COUNT de BENYOWSKY. 3* After difpatching this anfwer, the Count waited upon the Bacha of Natolia, who was encamped near him, and to whom he communicated every particular of the con- dud of the Bacha of Chotym, at the fame time that he requefted his afliftance againft the violence of that traitor. The Bacha of Natolia, who was fecretly the enemy of the Bacha of Chotym, promifed the Count his afliftance, and advifed him to fend a courier to Stamboul to acquaint the Grand Signior with the behaviour of the commander at Chotym, which the Count accordingly did the fame day. On the nth in the evening the Bacha of Chotym fent an Aga of the Janizaries to the Bacha of Natolia, with orders to fecure the perfon of the Count, and fend him to Chotym to be punifhed for his infolence. But the Bacha of Natolia kept his promife to the Count, by fending an anfwerto the effed, that the Count, having fent a cfauz or courier to Stamboul, was entitled by the laws to an afylum till the return of the firman of the Grand Signior; and that as his perfon was fafe in his hands, the Bacha of Chotym need not doubt his fecurity, though he refufed to put him into his without an exprefs order from the Grand Signior. After the departure of the Aga, the Bacha of Natolia advifed the Count to raife his camp, and retire, left the Bacha of Chotym might avenge himfelf by treachery : and this generous Turk, not content with fhewing the Count every mark of friendfhip during his ftiort ftay, detached likewife with him a body of one thoufand horfe, to accompany him to the frontiers of Poland. On the 14th, the Count raifed his camp, and marched towards Cferniowcze, the residence of the Hef- podar, at which place he arrived on the 16th, and from thence