From: EXECSEC Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 7:17 AM To: Dockets, FDA Subject: FW: Lotronex -----Original Message----- From: Henney, Jane Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 4:21 PM To: EXECSEC Subject: FW: Lotronex > ---------- > From: > Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 4:20:26 PM > To: > Subject: Lotronex > Auto forwarded by a Rule > Dear Jane Henry, I am writing to you regarding the recall of Lotronex. I’ve been taking Lotronex since June with wonderful results. In keeping this as brief as possible, I can’t even begin to tell you how this drug has changed my life. In the most simplistic terms, it’s given my life back to me and also to my family. I am 37 years old and I have suffered from IBS since the age of 20. The past five years have been the worst: my disease ruled my life. I was down to 105 lbs., I couldn’t eat anything without severe consequences, and I was unable to participate in or enjoy normal activities. I was weak and consumed with physical and emotional pain. Since Lotronex, I’ve gained nearly 15 lbs. I’m eating almost anything I want to. I’m nearly free of pain and my anxiety level has been reduced significantly. After being on Lotronex for a few days I noticed that I felt no pain after a meal. After so many years of suffering, I can only assume this is what normal feels like. I only have ten pills left, just in time to ruin the Holidays, which I had been looking forward to truly enjoying for the first time in years! I should mention that I have been taking one pill per day without ANY side effects. I’m very concerned, and angry, that doctors have prescribed this drug to too many of the wrong people. Is the FDA aware that men are taking the drug although it is only approved for women? People who suffer from bouts of constipation are taking it! It upsets me that so many people are left without the miracle cure because of the irresponsibilities of a few. What am I to do now? As far as I know, there aren’t any other drugs that even come close to Lotronex. Is there any chance for Lotronex? If so, please allow me to participate. Give me a chance to have my life back! Thank You, _____________________________________________________________________________________ Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :