Ongoing chat archive

[ Tish/NASAChatHost - 3 - 13:00:56 ] Hello Girls- If you have gotten this far you are in the correct place- hooray! [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 4 - 13:04:34 ] This will be our permanent meeting place for monthly on-line meetings. I think you will find it is quite easy to use. Just remember to click on "Refresh Screen" at the bottom here to post your message. In order to continue seeing the dialogue you will need to click on refresh screen continually - about every few minutes to see new dialogue. You will not see new dialogue unless you click on this button. I will keep my email window open as well tonigh. So if are having some problems at this point send me mail to: and I can help you solve it. [ Tish - 13 - 20:39:28 ] Okay great! I think we have myself, Sarah, Laurie, and Christine and Lisa from Castilleja. I know that Alice from Autodesk cannot join us and Nicole and Bonnie have finals. I have yet to hear from Jackie (Girltech) LeHang and Kimberly (Autodesk). Adrienne Renner and Andrea McCurday were planning on joining but don't see her yet. [ Tish - 14 - 20:41:03 ] As this is not a completely full group I will let you know of a few things I wanted some input on and help with and we weill try to get through this in the next 20 minutes so we can be off by 9:00 p.m. 1) Meeting times 2) Womem's history month 3) Women in Aviation convention 4) Project pages [ Tish - 25 - 20:50:35 ] Let's move onto #4 in my list. I'm sure you have all seen the pages up and linked from the WON home page. Any issues, concerns, edits or changes you want at this point? [ Tish - 29 - 20:54:27 ] I think if they are minor changes to yoru individual pages or journal it's best if you email me so I can take care of them immediately as I read it. If there are main page issues or issues that might concern the whole group it might be good to bring them up now. [ Laurie - 31 - 20:56:28 ] They are all minor changes having to do with my individual parts except one thing. I beleive we discussed in our last meeting to cut the religious parts of the quote out. [ sarah - 32 - 20:57:22 ] do many people have a problem with the religious part? [ Tish - 33 - 20:57:39 ] While I'm waiting to hear back about any other page issues I'll move onto #2 - Women's History Month. As this is a month devoted to women in history I have planned on having all of our interactive events - webchats, forums, and webcast involve women who have a more historical perspective of NASA. I am looking for your help and suggestions as to women you think would be interesting to feature. You can simply look and read through the list of Profiles and let me know who you think are good candidates. Again, you can name any now if you thin of them, post it here later, or email me later. I will begin to recruit these women in the next few weeks. [ Christine - 36 - 20:58:44 ] It seems ok, but without the religious references, the quote seems more universal. [ Laurie - 38 - 20:59:08 ] The quote would read as follows: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are all powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? É There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around youÉAnd as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." [ Tish - 40 - 21:00:29 ] I just pulled up the quote with "the religious part" Do you think there are specific pieces of the quote or the entire quote that need to be discussed or edited out? For those of you who don't have it in front of you, here it is: Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are all powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just some of us, it's everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give otherspermission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, ourpresence automatically liberates others." - Marianne Williamson [ Lisa - 41 - 21:01:37 ] I agree with Christine. [ sarah - 42 - 21:02:00 ] I think that the main core of her qoute is religious, we might, instead of tearing the qoute apart, have to find a new one. [ Tish - 43 - 21:02:41 ] Got it Laurie. I like that obmission but might still add: "...Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small doesn't serve the world.. What about that? [ Laurie - 44 - 21:04:00 ] I like that much better. I only had that much of it saved on my computer, as soon as read the full length quote i thought the same thing. [ Tish - 45 - 21:04:32 ] What if we delete the religious part for now and wait to hear from the rest of the group as to comments or if someone else comes up with another one? [ Lisa - 46 - 21:04:35 ] I think that by eliminating the two references to God, we avoid making it seem as if the Advisory Council is a group with a religious focus...Although as individuals we may be, the group is not oriented in any way. [ Christine - 47 - 21:04:36 ] Although there her quote can definitely be interpreted in a religious way, I also think that it has a nonreligious message as well that is very appropriate for the website. Without the religious references (as in Laurie's message)I think the quotation still makes sense and sounds good. [ Tish - 49 - 21:08:21 ] As to Women's History Month, I would like to do a web cast which involves filming in our studioi. I have gotten a committment from Pat Cowings. She is at Ames and is very cool. She was the first female scientist trained as an astronaut way back when... she now work with astronauts on helpng them overcome motion sickness in space. Her profile is at: andthere is also a link to a video clip of her work: Autogenic feedback training. Those of you who were at the launch heard her speak. I would like to feature her ina webcast and have a few of you girls "host" it. [ Tish - 54 - 21:12:41 ] Back to Women's History Month and the webcast. What are your thoughts on a webcast on a Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. This means if it was to include you as an active host and getting to NASA to participate or as an participant online from your school. Does a 1:00 p.m. time seem like a time when most students (from all time zones) would be able to join. I have really been working on trying to do events when we can pull in the most participants and it seems earlier in the a.m. is too hard to get out of core classes or have classes join us. Thoughts? [ Lisa - 55 - 21:15:18 ] 1:OO sounds like a pretty good time, except it might be bordering on the end of the school day for people on the East Coast..but I know I could definately make it. [ Tish - 57 - 21:15:49 ] Briefly, as webcast involves a one hour show. The participants log onto the site and can view a live video of the hosts and expert (Pat Cowings) The show has intros from hosts and mentors and then a brief overview of her work - in this case some of the history of her work with NASA and changes over the years, etc. and then we open up the chat room to take questions. Anyone participating can post questions into the chat room. One of the hosts reads the questions to the expert who then answers them live via the video. The hosts also act like any "talk show host" and fill in with commetns, etc. [ Tish - 60 - 21:17:22 ] Lisa - as to your comment about East Coast times we get a lot of participants who joinus after school in clubs, labs, or at home so 4:00 their time might be okay. [ Tish - 62 - 21:18:10 ] Women's History month in March so we have plenty of time to get throug finals. If I forget - good luck with them. [ Tish - 63 - 21:18:50 ] Are there other times of the day that you think would be better for students? [ Laurie - 64 - 21:18:54 ] I just saw a NASA web cast for the first time on Saterday. [ Tish - 67 - 21:22:24 ] I know it's getting late and I want to end in the next 10 minutes (we've been on an hour) so I will wiat for the Women in Aviation Convention until next chat. Just to let you know though... The Women in Aviation International convention is from 3/9-11 in Memphis. NASA headquarters has produced a commenorative poster (300,000 ) printed and features the 4 young girls and astronauts that were at Johnson Space Center for the other photo shoot as the center shot. More details on the convention to follow, but your mugs are getting around... [ Christine - 68 - 21:23:08 ] I agree. A bit earlier than 1 PM might be better. [ Tish - 73 - 21:28:05 ] All our events are aimed at middle school through high but we get K-12 and event adults. I really do want you thoughts on appropriate times as we have been struggling with this for some time. [ Tish - 76 - 21:31:03 ] It is getting to be the bewitching hour here... So let's rap up. Can you either send me via email or post here: #1 Most appropriate times for events based on what you know from your own schedule or friends or siblings. #2 Women you would like to see featured in the March Women's History Month events. #3 Any edits for the YWAC pages. [ Laurie - 77 - 21:31:34 ] Most of the people I know want time separate from school and education when they get home. They would be more interested if it was during school or work time. Plus it could reach more people. If you get the teachers informed and interested, some might try to work it into their schedual. [ Tish - 83 - 21:36:13 ] Last question - What time do you think would be most opportunet o get your schools to join in? and/or that you could get to NASA to participate? [ sarah - 84 - 21:37:16 ] probably around 11 [ Christine - 88 - 21:38:26 ] On a Tuesday, the best time for me would be around 10:00 AM. As for my school...I'm sure there are classes at any time throughout the school day that would love to join in. [ Lisa - 89 - 21:38:39 ] Castilleja would probably be able to arrange something almost any time during the school day...They are very interested in this kind of thing...especially for middle school classes which have a more flexible schedule [ Tish - 92 - 21:41:45 ] Okay ladies that's a big help. I will work on the schedulig of the cast. For now give some thought as to women to feature and send me an email with those. Let;'s sign off for now and get some rest. Thanks so much for joining in. Nightie night- Tish [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 111 - 23:15:50 ] Alice can join: Friday 2/18 5:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. Monday 2/21 4:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. Tuesday 2/22 4:00 p.m. , 5:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 112 - 23:16:25 ] Lisa can join: any days and times EXCEPT friday [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 113 - 23:16:58 ] Laurie can join: I will be able to make a meeting on friday at 5:00, and possible 6:00 for about half an hour. I am volunteering for a club from 7 till 9. On Saturday I will be able to make all times. However, on Monday I am leaving to go skiing until Thursday. I hope that I will be able to make the meeting. [ unknown - 114 - 11:50:49 ] Adrienne, Nicole, and Bonnie-Monday or Tuesday at 4:00 would be the best time for me. I can have Bonnie and Nicole stay here at school to do this. [ christine - 115 - 11:54:47 ] I prefer any of the times on Monday and if necessary, I can also meet on Saturday. I can definitely not meet today or on Tuesday. I won't be checking this e-mail address again till I come back from February break, so please e-mail me at or call me at (650) 494-8715. If you can't get through to me, I guess I won't be able to go to the online meeting, but I hope to "see" you there. Thanks, Christine [ Tish - 116 - 15:04:45 ] We will be meeting Monday 2/21 at 4:00 p.m. to discuss the Women in Aviation Convention. I have sent you a detailed email note explaining what we need to decide. If you have not read the note, please do so. If you are unable to come at 4:00 for our meeting, please post your thoughts here so they may be considered when we meet online. [ kim - 117 - 15:46:29 ] hi [ Lisa - 118 - 15:57:00 ] Hi! [ LeHang - 119 - 15:57:33 ] hello [ Laurie - 120 - 15:58:19 ] Hi [ Bonnie - 121 - 15:59:44 ] I'm here...hello!!! [ Nicole - 123 - 15:59:54 ] Hi, guys! [ Tish - 127 - 16:01:44 ] Wow! You girls beet me here today. I'm here now and it looks like we have Kim, Lisa, Lehang, Laurie, Nicole. I think Christine, bonnie and Jakcie might be joining us so we;ll wait a minute. If you didn't ge the Women in Aviation agenda let me know. Otherwise look it over so we can begin in just a minute. [ Christine - 129 - 16:02:23 ] Hi! I'm here. [ Bonnie - 130 - 16:04:12 ] hey guys - just showing my mom how this chat room works. when you see this, can you just respond back with something? she's never been in a chat room exciting! [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 131 - 16:05:04 ] Okay you girls are great! Thanks for joining in on a "holiday." Let's get going. I've turned to moderation mode so I can delete extraneous messages or mistakes to keep the room cleaner. Sarah won't be joining us, so I think we're almost all accounted for. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 132 - 16:06:52 ] First thing to discuss... NASA has invited 2 of out council member to represent the group at the upcoming Women in Aviation International convention. If you did not get or read the background email I sent please let me know. I don't htink I need to go in to a lot of detail about the event as it is covered in the agenda and briefing. Does anyone need more desctiption of the event before we begin discussin? [ Alice - 133 - 16:10:13 ] Hi all...sorry I'm a little late. Just joined in. I didn't get a chance to read the other e-mail Tish sent with background into, but I'll catch up as we go. [ Adrienne - 134 - 16:10:25 ] Hi, I'm online a little late, problems with the modem [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 136 - 16:11:17 ] What I would like to do is for you to decide amongst the group which girls should go. Please consider the following criteria.... 1)Availability to miss schoo. Most likely Thursday, 3/9, Fri. 3/10 and return on late Saturday the 11 or Sunday. 2) Willingness and comfortable with representing the group at the convention, networking, tallking about yourself, role with WOJN, etc. (I can work these issues with you as some of you may not be as familiar ) Possibly interviewing key women, taking photos, videos... 3) Committment to write up an adventure journal so I can get it posted within 2 weeks. We plan to feature women from the convention in a series of webevents the last week of March so want to journal up. 4) Any other issues you girls have to throw in when considering who would like to go? [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 139 - 16:13:22 ] Okay great Alice and Adrienne. Thanks for joining please "speak up" in our discussion. I've just gone over some of the criteria we discussed and I wrote up in a little more detail in the email. Anything you wnat to add to the criteria for selecting our girls for the convention? [ Bonnie - 140 - 16:13:46 ] i am very interested in this trip - the networking sounds most exciting to me as I am very interested in communications, but should we also consider our rep's interest in aviation? [ Laurie - 141 - 16:14:45 ] I wouls like to take part in the event, but considering the fact that I participated in both of the other events, I don't think I should go. [ Laurie - 142 - 16:15:07 ] would not wouls [ Adrienne - 143 - 16:15:34 ] The administration at Presentation has approved these trips for Bonnie and/or Nicole. It will be ok for them to miss school but they will have to of course make up the school work. [ kim - 144 - 16:15:37 ] Maybe Le Hang since she has not went [ Alice - 146 - 16:16:16 ] I agree with Bonnie that this convention sounds like a good opportunity for someone(s) who really are interested in a possible career in aviation. Of course it would be great for some of the girls who haven't been on a trip yet to go also. Are either of the Castilleja girls interested? [ Lisa - 147 - 16:17:01 ] I love to go, I just wonder if the fact that I haven't been part of the group very long would interfere? [ Nicole - 148 - 16:17:01 ] I don't think I should go either since I went on the other trips. [ LeHang - 149 - 16:17:11 ] I don't think I can go b/c my teachers are getting really strict about my absences. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 151 - 16:17:55 ] It looks like Bonnieand Laurie are interested. Kim, Lisa, Christine, Lehang, Nicole Are you interested in the trip? [ kim - 152 - 16:18:40 ] Lisa, you going can only draw you to the group more. I think that you going would be a good oppertunity just because you are new [ Christine - 153 - 16:18:56 ] I agree with Lisa...I haven't really been part of the group and I don't think I could represent us as well as someone else. Plus, I'm not really interested in a career in aviation and would not want to take away the opportunity from someone who is. [ Laurie - 155 - 16:19:26 ] What if then we had one Castilleja girl go since they haven't had the opportunity to go on a trip yet, and another girl who has been a part of the council longer who can show her the ropes? [ kim - 156 - 16:19:49 ] I can't because of personal things and also my teachers are no joke with it being my last year. Those are too many days. I am sorry [ Lisa - 157 - 16:19:56 ] Kim--If that's the case, then I have no problem going. [ kim - 158 - 16:20:36 ] Lourie I agree [ LeHang - 159 - 16:20:41 ] I agree with Laurie [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 160 - 16:21:00 ] RE: [kim] Lisa, you going can only draw you to the group more. I think that you going would be a good oppertunity just because you are new Yes I agree with you Kim. I don't want that to hamper one of you going. We can all bring you up to speed on what the group does. [ Bonnie - 161 - 16:21:00 ] i really would love to go, but if someone else is MORE interested in aviation, i don't want to take that from them. [ Lisa - 162 - 16:21:03 ] Also, if there are people who are primarily interested in aviation, then they should definately go ahead of me. [ Nicole - 163 - 16:21:16 ] I'm interested in going, Tish [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 164 - 16:21:41 ] RE: [Laurie] What if then we had one Castilleja girl go since they haven't had the opportunity to go on a trip yet, and another girl who has been a part of the council longer who can show her the ropes? Yes, I like that idea too. [ Nicole - 165 - 16:21:52 ] That's a good idea, Laurie [ Laurie - 167 - 16:23:30 ] I don't think I should go because i have been on both of the other trips. So who of the girls that have been on the council longer can go? [ Bonnie - 168 - 16:23:38 ] so who's interested in aviation - i think that's our question right now. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 169 - 16:24:19 ] Okay - I think we've heard from everyone, but please keep me on my toes if I missed someone. Here is what I see. Bonnie, Nicole, Lisa, and Laurie and interested. Lehang and Kim are not available becasue of school. [ sarah - 170 - 16:24:53 ] i haven't had a chance to look over the e-mail, so I am going to that now [ Nicole - 171 - 16:25:02 ] Maybe Bonnie and Lisa b/c Lisa's new and Bonnie didn't go on the Houston trip [ Alice - 172 - 16:25:34 ] Tish, are we only discussing the March WIAI convention today? I'm curious to discuss some of the other issues as well (like the next launch; TODTWD & follow-up to the photo-shoot; moving forward on the girls' ideas for the website from the work day, etc.). [ Laurie - 173 - 16:25:45 ] That's what i was thinking Nichole. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 174 - 16:26:14 ] RE: [Laurie] I don't think I should go because i have been on both of the other trips. So who of the girls that have been on the council longer can go? Okay Laurie, if we count you out (very gracefully ) that leaves us with Nicole and Bonnie who are "more senior" members of the group. Is that right - or did I miss someone? [ Lisa - 175 - 16:27:02 ] What about you, Christine? [ Alice - 176 - 16:27:44 ] [ Nicole - 171 - 16:25:02 ] Maybe Bonnie and Lisa b/c Lisa's new and Bonnie didn't go on the Houston trip I agree with Nicole's reasoning (above) -- Bonnie & Lisa sounds like a good combo. for March. Unless Sarah is interested since she's been on one trip rather than two so far as well. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 177 - 16:27:47 ] RE: [Alice] Tish, are we only discussing the March WIAI convention today? I'm curious to discuss some of the other issues as well (like the next launch; TODTWD & follow-up to the photo-shoot; moving forward on the girls' ideas for the website from the work day, etc.). Alice - my thougths were to devote one hour today. Once we get the convention decision made we can move on with the other items you mentioned. Does that sound okay [ Laurie - 178 - 16:27:58 ] Is Sarah interested in the trip? [ Christine - 179 - 16:28:32 ] I wouldn't mind going, but you seem more interested than I am. If one of us from Castilleja goes, why don't you go and I'll just participate in another trip later. [ sarah - 180 - 16:29:01 ] It sounds intresting, but since I went on the last trip, I can go either way [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 181 - 16:29:25 ] RE: [sarah] i haven't had a chance to look over the e-mail, so I am going to that now Glad you could join in Sarah. We're just trying to narrow down who will go to the Women in Aviation convention. Read through the thoughts above and let us know how you think. Christine, are you interested in going? [ Alice - 182 - 16:29:53 ] Tish--sounds fine. I looked at the most recent issue of Glamour but didn't see the TODTWD ad/photo. I was wondering if Nicole received an advance copy of a future issue. [ sarah - 183 - 16:30:08 ] Is Jackie still part of the group? [ kim - 184 - 16:31:13 ] I have heard from friends and the photo is in three other magazines [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 185 - 16:31:18 ] Bonnie and Lisa - do you have any problems with the criteria and committments? It sounds like we're leaning towards you too. Comments, other thoughts? [ Nicole - 186 - 16:31:27 ] Oh, actually it was CosmoGirl! the Feb issue. I don't know if they're still selling it [ sarah - 187 - 16:31:29 ] yeah, so have I [ Christine - 188 - 16:31:34 ] Tish- I wouldn't mind going. If one of us from Castilleja were to go and Lisa wants to, that's fine with me. [ Laurie - 189 - 16:31:39 ] The AD is in GlamourGirl, the teen version of Glamour. [ Alice - 190 - 16:31:52 ] Sarah, good question (re: Jackie). Le Hang & I will see her on Thursday 'cause she's coming to our event for middle school girls at Autodesk. [ Lisa - 191 - 16:32:03 ] Christine--Because you are a junior, it seems that you might have fewer chances than I will...So I have no problem either way. [ Laurie - 192 - 16:32:25 ] Right Nicole, sorry, not GlamourGirl, CosmoGirl [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 193 - 16:32:37 ] RE: [sarah] Is Jackie still part of the group? Jackie still is and I have tried unsuccessfully to reach her or Janese. I have left numerous voice messages and emails. Janese does know about the meeting today but I never heard back from her on her thoughts or if she was joining us. [ Bonnie - 194 - 16:32:42 ] i think it sounds totally awesome - a great opportunity to get out there, talk to more people, exposure, etc... i am able to miss school, and i enjoy the writing and "pr" portion a lot. [ Lisa - 196 - 16:33:39 ] I just don't want to be jumping ahead of Christine or anyone else. [ Christine - 197 - 16:33:42 ] Lisa- yeah, but because I'm a Junior, I also have TONS of work, so missing school at that time might not be the best idea. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 198 - 16:34:18 ] RE: [kim] I have heard from friends and the photo is in three other magazines What other magazines is it in. I got a copy form Nicole of the Cosmo Girl but I can't find the magazine anywhere. I heard from Ms. that it would mainly be in March and April magazines so I think the bulk of the adds are still coming. [ kim - 200 - 16:36:09 ] It's in the NBA All Star game magazine and the high school literary reader [ Alice - 201 - 16:36:39 ] I'd really appreciate it if whoever has copies of the ads that have appeared would send me copies. That kind of PR really helps me in getting support (i.e. budget, etc.) here at Autodesk. Since you gals are more up on the teenage magazines than I am can you keep an eye out and mail me clippings? [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 202 - 16:36:47 ] Thank you Christine for your thoughts on this about missing school. I think I'm hearing that Bonnie as our "senior council" member and Lisa as our "rookie" will be a great combo to represent us. Please keep in mind we have more opportunities coming up. Shall we finalize Bonnie and Lisa. [ Christine - 203 - 16:37:34 ] Bonnie and Lisa sound like good choices to me [ sarah - 204 - 16:38:40 ] Those two sound like a really good team to me. I don't know lisa, but what I know about bonnie is that she has no trouble communticating with others! [ Laurie - 205 - 16:39:31 ] I also think that Bonnie and Lisa are good representatives. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 206 - 16:40:02 ] Okay, since we're all here shall we move on to a few other topics with the remaining 20 minutes. I can discuss in more detail the convention and trip wtih Bonnie and Lisa afterward. Can you two stay online for about 10 minutes after our hour? [ Nicole - 207 - 16:40:20 ] Me too! [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 210 - 16:42:02 ] Okay - we've got one decision made. Bonnie and Lisa are on their way to Memphis! All you girls were great at figuring this out. THanks. [ Adrienne - 211 - 16:42:08 ] good choices [ Alice - 212 - 16:44:33 ] Tish, what's next on the agenda in importanc/priority? [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 213 - 16:45:42 ] Okay, great. We have also been invited to the next launch in April STS-101. Once again, HQ is putting together a launch conference. This has only just come up in the last few days so I'm not clear on the entire agenda. NASA is partnering with the Dept. of Labor in an effort to encourage more young women to pursue math, science, tech. careers, etc. and wants to use the launch as a vehicle to publicize this partnership and get more girls interested. At this point, our role can really be written in any way we want. The agenda for the launch conference is not finalized. The only catch here is that I have not received funding from NASA for this and it is only 2 month away! Yikes! The date is very unfirmly set for April 13 but I don't know if that will hold. I would love for us ALL to go but $$ is an issue I will have to work on. [ Adrienne - 214 - 16:45:54 ] Can we discuss the launch in April? [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 215 - 16:46:50 ] RE: [Alice] Tish, what's next on the agenda in importanc/priority? I would say the next issues of importance in my mind are 1) the Eileen Collins video 2) Women's hisotry month events 3) VTODTWD 4) launch [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 222 - 16:51:10 ] Let me tell you briefly about the Eileen Colins video. About 4 years ago I worked with Johnson Space Center on a video of Shannon Lucid after her return from MIR. The centent was based on questions from our WON participants. Now JSC wants to produce a video on Eileen and once again use our women for the basis of what she will adress. If you have noticed on the WON home page, I have a brief explanation of this and a link to a room where anyone can post questions. At this point, it is moderated so occassinally I would go in and select "good" ones and delete innappropriate or repepetive ones. I thought this might be a good job for one of the council members. It would just be one more plus as being involved in the video and make your presence know. Woudl anyone like this job? It would probably take me about 5 minutes to explain how to do it and then every few days you would have to log on and post message - maybe 5-10 minutes. There might be some time for communitcatino with JSC. Iwould also like to see you girls post some questions as well. [ Alice - 224 - 16:51:44 ] Yes, Tish I agree that this launch sounds like a perfect event for many of us to attend. Too bad the timing is so close to TODTWD -- I know you (and we) have lots of event planning we'll be doing in preparation for that since we both sponsor big events. Re: funding, have you spoken to Cate Muther again at all recently? Vanessa & I saw her at the Top 25 Women on the Web awards, and she certainly seems interested in DYF, our interns, and seems to be looking for funding and/or partnership opportunities. Just a thought. I'm sure there are others who might be interested in sponsoring such a trip as well. Who are your contacts at DOL? I used to have some contacts there as well, maybe there's a pocket of money somewhere there too. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 225 - 16:52:49 ] RE: [Adrienne] The expenses of the trip to the launch are airfaire, hotel, food and a rental van. The Holiday Inn has rooms that sleep five people. It might be a good idea to put a few of these rooms on hold for us while we work on funding. Sounds like a good idea. If you have the info. and you don't have to pyut any $$ up right now, do you want to reserve some rooms? [ Alice - 228 - 16:54:56 ] Is the April 13 launch the one that Yvonne Cagle will be on? We still would really like to profile her for our "A Day in the Life" section of our DYF website. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 229 - 16:55:54 ] RE: [Alice] Yes, Tish I agree that this launch sounds like a perfect event for many of us to attend. Too bad the timing is so close to TODTWD -- I know you (and we) have lots of event planning we'll be doing in preparation for that since we both sponsor big events. Re: funding, have you spoken to Cate Muther again at all recently? Vanessa & I saw her at the Top 25 Women on the Web awards, and she certainly seems interested in DYF, our interns, and seems to be looking for funding and/or partnership opportunities. Just a thought. I'm sure there are others who might be interested in sponsoring such a trip as well. Who are your contacts at DOL? I used to have some contacts there as well, maybe there's a pocket of money somewhere there too. Good idea Alice, I will contact her. I haven't spoken with since the Fall. I have a list from Terri Hudkins at HQ on the DOL partnership. At this point I'm not sure who the contacts are. Well at least now we have our pages up, a few events recorded and more ont eh way so I can easily contact potential funders. I "promise" to look into this in the next few weeks. If any ofyou have other ideas, let me know. (bake cookies:) [ Laurie - 230 - 16:55:57 ] Tish, i would also be willing ot help for the questions. [ Alice - 231 - 16:56:04 ] Hey Tish--seems like we're starting to get all over the map in our discussion & with the delay time in posting, maybe you should reign us in to focus on one subject at a time? [ Nicole - 232 - 16:56:38 ] I'd like to participate, but I'm still a little confused about what we're supposed to do. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 234 - 16:58:15 ] RE: [Bonnie] for the WON home page: we would go in and "clean up" the questions, then what? Basically that is it. For the previous video, I was emailing questions back and forth, but htis time I already set it up webbased so JSC can go in and pull questions from there. I would think there might be some communication via phone or eamil with JSC to make sure we have enough questions, the type of questions they are looking for, and then maybe a posting or an email message sent out to ask for more questions. [ Christine - 235 - 16:58:23 ] I'll help out with the posts if you tell me how to. [ Alice - 236 - 16:59:17 ] Kim--I haven't. Have you stayed in touch with her or her mom at all since your trip to Houston? I was really hoping we could piggy-back on you meeting her, but without you in the office it's been hard to circle back to that. We haven't done a new "Day in the Life" since Monica Goebels, have been concentrating on other things. [ Bonnie - 237 - 16:59:35 ] basically, we'd be helping with the actual "questions" portion of the video with direct contact with JSC. is that right? [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 240 - 17:02:00 ] RE: [Alice] Hey Tish--seems like we're starting to get all over the map in our discussion & with the delay time in posting, maybe you should reign us in to focus on one subject at a time? Thanks Alice. Let's just note our calendars at this time about the launch. I will follow up with details about the conference and schedule another online meeting to discuss jsut the launch. I'm not sure if Yvonne is on this mission or not. I do konw that either Yvonne, Eileen, or Ellen Ochoa will be participating in our VTODTWD event but haven't heard who is yet. Okay, so Adrienne will get soem reservations at the Holdaiy Inn secured, we will table the launch discussion and finish up with getting someone to help out with the Collins video. The item I would like help on is the Women's hisotyr month contest. Again, it's not much work on your part, but another way to be involved. [ Alice - 241 - 17:02:41 ] Kim--Definitely call me! You can call me at home or the office (I've been working late a lot lately so try me either number). Do you still have my home #? [ Bonnie - 242 - 17:03:17 ] i'd like to find out more about the Women's HIstory month contest [ Christine - 243 - 17:03:29 ] What is the Women's History month contest? [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 244 - 17:03:44 ] RE: [Bonnie] basically, we'd be helping with the actual "questions" portion of the video with direct contact with JSC. is that right? yes, that's it Bonnie. If I remever are you interestd in communication? or was in another council member. THsi would be a good job for someone who is interested in video production... A very small job but it is some involvement. [ Bonnie - 248 - 17:05:06 ] i think i'm interested, but i'm worried about my schedule...things get hectic, you know. i'm sure there are enough of us to share the "responsibility," though [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 249 - 17:05:06 ] RE: [Alice] Tish--I need to sign off soon. Any other urgent issues? Before Alice has to go and I explain the contest can we set another meeting to discuss the launch. How about Monday 3/20 at 8:00 p.m. ? [ Nicole - 252 - 17:06:09 ] I'm interested in the video and I'm sure others are. Maybe we can more than one person work on it. [ Christine - 253 - 17:06:12 ] That meeting time is fine with me [ Bonnie - 254 - 17:06:16 ] sounds good [ Alice - 255 - 17:06:21 ] Personally, I prefer earlier in the evening as I can't always log in from home. But if the girls' schedules don't work earlier I understand. [ sarah - 256 - 17:06:39 ] that sounds good [ kim - 257 - 17:06:43 ] ok [ Bonnie - 258 - 17:06:54 ] i agree with adrienne - maybe if we just have a short meeting online sooner? [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 259 - 17:06:55 ] I'll wait a minute to get a date set for our next meeting and then spend 5 minutes on the Women's history month contest. Please let us know if Monday 3/20 works at 8:00 or suggest another time or day? I'm open in the evenings. [ Lisa - 260 - 17:06:56 ] Earlier is fine, too. [ Alice - 261 - 17:07:16 ] I agree with Adrienne, we should be meeting (even if briefly) more often if we're really going to pull more major trips and events off. [ LeHang - 262 - 17:07:32 ] I also prefer earlier in the evening [ Nicole - 263 - 17:07:51 ] ok [ Christine - 264 - 17:08:07 ] Any time in the evenings (earlier or later) is fine with me. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 265 - 17:08:20 ] How about Monday the 6th at 8:00 p.m. - 2 weeks from now? [ sarah - 266 - 17:08:38 ] im ok either way [ Nicole - 267 - 17:08:41 ] that sounds good [ Adrienne - 268 - 17:08:42 ] ok [ Lisa - 269 - 17:08:54 ] That's fine, too. [ Bonnie - 270 - 17:08:55 ] even better [ Christine - 271 - 17:08:59 ] fine with me [ Alice - 272 - 17:09:10 ] No chance for 7:00 p.m. on March 6th? [ Nicole - 274 - 17:09:51 ] 7:00 works for me too [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 275 - 17:10:10 ] RE: [Alice] No chance for 7:00 p.m. on March 6th? Okay does 7:00 work instead of 8:00 for everyone for the two dates? [ Lisa - 276 - 17:10:21 ] 7 is a bit better for me, but I can do 8 [ LeHang - 277 - 17:10:34 ] that works for me [ Christine - 278 - 17:10:35 ] 7:00 is fine [ Nicole - 279 - 17:10:37 ] ok [ Adrienne - 280 - 17:10:43 ] 7 is ok with me -- both dates are ok [ Bonnie - 281 - 17:10:43 ] i'm pretty much flexible with anything, as long as i know ahead of time. these sound good [ sarah - 282 - 17:10:53 ] Tish- are we going to discuss anything else right at the moment? I have to sign off in a few [ unknown - 283 - 17:11:04 ] That works for me as far as I know. [ Alice - 284 - 17:11:20 ] One more thing re: April launch scheduling. Tish--you might want to have everyone e-mail you their Spring Break schedule. I know Le Hang's spring break in the week of 4/17. It sure would be great if the launch coincided so not so many girls would have to miss school. [ Nicole - 286 - 17:12:22 ] I think my spring break is the week of Easter [ Adrienne - 287 - 17:13:09 ] Bonnie, Nicole, and Adrienne's vacation begins April 20th. The launch is the week before our vacation. We had administrative approval for this trip. [ Christine - 288 - 17:13:19 ] My Spring Break is also the week of 4/17, but I'm going on a college trip then. [ Laurie - 289 - 17:13:30 ] My sping break is also the week of 4/17, but i am gone for a choir trip to England the entire time. [ Alice - 290 - 17:13:41 ] Are we set for next meetings 3/6 & 3/20 at 7:00 p.m.? Nicole-do you know if it's the week before or the week after Easter? [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 291 - 17:13:48 ] Okay - dates are set. I will follow up with email. Only other thing I wanted to discuss is Women's History month. Breifly, we will have a contest going which is a "hunt" around the WOn pages focusing on one women each week. The women will also be featured in a webchat or forum that week. Participants answer the questions adn then submit them. There will be about 10 correct answers. Each participant that get all 10 correct will get their name entered into a drawing. At the end of the month we will draw one name from the bin andthe winner recieves s shirt autographed by Eileen Collins and has her picture on it that I took in the shuttle. [ Adrienne - 292 - 17:14:03 ] Is the launch April 13? [ Adrienne - 294 - 17:14:33 ] Easter is April 23 [ Lisa - 297 - 17:15:41 ] Going the week before break is probably better for me than going the week of break [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 299 - 17:16:11 ] What I would like is if one of you would ike to facilitate receiving the answers and keeping track of the names to enter in the bin. I would image this might take an hour once a week. I will make it very clear in the contest description on how to mial the ansers. It would be a matter of reading the emails and keeping track of particiants who will be intered into the drawing. And then we'l doo some big hoopla when you draw the name. Any takers? [ Nicole - 302 - 17:17:09 ] I could do that job and also have we decided who will do the video? [ Alice - 303 - 17:17:15 ] Ok, I'm going to sign off now. Kim--call me tomorrow! And remember everyone, PLEASE mail me copies of the TODTWD photo/ad/any articles you see in magazines from the Houston photo shoot. I really appreciate it! Our mailing address is: Design Your Future; Autodesk, Inc,; 111 McInnis Parkway; San Rafael, CA 94903 [ LeHang - 304 - 17:17:20 ] I'd like to help with that [ Laurie - 305 - 17:17:22 ] Tish, I can help you with that. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 306 - 17:17:52 ] Christine and Bonnie. Are you the two who are interesetd in working on the video? Or is anyone else? Let's get closure on these two things: video and Women's hisotyr month and save the launch disucssion for next meeting. [ LeHang - 307 - 17:18:07 ] Alice, Ngoc just said she has a copy from Business Week. She'll bring it tomorrow. [ Bonnie - 308 - 17:18:14 ] i'm interested in the video [ Christine - 309 - 17:18:33 ] Actually, I'd rather help out with the contest because I actually understand what that would involve. [ Nicole - 310 - 17:18:34 ] I'd like to work on the video also [ Adrienne - 311 - 17:18:42 ] Which issue of Business Week? [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 312 - 17:19:11 ] Sarah, Nicole, LeHang, laurie can help with the contest and Christine and Bonnie can help with the video. Is that correct? [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 313 - 17:19:52 ] Correction. Bonnie and Nicole would work on the video. [ Bonnie - 314 - 17:20:05 ] tish: switch nicole and christine (i think?) [ Laurie - 315 - 17:20:07 ] Yep, as far as I go. [ sarah - 316 - 17:20:18 ] sounds good to me [ Nicole - 317 - 17:20:19 ] that sounds fine [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 318 - 17:20:33 ] Lehang, Laurie and Sarah would like to work on the contest? [ sarah - 319 - 17:21:01 ] yep [ Christine - 320 - 17:21:02 ] I'll help out with the contest, too. [ LeHang - 321 - 17:21:05 ] yes, that's correct [ Laurie - 322 - 17:21:08 ] Yeah, I can help with that. [ Christine - 323 - 17:21:14 ] That is, if you need more help. [ Laurie - 325 - 17:22:15 ] Bye Alice [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 328 - 17:23:00 ] Okay, let me wrap up here. Bonnie and Lisa will be going to the WIAI conference. We will discuss a few particulars in just a minuts. Lehang, Laurie and Sarah want to work onthe Women's history month context. Bonnie and Nicole want to work on the video. I will give you all details about the video and contest via email Does that sound okay? [ Nicole - 331 - 17:23:47 ] sounds good [ Bonnie - 332 - 17:23:53 ] yep [ Christine - 336 - 17:24:43 ] I'd love to work on the contest if you need my help. [ Christine - 338 - 17:26:36 ] Whatever, either way is fine. I just feel like I'm not really contributing much and this seems like a good way to help out. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 341 - 17:27:23 ] RE: [Christine] I'd love to work on the contest if you need my help. okay Christine, I've got you down to help with the contest. [ Lisa - 342 - 17:27:53 ] I'd have to ask my parents about wed. vs. thurs. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 346 - 17:28:29 ] For those of you who are signing off. Thanks so much. I feel we had a good hour. Thanks so much for your input and time. Check you email as I follow up on issues discussed today. Thank again, [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 388 - 14:45:09 ] Hi All- I hope you all remember that we are meeting at 7:00 tonight 3/6. I just sent out an email reminder. Items to discuss on my agenda: 1. WIAI convention/ Bonnie and Lisa attending. What to wear? YWAC logo 3. Women's History Month contest 3. April launch 4. VTODTWD 5. Photo shoot magazines If you ahve anything else to add please do so. See you online tonight [ Laurie - 389 - 18:30:59 ] Hi everyone,I am here a little early. I had a conflict come up recently and I will have to leave at 7:20. I am planning on coming back later and reading the chat. Feel free to email me anything important. [ unknown - 390 - 18:50:18 ] Hi Laurie- I'm just checking in a bit early as well. I'll have a hard time tonight as I've still got two kids in the tub!!! Are you all set for the contest? Have you check out the site or how to log onto the answers at hotmail? [ Adrienne - 391 - 18:53:10 ] Hi - I'm here! [ Nicole - 392 - 18:56:38 ] Hey everybody! Just out of curiousity, who's "unknown"? [ Tish - 393 - 18:56:44 ] Laurie - I forgot my name - did you guess that was from me? [ Laurie - 394 - 18:57:40 ] I haven't been able to reach the site yet. It says something like I do not have the access to get there. [ Lisa - 395 - 18:57:48 ] Hello! [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 396 - 18:58:42 ] RE: [Nicole] Hey everybody! Just out of curiousity, who's "unknown"? That was me [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 397 - 18:59:31 ] RE: [Adrienne] Hi - I'm here! Adrienne - Did you get the info. from Bonnie that you needed? [ Christine - 399 - 19:00:12 ] Ooop! It's me, Christine. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 400 - 19:00:15 ] RE: [Laurie] I haven't been able to reach the site yet. It says something like I do not have the access to get there. Laurie - I just got in today so maybe you have an old page in your cache. Did you try just now? [ Lisa - 401 - 19:01:12 ] Tish- Sorry I had to leave our meeting on Friday so hurriedly. Also, the PR person from Casti did get in contact with me. [ Adrienne - 402 - 19:01:53 ] Tish, Bonnie and I spent time going over all the papers today. I gave her the permission slips to excuse her absence from school. It looks like a great trip. Thanks for arranging all of this! [ Laurie - 403 - 19:02:20 ] All right, I can get into the hotmail account, but I can not access the web link you sent to me in the email regaurding the countest. [ Alice - 404 - 19:03:51 ] Hello, I'm here. Sorry to say I won't be able to stay long. Somehow I didn't manage to get the date down in my book last time we met. [ Laurie - 405 - 19:04:34 ] I tried to get to the page again at about 6:30 tonight and i recieved the same message as I originally did. [ Bonnie - 406 - 19:04:58 ] hello, all...i'm here! [ Alice - 407 - 19:07:40 ] Tish, could you lay out tonight's agenda with time estimates? If the bulk of the meeting is to discuss WIAI trip & other items I/we (Autodesk) won't be involved in, I'm going to have to sign off, but I want to make sure you get me for any crucial input. [ Adrienne - 408 - 19:10:10 ] Alice, I saw you on TV the other night. You did a great job! [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 409 - 19:10:44 ] Okay let me check the page out right now. I've got kids in the tub and one just threw up in the tub (yuk!!!) I'm having one of those days. Let me check the site right now and take care of a few things. Can you begin discussing these two items: 1) What will the girls wear at the WIAI convention? LeHang says the graphics we have will not print well so the idea we had for having the collage image on shirts won't work this time until we redo in high res. What are you ideas on shirt, logos, etc. for the convention? 2) The Arpil 13 launch is still tentative but HQ is moving to the next one for the launhc conference. There is another one in August. BUT.... we have Streambroadcast that wants to cover you girls going to the launch etc. Let me give you more details after you discuss the shirts. [ Lisa - 410 - 19:12:05 ] Tish- Has the permission slip that my mom faxed reached you safely? Is anything missing? [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 411 - 19:12:08 ] This page islinked from the WON page and is working: This page is then the first week contest and links as well from the contest page: I can get to both fine. [ Adrienne - 412 - 19:12:29 ] We have that simple logo design that Janese brought to Presentation. Perhaps we could have that made right away. There is a parent at Presentation I could call tonight if you want the shirts for Thursday. [ Bonnie - 413 - 19:12:46 ] i think the collared shirts work well because they're very versatile. as for what goes on it, can one of us design a temporary logo or something? [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 414 - 19:13:41 ] RE: [Alice] Tish, could you lay out tonight's agenda with time estimates? If the bulk of the meeting is to discuss WIAI trip & other items I/we (Autodesk) won't be involved in, I'm going to have to sign off, but I want to make sure you get me for any crucial input. Alice - The only issue abaout WIAI is what the girls will wear since we couldn't get a new shirt made. Next issue is the launch in April. I'm having a tough time tonight too so let me give you all the detials about hte launch while you dicuss the outfits. [ Nicole - 415 - 19:14:21 ] If you would like, I could give my shirt to Bonnie to give to Lisa for this WIAI conference. Then we could work on shirts for all of us instead of just throwing something together now. [ Alice - 416 - 19:14:37 ] Re: shirts for there a reason the shirts used for the Eileen Collins launch trip won't work? It's just two girls going, right? [ Christine - 417 - 19:14:52 ] Sorry...I think I'm just confused. What shirts are we talking about? [ Bonnie - 418 - 19:15:35 ] i actually think the outfits for this conference aren't as crucial as they will be for the launch because there's only two of us. a simple logo will work, just ironed on the back, with a small logo on the front with our names, even a text- design or something. what do you all think? [ Adrienne - 419 - 19:16:02 ] When we went to Florida last year, each girl had a white button down shirt with the NASA logo and the Young Women of NASA logo. This shirt made the girls looked unified and got lots of attention [ Laurie - 420 - 19:16:09 ] Thanks Tish, that page works for me. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 421 - 19:16:39 ] RE: [Lisa] Tish- Has the permission slip that my mom faxed reached you safely? Is anything missing? I got your permission slip LIsa but not BOnnie's [ Nicole - 422 - 19:16:48 ] My shirt is the one Mrs. Renner is talking about. [ Bonnie - 423 - 19:17:05 ] Tish and I talked on friday, and the reason we were thinking of "throwing a couple together" is because the others are already autographed and we'd probably want new shirts without all that. Then again, it doesn't really matter too much if it's too much trouble. [ Adrienne - 424 - 19:18:09 ] It looks like Bonnie and Lisa have two choices. They could wear the same shirts worn in Florida or we could try to have something made this week using the design Janese showed us a few months ago. If you decide on the latter, I can call someone right now and see if it is possible. [ Lisa - 425 - 19:19:15 ] The reason we were hesitant to use the same shirt is that I don't have one. Because the shirts are going to be/have been signed, using someone else's didn't seem like the best idea [ Bonnie - 426 - 19:19:20 ] did we want the same design janese had made? was there some talk about all of the websites on that one? maybe not, i don't know if that's a problem or not...i just thought i remembered something about that being an issue, but i'm not sure. [ Laurie - 427 - 19:20:12 ] I am really sorry everyone but I have to leave. A last minute mandatory practice came up for my choir and I will be very behind if I miss it. I will read what you discuss in the caht room when i return at 10. Bye. [ Nicole - 428 - 19:20:27 ] If you're worry about my shirt being signed, I don't have a problem w/that. [ Adrienne - 429 - 19:20:48 ] The logo design that Janese showed us was a simple white embroidered logo on denim. Did anyone like that or do you want a different design? [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 430 - 19:22:04 ] Streamedia would like to get sponsorship to prodice a webcast in connection with the launch. They would follow a group of 5-10 girls as they travel from Cal to KSC to explore women who work in aviation. Each girl would have the resppn. of choosing a women and will seve as as on-air correspondant reporint on the women.... Person profile, behind the scences, etc. will culminate with the shuttle launch. Individual clips ranging from 3-5 minute, combined with written article, chat disussions and flash animation will tkae the use on an interactrive journey celebrating the work and contributrion of womn..... This would be a program presented on They also suggested that it could be edited as a linear documentarey for television. [ Bonnie - 431 - 19:22:24 ] oh, i think i had a different logo in mind. that actually sounds like a neat design (the simple white embroidery in denim). do you think we could get that done by thurs? i already have a denim button-up collared short sleeve shirt that is usable. it would be appropriate for the conference, i think. [ Christine - 432 - 19:22:54 ] Tish- about the contest: how are we supposed to know the correct answers so we can write down the people who got them all right? [ Nicole - 433 - 19:24:50 ] If we decide on a new shirt for Thurs., can we get all the girls sizes and order one for everyone that way we don't have to worry about someone not having the same shirt for the launch. [ Alice - 434 - 19:24:59 ] It seems a little silly to throw something new together spur of the minute just for this trip, then later have to create new shirts again for other members. The membership of this group is likely to grow & change and so there will always be this issue of new members needing the "outfit." Therefore, once a logo or patch is designed that everyone likes, it needs to be able to be added to a new shirt easily as necessary. Just my two cents. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 435 - 19:25:12 ] RE: [Bonnie] did we want the same design janese had made? was there some talk about all of the websites on that one? maybe not, i don't know if that's a problem or not...i just thought i remembered something about that being an issue, but i'm not sure. There is a problem with the word NASA on the logo and has to be approved by HQ. THat was the issue with the logo Janese designed. [ Bonnie - 436 - 19:25:26 ] lisa: how do you feel about this denim and white idea? it's fine with me, as long as it's not too much trouble by thursday. should we just plan on doing that then, to get it out of the way? tish, is this okay? adrienne: are you thinking that kim medica's mom could do it? [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 437 - 19:26:27 ] RE: [Laurie] I am really sorry everyone but I have to leave. A last minute mandatory practice came up for my choir and I will be very behind if I miss it. I will read what you discuss in the caht room when i return at 10. Bye. Laurie - If you are already gone and come back to read this, please make sure you can get to the contest site. I will eamil you all the answers tonight so you have them. [ Adrienne - 438 - 19:26:35 ] I just spoke to a woman who does embroidery in her home. We could definitely get shirts made by Thursday morning. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 439 - 19:27:23 ] RE: [Bonnie] lisa: how do you feel about this denim and white idea? it's fine with me, as long as it's not too much trouble by thursday. should we just plan on doing that then, to get it out of the way? tish, is this okay? adrienne: are you thinking that kim medica's mom could do it? I missed somthing about the shirt. What exactly do you wnat to do? [ Lisa - 440 - 19:28:37 ] The denim and white idea is fine with me, but I don't already own a shirt that fits the criteria. Where could I get one in time? Maybe I'm confused, but is it possible to make a few extra shirts like the ones used by the group before so that we will all look the same without redoing everything? [ Adrienne - 441 - 19:29:05 ] I agree with Alice. This design should be done once and then we can order shirts for everyone. How do all the girls feel about this? [ Bonnie - 442 - 19:29:06 ] i guess there's a design with white embroidery on denim that we've got. it might be janese's logo...then again, i could probably whip something together too, if you want me too, on the computer with some creative program or something. nothing special, just something that will work. adrienne can get them done by thurs. i don't know if this is okya, though. [ Nicole - 443 - 19:29:41 ] Why don't we quickly decide if we want to make new shirts for Thurs or stick w/the old ones for now. [ Lisa - 444 - 19:30:14 ] I have no problem borrowing someone else's shirt, except if I get the shirt signed. I mainly feel that it doesn't solve the problem long turn. However, if getting the shirts done by thurs. is the issue, that's fine with me. Am I making any sense? [ Alice - 445 - 19:30:32 ] Tish, you're about to lose me. Please e-mail me any info. or input you need from me re: the April (or future) launch (i.e. dates, criteria for participation, cost to us, etc.). Sorry ladies, but my house is under construction, my job is overwhelmingly busy these days, and I have family commitments not being attended to. [ Lisa - 446 - 19:31:08 ] I meant long term [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 447 - 19:31:09 ] RE: [Lisa] The denim and white idea is fine with me, but I don't already own a shirt that fits the criteria. Where could I get one in time? Maybe I'm confused, but is it possible to make a few extra shirts like the ones used by the group before so that we will all look the same without redoing everything? I'm still not sure what the denim and white is? Do you girls want a denim shirt with whie embroadery? I like the idea of a denim shirt. We could have long sleaves of sleavless for hotter weather. I could see just the nmae and web site for now and add a logo later? [ Adrienne - 448 - 19:31:18 ] Tish, Can the logo say "Young Women of NASA Advisory Council"? [ Lisa - 449 - 19:32:16 ] Bonnie said she had a white denim shirt that she though would be nice. [ Bonnie - 450 - 19:32:24 ] tish, that sounds like a good idea to me. that's more of a long term thing, too, it sounds like, as long as everybody likes it. the name and website will work for now. [ Adrienne - 451 - 19:33:09 ] We can get denim shirts at Old Navy or the Gap [ Alice - 452 - 19:33:52 ] Happy shirt shopping all.... Bye-bye! [ Nicole - 453 - 19:33:59 ] we don't have all the girls here. i don't think it's fair to make a permanent decision about the shirts now. should we include the other girls in this decision? [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 454 - 19:34:03 ] Consensus on the shirts? I suggest a denim one with simple web site and Young Wom.... on the breast pocket. Maybe on the other side your first name. This could be embroadered or printed in white. Later we can add a logo or image onthe back. Other idea would be white polo design with blue writing. [ Bonnie - 455 - 19:34:14 ] good luck with everything, alice...bye! [ Lisa - 456 - 19:34:38 ] The only thing is that we have to decide on something by Thurs. [ Christine - 457 - 19:35:27 ] I like the denim shirt idea, but I agree with Nicole that maybe we should wait for everyone's approval before making a permanent decision. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 458 - 19:35:41 ] RE: [Adrienne] Tish, Can the logo say "Young Women of NASA Advisory Council"? Is this white demin or blue? [ Bonnie - 459 - 19:35:46 ] tish, this sounds good for now. something good enough for this weekend and definitely expandable and flexible for the whole group. and i already have one, so at least if no one likes it, it won't have cost too much [ Adrienne - 460 - 19:36:15 ] Actually, we have to decide now. If you decide you want these shirts made, I can call Mrs. Medica back. I like the idea of a polo shirt, too. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 461 - 19:36:30 ] I think having something for this tri is important and it can be something pretty generic that we can add logo , patches, etc. to later. [ Lisa - 462 - 19:36:36 ] Tish-your denim plan sounds fine with me. It allows to update it all later. We should make certain to buy more shirts that people because as the group grows, we will want to keep on matching. We should also make the style something that is easy to match. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 463 - 19:38:13 ] RE: [Adrienne] Actually, we have to decide now. If you decide you want these shirts made, I can call Mrs. Medica back. I like the idea of a polo shirt, too. Okay, polo or denim. What will be easier to get. Adrienne if y ou have the contact to get the embro. could you also get the shirts to her and then to Bonnie by Thurs. That's a lot to ask of you but it sounds like you've got some connection there and it might be a lot quicker. Consensus on white polo, blue denim, white, denim, short or long sleeves for Memphis? [ Nicole - 464 - 19:38:22 ] I think the denim is a good idea. If we could order the shirts from one of those catalogues or find a shirt that looks like one in catalogues that produce the shirts all year round, it would help that way we can make two by Thurs. and worry about the rest later. [ Nicole - 465 - 19:39:25 ] I'd like blue denim w/short sleeves [ Bonnie - 466 - 19:39:42 ] denim sounds good to me. i already have a denim button down. it's short sleeved. that means we'd only have to buy one and get it to Mrs. medica. she's a mom at presentation, where me and adrienne are. it won't be a problem. [ Adrienne - 467 - 19:40:03 ] Ok -- so have we decided on a denim shirt? If so, what color embroidery do you want? I just got off the phone with Mrs. Medica and this can be accomplished. We need the shirts and a decision about wording and thread color. [ Nicole - 468 - 19:40:42 ] i think white embroidery would look good on denim [ Adrienne - 469 - 19:41:04 ] If you want me to pick up a shirt for Lisa, I could run over to old navy tonight. [ Bonnie - 470 - 19:41:16 ] me too, nicole. [ Lisa - 471 - 19:41:22 ] blue denim w/short sleeves! [ Lisa - 472 - 19:41:57 ] I might be able to make it to Old Navy,too. Where is one? [ Adrienne - 473 - 19:42:38 ] There is one at Westgate in San Jose. Do you live near Saratoga/Cupertino? [ Christine - 474 - 19:42:42 ] The blue denim idea sounds good to me, too. [ Nicole - 475 - 19:43:07 ] there's an Old Navy at the Great Mall, at Westgate... there might be locations on the website. I think it's [ Christine - 476 - 19:43:12 ] There's an Old Navy in Redwood City, too (if that is closer). [ Lisa - 477 - 19:43:34 ] I live in Los Altos. How far is it? (You can tell I don't really drive!) [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 478 - 19:43:49 ] Okay - blue demin, short sleeved, for now. I say dark blue stitching or red since it patriotic and NASA looking. Young Women of NASA Advisory Council on the first line of the breast pocket area, under that the web site address: (it's shorter and I'll have the linke worked out) and then on the other breast pocket the first name. Later we can add logo tothe back, patches, etc. [ Nicole - 479 - 19:43:52 ] point of clarification...what are we going to put on the shirt? [ Adrienne - 480 - 19:44:01 ] The only problem is that I should really get these shirts to Mrs. Medica tomorrow. If Lisa lives near Saratoga/Cupertino, we could meet. [ Nicole - 481 - 19:44:35 ] i think white would be better b/c red and dark blue won't really show up on the blue denim [ Bonnie - 482 - 19:44:54 ] it might be better if either me, nicole, or adrienne picks it up because we'd have to get it to mrs medica either via presentation (san jose) or her house (almaden). since lisa lives so far and doesn't might be difficult. i could probably pick it up, too. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 483 - 19:45:09 ] Okay, I'll leave it up to you Adrinenee to choose a color with Ms. Med... after you look at the shirts. you will be better able to judge once you see the color of denim. I will be happy to reimburse you for the shirts, and then we can make a lot more after that. What do you think? [ Adrienne - 484 - 19:45:10 ] Lisa, it is so close to Cupertino. Give me your phone number and I will call you with directions. Its about a ten minute drive from your house. [ Lisa - 485 - 19:45:31 ] I can't make it tonight, but I can probably get it tomorrow. Will that work? [ Adrienne - 486 - 19:45:43 ] I agree that red embroidery will stand out more. I think the reason why our shirts were notice in Florida was because it was white with dark blue and red! [ Nicole - 487 - 19:45:53 ] that sounds like a good plan Tish! [ Bonnie - 488 - 19:46:27 ] i really do like the red and blue too (very patriotic) but i agree that it might not show up. unless we do just our names in red, and the logo in white, or something like that? [ Nicole - 489 - 19:46:55 ] Maybe Bonnie should get it b/c Lisa would have to get the shirt, drive to San Jose to drop it just seems like a big hassel for Lisa. [ Adrienne - 490 - 19:47:05 ] I think we have agreed on the shirts. If Lisa and I could meet in a little while at Old Navy, we'll get this under way. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 491 - 19:47:50 ] Okay are we set on the shirts? [ Adrienne - 492 - 19:48:03 ] Yes, next topic! [ Bonnie - 493 - 19:48:12 ] i'm sure mrs. medica will know best of all about which colors to use once we see the shirts and the text. [ Nicole - 494 - 19:48:13 ] Maybe we could do this for the shirts...we could wear a red tank/shirt under, put the denim shirt over and leave it unbuttoned and have white embroidery on the denim? [ Christine - 495 - 19:49:00 ] Nicole- that is a really cute idea...good way to incorporate red/white/blue and still be able to read the stuff on the shirts. [ Bonnie - 496 - 19:49:00 ] sounds good, nicole. did i need to pick up the shirt? i could do it tomorrow... [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 497 - 19:49:10 ] As to the launch. I guess it's a matter of trying to push for hte April date to get it together or go for August. What do you guys think? [ Adrienne - 498 - 19:49:19 ] I like the idea of a red tank underneath! [ Adrienne - 499 - 19:49:45 ] Bonnie, I'll call you when we are offline. [ Lisa - 500 - 19:49:50 ] Wait, when should we meet? It turns out I have no ride tonight. [ Adrienne - 501 - 19:50:15 ] Bonnie and Lisa, do you want me to pick up the shirts? [ Nicole - 502 - 19:50:19 ] I really would like to go to the April launch. If we start organizing now, I know we could get it together! It might be a good idea for us to meet live like we did at Pres. [ Bonnie - 503 - 19:50:19 ] what's the deal with this stream... project? it sounds like really good publicity for us, but could we realistically get it all together by april? it's fast approaching. [ Adrienne - 504 - 19:51:03 ] Tish, did you say that the launch conference was not going to happen in April. Which launch is it in conjunction with? [ Lisa - 505 - 19:51:14 ] I think it would be great to aim for the April date, but if it doesn't look like it'll work, we should make a big effort to get all prep. for August underway early, if it's possible. [ Nicole - 506 - 19:51:52 ] If there is a conference in April, it would be better to go to that one, but if not, we should do the August launch. [ Christine - 507 - 19:51:54 ] Do the Streammedia people only want to cover the April launch, or would they be interested in Aug. too? [ Lisa - 508 - 19:52:28 ] Adrienne- If you could pick up the shirts without too much of a hassle, I would be really grateful. [ Bonnie - 509 - 19:52:48 ] how's funding looking for april? [ Christine - 510 - 19:52:55 ] If we went for the April 13 launch, what day would we be back by? ( parents are bugging me so we can plan a college trip) [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 511 - 19:54:34 ] The only concern I had with August is that a few council members might be graduating and not get to go... HQ had wanted to produce another launch conference similar to the one that you all went to. They are going to wait until the following launch to put the conferenc together. But we can still do a webcast with streamedia regardless if we have a launch conference or not? I think if we get funded from then we should go for the April date? Why don't I move forward with the compamy to see if they can pull together the funding. In the mean time I'll see who's availabe. [ Nicole - 512 - 19:55:29 ] I think our three main issues in deciding if we should go in April are: 1) Is Streammedia going to only cover the April launch? 2) Is there going to be a conference? 3) Do we have funding? If we have those questions answered, I think we can make a good decision [ Christine - 513 - 19:55:44 ] That sounds good. I think we should go ahead and at least try for April. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 514 - 19:55:55 ] The April 13 date is not firm. I kow it's hard but we really don't know the exact launch date until about 2 weeks before when they have final approval. It'll be one of those hectic trips again I'm afraid. [ Bonnie - 515 - 19:56:29 ] if we have the funding, let's go for it, as long as we can pull together. i'm sure we can prep for it though. and because there would be a lot of us going, it would mean more team work and less responsibility on us all, so it wouldn't be so much of a struggle to prep. does that make sense? [ Adrienne - 516 - 19:58:24 ] It sounds like we are all in agreement and want to go to the April launch. Tish, what is the funding situation? [ Nicole - 517 - 19:58:33 ] If the girls graduating can't go, we should do the April launch. It would be nice to have everyone attend b/c many girls haven't had an opportunity to join our other trips. [ Bonnie - 518 - 19:58:48 ] and the streammedia situation? [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 519 - 19:59:07 ] RE: [Nicole] I think our three main issues in deciding if we should go in April are: 1) Is Streammedia going to only cover the April launch? 2) Is there going to be a conference? 3) Do we have funding? If we have those questions answered, I think we can make a good decision This is too hectric for me. I've got kis amok and one just pressed my moderation buttions while I' was trying to get another one in bed.. [ Nicole - 520 - 20:00:01 ] sorry Tish! [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 521 - 20:00:30 ] RE: [Tish/NASAChatHost] This is too hectric for me. I've got kis amok and one just pressed my moderation buttions while I' was trying to get another one in bed.. THere is no launch conference but that doesnet really matter we can still get all the support and contact from KSC that we need - interview, etc. We might have better access if there wasn't a big hype from HQ as they would like the pr it would bring. I suggest I see if STream... can pul it togher. I'll also get consensus from everyone to see who can attend. and then take it from there. [ Bonnie - 522 - 20:01:17 ] since there's nothing we can really decide on now, because not many people are here, it sounds like it would be a good idea to go for april and see what happens. if we get funding, then we can go for this streammedia thing and the girls graduating can still go. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 523 - 20:01:34 ] What if we connect via email at the end of the week when I get some feedback from streamedia. I got the proposal already from them and I will incoude the details in the email. Then I can see who can attend if it goes through. [ Nicole - 524 - 20:01:49 ] Even if there isn't a conference, is there a chance we will be able to tour KSC again? (like the Orbiter Processing Facility, Vehicle Assembly Building, and the other stuff you don't see on the normal tour) [ Christine - 525 - 20:02:01 ] Sounds good! [ Lisa - 526 - 20:02:20 ] I psyched already! [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 527 - 20:02:29 ] Are you guys set on the shirts. Please call ba if you need anything from me to ge that done. Bonnie I didn't get your permission slip yet. Can you fax it to me tonight? [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 528 - 20:03:51 ] RE: [Nicole] Even if there isn't a conference, is there a chance we will be able to tour KSC again? (like the Orbiter Processing Facility, Vehicle Assembly Building, and the other stuff you don't see on the normal tour) Definately, I talked to Terri at HQ today and she has no problem getting some of the same tour guides and engineers, etc. We would then also select specific women to profile and each of you would do a segment on her. [ Adrienne - 529 - 20:04:12 ] That sounds fine. If you could let us know tentative dates that would help. I could make tentative reservations. Bookings are tough for Florida around Easter but at least we are coming from the West and not from the Northeast! I'm still worried about getting rooms. Prices will be higher this time of year. [ Bonnie - 530 - 20:04:24 ] i'll check with my dad. i'm not sure if i'm able to do it from home. if not, how's first thing tomorrow morning? i can get it to you by 7:20. the shirts are taken care of for now. adrienne are will talk when we're offline to coordinate it all with mrs. medica and old navy. :) [ Adrienne - 531 - 20:04:50 ] Lisa, please give me your phone number and I'll call when we are offline about the shirts. [ Nicole - 532 - 20:04:51 ] That would be awesome! [ Lisa - 533 - 20:05:37 ] can I post my number here, tish? [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 534 - 20:05:54 ] RE: [Bonnie] i'll check with my dad. i'm not sure if i'm able to do it from home. if not, how's first thing tomorrow morning? i can get it to you by 7:20. the shirts are taken care of for now. adrienne are will talk when we're offline to coordinate it all with mrs. medica and old navy. :) sound fine Bonnie [ Adrienne - 536 - 20:06:41 ] Lisa, just give me your shirt size and you don't have to post your phone number. [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 538 - 20:07:12 ] I'll wiat till I hear you've got the number and then I'll erase. Can we end after that. I'm sorry about this night. 7:00 is probablyl too early for me.... [ Lisa - 539 - 20:07:21 ] My shirt size would be a medium [ Adrienne - 540 - 20:07:21 ] i got the number. go ahead and erase it. I'm sorry, I didn't think about the security of the phone number. [ Bonnie - 541 - 20:08:14 ] 7:00 wasn't a very good time for me, either. so adrienne and i will coordinate on the shirts, then? and i'll get that faxed to you by tom. am, tish. [ Adrienne - 542 - 20:08:26 ] I think we can sign out now. See ya [ Lisa - 543 - 20:08:29 ] I think we've got everything pretty much wrapped up online. [ Nicole - 544 - 20:08:51 ] I think so too. [ Christine - 545 - 20:08:54 ] Ok everyone. 'Night! [ Nicole - 546 - 20:09:16 ] Good night! Do you we have anything else, Tish? [ Bonnie - 547 - 20:10:46 ] alright. tish and me or call to coordinate for thurs. i'm still a little unsure about our meeting place at the airport. and i also wanted to check if we were planning on checking bags or just carrying on? let's just figure it out later, though. lisa, you have my email. tish, do you think you could get me susan's? [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 548 - 20:10:52 ] That's it you guys thanks [ Nicole - 549 - 20:11:08 ] Bye everybody! [ Lisa - 550 - 20:01:34 ] Do we have a meeting tonight? d/r [ Bonnie - 442 - 19:29:06 ] i guess there's a design with white embroidery on denim that we've got. it might be janese's logo...then again, i could probably whip something together too, if you want me too, on the computer with some creative program or something. nothing special, just something that will work. adrienne can get them done by thurs. i don't know if this is okya, though. d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 551 - 17:57:54 ] Hi Girls- I cleaned up the room but saved our archived dialogue in case we need to go back to any notes. The archive will reside at: d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 552 - 17:59:33 ] Thank you for joining us tonight. I appreciate you accomodating my schedule and going with the 8:00 p.m. time. I have two things on the agenda for tonight. Quick discussion of Women's History Month contest. 2) Upcoming launch d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 553 - 18:00:44 ] Those of you who are working on the contest. I know LeHang handled the first week and sent me a list withthe list of names with correct responses. If you are handling another week please let me know your progress or where you are with this. d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 554 - 18:03:27 ] 2) As I began to discuss in the previous chat, there is a very good possibility that we will have funding to send all girls to the upcoming launch. I would like to know the availability of each of you. The problem is that the launch date is still "unfirm" It could be the 17th and then today I heard it might be the 26th of April. We would be gone about 5 days. This would be because of the concept designed by Streamedia and the coverage they would like to do. I will paste here their concept so you can read through it. Then once we get teh contest discussion over with I will open the discussion up to issues pertaining to the launch. Then I would like to get a feel for which of you could commit to go. d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 555 - 18:05:02 ] Here is the proposed concept: Women on the Edge NASA Webcast proposal Odyssey 2000: Future Women of NASA (working title) Program Concept: On April 13th, Streamedia Communications and NASA Quests Women of NASA will join together to produce an original Webcast in connection with the upcoming launch of the Space Shuttle Atlantis. Timed fittingly around the 2000 Take our Daughters to Work Day, we will follow a diverse group of 9 teenage girls as they travel from California to the Kennedy Space Center to experience and explore the work of women involved in math, science and technology careers at NASA. Each girl will have the responsibility of choosing a profession related to the launch, ranging from marketing to engineering, and will serve as an on-air correspondent reporting on the ways in which these women contribute to the NASA team. Personal profiles of the women of NASA, behind the scenes exclusive interviews combined with the unique experience of the girls as they embark on their journey will culminate with the shuttle launch. Individual clips ranging from 3-5 minutes in length, combined with written articles, chat discussions and flash animation will take the user on an interactive journey celebrating the work and contributions of women in NASA careers. The program will be presented on Streambroadcast.coms interactive Women on the Edge network with portions of the program also streaming on the NASA site. The program could also be edited as a linear documentary for television. d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 556 - 18:05:21 ] Let me know when you are here d/r [ Lisa - 557 - 19:57:01 ] Hi, I'm here! d/r [ Nicole - 558 - 19:57:35 ] Hi, guys! d/r [ Lisa - 559 - 19:58:03 ] And whenever the launch is, if we have the funding, I am able to make it. d/r [ Nicole - 560 - 19:59:19 ] I am so excited about the launch! d/r [ Bonnie - 561 - 20:01:11 ] hi guys...i'm here! d/r [ Christine - 562 - 20:01:45 ] Hey everyone...I'm here! d/r [ Adrienne - 564 - 20:05:54 ] Hi Everyone, I'm here d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 567 - 20:07:22 ] RE: [Christine] Tish- I worked on the contest the week after LeHang. I only got three messages in all, so I guess it was a slow week. Here are the people with the right answers: Valerie Hufford age: 21 Stevens Institute of Technology Christopher Lui. Age: 16 Louis st. Laurent School in Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA. Okay thanks Christine - I'll add them to LeHang's list. did you delete the once you knew they had the correct answers or are they all in the "inbox"? d/r [ kim - 568 - 20:07:51 ] hi d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 570 - 20:10:28 ] RE: [Christine] They're all still in the "inbox". Did you want me to delete them? No - let's leave them in so we have them online as well in case we need to go back to an address. But please do delete the incorrect ones so we just have a running list of correct ones. I will ask LeHang to do the same. Who was doing week #3? d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 573 - 20:13:36 ] I know Andrea won't be joining us. I think we have Kim, Bonnie, Nicole, Lisa, Christine and Adrienne. I have not heard from LeHang, Sarah, Jackie. Am I missing anyone else? d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 578 - 20:15:59 ] RE: [kim] phone call would be best Okay at the end of this chat let's set a time. Remind me d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 580 - 20:16:30 ] RE: [Adrienne] Where's Laurie? Don't know. So we are missing Laurie, Sarah, LeHang, Jackie. I that correct? d/r [ Alice - 581 - 20:16:39 ] Hi all...just logged in. Sorry I'm late. Le Hang told me she didn't think she was going to make it. She's really busy with school work & applying for college scholarships. d/r [ Laurie - 583 - 20:19:06 ] Hi everyone, sorry I am late. d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 584 - 20:19:24 ] One more thing before we move onto the launch discussion. for those of you who were featured in the photo shoot, I got a call from the Ms. Foundation and they also turned it into a billboard and it is in all the subways in New York. Lisa and Bonnie also handed out lots of cards and did a fantastic job of networking at the WIAI. Hits are way up on your pages. The poster also has lots of info. on you girls and invites people to read through your profile. Again, if there is anything you want to update on your profile please email me with that info. as lot's of people are reading them. d/r [ Bonnie - 586 - 20:20:45 ] That is SO AWESOME!!! d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 587 - 20:21:42 ] Okay - we've got Alice and Laurie as well. I hope you had a chance to read through the draft proposal of the launch event. As I stated earlier last Friday I was 99.9 percent we had all the money and now here was go again with some corporate funding headaches. I will know be Wed. and even if it doesn't come through for this date as it is so close they would fund October launch. So first are there any questions or concerns about what the concept is? d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 591 - 20:25:29 ] RE: [Alice] Tish, what poster are you referring to? There are two things. One is the photo shoot that was at JSC and features Sarah, Kim, Laurie and Nicole. This was produced by the Ms. Foundation and is aparantly in many, many major magazines this month and April and May. This same ad was also made into a billboard and is in the subways. The poster is a commenorative poster for WIAI that they unveiled at the recent conference. It feature a smaller version of the same photo with the girls and astronauts and then about 10 other NASA women aviators. The back had teaching tips, curriculum, and info. about WOn and the council. I only received 3 but I'm hoping Bonnie and Lisa snagged some extras?? d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 593 - 20:26:13 ] RE: [Laurie] I think I want to update my quote and there are a few other things I want to change, should i email you them, or tell you now? Yes, anyone who has changes please just email me them. d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 598 - 20:29:21 ] RE: [Alice] Tish, when I checked the pages earlier today, I noticed that the quote still has the "God" reference. I thought we had decided (again) to edit that out? Also, wondering about the poster you're referring to that you said has info. about the girls and refers to the site. I've been really disappointed with the Ms. Foundation's use of the photo from the Houston trip because I don't see any reference to the girls, where they came from, that they're members of Young Women of NASA, etc. They seem to name the women astronauts but not the girls. On the Take Our Daughters to Work Day website as well as the magazine ads I've seen. Maybe you have an old version in your cache I don't see that God quote, reload then let me know what page you are referring to. As to the Ms. Foundation, I don't think they will name the girls individually but they will link to the WON site. I don't have anything up yet about the VTODTWD yet - it should go up April 3rd. d/r [ Adrienne - 599 - 20:29:37 ] Alice, Bonnie and I will mail you a poster tomorrow. Please email the address we should use to d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 601 - 20:30:46 ] RE: [Bonnie] So would there be a camera crew and everything, with directors and all, following us around, directing us and such? Okay I will get the posters from Susan mail each of you one. I did not know she got them. Done on that d/r [ Laurie - 606 - 20:34:05 ] I see the reference to God as well on the page i am looking at. d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 608 - 20:35:58 ] I will make sure everyone is mailed a poster from the WIAI conference. This is not the JSC photo shoot ad. I don't have any official copy of that but I know Nicole sent a copy to those of you who were featured via email. If I see a magazine with it I will be sure to send copies as well with the poster. d/r [ Lisa - 613 - 20:38:36 ] Also, Tish, do you know when our WAI journals will be up? There's no hurry, I just am excited to see it go up. d/r [ Nicole - 614 - 20:39:01 ] I saw it in the March issue of Allure (with Charlize Theron, the girl from the Cider House Rules) and last week's Entertainment Weekly (with all the Oscar predictions) opposite the page w/the review of *NSYNC's new album. My friends have seen it other places, so it has been showing up in a lot of mags! d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 615 - 20:39:10 ] Okay I saw it now - don't know how that got back there so thanks for catching it Alice - I just changed it. and edited out the God sentence. d/r [ Nicole - 616 - 20:39:30 ] I'll email everyone the ad again d/r [ Bonnie - 619 - 20:40:43 ] Nicole, you can just use the same list of email addresses Tish always uses to contact the whole group. That way, everyone will get it. I can help you tomorrow if you want. d/r [ Laurie - 620 - 20:40:52 ] I have heard from people that we have been in CosmoGirl, Cosmopoliton, Glamour, Alure, Business Week, Time, and Architectural Digest. Although i do not know the months for all of those. d/r [ Nicole - 621 - 20:41:11 ] Sure, I'll bring it to school tomorrow d/r [ Alice - 622 - 20:41:39 ] Oops, sorry I hit send too quickly. The Streamedia concept sounds great. The timing is not great for us though, especially if it's going to be even closer to TODTWD, 'cause we sponsor our own large event here. Also, not sure about Kim but Le Hang has AP exams coming up beginning of May & is already missing school to attend a conference in Chicago with me. d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 623 - 20:43:22 ] RE: [Christine] In the Streamedia message it said each of us would focus on a profession pertaining to the launch. Is this the same thing? Are we focusing more on the NASA woman or on the job she does? The original concept woule be for each of you to cover one NASA women but that would be be potentially 10 cameras so they wanted to pair you up in twos and then with one NASA women for the two of you. We will figure out which NASA women we would include and would be available and then let you decide who takes who. These women would all have something to do with the shuttle, the launch, ect. Of course all women at KSC just about do so it really isn't an issue. It's more an issue to get interesting, exciting, women who would be great to feature and who are available. What other questions do you all have about the concept? d/r [ Bonnie - 627 - 20:45:17 ] Would we spend the whole day with our WON, kind of like "A Day in the Life of..." and then also specifically refer to the launch? We'd tour around, ask different questions, etc? d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 629 - 20:45:45 ] RE: [Lisa] My still talks about manifesting the glory of God. Did we decide to leave that, or is my computer just funky? Thanks you guys - I just deleted that as well. d/r [ unknown - 630 - 20:45:58 ] I might have a big confict, I am in England on tour for my choir from the 15th to the 22nd of April. d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 633 - 20:46:49 ] RE: [Lisa] Also, Tish, do you know when our WAI journals will be up? There's no hurry, I just am excited to see it go up. I will get them up tonight. d/r [ Bonnie - 635 - 20:47:06 ] Yes, Lisa, that's a good idea. Tish, I know that I've heard something before about a "two-weeks prior" setting the date of the launch, but then you never know, i guess. Is there anyway to do this ultimatum thing, though? d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 643 - 20:49:39 ] RE: [Alice] If it doesn't work out for this April launch, are the Streamedia folks willing to do the same sort of thing following & featuring our girls for the next launch, you mentioned one in October? Streamedia really wants to do this April launch but the funding may not come through as it is so close and is hard for a corporation to cut the check. If it comes down to the fact that this just doesn;'t work for our group then we would have to wait. Please tell me this now. Who would be available to go away for about 5 days give or take before or after a April 17 launch. And the same for a April 26 launch. d/r [ Alice - 660 - 20:58:53 ] Kim--CALL ME tomorrow. We need to catch up! I'll be in the office all day (507-6076). d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 661 - 20:59:00 ] RE: [Alice] RE: DYF participation, if neither Kim or Le Hang are able to make it, what do you think about me inviting Vanessa (she was originally part of the group for the first meeting but graduated). She's back at Autodesk as a college intern and might be interested & available to go. She has lots of interviewing & public speaking experience too. good idea d/r [ kim - 662 - 20:59:51 ] ok d/r [ kim - 663 - 21:00:04 ] is 4:30 ok d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 664 - 21:00:12 ] RE: [Christine] Tish- For the April 26th date would we be back by the evening of April 28? If we got out there and did the interview and filming and then the launch slipped I guess those who had to get back would go and those that could stay would. Similar to the previous launch. d/r [ Christine - 667 - 21:01:16 ] Sounds good...I'm not very familiar w/ the launches- do they get pushed back very often? d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 668 - 21:01:35 ] Oops let me paste that again. April 17 Kim/no. Has to be home the 18th Lisa / yes Laurie / no Bonnie / yes Nicole / yes Christine / yes April 26 Kim/yes Lisa / must be back after May 7 Laurie / yes but must be back May 9 Bonnie / no Nicole/ yes Christine / must return by 28 d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 670 - 21:02:13 ] RE: [Alice] Vanessa will be in the office tomorrow, I'll talk to her about this trip. Also re: DYF membership, I've been thinking that we might want to start rolling in one or both of our newer interns who are Juniors this year since Le Hang & Kim are off to college in the Fall & will be busy in college life. What do you all think? sounds good alice d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 672 - 21:02:49 ] RE: [Nicole] Yes, i would like to talk about new membership, but i don't know if we have time now let's discuss that at another meeting. d/r [ Alice - 690 - 21:08:18 ] Also doesn't count Vanessa. d/r [ Nicole - 692 - 21:09:15 ] it sounds like we have enough people to go to either. it would be nice to go to this one because the seniors who are graduating might not be able to go to the next. d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 694 - 21:09:17 ] RE: [Adrienne] It looks like we have 3 positive responses to 4/17 and 5 positive responses to 4/26. Correct Adriene d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 700 - 21:10:52 ] RE: [kim] the morning of the 18th I think you've have to fly out th 17th to be back the 18th so its iffy. d/r [ Lisa - 701 - 21:11:21 ] Do we really only have three for the 17th? I can count me ,Christine, Bonnie, is that it? d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 707 - 21:13:57 ] RE: [Alice] Tish--I think 1) you should find out if there's external funding for April, and 2) what the "real" scheduled date for the launch is. You could communicate with us all via e-mail in the next week with that info. and a decision could be made from there. Okay I have a schedule from each of you. I don't know when I will know the exact date but once I do I will match with what you told me and then email each of you to see if you are available. I think we need at least 5 to make a good show and then there would be one camera for each of you and one NASA women - 5 girls , 5 women. I think we can call it a night now and I can let you know as soon as I know the date. I have a conference with the fudners tomoorw and will let them know your availability and what they think about the numbers. Sound okay? d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 715 - 21:16:51 ] RE: [Alice] Ok, Tish I'll e-mail you tomorrow after I've talked to Vanessa and let you know if she's available. I'm pretty sure Le Hang won't be able to go either week in April, but I'll fill her in just in case. When is our next meeting? Let's schedule for two weeks April 10th 8:00 p.m. d/r [ Lisa - 717 - 21:17:07 ] I think we should try to get a links page with links to orgs, scholarships, and cool stuff. That way we could broaden the network out there. But this is for another time. d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 720 - 21:17:46 ] RE: [Adrienne] Sounds great. Tish, do you have a few minute to talk by phone tonight? Could you call me at 408-446-4297? Adrienne - can you call me tomorrow at work. I'll be at 650 604-0848 all day. d/r [ Tish/NASAChatHost - 732 - 21:31:48 ] thanks and bye


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