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Russell L. Scott, W. James Shuttleworth and David C. Goodrich (USDA-ARS)
Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA

met station at lewis springs buried soil moisture probes

lewis springs study site


The work described in this poster is focused on the water use of a sacaton grass (Sporobolus wrightii) flood plain and a mixed grass/mesquite (Prosopis spp.) community. These two types of vegetation communities are often associated with riparian areas across the Southwest U.S. Numerous observations indicate that these plants are deep rooted; thus, they have been thought to rely mainly on water taken up from the water table when they exist in riparian corridors.

One of the purposes of this study is to improve the representation of the evapotranspiration (ET) process within groundwater models. Current basin aquifer modeling studies often rely upon coarse, empirical estimates of riparian corridor ET to validate their modeling calibrations. Such estimates of ET are often based on indirect measurements and methods developed elsewhere and then applied (in this case) to the San Pedro Basin using local meteorological information. In this study we employ micrometeorological techniques to measure the fluxes of water and energy in both of these communities over several seasons.


Two vegetation study areas nearby Lewis Springs on the San Pedro River flood plain were chosen as the field sites for the study (See Figure 1). One site was established in the mesquite-dominated upper portion of the floodplain. The second was established in the sacaton grass-dominated lower portion of the floodplain, between the mesquite area and the cottonwood/ willow forest gallery immediately adjacent to the river. lewis springs schematic

To determine the amount of evaporation coming from these two sites, meteorological towers were erected in 1996. These towers were equipped with a set of standard meteorological instruments which measured air temperature, relative humidity, incoming solar radiation, air pressure, wind speed, wind direction, and precipitation. Additionally, the towers were outfitted with instruments which measured the available energy (net radiation minus ground heat flux) and Bowen ratio. With these instruments the amount of energy that is consumed at the land surface by the evaporation of water was determined over the course of several seasons.

In order to understand possible controls on evaporation, we also monitored the state of the vadose zone soil moisture and the depth to groundwater. Campbell Scientific Inc. (CS-615) water content reflectometers were installed in a vertical transect (at .1, .25, .50, 1.0, and ~2.0 meters) into the ground to measure the soil moisture under the vegetation. Piezometers have also been installed to measure the fluctuations in the groundwater table.

cumulative ET and pptRESULTS

Figure 2 shows the cumulative water loss and incoming precipitation over the two vegetation biomes from late February to December, 1997. The mesquite grew leaves and became active after the last freeze of the spring. From this point on to the first freeze of the autumn when the tree transpiration immediately stopped, the mesquite transpired at nearly a constant rate (~1.9 mm/day). The total amount of evaporated water was nearly twice the amount of incoming precipitation during this time frame. For the sacaton grassland, significant transpiration activity did not occur until the onset of the monsoon rains.

daily rainfall with avg. soil moisture content

To determine how precipitation influences the state of the soil moisture, Figure 3 shows the evolution of the daily-average volumetric soil moisture at three different depths into the soil. Data from deeper depths (not shown) indicate no change in soil moisture throughout the entire year. Remarkably, the only large changes in the soil moisture appear to occur only within the top 25 cm for the grass site, and within the top 50 cm for the mesquite area. The increase in soil moisture only began to occur after the onset of the heavier monsoon rains in early August (DOY 210). The winter of 1997 was very dry and thus we suspect that little recharge of moisture occurred in the vadose zone. The difference between the sites’ soil moisture status is largely due to the differences in the respective soil types. The sacaton region has less-permeable silty soils while the mesquite site is more sandy.


Our observations clearly indicate a difference between the water use characteristics of the sacaton grassland this site in this year, the sacaton does not appear to be acting as a phreatophyte as its water use is strongly linked to recent precipitation and growing season length. Also, it is apparent that very little changes occur in the soil moisture status of the vadose zone under the sacaton except in the near-surface. Thus, indicating that the grassland must be relying upon shallow roots to obtain moisture.

For the mesquite site, our results suggest that this biome has a deeper source of water. The mesquite leafed out in May and stayed active throughout the dry summer months of May, June, and July. The mesquite evaporation rate exhibited little change with the addition of monsoon precipitation. Most likely the slight increase in mesquite ET at the onset of the monsoon rains is largely due to an additional contribution from bare soil and grass evaporation rather than enhanced transpiration from the mesquite.

Since the soils are well-drained under the mesquite and there were little changes seen in the dry (around 0.1 m3/ m3) and deeper soil levels (at 1 cumulative 1997 etand 2 meters), the mesquite at this site rely on a deeper source for moisture. However, piezometer observations of the 10 meter-deep water table indicate no diurnal fluctuations, which normally we would expect to occur under phreatophyte withdrawal. Thus we suspect that the principal source of water for mesquites lies in deep, vadose zone moisture.

Clearly, there are certain areas at some riparian sites where mesquite grow in much more vigorous and denser stands than at our site in the Upper San Pedro. Almost certainly, these areas are taking up water directly from the near-surface aquifer. Figure 4 presents 1995 observations of cumulative precipitation and ET over a very dense thicket of predominantly mesquite, tamarisk, and some willow made in the Santa Cruz river valley near Rio Rico, Arizona (Unland et al., 1998). At this site, the water table was very near the surface and sometimes resulted in the formation of shallow pools in low lying areas. Although the rainfall was much greater at this site during this year, the strength of ET (yearly ET is 600 mm in excess of precipitation) is vastly greater than our site. We suggest that this is further evidence that the mesquite at our study site do not have free access to groundwater.


This research quantifies the evaporative demand of two dominant riparian biomes. Preliminary results suggest that strength of the vegetation water demand (for these two vegetation types) for the Upper San Pedro are not as high as previously estimated. Most importantly, the vegetation was much less of a groundwater user than previous estimates assumed. This leads us to wonder if the dominant, and perhaps only significant, groundwater consumptive use in the Upper San Pedro Basin is determined solely by the cottonwood/willow gallery that stands adjacent to the river.


The authors wish to thankfully acknowledge support for this research. This includes financial assistance from the EPA STAR Graduate Student Fellowship Program, the USDA-ARS Global Change Research Program, NASA Grant W-18997, and the Arizona Department of Water Resources. Additionally, we graciously thank the US-ARMY Fort Huachuca Meteorological Support team, the US Bureau of Land Management, and especially all the staff from the USDA-ARS located in Tucson and Tombstone, Arizona.


Unland, Helene et. al., 1998: Evaporation from a riparian system in a semi-arid environment. Hydrological Processes. In Press.

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