Table of contents for A parent's guide to gifted children / James T. Webb ... [et al.].

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Table of Contents
?	The Importance of Parents 
?	Parenting a Gifted Child Is a Lonely Experience
?	Myths about Gifted Children
?	Is There a Better Term than "Gifted"?
?	Challenges for Gifted Children 
?	Practical Advice
Chapter 1: Defining Giftedness
?	What Exactly Is Giftedness?
?	Are Mental Abilities Inherited?
?	How Do We Measure Giftedness?
?	Multiple Intelligences
Chapter 2: Characteristics of Gifted Children
?	The Most Typical Characteristics
o	Strong verbal abilities
o	Unusually good memory
o	Intense curiosity
o	Wide range of interests
o	Interest in experimenting
o	Passionate imagination and creativity
o	Remarkable sense of humor
o	Desire for reasons and understanding
o	Impatience with themselves or with others
o	Longer attention span
o	Complex thinking
o	Concern with social or political problems or injustices
o	Sensitivity
o	Intensity
o	Daydreaming
?	Auditory-Sequential or Visual-Spatial? 
?	Overexcitabilities and Gifted Children
o	Intellectual overexcitability
o	Imaginational overexcitability
o	Emotional overexcitability
o	Psychomotor overexcitability
o	Sensual overexcitability
?	Potential Problems for Gifted Children
?	Is My Child Gifted or Just Smart?
o	Questioning style
o	Learning speed and application of concepts
o	Emotional outlook
o	Level of interest
o	Language ability
o	Concern with fairness
Chapter 3: Communication: The Key to Relationships 
?	What Communication Skills Are You Modeling?
?	Barriers to Communication and Relationships
?	Communication and Feelings Are Linked
?	Feelings are Neither Right Nor Wrong
?	Naming Feelings
?	Communication Issues for Gifted Children
?	Punishing the Child for Being Gifted 
?	Communication is the Lifeline
?	Other Obstructions to Communication
?	Techniques and Strategies
o	Listen, if you want to communicate
o	Accept feelings even when you disagree with them
o	Create an atmosphere that promotes communication
o	Use reflective listening
o	Understand silence
o	Set aside special time
o	Create family "Super Saturdays"
o	Assess emotional temperatures
o	Share feelings
o	Use "I-Statements"
o	Separate the behavior from the child
o	Remember your own past
o	Teach interpersonal skills
o	Monitor your own intense feelings
o	Avoid untrue or contradictory messages
o	Communicate with touch
o	Avoid gossip
o	Reward honesty
o	Establish a complaint department
o	Respect your child's feelings, and don't intrude
o	Handle sensitive topics delicately
o	Appreciate temperament differences
o	Avoid making promises; they can be difficulty to keep
o	Enjoy favorite activities together
o	Use written notes tucked here and there
o	Avoid too many "observations"
?	Solving Communication Problems
Chapter 4: Motivation, Enthusiasm, and Underachievement
?	How Can Motivation Become a Problem?
?	Why Wouldn't a Gifted Child Be Motivated?
o	Health 
o	Family
o	Relationships
o	School 
o	Other factors
?	Where to Start
o	What does the child see as important?
o	Are you understanding or demanding? 
?	The Next Step: Find the Child's Interests
?	Involve the Child in Self-Management
?	What Motivates People?
?	The Foundation¿Four Basic Needs 
?	The Advanced Levels¿Four Growth Needs
?	Six Practical Steps
?	Create a Climate for Motivation
?	Avoid Power Struggles
?	Develop a Positive Relationship
?	Challenge, but Provide Support
?	Establish Appropriate Goals
o	Planning the steps
o	Values
o	Parental values and goals
?	Build on Success
o	Support small steps
o	Catch the child doing something right--frequently
o	Use "expectant praise"
?	Other Techniques and Strategies
o	Focus on effort, not just the outcome
o	Recognize accomplishments
o	Participate in joint activities 
o	Avoid "Yes, buts¿"
o	Be sensitive, but also specific
o	Seek mentoring opportunities
?	Find the Balance
Chapter 5: Establishing Discipline and Teaching Self-Management
?	Discipline and Punishment
?	Three Discipline Styles
?	Discipline and Self-Management 
?	Self-Discipline Is Learned Slowly 
?	Three Questions of Discipline
?	How Discipline Problems Arise
?	Establish Limits
?	Avoid Feeding the Monster of Negativity
?	Consistency Is Important
?	How Many Rules?
?	Develop Rules As a Family
?	Children Learn Best through Experience
o	Natural consequences
o	Logical consequences
o	Imposed consequences
?	Actions Speak Louder Than Words
o	Be frequent and consistent
o	Don't reward the misbehavior
o	Avoid shooing flies
o	Rein in nagging
o	Sometimes, ignore behaviors
o	Try not to overreact
o	Avoid being tentative, changing consequences, and giving mixed messages
?	Power Struggles over Discipline
?	How Much to Push? When to Back Off?
?	Offer Choices
?	Praise and Encouragement Guidelines
o	Praise should be accurate, valid, and specific
o	Praise the behavior, not the child
o	Use the sandwich technique
?	Other Suggestions and Strategies
o	Acknowledge emotions first; then address discipline 
o	Assess the child's needs
o	Choose your battles
o	Examine your expectations
o	Make expectations clear
o	Refrain from harsh and inconsistent punishment
o	Support the other parent
o	Avoid ridicule and sarcasm
o	Use a written goal schedule or chart
o	Write behavioral contracts
o	Touch your child to get his attention and to show affection
o	Convey your trust that your children will act wisely
o	Avoid dishonesty; do not encourage your child to lie 
o	Be patient; don't give up!
Chapter 6: Intensity, Stress, and Perfectionism
?	Intensity and Sensitivity
?	How Others React to Gifted Behaviors
?	Asynchronous Development 
o	Emotional and intellectual maturity
o	Asynchrony of abilities
o	Interpersonal asynchrony
?	Idealism and Perfectionism
?	Is Perfectionism Inborn or Learned?
?	Types of Perfectionism
?	Overachievement: Is It Possible?
?	Problems and Opportunities of Stress
?	Handling Excessive Stress
?	Learning to Tolerate Frustration
?	Self-Management
?	Our Inner Voice
?	Self-Talk Mistakes
o	The bad bookkeeping error
o	The proportionality error
o	Illogical beliefs
o	Failing to look for evidence
?	Avoiding the Pitfalls
?	Additional Suggestions and Strategies
o	Talk about self-talk
o	Model healthy self-talk
o	Don't ignore or deny problems 
o	Listen, but give little direct advice
o	Avoid parental over-involvement
o	Allow the child to dream
o	Teach ways to look for evidence to challenge unhealthy self-talk
o	Practice making predictions
o	Explore real vs. false alarms
o	Act, rather than fret
o	Practice relaxation strategies
o	Learn to say "no"
o	Is it my problem, or does it belong to someone else? 
o	Develop perspective through books and movies
o	Use a daily journal
o	Expect progress, not perfection
o	Encourage pride in attempts
o	Avoid blaming others; it does not reduce stress
o	Convert problems into opportunities
o	Attempt to compartmentalize stressors
o	Learn how to ignore
o	Bullying and stress
o	Relieve tension with humor
o	Monitor physical and emotional conditions
o	Practice other coping activities
?	The Alphabet of Resilience¿The ABCDE Model
o	Adversity
o	Beliefs
o	Consequences
o	Disputing
o	Energizing
?	A Resilient Sense of Self is Vital
Chapter 7: Idealism, Unhappiness, and Depression
?	How Widespread is Depression?
?	Depression and Suicide in Gifted Children
?	Which Gifted Children Are More at Risk?
?	Criticism and Depression
?	Symptoms of Depression
?	Genetics and Environment
?	Other Sources of Depression
o	Loss and grief 
o	Idealism, perfectionism, and disappointment
o	Interpersonal alienation
o	Existential concerns
?	Depression and Anger
?	Preventing Depression
?	Feeling Disappointed in Oneself
?	Helping a Child Who Is Depressed
o	Notice how long the child has been depressed
o	Listen to the child 
o	Accept the concerns
o	Give emotional support
o	Evaluate the level of depression and degree of risk 
o	Ask about suicide
o	Consult with others
o	Take action. 
?	Suicide
Chapter 8: Acquaintances, Friends, and Peers 
?	Who Is a True Peer for a Gifted Child?
?	How Many Friends Does Your Child Need?
?	When Do Peer Problems Begin?
o	Preschool peer problems
o	Peer concerns in school
o	Peer pressures from home
o	Peer pressures for parents
?	How Important Are Social Skills?
?	Older Playmates
?	Special Friends
?	Introversion and Peers
?	Alone Time
?	Peer Comparisons and the Label Gifted
?	Friendship Strategies
?	Peer Pressures in Adolescence
?	Peer Pressure and Academic Underachievement
?	Peer Relations in College and After
?	Stages of Friendship
?	Aggressive, Passive, or Assertive
?	Practical Suggestions
o	Provide structure
o	Avoid overscheduling
o	Change bossiness into leadership
o	Consider special schools or programs
o	Avoid too many comparisons
o	Put peer pressure in perspective
o	Use bibliotherapy
?	Peer Relations within the Family
?	Helping Parents Cope with Peer Pressure
Chapter 9: Family Relationships: Siblings and Only Children
?	Only Children
?	Sibling Competition and Cooperation
?	Birth Order
?	Roles and Status
?	Sibling Rivalry
?	Seeking Power, Attention, and Recognition
?	Why Else Do They Squabble and Compete?
?	Unequal Abilities among Siblings
?	How Permanent Are Sibling Patterns?
?	Role Models
?	Practical Suggestions
o	Use special time
o	Set limits
o	Foster a comfortable environment
o	Avoid (or at least minimize) comparisons
o	Describe, rather than compare
o	When others make comparisons
o	Minimize your involvement
o	Acknowledge the feelings
o	Don't take sides
o	Teach sharing and problem solving
o	Expand and highlight the child's roles
?	Fair and Equal Does Not always Mean Identical
?	Expand and Highlight the Child's Roles
?	Sibling Cooperation
Chapter 10: Values, Traditions, and Uniqueness: Challenging Customs and 
Searching for Individuality
?	The Value of Traditions, Customs and Social Norms
?	Types of Traditions
?	Traditions Can Create Conflict
?	Challenging Traditions
?	Progress May Come from Defying Traditions
?	Traditions, Values, and Moral Development
?	Practical Suggestions
o	Understanding the costs
o	Confronting or leading?
o	Being true to yourself
o	Recognizing your own beliefs
o	Keeping communication open
o	Rebelling can hurt relationships
o	Exploring non-traditional gender roles
o	Expect your children to examine other traditions
o	Examine your family's traditions
?	Shared Experiences Cultivate Traditions
Chapter 11: Complexities of Successful Parenting 
?	Influences on Modern Parenting
o	Mobility
o	Divorce and remarriage
o	Faster pace 
o	Nothing is unthinkable
o	Disturbing role modes
o	Consumerism
?	Being a Successful Parent
?	Parents Must Care for Themselves, Too
?	Maintain Perspective and Distance
o	Adultizing the gifted child
o	Enmeshment
?	Pushy Parent, or Just Involved?
?	Does Common Wisdom Apply to Exceptional Children?
?	Family Equilibrium
?	Blended Families and Step-Parenting
?	When Parenting Styles Differ
?	Disagreements among Parents
?	Practical Suggestions 
?	Gifted Adults
Chapter 12: Children Who Are Twice-Exceptional 
?	The Problem of Misdiagnosis
?	Disorders Frequently Associated with Giftedness
?	Learning Disabilities
?	Diagnosing Learning Disabilities
?	Areas of Learning Disability
o	Reading Disorders
o	Writing Problems
o	Language production
o	Learning and memory problems
o	Mathematics disorder
o	Nonverbal Learning Disorders
o	Sensory-Motor Integration Disorders
o	Auditory Processing Disorders
?	Cognitive Rehabilitation
o	ADD/ADHD, Gifted, or Both?
o	Similarities and differences between Gifted Behaviors and ADHD
?	Asperger's Disorder
o	Similarities between Asperger's Disorder and Gifted Behaviors
?	Practical Suggestions
Chapter 13: How Schools Identify Gifted Children 
?	Methods of Identification
?	Teacher Nominations
?	Group Achievement Tests
?	Group Ability Tests
?	Rating Scales and Checklists
?	Creativity Testing
?	Using Multiple Criteria
?	When Scores Do Not Match with the Characteristics
?	Individual Testing
?	Measuring Intelligence
?	How Early Can You Do IQ Tests?
?	Culture-Fair Issues in Testing Intelligence
?	Trust Your Own Observations
Chapter 14: Finding a Good Educational Fit
?	Can't I Simply Trust the Schools?
?	Working with Schools
?	What to look for in the School
?	School Provisions for Gifted Children
?	Differentiation within the Regular Classroom
?	Program Options for Gifted Children
o	Enrichment
?	Enrichment in the classroom
?	Enrichment using resource programs
o	Ability Grouping
?	Cluster grouping
?	Acceleration options
?	Acceleration with advanced classes
?	Talent Search programs
?	International Baccalaureate programs
?	School Options
o	Self-Contained Schools for Gifted Children
o	Charter Schools
o	Private and Parochial Schools
o	Home Schooling
?	Parents have a Voice
?	Gathering Information about a Gifted Program
?	Advocating for Your Child
?	The Importance of Gifted Education
?	Schools Reflect Society 
?	Financial Support for Gifted Education 
?	Parent Involvement Is Important
Chapter 15: Finding Professional Help
?	Talk to Other Parents
?	Deciding to Seek a Counselor
?	Is Testing Needed?
?	Medication or Counseling?
?	A Family Counselor?
?	How Expensive Is It?
?	Finding the Right Professional
?	What Should I Expect?
?	Associations and Organizations
?	Internet
?	Journals
Appendix A: Suggested Readings
About the Authors
List of Tables
Table 1:	Gardner's Multiple Intelligences 
Table 2:	Common Characteristics of Gifted Children
Table 3:	Thinking and Learning Styles
Table 4:	Problems Associated with Characteristic Strengths in Gifted Children
Table 5:	Underlying Beliefs and Emotional Consequences
Table 6:	Frequent Reasons for Underachievement and Decreased Motivation 
Table 7:	Illogical and Unreasonable Beliefs
Table 8:	Stages of Moral Development
Table 9:	Ability and Performance areas covered by the Renzulli and Smith Scales 
for Rating the Characteristics of Superior Students
Table 10:	Questions More Important than "Is My Child In a Gifted Program?"
Table 11:	Differentiation of Curriculum and Instruction
Table 12:	Ability Grouping and Acceleration
List of Figures
Figure 1:	Distribution of Intelligence Quotients

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Gifted children.
Child rearing.
Gifted children -- Psychology.