From: Dave Watkins [] Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 6:29 PM To: Dockets, FDA Subject: Docket 2006N-0352. Dental mercury amalgam. Subject: Mercury Amalgam dental work. Docket # 2006N - 0352. Dear Sir: Thank you for the opportunity to address this issue from a personal standpoint. I will be as brief as possible. For many years since I had mercury amalgam fillings placed back in the 1970's, (a couple were earlier back in the 60's, 13 of them total), I started to have a lot of neurological issues and manifestations of various sorts in the 1980's as well as generalized weakness and allergies that continued to get worse. Many years went by undiagnosed and I just barely was able to go to work and little else with the help of prescription drugs. In 1998 I collapsed at work and was diagnosed with a range of problems all classed as "Environmental Illness". This was a situation of being allergic/reactive to molds, chemicals, dust, dust mites, foods, and pollens, etc. I am now on S.S. disability because of this. Of the things found in testing that contributed to this problem greatly was a mercury count of 18ppm in the body, which was far higher than safe levels. This testing was done through a urine porphyrin test, a standard urine analysis test for heavy metals, a blood test for heavy metals, and a hair analysis. They all agreed as to the mercury being problematic. Since I had never worked around mercury or had any heavy exposure to it, the doctor suspected the mercury amalgam fillings which seemed to be a very obvious source of mercury. I had all mercury removed from my teeth over the summer of 1999 and replaced with composite materials. Since then, about 4 years later I have had mercury levels tested at 5 ppm in 2003. My neurological problems have greatly cleared, but according to a psychiatrist and a brain scan there is permanent damage and a loss of about 15 points on my IQ. My very strong feelings on this issue is that dentists that are continuing to put one of the most toxic substances known in peoples mouths, knowing it is dangerous at the very least by the sheer virtue of the ADA's own regulations for handling mercury in the operatory, are guilty of criminal negligence at the very least, and of compromising millions of peoples lives by condemning them to a life of horrendous health problems. This has got to stop, and the FDA has the authority and the duty to the American people to do it. There is under no stretch of the imagination any excuse to be still placing mercury amalgam in peoples mouths when we have all of the new safer materials in use today and have known since over 100 years ago that mercury is very dangerous and hazardous to ones health, and no amount of double talk about it being "Safely encapsulated" will change the facts. I urge the FDA in the strongest of terms to immediately outlaw the use of mercury in any form inside the human body. After all, you have already recognized the problem of mercury use in medicine by outlawing its use in the over the counter product "Mercurochrome" where it was only in use on the body sporadically. Why allow it to remain in a place in the body where one is under constant exposure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year after year ad infinitum? Sincerely: David Watkins Edgewater, Fla. U.S.A.