current smokers had a penile cancer risk I .6 times that of never smokers. but the risk among former smokers was similar to that among current smokers (Table 8). Primary hepatocellular cancer has been associated with smoking in a number of recent studies (Trichopoulous et al. 1980: Lam et al. 1981: Yu et al. 1983: Oshima et al. 1984: Trichopoulos et al. 1987; Hirayama 1989). This association is of potentially great public health importance because of the high incidence of primary liver cancer and the epidemic of cigarette smoking worldwide, which is increasingly involving countries in which liver cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality. The mechanism whereby smoking might affect liver cancer risk is unknown. Although potential confounding by alcohol consumption is of concern in interpreting this association. the association of smoking with hepatocellular cancer has remained significant in several studies after controlling for alcohol intake (Trichopoulos et al. 1980: Yu et al. 1983; Oshimaet al. 1984; Trichopoulos et al. 1987). One case. /r,lc,,.rfrrtiorfu/ .lor,,.,kr/ <$Crrrrc.rr. 3 I (3):557-S6 I. April 15. 19xX. JENSEN, O.M.. WAHRENDORF. J.. BLEITNER. M.. KNUDSEN. J.B.. SORENSEN, B.L. The Copenhagen case,nw~/c Ilt>.c lo r/w Slrtrl~ of CU/iW/~ 1111d Orlrar CIlI~olllr~ Di\cw\c~.\. NC1 Monograph 19. U.S. Department ot Health. Education. and Welfare. L1.S. Public Health Service. National Cancer Institute. January 1966. pp. I-125. KINLEN. L.J.. ROGOT. E. Leukemia and \mohmp habIt\ among Cnited States wtcran\. B~.rti.cll M&rr (I/ ./orcwtrl 207(66-l9):657-65Y. Scptcmber IO. I YXX. KOUMANTAKI. Y.. TZONOL. A., KOUMANTAKIS, E.. KAKLAMANI, E.. ARXV,4N- TINOS. D.. TRICHOPOULOS. D. 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An7c7~ic~trrr .lort777u/ ofEpidemio/o,qy 12X(4):77 l-777. October IYXX. MORRISON, A.S.. BURING. J.E.. VERHOEK, W.G.. AOKI. K.. LECK. I.. OHNO. Y.. OBATA. K. An international study of smoking and bladder cancer. Jo7tr~7trl c!f` b'~-o/o,p~~ 13 I (4):6SC-654. April 19X4. NISCHAN. P., EBELING, K.. SCHINDLER, C. Smoking and invasive cervical cancer rish. Results from a case-control study.,cu7 .Jo~rmu/ of Epidcn7io/o,q~ 12X( I ):74-77. July 198X. NOMURA, A., GROVE. J.S.. STEMMERMANN. G.N.. SEVERSON. R.K. A prospective study of stomach cancer and its relation to diet, cigarettes, and alcohol consumption. Cru7wr- Re.seu7~l7 SO:67743 I. February 1. 1990. NORELL. S.E.. AHLBOM. A.. ERWALD. R.. JACOBSON. G.. LINDBERG-KAVIER. 1.. OLIN, R., TORNBERG. B., WIECHEL. K.L. Diet and pancreatic cancer: A case-control study. Am~ricu~7 ./07rr77c1/ of Epidcn7iology 124(6):X94-901. December I9 X6. OLSEN. G.W.. MANDEL. J.S.. GIBSON. R.W.. WATTENBERG. L.W.. SCHLMAN. L.M. A casexontrol study of pancreatic cancer and cigarettes. alcohol. coffee. and diet. ,A777c1-ic U/I .lo7rr77ul ofPuhk Hculrh 79(X ): IO1 6-l 019. 19X'). IX3 OSHIMA. A.. TSLIKUMA. H.. HIYAMA. T.. FI~JJMOTO. 1.. YAMANO. H.. TANAKA. M. Follovv-up study of HBs AX-postttve blood donors u ith special reference toeffect ofdrinhing and amohing on development of Itver cancer. //rrcwtrr~~wtrI ./w/./w/ of Ctwwr. 31:775-779. IYX4. PETERS. R.K..THOMAS. D.. HACAN. D.G.. MACK. T.M.. HENDERSON. B.E. Risk factors for invasive cetvical cancer among Latinas and nonLatinus in Los Angeles County. ./~~f~17t(1/ o/'t/re Norior7/// C///r/ ('I' I/rv//r//!t* 7715): 1063-1077. November 19X6. ROGOT. E.. MURRAY. J.L. Smoking and causes of death among U.S. veterans: I6 years' of obsewation. P///dir Hcolrh Rqxj/~\ 9.5( 3 ):2 13-2-92. May/June 19X0. ROHAN. T.E.. BARON. J.A. Ctgarette smohtng and breast cancer. AnM~r~/t~url Jolo-IlUl of Epitkt77io/r~,q~ l29( I ):3632. January IYXY. ROSENBERG. L..SCHWIKGL. P.J.. 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Multiple primary cancers. In: Schottenfeld. D.. Fraumeni. J.F. Jr. (eda.! Ctr/7w/. Epit/cr77/o/o,~~ /1/7/l Pre~~c~/rr/o/r. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. Co.. I YX?. p. 1025. SCHOTTENFELD. D.. GANTT. R.C.. WYNDER. E.L. The role of alcohol and tobacco tn multiple prima? cancers ofthe upperdigestive sy stem. larynx and lung: A prospectiw stud!. P/~c~~c/~c~I`~ Mctlic i77c' 3(1):277-2Y3. June 1971. SEVERSON. R.K. Cigarette smohtnp and leukemta. Cur7r c~-60(2t:111-111. July IS. 19X7. SILVERM,4N. S. JR.. GORSKY. M.. GREENSPAN. D. Tobacco uwpe in patients ~tth head and nech carcinomas: A followup study on habit changes and second prnt~ary oral/oropharyngeal cancers. ./,w/Y7cl/ of //7/Z Ar77c~/-/c~~l/7 ne/rrtr/ .A.\srJc~/~rrro~7 lO6( I t:33-35. January 19x3. SLATTERY. M.L.. ROBISON. L.M.. SCHCMAN. K.L.. FRENCH. T.K.. ABBOTT. T.M.. OVERALL, J.C. JR.. GARDNER. J.W. CtXarctte smokmg and exposure to passive smohe are risk factors for cervical cancer. Jofr~~~rul of r/7/3 r\r71~/-1c~trt7 Mctlic trl AMOC rtrf7017 26l( I I ):lSu)-ISYX, March 17. IYXY. SLATTERY. M.L.. SCHUMACHER. h1.C.. U'EST. D.W.. ROBISON. L.M. Smokmp and bladder cancer. The modifytng effect ofcifarettes on other factors. CC//~< (`I. 61(_7):402-t(lX. January IS. 19xX. SMITH. E.M.. SOWERS. M.F.. BURNS. T.L. Effects ofsmohing on the development of female reproducttve cancers. ./or(/.rrc// wl ................................ 211 Studies of Smohing Cessation and Rish of Aortic Aneurysm ............... 211 Smohing Cessation and Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Di\ea\e ............... 211 Smohing Cessation and Development of Peripheral c\rtery Di\ea\e Z-l.3 Smohinf Cessation and Prognosi\ of Peripheral Artery Disease Z-l.1 Surnmar~ ........................................................ 11-J Smohing Cehation and Cerebrovascular Disease .............. ........... 215 Studies of Smohing Cessation and Ri+ of Cerebrovawular Disease ......... 2-W Cro\s-Sectional Studic\ .......................................... 7-K Case-Control Studieh ........... ................................ 7-K Prospective Cohort Studies ....................................... 2IY Summary of Observational Studies ........ ........................ 75 I Intervention Studie\ ............................................. 251 Influence of Prior Levels of` Smohing ............................... 25 I Effect of Duration of Abstinence ................................... 32 Oral Contraceptives and Stnohing Cessation ......................... 25X Effect of Smoking Cessation After Strohe .... ...................... 260 Summary ........................................................ 2hO Conclusions ..................................................... ..~60 References ...................................................... ..26 I IIVTRODLCTION Cigarette smoking is firmly established as an important cause of coronary heart disease (CHD). arteriosclerotic peripheral vascular disease. and stroke (US DHHS 1983. 1989). Eliminating smohing presents an opportunit) for bringing about a major reduction in the occurrence of CHD. the leading cause of death in the United States. Before examining the epidemiologic evidence relating zmohin, ~7 cessation and rish of CHD and other forms of cardiovascular disease (CVD). the mechanisms by uhich smohing leads to these diseases are briefly reviewed. The objectives in considering these mechanisms are to address the plausibility that smoking cessation reduces rish of CVD. to estimate the expected magnitude in rish reduction. and to assess the rapidit) with which any risk reduction might occur. Whether these mechanisms are immedi- ately reversible. irreversible. or slowly reversible i\ of particular rele\,ance to the rapidity with which smoking cessation will reduce rich. The role of smohins in the pathogenesis of CHD is discussed at length. Th e etiologies of peripheral \ ascular disease and stroke share several common features M ith CHD: thus. discussion focuses on distinguishing features. PATHOPHYSIOLOGIC FRAMEWORK Smoking and Development of CHD Pathogenesis of CHD. which includes the clinical manifestations of myocardial infarction (MI). angina pectoris. and sudden death. is extremely complex and mediated by multiple mechanisms and etiologic factors (Munro and Cotran 198X). At least five interrelated processes are likely to contribute to the clinical manifestations of MI- atherosclerosis. thrombosis, coronary artery spasm. cardiac arrhythmia, and reduced capacity of the blood to deliver oxygen. Smoking appears to influence many steps in the development of CHD. Although not all of these effects are proven fully. the evidence for an influence on several mechanisms is convincing. The exact components of cigarette smoke that are responsible are not known in each instance. but experimental data have implicated nicotine and carbon monoxide (CO) in several processes. Other products of cigarette smoking, such as cadmium. nitric oxide. hydrogen cyanide. and carbon disulfide. have been hypothesized to play a rote. but their quantitative contribu- tions remain unknown (US DHHS 1983). Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis is the mechanical narrowing of medium-sized arteries by the proliferation of smooth muscle cells. lipid accumulation. and ultimately. plaque forma- tion and calcification (Munro and Cotran 1988). These lesions develop over decades and are not immediately reversible; whether they are substantially reversible at all in humans is a matter of current interest. Reversibility has been demonstrated in non- human primates (Clarkson et al. 1984: Malinow and Blaton 1983) and huggested in studies of humans using repeated arteriography (Blanhenhorn et al. 1987). Smohing is I91 clear]) associated with the presence of atherosclerosis of the coronary arterie>, small arteries of the myocardium. the aorta. and other vessels ;I\ demonrtrated in man! autops) and angiographic studies (US DHHS lYX3). The development of athero- sclerosis is complex. and several processes are likely to be important. Endothelial damage is thought to play ;I primary role in the development of atherosclerosis by exposing the arterial intima to blood lipids and white cells and bj stimulating platelet adhesion. The endothelial damage can be an actual physical denudation. but toxic functional damage may have similar consequences. In animal studies. serum nicotine at levels similar to those of human smokers caused endothelial damage (Krupshi et al. 19X7: Zimmerman and McGeachie 19X7). Evidence that smoking has a direct toxic effect on human endothelium is provided by the observation that smoking 9 tobacco cigarettes approximately doubled the number of nuclear- damaged endothelial cells in circulating blood (Davis et al. 198.5. 1986): smoking non-tobacco cigarettes had little effect. In addition. Asmussen and Kjeldsen (1975) found pronounced degenerative changes of the umbilical artery endothelium at the time of delivery among mothers who smoked: these changes were not present in the arteries of nonsmoking mothers. Smooth muscle cell proliferation is a primary feature of atherosclerotic lesions and may result from several stimuli: the mo5t clearly demonstrated is platelet-derived growth factor from adherent platelets. Smoking appears to increase the adherence of platelets to arterial endothelium: blood draun from persons after smoking 3 cigarettes results in a more-than-hundredfold adhesion of platelets to rabbit endothelium than does blood drawn from persons before smoking or from ne\`er smohers (Pittilo et al. 19X1). Platelets from chronic smohers have a greater tendenc) to aggregate on an artificial surface than do those from nonsmokers (Rival. Riddle. Stein lY87). In minipig>. both cigarette smoke and CO increase the adhesion of platelets to arterial endothelium (Marshall I YX6). The intluence of smohing on platelet activity is discussed further in the following section. Lipid infiltration of the arterial intima. largely cholesterol, is another primaq feature of atherosclerosis and is directly related to higher blood levels of low-densit! lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and reduced blood levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC'). Smoking reduces the level of HDL-C. A strong inverse associa- tion betv,eren daily cigarette consumption and HDL-C has been observed in man) cross-sectional studies in the United States (Freedman et al. 19X7; Gordon and Doyle 19X6: Reichle!, Mueller. Hanis et al. lYX7: Willett et al. IYX3) and in other countries (Assmann. Schultc. Schrleuer IYXI; Goldhourt et al. I9Xh: Gomo lY86; Jacobsen and Thelle IYX7: Pellctier and Baher IYX7: Robinson et al. 19X7: Tuomilehto et al. 19X6). In a longitudinal. community-based study. HDL-C decreased among persons starting to smoke and increased among those &ho stopped smoking (Fortmann. Haskell. Williams 19X6). In other prospectike studies. smoking abstinence ha\ been associated M,ith substantial increases in HDL-C levels in both men and women (Hulley. Cohen. Widdouson IY77: Hubert et al. 19X7: Rabhin 19X-t). In a stud) among young adults in Louisiana. those \vho began smohing experienced substantial reductions in HDL-C compared with those u ho did not start (Freedman et al. I%%). HDL-C increased among I3 adult women who \uccessfully stopped smohing for 18 days. but decreased to its previous levels among those vvho returned to smohing (Stamford et al. IYXh). Thus. data indicate that smoking reduces the level of HDL-C. a potent protective factor against CHD. In a number of studies. smokers ha\,e been found to hav,e higher levels of triglycerides (Freedman et al. 19X6: Jacobsen and Thelle 19X7; Gomo 19X6: Willett et al. lYX3): however. the independent relation of triglyceride level with rish of CHD is not clear. Smoking appears to have little. if any. relation with LDL-C level. Howsever. smokers have approximately twice the level of serum malondialdehydt of nonsmohers (Nadiger. Mathew. Sadasivudu lYX7): malondialdehyde can alter LDL-C and may promote its incorporation into arterial wall macrophages (Steinberg et al. IYXY). In a metabolic study among young men. smokers had a decreased cholesterol net transport from cell membranes into plasma. which could partially explain the accumulation of cholesterol in arterial walls (de Parscau and Fielding 19X6). Thrombosis Coronary artery thrombosis, resulting from platelet-fibrin thrombi, is a key element in most cases of MI. Thrombi are visualized in a high percentage of coronary arteries studied angiographically within hours of the onset of infarction (DeWood et al. I YXO). and agents that lyse thrombi are effective treatments for MI (Stampfer et al. 19x7; Loscalzo and Braunwald IYXX). The efficacy of aspirin. an antiplatelet agent. in preventing MI further supports the role of thrombus formation (Steering Committee of the Physicians' Health Study Research Group lYX9). The finding that smoking is associated with history of MI even after controlling for atherosclerosis (Hartz et al. 19X I ) emphasizes the importance of mechanisms in addition to those that promote atherosclerosis. Platelets play a central role in thrombus formation in addition to releasing growth factors that stimulate the proliferation of smooth muscle cells in arterial intima (Pack- ham and Mustard 19X6). Platelets can form microthrombi that become incorporated into the arterial wall, thus contributing to plaque formation and participating in generation of larger platelet-fibrin thrombi that may acutely occlude a coronary artery. Smoking cigarettes acutely increases spontaneous platelet aggregation in humans (Davis et al. 1985) and in dogs with coronary artery stenosis (Folts and Bonebrake 19X2). Madsen and Dyerberg ( 19X4) observed that smoking 2 high-nicotine cigarettes substantially reduced bleeding time among healthy young men, although ex vivo tests of platelet aggregability vvere only minimally inhibited. In this study. smoking low nicotine cigarettes and inhalation of CO had little effect on bleeding time. Shortened platelet survival, an indirect indicator of activation. was observed in smokers and reverted to normal after 4 weeks of smoking abstinence (Fuster et al. 19X I ). Studies of smoking and platelet aggregation ex vivo in response to the typical stimuli used in the laboratory. such as adenosine diphosphate (ADP) or thrombin. are incon- sistent. Increased aggregation has been seen with platelets from chronic smokers (Belch et al. 1984) and in blood drawn IO minutes after smoking I cigarette (Renaud et al. 19x5; Renaud et al. 1984); in the latter study. aggregation was associated with blood nicotine levels but not with carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) levels. However. in other studie\. ex viva platelet aggregation was not related to cigarette smoking (Pittilo et al. 19x3; Dotevall et al. 19X7: de Loyeril et al. IYXS: Madsen and Dyerberg 19X3). In one large study. aggregation in response to ADP stimulation was actually somewhat greater in nonsmoker\ (Meade et al. 19X5). Studies of the effect of smoking on platelet production of thromboxane. which mediates the aggregatorv effect. have also been inconsistent. In some studie\. smohing was found to acutely increase thromboxane blood levels. which reflect the capacity to produce thromboxane in response to stimula- tion. and urinary metabolitea. which reflect the normal steady-state production (Toivanen. Ylikorhala. Viinihka 19X6: Marasini et al. 19X6: Fischer et al. 1986). However. serum thromboxane B? level\ were found to be similar among chronic smokers compared with nonsmokers in another study (DotevaIl et al. 19X7). The serious limitation\ of cx vivo aggregability measurements in the evaluation of in vivo platelet activity have been noted (Fitqerald. Oates. Nowak 19Xx). These researchers meawred urinary excretion of a thromboxane metabolite and found elevated levels in chronic smohers that were reduced to the level ofnon~mokers after aspirin administra- tion. suggesting ;I platelet origin of the excess excretion (Nowak et al. 1987). The luch of a consistent relation between making and ex viva te\ts of platelet aggregability despite the demowtration that platelets of smoker\ adhere more readily to endothelium has led to the suggestion that wioking inhibits the production in arterial walls ofprostacyclin. an inhibitor of platelet aggregation (Mad\en and Dyerberp 1984). Reinders and coworkers ( 19X6) demnnwated that the production of prostacyclin b) cultured human endothelial cells is impaired by incubation with cigarette \mokc condensate. Pittilo and colleague3 ( 1982) also found that smoking reduce\ endothelial cell synthesis of pro\tacyclin in rats. Thu\. in \.i\o making-related effects on platelet function may be mediated in part b>, an interaction with endothelium. Fibrinogen levels have been found to be elevated among smoker\ in numerow cross-sectional studies (Meade et al. 19X6: Kennel. D'Agostino. Belanger 19X7: Wil- helm\en et at. 19x3: DotevaIl et al. 19X7: Belch et al. IYX3: Ballei\en et al. IYX5). Fibrinogen levels. in turn. are \trongl!. related to ri\h ofCHD and stroke (Meade et at. lYX6: Kannel. D'Ago\tino. Bel;inycr 19X7: Wilhelmwn et al. t9X4). Smohing ce\w tion rewlted in ;I decrease in fibrinogen levels after 1 w,eeh\ among Y female moher\ (Harenberg et aI. t YX5) and after X LI eeh\ among I1 mule maker\ (Ernst and Matrai 1987). In the latter stud\. the level\ after X v,eeh\ \+eere similar to those among nc\`er maker\. When fibrinogen M;I\ remeasured after 5 bears. \ alues had decreased to the level\ofnever smoker\ among men u ho had stopped wiohin, L ~7 ,tnd had incren\ed amonp thaw M,ho started or rrsumcd wiohing (Made. Imcson. Stirling 19X7). In multivariate analk\e\ ofdata from the Fram~ngham Stud! (Kanncl. D'.Qo\tino. Belrmger 19X7) and Northu ich Parh Stud! (Me& et al. 19X6) that both included cigarette smoking as uell ;I\ fibrinogen le\ttl\, fibrinogen retained a clear independent a\socistion \\ ith ri\h ot CHD. whereas the effect of smohing \~a\ sub~tantiatt! reduced after the inclusion of fibrinogen in the model. Thi\ anatysi\ wggest\ that elevated fibrinogen le\,els ma> mediate a quantitativeI! important part of the effect ot` smoking on CHD rish. Other clotting abnormrrlitie\. such as increuwd plasma viscosity and reduced red cclt deformabilit>. that tend to promote thrombw formation ha\,e alw been obwrwd in smohers (Belch et al. IYX-!). In addition. Iewls of plawiinogen. which promote\ I\\i\ of thrombi. are lower in smokers (Wilhelmsen et a). 1983: Belch et al. 1984). but the levels increase after smoking cessation (Harenberg et al. 1985). Spasm Coronary artery spasm can cause acute ischemia manifested as angina pectoris and may promote thrombus formation at the site of repeated arterial constriction (Felts and Bonebrake 19X2). Both chronic and acute cigarette smoking have a demonstrable vasoconstrictor effect on the coronary vasculature (Klein 1 YX3). Compared V. ith never smokers. current smokers have an approximately twentyfold risk ofvasospastic angina pectoris (Scholl et al. 1986). Coronary artery spasm has also been identified bl angiography after smoking a single cigarette (Maouad et al. 1983). Smohing-induced vasoconstriction has been demonstrated in patients with atherosclerotic coronary artq disease (Martin et al. 19X3) that is mediated by an cx-adrenergic increase in coronary artery tone (Winniford et al. 19X6). In addition. smokin, L 0 3cutely increases platelet and plasma vasopressin (Nussey et al. 19X6) as well as the carrier protein of vasopressin and oxytocin (de Lorgeril et al. 1985). In addition to causing acute arterial spasm. cigarette smoking appears to be associated with a reduction in long-term coronary arter) diameter independent of atherosclerotic plaque (Fried. Moore. Pearson 19X6). although the mechanism for this relationship is unclear. Arrhythmias In some instances, arrhythmias can precipitate Ml by reducing cardiac output or increasing myocardial demand. More importantly. arrhythmias are a major complica- tion of infarction. Thus. reducing the threshold for serious arrhythmias tends to increase the case-fatality rate of MI. Cigarette smoking was found to lower the threshold for ventricular fibrillation in a study of animals (Downey et al. 1977) and was found to be associated with a 2 I -percent increased prevalence of ventricular premature beats on two-minute electrocardiographic rhythm strips obtained from IO. I I9 men (Hennekens et al. 19X0). Smoking-related ventriculararrhythmias may contribute to the occurrence of cudden death and to increased case-fatality ratios during the courre of MI. Reduced Blood Oxygen Delivery Cigarette smoking acutely increases myocardial oxygen demand b\, raising peripheral resistance, blood pressure, and heart rate (Martin et al. 1983: Klein 1984). Concurrently, the capacity of the blood to deliver oxygen is reduced by increased COHb, greater viscosity (Galea and Davidson 19X.S). and higher coronaq vascular resistance. Imbalance between oxygen requirement and delivery as a result of these factors is not likely to be a cause of MI but may contribute to infarction in the presence of significant atherosclerotic narrowing of vessels. Consistent with these mechanisms. low levels of COHb exacerbate myocardial ischemia during graded exercise (Allred et al. 19X9). and smoking is associated with more frequent and longer ischemic episodes detected by ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring among patients M ith chronic stable CHD (Barr\ et al. 19X9). Blood and plasma 1 iscwities among former smokers are lower than thaw among current smoker\ and Gmilar to thaw amon never smoker\ (Ernst and Matrai 19X7 ). In the wit stud>,. both blood and pluma viscosity decreased after wioking ce\\ation and were similar to levels of never makers after X weeks. Reduced oxygen delivery to the myocardium ma) play a role in lowering the threshold for ventricular arrhythmias. In addition to influencing the development ofCHD. smoking ha\ been hypotheGzed to have direct toxic effect\ on the myocardium. Hartz and coworkers ( I9X-I) found ;i nearly threefold increavzd prevalence of diffuse ventricular hypoLine\is among heavy smoker5 compared with never makers within 3 population of patients undergoing diagnostic coronary ungiography and ventriculogrsphy. Smoking and Development of Peripheral Arterial Disease The extremely strong aswcistion between smoking and peripheral artery disease is likely to be mediated largely through the mechanisms that promote atherosclerosis (Criqui et al. 1989). The peripheral \awcon\trictive effect\ of smoking. mediated bj nicotine-stimulated release of catecholamines (US DHHS 19X3). are likely to play a further important role (Lusty et al. 19X I ). Smoking and Development of Cerebrovascular Disease Cerebrovawulur diwae reprewnt\ a heterogeneous group of pathologic processes that include infarction due to jteno\is and thrombo\i\ (referred to here a\ ischemic stroke). embolism from the heart. and hemorrhage from medium-hized vessels in the wbarachnoid space (wbarachnoid hemorrhage) and from microaneutyms of smaII penetrating vessel\ (intracerebral hemorrhage). The association of \mokinp with ischemic strobe i\ likely to be mediated largely through the mechanisms that promote atherosclerwis and thrombus formation. Associations between smoking and extent of cerebral artery athcrowlero\i\ ha\ e been obher\ ed at Irutop\) among persons u ho haw died of cauw\ unrelated to CVD (Reed et al. I9XX) and among volunteer\ in 3 crowaectlonal stud> evaluated b! ;I nonin\as~\.t` method (Rogers et al. 19X.3). Smoking was a1w ;I strong predictor of the extent and w~erity of cerebral ve\\el atherowlcro\i\ in an Italian multicenter \tud> of rever\ible cerebral ischemic attack> fPas\ero et A. 19X7) and in an in\c\tiyation of 2X pair\ of Finnish tn in\ (Haapanen et al. 19x9). The mechanistic ba\i\ i\ unhnoun for the strong relation hettieen smoking and \ubarachnoid hemorrhage (US DHHS 19X9: Shinton and Beever\ 19X9). which is thought to result mo\t commonl! from the rupture of a baccuI;Lr aneurysm. .Although hypertension i\ a\sociatcd uith thij occurrence. chronic \mohing is unrelated to w\tained elwation in blood prehwre. A ueah and clinically unimportant inverse relation with hypertension ha\ been \een in several studie\ ISchoenenbeqer 19X2; US DHHS 1983). although the association betw,ecn cigarette smoking and risk of hyper- tension was obser\,ed in 3 large pro\pecti\e ime5tigation (Witteman et al. 1990). .Anticipated Effects of Smoking Cessation on Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases Based on Know ledge of Mechanisms The possible effects ofsmohing cessation on the rish of CHD are illustrated in Figure 1. The incidence of CHD increases sharpI!, with age mm~, `7 both smohers and net CI smokers: similar patterns are seen V. ith other smohing-related cardio\,ascular diseases. At each age. the rates are higher for smohers. and the increase with age is more rapid among smokers (US DHHS 19X3: ACS. unpublished tabulations). probabl\ because ot the ongoing. cumulati\,e damage caused bj smoking. Thus. the absolute excess incidence or mortalit>. (attributable rish) of CHD due to smohing. represented b> the vertical difference bet&eeen the lines for- smokers and never smokers in Figure I. increases u ith age. However. the relative rish. represented b!, the ratio of incidence or mortality rates, tends to decrease with age. Theoretically possible outcomes ofsmokinfcessation are depicted by lines A. B. and C (Figure I ). Line A represents an immediate and complete reversal of the effect ot smoking. so that the quitter ahnost instantly assumes the rate of the never smoher. Line B represents the worst-case scenario: although the stimulus for progressive damage is removed. no reversibility exists so that the former smoker assumes a constant absolute excess risk above that of the never smoker. In this case. it is apparent that quitting would still provide a substantial benefit compared with not quitting and that the relatiic risk for a former smoker compared with a never smoker w,ould decline over time. An intermediate effect of smoking cessation is depicted by line C: the effects of smohinp are slow~ly reversed. and the rate for the quitter gradually approaches that of the never smoker. The effects of smoking on CHD are probably mediated by multiple mechanisms. several of which are well established. Some of the effects of smoking appear to be reversible within days or weeks, including the increase in platelet activation. clotting factors. COHb, coronary artery spasm. and increased susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmias. Other effects may be irreversible or only slowly reversible. such as the development of atherosclerosis as a result of smooth muscle proliferation and lipid deposition in the arterial intima resulting from lower HDL-C levels. Thus. persons who stop smoking are likely to experience a component of rapid decline in risk compared with those who continue to cmoke and another component that more slowly approaches the risk of never smokers. Because the effects of smoking are multiple and complex. the rapidity and magnitude of risk reduction achieved by smoking cessation can best be estimated by empirical data based on epidemiologic studies in humans. Available data are examined in detail in the remaining sections of this Chapter. SMOKING CESSATION AND CHD Epidemiologic evidence on smoking and CHD has been reviewed in detail in previous reportsofthe U.S. Surgeon General (US PHS 1964: US DHEW 1971. 1979; US DHHS 1983, 1989). After an exhaustive review of the data, the 1983 Report of the Surgeon General concluded that "cigarette smoking is a major cause of CHD in the United States for both men and women" and "should be considered the most important of the knon n CHD Mortality (par 100,000 porron - yrrrd 700 800 600 400 300 200 100 0 1 I 40 46 I I 60 66 Age L L 60 06 FIGURE I.-Hypothetical effects of smoking cessation on risk of CHD if mechanisms are predominantly rapidly reversible (A), irreversible (I!), or slowly re\ ersible (C ). (CHD mortalit! rates shown in solid lines are for men in ACS CPS-II, 198246.3 modifiable riA t`actors t'or CHD" I C'S DHHS 1983. p.6). O\erull. the Report noted that smoher\ ha\e about a 70-percent e\c`c`\\ death rate t`rom CHD. and hea\ ier vwLer\ have an even greater eaces\ risk. IYX Since IYX3. additional e\,idence has accumulated to further support these con- clusions. Some of these data were presented or summarized in the I YXY Report of the Surgeon General (US DHHS IYXY). For IYX5. cigarette smoking was estimated to be responsible for 71 percent of all CHD deaths in the United States among men aged 65 years or older and for 15 percent of CHD deaths among younger men. Tv.elve percent of the CHD deaths among women aged 65 or older and -1 I percent of those in bounger &omen were attributed to cigarette smoking. In 19X5. I I5.0()0 deaths from CHD were attributed to cigarette smoking. A large amount of data supports the vie\+ that active cigarette smohing substantialI! increase5 risk of CHD. Data also indicate that former smokers have a lower risk ot CHD than do current smokers. Despite methodolofic and geographic differences. the studies are remarkably consistent in demonstrating a reduced risk of CHD among former smokers. Much of this literature has been reviewed in earlier reports of the Surgeon General (US DHEW lY7Y: US DHHS lYX.3) as dell as h> Kuller and colleagues ( 1987). This Section reviews the epidemiologic e\,idence of the effects of cigarette smohing cessation on CHD rish. specifically MI and CHD death. The relevant studies ma\' be divided into those that examine the effect among apparently healthy individuals (primary prevention) and the effect among individuals already diagnosed uith CHD for risk of recurrence or CHD death (secondary prevention). Cross-sectional studies of the extent of coronary atherosclerosis also provide relevant information. Cross-Sectional Studies In a detailed study of coronary atherosclerosis. Auerbach and couorhers (lY76) examined I .O% autopsied hearts from patients at the East Orange Veterans Administra- tion Hospital and found that smokers had more severe disease than never smohers. with past smokers having intermediate levels. Those who died from CHD or diabetes or those who had hearts weighing more than 500 g were excluded. After aci,iustment for age. current cigarette smokers had a prevalence of advanced CHD that ranged from 11.7 to 33.4 percent. depending on the number of cigarettes smohed per day. The prevalence among never smokers was 5.3 percent compared with I I .O percent among former smokers. The prevalence odds ratio of advanced versus no disease or minimal disease was 2.4. when former smokers were compared with never smokers. In contrast. among current smokers of I to 2 packs per day. the ratio was 6.7. A similar pattern was observed for different pathologic manifestations of CHD. The effect of duration ot abstinence among former smokers was not analyzed. Ramsdale and coworkers ( 1985) used arteriography to assess the extent of coronar) atherosclerosis before surgery for valve replacement among 3X7 patients. All patients provided a smoking history, including age at initiation of smoking and cessation of smoking and average number of cigarettes cmoked per weeh. Among never smohers. X7 percent had no stenosis greater than SO percent: only 60 percent of past smohers and 60 percent of current smokers were without this degree of stenosis. Of never smohers. only 2.6 percent had three or more arteries affected compared with 10.6 percent of former smokers and 13.2 percent of current smohers. Both current and past smoher-\ had more were coronary artery diseaw. The median xx~re among ne\er smokers and current smokers was 0.2 and 7.X. respectively. For pa\t smokers. the data were prehented by duration since quitting. There was no evidence for a trend of decreased effect by increasing time since cesation. The median score for those quitting within the previou\ 5 year\ wa\ 5.0; for 5 to 10 year\. 5.0: and for IO year\ or more. 7.5. Coronary atherosclerosi\ was positi\,ely correlated with lifetime number of cigarette\ smoked among both current or past smokers. In this study. past smokers had a slightly worse coronary ri~ not repre~entati\e of the general popula- tion. Nonethelchs. the\e studies wpport the view that hmohing cause\ an increase in atherosclerosi\ and that very recent quitting has little impact on coronar!~ \teno\i\. Fried. Moore. and Pearson ( IYXh) studied the effects of \mohing h> a\he\Gng the coronary diameter in 3 I men \\ho had normal coronar\' arteringrams. Men M ith an! detectable \tenoGs in the main coronary arterie\ or more than 75 percent in an! coronq branch were excluded to assess the effect\ of mohing on the caliber of coronary arterie\ in the absence of atherosclerosi\. These researcher\ found that after udjuhtment for alcohol intahe (which i\ ;l\\ociated M ith u ider arteries ). current and former \moher\ had 10 to SO percent nxro~~er urterie\ than did neker smoher\. The pa$t \moher\ had someuhat narrower arterie\ than current smokers although thi\ uas not stati\ticall!. Ggniticant. Of the I I cx+mohcr\. 6 had quit in the previous year. This \tudg sugge\th the po\\ihility of another per\i\ting effect of mohing. apart from promoting atheroxlero\i\. not rapidI! raerwd b) cc\\stlon. Studies of Smoking Cessation and Risk of MI Among Healthy Persons Case-Control Studies Table I wmmarizes data from ca\e+wntrol \tudie\ (Wlllett et al. 198 I : Rosenberg. Kaufman. Helmrich. Miller et al. 1985: LaVecchia et al. IYX7: Rosenberg. Palmer. Shapiro 1990). of men and Momen from the LInited State\ and abroad. Prospective \tudie\ of CHD are generally considered lea prone to bias than ca\exontrol htudie\. although casexontrol \tudie\ are probuhly 1~54 susceptible to mi\cla~sificntion rewlt- in? from resumption of smohing mnong former smoker\. For example. an individual diagnosed u ith a recent MI can probably recall his or her \mohing \tatu\ .just before the infarction with cowiderable accuracy (Chapter 7). Thu\. c:l\exontroI \tudiek ma>