Home Inroduction/Background Opening Remarks State of the Research Advocates' Remarks Recommendations and Findings Closing Remarks Appendices



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Hornsby PP, Wilcox AJ, Weinberg CR, Herbst AL. Effects on the menstrual cycle of in utero exposure to diethylstilbestrol. Am J Obstet Gynecol 170:709-715, 1994

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Waggoner SE, Mittendorf R, Biney N, Anderson D, Herbst AL. Influence of in utero diethylstilbestrol exposure on the prognosis and biologic behavior of vaginal clear-cell adenocarcinoma. Gynecol Onco 55:238-244, 1994


Assies J, Vonk J, Bleker O, Lumey L. Diethylstilbestrol (DES)-related endocrine disturbances in women. A story with no end, yet. Ann N Y Acad Sci 761:369-372, 1995

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Castelbaum AJ, Sawin SW, Bellardo LJ, Lessey BA. Endometrial integrin expression in women exposed to diethylstilbestrol in utero. Fertil Steril 63:1217-1221, 1995

Chalmers I. Dangers of overviews of health care. Lancet 346:1038-1039, 1995

DeMars LR, Van Le L, Huang I, Fowler WC. Primary non-clear-cell adenocarcinomas of the vagina in older DES-exposed women. Gynecol Oncol 58:389-392, 1995

Fox R, Barry C. Stilboestrol exposure in utero and risk of pre-eclampsia. Lancet 345:800, 1995

Giusti RM, Iwamoto K, Hatch EE. Diethylstilbestrol revisited: A review of the long-term health effects. Ann Intern Med 122:778-788, 1995

Hornsby PP, Wilcox AJ, Herbst AL. Onset of menopause in women exposed to diethylstilbestrol in utero. Am J Obstet Gynecol 172(1 Pt 1):92-95, 1995

Jongbloet PH, Hanselaar AG, Bernheim JL. Clear cell adenocarcinoma associated with diethylstilbestrol: "Overripeness ovopathy" as a risk or causal factor? Am J Obstet Gynecol 172:1651-1652, 1995

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Migliaccio S, Newbold RR, McLachlan, JA, Korach KS. Alterations in estrogen levels during development affects the skeleton: Use of an animal model. Environ Health Perspect 103 (Suppl 7):95-97, 1995

Mittendorf R, Williams MA. Stilboestrol exposure in utero and risk of pre-eclampsia. Lancet 345:265-266, 1995

Mittendorf R. Teratogen update: Carcinogenesis and teratogenesis associated with exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) in utero. Teratology 51:435-445, 1995

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Palmlund I. Dangers of overviews of health care. Lancet 346:852-853, 1995

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Sundaram B. Tackling the aftermath faced by the daughters of DES. Nurs Times 91:34-35, 1995

Walker BE, Kurth LA. Multi-generational carcinogenesis from diethylstilbestrol investigated by blastocyst transfers in mice. Int J Cancer 61:249-252, 1995

Wilcox AJ, Umbach DM, Hornsby PP, Herbst AL. Age at menarche among diethylstilbestrol granddaughters. Am J Obstet Gynecol 173(3 Pt 1):835-836, 1995

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Baird DD, Wilcox AJ, Herbst AL. Self-reported allergy, infection, and autoimmune diseases among men and women exposed in utero to diethylstilbestrol. J Clin Epidemiol 49:263-266, 1996

Bekker MH, Heck GL, Vingerhoets AJ. Gender-identity, body-experience, sexuality, and the wish for having children in DES-daughters. Women's Health 24:65-82, 1996

Boyd J, Takahashi H, Waggoner SE, Jones LA, Hajek RA, Wharton JT, et al. Molecular genetic analysis of clear cell adenocarcinomas of the vagina and cervix associated and unassociated with diethylstilbestrol exposure in utero. Cancer 77:507-513, 1996

Cahen F, Dubreuil E, Pons JC. Prenatal exposure to diethylstilbestrol and the mother-daughter relationship. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 65:181-187, 1996

Calle EE, Mervis CA, Thun MJ, Rodriguez C, Wingo PA, Heath CW Jr. Diethylstilbestrol and risk of fatal breast cancer in a prospective cohort of US women. Am J Epidemiol 144:645-652, 1996

Gray K, Bullock B, Dickson R, Raszmann K, Walmer D, McLachlan J, et al. Potentiation of diethylstilbestrol-induced alterations in the female mouse reproductive tract by transforming growth factor-alpha transgene expression. Molec Carcinog 17:163-173, 1996

Hall J. Teratogen update: Diethylstilbestrol. Growth Genet Horm 12:46, 1996

Hines M, Sandberg EC. Sexual differentiation of cognitive abilities in women exposed to diethylstilbestrol (DES) prenatally. Horm Behav 30:354-563, 1996

Huckell C, Laskin J, Gelmon K. Premenopausal breast cancer after in-utero exposure to stilboestrol. Lancet 348:331, 1996

Ismail RS, Okawara Y, Fryer JN, Vanderhyden BC. Hormonal regulation of the ligand for c-kit in the rat ovary and its effects on spontaneous oocyte meiotic maturation. Molec Reprod Dev 43:458-469, 1996

Kipersztok S, Javitt M, Hill MC, Stillman RJ. Comparison of magnetic resonance imaging and transvaginal ultrasonography with hysterosalpingography in the evaluation of women exposed to diethylstilbestrol. J Reprod Med 41:347-351, 1996

Newbold RR, McLachlan JA. Transplacental hormonal carcinogenesis: diethylstilbestrol as an example. Prog Clin Biol Res394:131-147, 1996

Noyes N, Liu HC, Sultan K, Rosenwaks Z. Endometrial pattern in diethylstilboestrol-exposed women undergoing in-vitro fertilization may be the most significant predictor of pregnancy outcome. Hum Reprod 11:2719-2723, 1996

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Palmlund I. Exposure to a xenoestrogen before birth: The diethylstilbestrol experience. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol 17:71-84, 1996

Rinehart CA, Xu LH, Van Le L, Kaufman DG. Diethylstilbestrol-induced immortalization of human endometrial cells: Alterations in p53 and estrogen receptor. Molec Carcinog 15:115-123, 1996

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Townsend DE. Primary non-clear cell adenocarcinoma of the vagina in older DES-exposed women. Gynecol Oncol 61:454, 1996

Wingard DL, Cohn BA, Helmrich SP, Edelstein SL. DES awareness and exposure: The 1994 California Behavioral Risk Factor Survey. Am J Prev Med 12:437-441, 1996


Hanselaar A, van Loosbroek M, Schuurbiers O, Helmerhorst T, Bulten J, Bernheim J. Clear cell adenocarcinoma of the vagina and cervix. An update of the central Netherlands registry showing twin age incidence peaks. Cancer 79:2229-2236, 1997

Li S, Washburn KA, Moore R, Uno T, Teng C, Newbold RR, McLachlan JA, Negishi M. Developmental exposure to diethylstilbestrol elicits demethylation of estrogen-responsive lactoferrin gene in mouse uterus. Cancer Res 57:4356-4359, 1997

Pal L, Shifren JL, Isaacson KB, Chang Y, Marean M, Leykin L, et al. Outcome of IVF in DES-exposed daughters: Experience in the 90s. J Assist Reprod Genet 14:513-517, 1997

Sangvai M, Thie J, Hofmann GE. The effect of intrauterine diethylstilbestrol exposure on ovarian reserve screening. Am J Obstet Gynecol 177:568-572, 1997

Taylor HS, Vanden Heuvel GB, Igarashi P. A conserved Hox axis in the mouse and human female reproductive system: Late establishment and persistent adult expression of the Hoxa cluster genes. Biol Reprod 57:1338-1345, 1997

Tournaire M, Lepercq J, Epelboin S. The daughters of diethylstilbestrol. Lessons from an error. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 75:25-27, 1997

Walker BE. Haven MI. Intensity of multigenerational carcinogenesis from diethylstilbestrol in mice. Carcinogenesis 18:791-793, 1997


DES daughters and cancer. Health News 4:6, 1998

Erskine JM. The complete control and possible cure of a recurrent carcinoma of the breast by means of hormonal therapy over a 22-year period: A case report. Am J Clin Oncol 21:624-625, 1998

Garbin O, Ohl J, Bettahar-Lebugle K, Dellenbach P. Hysteroscopic metroplasty in diethylstilboestrol-exposed and hypoplastic uterus: A report on 24 cases. Hum Reprod 13:2751-2755, 1998

Gell JS, Oh J, Rainey WE, Carr BR. Effect of estradiol on DHEAS production in the human adrenocortical cell line, H295R. J Soc Gynecol Investig 5:144-148, 1998

Hatch EE, Palmer JR, Titus-Ernstoff L, Noller KL, Kaufman RH, Mittendorf R, Robboy SJ, Hyer M, Cowan CM, Adam E, Colton T, Hartge P, Hoover RN. Cancer risk in women exposed to diethylstilbestrol in utero. JAMA 280:630-634, 1998

Li Y, Rinehart CA. Regulation of keratinocyte growth factor expression in human endometrium: Implications for hormonal carcinogenesis. Molec Carcinog 23:217-225, 1998

Ma L, Benson GV, Lim H, Dey SK, Maas RL. Abdominal B (AbdB) Hoxa genes: regulation in adult uterus by estrogen and progesterone and repression in Muellerian duct by the synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES). Dev Biol 197:141-154, 1998

Miller C, Degenhardt K, Sassoon DA. Fetal exposure to DES results in deregulation of Wnt7a during uterine morphogenesis.Nature Genet 20:228-230, 1998

Newbold RR, Hanson RB, Jefferson WN, Bullock BC, Haseman J, McLachlan JA. Increased tumors but uncompromised fertility in the female descendants of mice exposed developmentally to diethylstilbestrol. Carcinogenesis 19:1655-1663, 1998

Sanderson M, Williams MA, Daling JR, Holt VL, Malone KE, Self SG. Maternal factors and breast cancer risk among young women. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 12:397-407, 1998

Santti R, Makela S, Strauss L, Korkman J, Kostian ML. Phytoestrogens: Potential endocrine disruptors in males. Toxicol Ind Health 14:223-237,1998

Schuler M, Hasegawa L, Parks R, Metzler M, Eastmond DA. Dose-response studies of the induction of hyperdiploidy and polyploidy by diethylstilbestrol and 17beta-estradiol in cultured human lymphocytes using multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization. Environ Molec Mutagen 31:263-273, 1998

Shiau AK, Barstad D, Loria PM, Cheng L, Kushner PJ, Agard DA, Greene GL. The structural basis of estrogen receptor/coactivator recognition and the antagonism of this interaction by tamoxifen. Cell 95:927-937, 1998

Vingerhoets AJ, Assies J, Goodkin K, Van Heck GL, Bekker MH. Prenatal diethylstilbestrol exposure and self-reported immune-related diseases. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 77:205-209, 1998


Helmrich SP, Anderson DA, Palmer JR, Shena SA, Herbst AL. The DES Clear Cell Cancer Cohort described. Manuscript in preparation

Kerjean A, Poirot C, Epelboin S, Jouannet P. Effect of in-utero diethylstilboestrol exposure on human oocyte quality and fertilization in a programme of in-vitro fertilization. Hum Reprod 14:1578-1581, 1999

Lempert P. Myopia in diethylstilboestrol exposed amblyopic subjects. Br J Ophthalmol 83:126, 1999

*NIH Workshop: Long-term effects of exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES), April 22-24, 1992 (This publication is a comprehensive summary of the history and status of DES exposure and research up to 1992 and includes several topic-driven bibliographic listings reflective of these historical research perspectives.)

Home Inroduction/Background Opening Remarks State of the Research Advocates' Remarks Recommendations and Findings Closing Remarks Appendices