P o s t - s y s t e m : P12_C Searcher: P12 Condition: C Q1: 4 Q2: 3 Q3: 4 Comments: Search; The option of boolean searches in addition to ranked searches was a good idea, but the boolean searches didn't work or perhaps I did not get them to work. I wanted to filter "tourist violence results with an operator "NOT Egypt" I got almost similar results. UI -- The user interface had a better aesthetic appeal and clarity (less strain on the eyes due to better color schemes), but it lacked a few functional features -- previous search results were not displayed simultaneously 2) the need to authenticate (the dialog box that asks whether you want to remember only selected items or all items) is perhaps unnecessary 3) The windows (full text search results) overlap each other). I prefer to view both windows simultaneously. 4) the Short display of search results could be shorter.