N 0 R T H - A M ERiG'A. &$ counts;: The laft-affembly of the State of Virginia, had 'accordingly' thought proper to pafs' a bill, authorizing the Juflices of each county-to take cognizance of thefe certificates, to authenticate their validity," arid-to regifter them^. fpecifyirig the value of the provifions in money, according to the eftablifhed tariff,1 I had the curiofity to go to the cburt-houfe, te fee how this affair was' iranfa&ed, and faw it was performed with* great order, and fimplicity. The Judges wore1 their common cloaths, but1 were feated on an elevated'tribunal, as at London in ths Court of King's Bench of Common Pleas; One of them feeing trie ftanding at the door of the hall, delcended from the bench, and invited me to go and take fome refrefh-rnent at his houfe, where the family would entertain me till the feiiions were finifhed. I told him 1 was obliged to proceed on my journey, and really we had no time to lofe, for there yet remained twenty-eight nriles; to travel, and on a road {o unprovided with every neceffary for travellers, that though we intended giving our horfes another bait, we could not find forage nearer than