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The Nineteenth Century in Print: Periodicals

Browse items in The New-England magazine. Volume 3, Issue 3, Sept 1832
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  • Europe, 177-186.
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  • Saul Knapp - or the Life of a Yankee, 186-192.
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  • Domestic Manners of the French, 192-194.
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  • Common Schools, 194-207.
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  • My Books, 207-215.
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  • Torquemada: A Tale of the Peninsular War, 215-220.
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  • Fragments of New-England Eclogues, 220-222.
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  • The White Sulphur Springs, 222-228.
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  • Green Peas and other Matters, 228-231.
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  • Nancy Gale, 231-234.
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  • Blue-Deviled Retrospection, 234-236.
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  • Harvard College Forty Years Ago, 236-240.
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  • A Leaf from an Old Almanac, 240-242.
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  • Virtue's Ghost, 242-243.
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  • Politics and Statistics, 243-247.
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  • Remarks made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien. By Caleb Atwater, 247-253.
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  • A Biographical Memoir of the late Commodore Joshua Barney; from Autographical Notes and Journals in possession of his Family. Edited by Mary Barney, 253-254.
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  • The Literary Remains of John G. C. Brainard, with a Sketch of his Life. By J. G. Whittier, 254-255.
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  • The Etymological Encyclopedia of Technical Words and Phrases used in the Arts and Sciences, and of Many Words in Common Use. By D. J. Browne, 255-256.
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  • A Discourse delivered in the Church of Brattle Square, Boston, August 9, 1832. By John G. Palfrey, 256-257.
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  • A Sermon, preached in the Twelfth Congregational Church, in Boston, August 9, 1832. By Samuel Barrett, 257-258.
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  • Tract on Comets; and particularly on the Comet that is to intersect the Earth's Path in October, 1832. By M. Arago, translated by John Farrar, 258-259.
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  • Universities and Colleges, 259-260.
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  • Miscellanies, 260-262.
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  • Deaths, and Obituary Notices of Persons Lately Deceased, 262-264.
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  • Our File, 264.
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