Activities Gulf Islands National Seashore Mississippi District



Swimming is allowed at all beaches. At West Ship Island there is a designated swim beach area, however, lifeguards may or may not be on duty. Check with the park ranger in the area for current weather and surf updates. Calm waters can turn into rough seas as a storm moves through the area. Know your currents and how to swim out of them.


Littoral Current
Littoral (alongshore) currents are evidenced by waves breaking at an angle. This common current moves westward. To escape, swim straight in or at an angle with the current.

Backwash Current
A backwash current on a steeply sloping beach can pull you toward deeper water, but its power is swiftly checked by incoming waves. To escape, swim straight in if you are a strong swimmer. If not, wait and float until the current stops, then swim in.

Rip Currant
A rip current (also called "rip tide"or "seaward current") is dangerous. Less common than backwash and littoral currents, a rip current will carry a swimmer out from shore, sometimes at an angle.
To escape, stay calm, wave for asstance, and swim parallel to shore. When free of the current, swim straight in. Never try to swim against rip currents.

For more information on beach safety.

Mississippi has a number of marine animals that can sting or injure a swimmer. Treatment guides for the most common of these are listed below.

Jellyfish and Portugese Man-O-War stings
Apply vinegar to the area. Then, if available, apply xylocaine. In treating the sting, vinegar "fixes" the stinging cells on the skin, while xylocaine neutralizes the toxin of the stinging cells. Xylocaine works to some degree to reduce pain, but nothing is as effective as time.

Puncture by Stingray Spines and Catfish
The toxin injected into the wound by the spine appears to be inactivated by heat. Dramatic recovery normally results by soaking in hot water for thirty to sixty minutes. Care should be taken not to scald the victim since pain from the wound may mask normal reaction to heat.

Whenever signs of an allergic reaction occur, such as difficulty breathing, arrangements should be made for immediate transportation to a hospital.

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Last Updated: 1/6/03
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