Energy Citations Database
Searched:  Author Contains ("Grose, P.L.")
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  Size Identifier Title Creator/Author (s) Pub Date Adopt-A-Doc
  PB-293803 Summary fact sheet: the Argo Merchant oil spill - a preliminary scientific report Grose, P.L. ; Mattson, J.S. 1977 Mar 01 -
  6017295 Argo Merchant oil spill. A preliminary scientific report Grose, P.L. Mattson, J.S. 1977 Jan 01 -
  PB-85-226629/XAB Assessment models for surface dispersion of marine pollutants. Technical memo Hess, K.W. ; Everdale, F.G. ; Grose, P.L. 1985 May 01 -
  PB-80-173727 USNS Potomac oil spill, Melville Bay, Greenland, 5 August 1977. A joint report on scientific studies and impact assessment by the NOAA-USCG Spilled Oil Research Team and the Greenland Fisheries Investigations, Ministry for Greenland Grose, P.L. ; Mattson, J.S. ; Petersen, H. 1979 Aug 01 -
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