NNX07AV81G Framework For Fast Spatial Searches Using The Hierarchical Triangular Mesh Year 1 Progress Report Progress on the different work packages is described below. WP0: Regions are made up of unions of convexes, which are intersections of halfspaces. This is what we call the normal form of describing arbitrary shapes, areas of interest on the surface of the sphere. For example, STC Regions, Hubble Deep Field footprints are made up of overlapping polygons consisting of hundreds of regions. Previous versions of HTM used a simplistic approach for computing trinagles that were later discarded because they were completely covered by unions of overlapping convexes. A set of useful tools comprising the Spherical Library was designed to manipulate regions defined in this normal form. Besides precise compuations of areas of complex overlapping regions, it further provides the calculation of the outline of the region making it possible to construct the HTM cover of a region more efficiently than before. The outline itself is the collection of arcs that make up the edges of NON_OVERLAPPING patches (slices of pie-shaped sections of a halfspace). The SphericalHTM library is modified to expoit the benefits offered by the capabilities of the aforementioned Spherical Library. WP1: C# Implementation Both the SphericalLib and SphericalHTM Libraries have been implemented and tested, are available for use now. Unit testing harnesses are included for both packages. We have invented an algorithm that computes only the OUTER edges of pathes so that arcs that are shared by two adjacent patches are eliminated. This is significant, because the current implementation can be improved by reducing the number unnecessary arcs for HTM Cover computation making the cover calculation even faster. WP2: C++ Port WP3: Java port Java and C++ ports are moved to year 2 to allow adequate testing of the new outline generation functions and verify the implementation with a unit test harness that contains both hand-made examples of extreme and ill-conditioned cases as well as very complex masks from the ACS footprint. WP6: Footprint services (N/A for year 1) WP7: Visualization tools Web applications as well as stand-alone applications are available and are used extensively for development and as a verification tool. WP8: Web site http://skyserver.org/HTM/index.html reflects the current condition of the HTM and Spatial libraries and includes tutorials and primers for their use. (though the date of most recent update is wrong, probably) - - - -