"Availability","Stock Number","ISBN","Price","International Price","Description","Publisher","Year/pages","Note","Key Phrases","SuDocs Class","Author","Weight","Quantity Price","Binding","Cover","Available Date","Subject Bibliography","Status Date","Unit","Unit (non-U.S.)" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-054-00192-1","0-16-051042-2","$ 10.50","$ 14.70","Produced jointly by Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office, Royal Greenwich Observatory and the United States Naval Observatory. Printed separately in the United Kingdom and in the United States. Presents data for use in astronomical navigation at sea. Includes Jupiter, Saturn, selected stars, our Sun, our Moon, twilight, Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, and Moonset. Includes "Index to Selected Stars, 2003" and "Altitude correction tables for Sun, stars, planets" on a separate sheet. Item 0398.","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Observatory, Nautical Almanac Office","2001: 356 p.; ill.","The price of this item has been reduced. This reduced price is reflected in the price field. No discounts are available for this item. Special value publication. NB1289","Ephemeris, Almanacs, Astronomy, Navigation","D 213.11:2003","","1 lbs. 11 oz.","No Discount","Casebound","Cloth","03/20/02","029NA 222JB","01/24/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-054-00205-6","0-16-072451-1","$ 47.50","$ 66.50","Produced jointly by Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory under the supervision of P.T. Wallace and C.Y. Hohenkerk, and the United States Naval Observatory under the supervision of S. Urban and R.J. Miller. Printed separately in the United Kingdom and in the United States. Presents data for use in astronomical navigation at sea. Includes planets, selected stars, our Sun, our Moon, twilight, Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, and Moonset. Includes "Index to Selected Stars, 2006" and "Altitude correction tables for Sun, stars, planets" on a separate sheet. Item 0398. Thirteen digit ISBN: 9780160724510","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Observatory, Nautical Almanac Office","2005: 355 p.; ill.","NB1308","Ephemeris, Almanacs, Astronomy, Navigation","D 213.11:2006","Wallace, P. T.","1 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Pressboard","05/18/05","029 222","06/30/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-054-00208-1","0-16-075716-9","$ 26.50","$ 37.10","Produced jointly by Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory under the supervision of P.T. Wallace and C.Y. Hohenkerk, and the United States Naval Observatory under the supervision of S. Urban and R.J. Miller. Printed separately in the United Kingdom and in the United States. Presents data for use in astronomical navigation at sea. Includes planets, selected stars, our Sun, our Moon, twilight, Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, and Moonset. Includes "Index to Selected Stars, 2007" and "Altitude correction tables for Sun, stars, planets" on a separate sheet. Item 0398. Thirteen digit ISBN: 9780160757167.","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Observatory, Nautical Almanac Office","2006: 358 p.; ill.","NB1314","Ephemeris, Almanacs, Astronomy, Navigation","D 213:11:2007","Wallace, P. T.; Hohenkirk, C. Y.","1 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","05/03/06","029 222","05/03/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-054-00215-3","9780160801952","$ 36.00","$ 50.40","Contains the following data tabulated at hourly intervals to a precision of 0.1 arcminute: the Greenwich hour angle and declination of the Sun, Moon, and navigational planets; the Greenwich hour angle of Aries; positions of the navigational stars; rise and set times of the Sun and Moon for a range of latitudes; and other data. Each edition also contains a sight reduction table; sight reduction formulas; and various correction tables for sight reduction. There is a useful concise sight reduction form at the back of the book. The Nautical Almanac is available 9 months in advance of its edition date. Prepared in cooperation with Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office, United Kingdom. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Observatory, Nautical Almanac Office","2008: 355 p.; ill.","NB1325","Ephemeris, Almanacs, Astronomy, Navigation","","","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","04/11/08","029NA 222JB","04/11/08","Each","Each"