Table of contents for Serpentine geoecology of western North America : geology, soils, and vegetation / E.B. Alexander ... [et al.].

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Table of Contents
1. Introduction, references
I. Geology and Hydrology
2. Nature of Ultramafics
3. Mineralogy and Petrology of Serpentine
4. Water in Serpentine Geoecosystems 
II. Soils and Life in Them
5. Soils and Soil Development
6. Serpentine Soils and their Distributions
7. Living Organisms: Particularly Animals, Fungi, and Microorganisms
8. Serpentine Soils as Media for Plant Growth
III. Plant Life on Serpentine
9. Plant Responses to Serpentine Soils
10. Serpentine Vegetation and Floristics 
11. Serpentine Plant Life of Western North America 
12. Serpentine Vegetation Alliances in Western North America
IV. Serpentine Domains of Western North America
13. Baja California
14. Sierra Motherlode
15. Southern California Coast Ranges
16. Northern California Coast Ranges
17. Klamath Mountains
18. Blue Mountains, Oregon
19. Northern Cascade-Fraser River
20. Gulf of Alaska
21. Denali-Yukon
22. Northern Alaska-Kuskokwim Mountains
V. Social Issues and Epilogue
23. Serpentine Land Use and Health Concerns
24. Synthesis and Future Directions
A. Nature of Minerals in Serpentine Rocks and Soils
B. Characteristics of Chemical Elements-Ionic Properties and Toxicities
C. Soil Classification
D. Kingdoms of Life
E. Water Balance by the Thornthwaite Method
F. Protected Natural Areas
G. Endemic Plants in California

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Rocks, Ultrabasic -- West (U.S.).
Rocks, Ultrabasic -- Northwest, Canadian.
Soils -- Serpentine content -- West (U.S.).
Soils -- Serpentine content -- Northwest, Canadian.
Environmental geology -- West (U.S.).
Environmental geology -- Northwest, Canadian.