipefish
  Tamarisca tamarisca (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- sea tamarisk, sea tamarisk
  Tetragonurus atlanticus Lowe, 1839 -- valid -- bigeye squaretail
  Tetragonurus cuvieri Risso, 1810 -- valid -- colicuadrado ojito, smalleye squaretail
  Thuiaria thuja (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- bottlebrush hydroid, bottlebrush hydroid
  Trichopsetta ventralis (Goode and Bean, 1885) -- valid -- lenguado de punto, sash flounder
  Tubastraea coccinea Lesson, 1829 -- valid -- orange cup coral
  Tubularia indivisa Linnaeus, 1758 -- valid -- tall tubularia, tall tubularia
  Tubularia larynx Ellis and Solander, 1786 -- invalid -- ringed tubularia
  Velella velella (Linnaeus, 1758) -- valid -- by-the-wind sailor, by-the-wind sailor
  Xystreurys liolepis Jordan and Gilbert, 1880 -- valid -- fantail sole, lenguado cola de abanico
  Zaolutus actius Hand, 1955 -- valid -- wormy anemone
  Zoanthidea -- valid -- zoanthids, zoanthids

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Tue Feb 10 2009 07:16:38 MST