; DTL / CCL for SNS Linac ; DTL is 1 tank structure. ;--------------------Global Parameters--------------------- ;OldAzin ;PrintDesignLong ;PrintDynamicsLong DesignOnly ; this disables the dynamics calculation NoSFTableout Power FullWallPower Run 1 1 Title *** ORNL June 10, 99 Design*** ;linac W0, Fbunch, Ibeam, Mc^2, Nq linac 2.5 402.5 56.00 939.3014, -1; ;--------------------Beam Particle Distribution Spec--------- ; ;ReadDist -16.1885 Startphase -45. input -8 1000 2.287327 92.258788 0.001633380 -1.081061 29.775552 0.001420390 0.007823 61.315948 0.001667648 ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Structure id,Nlast,F0,Fsf,deltaphi Structure 1 60 402.5 402.5 -2.8814 title *** ORNL *** .DTL. SNS DTL Tank 1 ForceReadDTL ;DTL 1 -60 -45.0 1.13 0.00400 2.980 0 0. 3. -3. DTL 1 -60 -45.0 1.13 0.00407 3.80 0 0. 3. -3. 3.5 5 5 11 0. 1.25 0. 0 0. 0 1 1 2 0 0 -25 0 0 0 0 ;phaselaw 1 1 1 84 -45 -45 change 14 2.49 3700.0 101.1 3700. change 16 3700 1 ; 12/2/99 J.Billen (New DTL design for FFODDO lattice) ; Include this file in the PARMILA input file. ; No correction to shunt impedance Z for coupling slots. ; Shunt impedance Z reduced by user-supplied factor = 0.8000. ; Geometric beta column not included. SFDATA ; Bore = 1.25, DTL ; Beta T TP S SP g/bl Z E/E0 Tave dZctr 0.070000 0.563010 0.099403 0.572469 0.022447 0.170421 49.8612 1.000000 0.563010 0.000000 0.072500 0.581612 0.096563 0.566283 0.025463 0.167853 50.4299 1.000000 0.581612 0.000000 0.075000 0.599051 0.093822 0.560088 0.028186 0.165729 50.9760 1.000000 0.599051 0.000000 0.077500 0.615369 0.091189 0.553920 0.030637 0.163998 51.4976 1.000000 0.615369 0.000000 0.080000 0.630698 0.088647 0.547776 0.032845 0.162626 51.9942 1.000000 0.630698 0.000000 0.082500 0.644995 0.086223 0.541736 0.034826 0.161560 52.4719 1.000000 0.644995 0.000000 0.085000 0.658356 0.083904 0.535804 0.036602 0.160788 52.9310 1.000000 0.658356 0.000000 0.087500 0.670415 0.081808 0.530288 0.038194 0.160238 53.3980 1.000000 0.670415 0.000000 0.090000 0.682070 0.079703 0.524643 0.039624 0.159948 53.8255 1.000000 0.682070 0.000000 0.092500 0.692965 0.077700 0.519154 0.040905 0.159869 54.2361 1.000000 0.692965 0.000000 0.095000 0.703141 0.075794 0.513833 0.042052 0.159983 54.6305 1.000000 0.703141 0.000000 0.097500 0.713137 0.073850 0.508297 0.043068 0.160303 54.9894 1.000000 0.713137 0.000000 0.100000 0.722067 0.072120 0.503294 0.043986 0.160757 55.3526 1.000000 0.722067 0.000000 0.105000 0.740646 0.068346 0.491644 0.045578 0.157853 56.0701 1.000000 0.740646 0.000000 0.110000 0.756748 0.064987 0.480954 0.046806 0.156429 56.7435 1.000000 0.756748 0.000000 0.115000 0.770679 0.062011 0.471253 0.047753 0.156250 57.3793 1.000000 0.770679 0.000000 0.120000 0.782850 0.059350 0.462490 0.048490 0.157125 57.8700 1.000000 0.782850 0.000000 0.125000 0.793343 0.057036 0.454743 0.049088 0.158742 58.3995 1.000000 0.793343 0.000000 0.130000 0.802303 0.055025 0.447951 0.049549 0.161141 58.8976 1.000000 0.802303 0.000000 -1 change 14 2.49 3700.0 101.1 3700. change 16 3700 1 linout 1 ;linout 4 elimit 50. scheff 0.05 0.05 20 40 0 0 1 1 2 start 1 stop 60 output 2 1 2 300 3 ;output 3 1 1 ;output 4 1 1 prtbeam begin ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Structure id,Nlast,F0,Fsf,deltaphi Structure 2 0, 402.5 402.5 0. title *** ORNL *** BTW tank 1-2 Transport Bore 1 2.5 ;quad L, Ra, outputflag, B, errorflag quad 1.75 0 1 -37.e2 0 drift 5.83341 1.5 1 4 quad 1.75 0 1 0.e2 0 ;scheff deltaR. deltaZ, Nr, Nz, Nbunch, Nbetalambda, Remesh scheff .05 .05 20 40 0 0 3 output 2 1 1 300 1 prtbeam begin ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Structure id,Nlast,F0,Fsf,deltaphi Structure 3 48 402.5 402.5 0. title *** ORNL *** .DTL. Tank 2 ForceReadDTL DTL 1 -48 -26.797 3.0370 0.000303 3.60 0 0. 3. -3. 3.5 5 6 11 0. 1.25 0. 0. 0. 0 1 1 0 0 0 -25 0 0 0 0 ;phaselaw 1 1 1 84 -45 -45 change 14 2.49 3700.0 101.1 3700. change 16 3700 1 ; 12/2/99 J.Billen (New DTL design for FFODDO lattice) ; Include this file in the PARMILA input file. ; No correction to shunt impedance Z for coupling slots. ; Shunt impedance Z reduced by user-supplied factor = 0.8000. ; Geometric beta column not included. SFDATA ; Bore = 1.25, DTL ; Beta T TP S SP g/bl Z E/E0 Tave dZctr 0.120000 0.778991 0.060317 0.466523 0.048559 0.162287 57.8122 1.000000 0.778991 0.000000 0.130000 0.799509 0.055733 0.451016 0.049631 0.164713 58.8334 1.000000 0.799509 0.000000 0.140000 0.815385 0.052086 0.438488 0.050309 0.168953 59.6421 1.000000 0.815385 0.000000 0.150000 0.827281 0.049300 0.428965 0.050768 0.174660 60.3401 1.000000 0.827281 0.000000 0.160000 0.836354 0.047149 0.421776 0.051121 0.180845 60.9217 1.000000 0.836354 0.000000 0.170000 0.844978 0.045035 0.414221 0.051281 0.184731 61.4827 1.000000 0.844978 0.000000 0.180000 0.851726 0.043367 0.408444 0.051424 0.189056 61.9558 1.000000 0.851726 0.000000 0.190000 0.856870 0.042095 0.404318 0.051586 0.193688 62.3813 1.000000 0.856870 0.000000 0.200000 0.860650 0.041170 0.401695 0.051790 0.198577 62.7566 1.000000 0.860650 0.000000 0.210000 0.863282 0.040542 0.400410 0.052046 0.203654 63.1073 1.000000 0.863282 0.000000 0.220000 0.864918 0.040178 0.400336 0.052360 0.208887 63.4450 1.000000 0.864918 0.000000 -1 change 14 2.49 3700.0 101.1 3700. change 16 3700 1 linout 1 ;linout 4 elimit 50. scheff 0.05 0.05 20 40 0 0 1 1 2 start 1 stop 48 output 2 1 1 300 3 ;output 3 1 1 ;output 4 1 1 prtbeam begin ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Structure id,Nlast,F0,Fsf,deltaphi Structure 4 0, 402.5 402.5 0. title *** ORNL *** BTW tank 2-3 Transport Bore 1 2.5 ;quad L, Ra, outputflag, B, errorflag quad 1.75 0 1 0.e2 1 drift 12.6292 1.5 1 4 quad 1.75 0 1 37.e2 1 ;scheff deltaR. deltaZ, Nr, Nz, Nbunch, Nbetalambda, Remesh scheff .05 .05 20 40 0 0 3 output 2 1 1 300 1 prtbeam begin ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Structure id,Nlast,F0,Fsf,deltaphi Structure 5 34 402.5 402.5 0. title *** ORNL *** .DTL. Tank 3 ForceReadDTL DTL 1 -34 -25. 3.599 0.000 3.6 0 0. 3. -3. 3.5 5 1 11 0. 1.25 0. 0 0. 0 1 0 0 0 0 -25 0 0 0 0 ;phaselaw 1 1 1 84 -45 -45 change 14 2.49 3700.0 101.1 3700. change 16 3700 1 ; 10/8/99 J.Billen (New DTL design for FFODDO lattice) ; Include this file in the PARMILA input file. ; No correction to shunt impedance Z for coupling slots. ; Shunt impedance Z reduced by user-supplied factor = 0.8000. ; Geometric beta column not included. SFDATA ; Bore = 1.25, DTL ; Beta T TP S SP g/bl Z E/E0 Tave dZctr 0.210000 0.825803 0.051008 0.452184 0.055768 0.250346 61.2875 1.000000 0.825803 0.000000 0.220000 0.826469 0.050956 0.453806 0.056277 0.255203 61.5794 1.000000 0.826469 0.000000 0.230000 0.826263 0.051129 0.456330 0.056805 0.260158 61.8343 1.000000 0.826263 0.000000 0.240000 0.825315 0.051496 0.459632 0.057352 0.265172 62.0547 1.000000 0.825315 0.000000 0.250000 0.823673 0.052047 0.463638 0.057912 0.270252 62.2506 1.000000 0.823673 0.000000 0.260000 0.821433 0.052756 0.468247 0.058485 0.275363 62.4257 1.000000 0.821433 0.000000 0.270000 0.818635 0.053613 0.473405 0.059066 0.280513 62.5754 1.000000 0.818635 0.000000 0.280000 0.815357 0.054598 0.479017 0.059651 0.285679 62.7118 1.000000 0.815357 0.000000 0.290000 0.811630 0.055703 0.485024 0.060234 0.290843 62.8402 1.000000 0.811630 0.000000 0.310000 0.802991 0.058225 0.498012 0.061381 0.301168 63.0706 1.000000 0.802991 0.000000 0.320000 0.797112 0.059905 0.505959 0.061964 0.307613 63.1470 1.000000 0.797112 0.000000 0.330000 0.790838 0.061687 0.514142 0.062521 0.314077 63.2166 1.000000 0.790838 0.000000 0.340000 0.784224 0.063554 0.522480 0.063045 0.320524 63.2886 1.000000 0.784224 0.000000 0.350000 0.777262 0.065508 0.530966 0.063532 0.326973 63.3575 1.000000 0.777262 0.000000 0.360000 0.769965 0.067545 0.539575 0.063979 0.333426 63.4276 1.000000 0.769965 0.000000 0.370000 0.762344 0.069659 0.548279 0.064380 0.339887 63.5009 1.000000 0.762344 0.000000 0.380000 0.754380 0.071855 0.557084 0.064733 0.346370 63.5815 1.000000 0.754380 0.000000 0.390000 0.746056 0.074136 0.565989 0.065034 0.352899 63.6736 1.000000 0.746056 0.000000 0.400000 0.737336 0.076511 0.575012 0.065278 0.359507 63.7706 1.000000 0.737336 0.000000 0.410000 0.728150 0.078995 0.584197 0.065460 0.366239 63.8834 1.000000 0.728150 0.000000 -1 change 14 2.49 3700.0 101.1 3700. change 16 3700 1 linout 1 ;linout 4 elimit 50. scheff 0.05 0.05 20 40 0 0 1 1 2 start 1 stop 34 output 2 1 3 300 3 ;output 3 1 1 ;output 4 1 1 prtbeam begin ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Structure id,Nlast,F0,Fsf,deltaphi Structure 6 0, 402.5 402.5 0. title *** ORNL *** BTW tank 3-4 Transport Bore 1 2.5 ;quad L, Ra, outputflag, B, errorflag quad 1.75 0 1 -37.e2 1 drift 17.51675 1.5 1 4 quad 1.75 0 1 0.e2 1 ;scheff deltaR. deltaZ, Nr, Nz, Nbunch, Nbetalambda, Remesh scheff .05 .05 20 40 0 0 3 output 2 1 1 300 1 prtbeam begin ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Structure id,Nlast,F0,Fsf,deltaphi Structure 7 28 402.5 402.5 0. title *** ORNL *** .DTL. SNS DTL Tank 4 ForceReadDTL DTL 1 -28 -25.0 3.60 0.000 3.6 0 0. 3. -3. 3.5 5 6 11 0. 1.25 0. 0 0. 0 1 1 2 0 0 -25 0 0 0 0 ;phaselaw 1 1 1 84 -45 -45 ;change 14 2.49 3700.0 101.1 2600. change 14 2.49 3700.0 101.1 3700. ;change 16 3700 1 ; 10/8/99 J.Billen (New DTL design for FFODDO lattice) ; Include this file in the PARMILA input file. ; No correction to shunt impedance Z for coupling slots. ; Shunt impedance Z reduced by user-supplied factor = 0.8000. ; Geometric beta column not included. SFDATA ; Bore = 1.25, DTL ; Beta T TP S SP g/bl Z E/E0 Tave dZctr 0.210000 0.825803 0.051008 0.452184 0.055768 0.250346 61.2875 1.000000 0.825803 0.000000 0.220000 0.826469 0.050956 0.453806 0.056277 0.255203 61.5794 1.000000 0.826469 0.000000 0.230000 0.826263 0.051129 0.456330 0.056805 0.260158 61.8343 1.000000 0.826263 0.000000 0.240000 0.825315 0.051496 0.459632 0.057352 0.265172 62.0547 1.000000 0.825315 0.000000 0.250000 0.823673 0.052047 0.463638 0.057912 0.270252 62.2506 1.000000 0.823673 0.000000 0.260000 0.821433 0.052756 0.468247 0.058485 0.275363 62.4257 1.000000 0.821433 0.000000 0.270000 0.818635 0.053613 0.473405 0.059066 0.280513 62.5754 1.000000 0.818635 0.000000 0.280000 0.815357 0.054598 0.479017 0.059651 0.285679 62.7118 1.000000 0.815357 0.000000 0.290000 0.811630 0.055703 0.485024 0.060234 0.290843 62.8402 1.000000 0.811630 0.000000 0.310000 0.802991 0.058225 0.498012 0.061381 0.301168 63.0706 1.000000 0.802991 0.000000 0.320000 0.797112 0.059905 0.505959 0.061964 0.307613 63.1470 1.000000 0.797112 0.000000 0.330000 0.790838 0.061687 0.514142 0.062521 0.314077 63.2166 1.000000 0.790838 0.000000 0.340000 0.784224 0.063554 0.522480 0.063045 0.320524 63.2886 1.000000 0.784224 0.000000 0.350000 0.777262 0.065508 0.530966 0.063532 0.326973 63.3575 1.000000 0.777262 0.000000 0.360000 0.769965 0.067545 0.539575 0.063979 0.333426 63.4276 1.000000 0.769965 0.000000 0.370000 0.762344 0.069659 0.548279 0.064380 0.339887 63.5009 1.000000 0.762344 0.000000 0.380000 0.754380 0.071855 0.557084 0.064733 0.346370 63.5815 1.000000 0.754380 0.000000 0.390000 0.746056 0.074136 0.565989 0.065034 0.352899 63.6736 1.000000 0.746056 0.000000 0.400000 0.737336 0.076511 0.575012 0.065278 0.359507 63.7706 1.000000 0.737336 0.000000 0.410000 0.728150 0.078995 0.584197 0.065460 0.366239 63.8834 1.000000 0.728150 0.000000 -1 ;change 14 2.49 3700.0 101.1 2600. change 14 2.49 3700.0 101.1 3700. change 16 3700 1 linout 1 ;linout 4 elimit 50. scheff 0.05 0.05 20 40 0 0 1 1 2 start 1 stop 28 output 2 1 1 300 1 output 3 1 1 ;output 4 1 1 prtbeam begin ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Structure id,Nlast,F0,Fsf,deltaphi Structure 8 0, 402.5 402.5 0. title *** ORNL *** BTW tank 4-5 Transport Bore 1 2.5 ;quad L, Ra, outputflag, B, errorflag quad 1.75 0 1 -37.e2 1 drift 21.24684 1.5 1 4 quad 1.75 0 1 -37.e2 1 ;scheff deltaR. deltaZ, Nr, Nz, Nbunch, Nbetalambda, Remesh scheff .05 .05 20 40 0 0 3 output 2 1 1 300 1 prtbeam begin ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Structure id,Nlast,F0,Fsf,deltaphi Structure 9 24 402.5 402.5 0. title *** ORNL *** .DTL. SNS DTL Tank 5 ;ForceReadDTL DTL 1 -24 -25.0 3.6 0.000 3.600 0. 0. 3. -3. 3.5 5 5 11 0. 1.25 0. 0. 0. 0 1 0 0 0 0 -25 change 14 2.49 3700.0 101.1 3700. change 16 3700 1 ; 10/8/99 J.Billen (New DTL design for FFODDO lattice) ; Include this file in the PARMILA input file. ; No correction to shunt impedance Z for coupling slots. ; Shunt impedance Z reduced by user-supplied factor = 0.8000. ; Geometric beta column not included. SFDATA ; Bore = 1.25, DTL ; Beta T TP S SP g/bl Z E/E0 Tave dZctr 0.210000 0.825803 0.051008 0.452184 0.055768 0.250346 61.2875 1.000000 0.825803 0.000000 0.220000 0.826469 0.050956 0.453806 0.056277 0.255203 61.5794 1.000000 0.826469 0.000000 0.230000 0.826263 0.051129 0.456330 0.056805 0.260158 61.8343 1.000000 0.826263 0.000000 0.240000 0.825315 0.051496 0.459632 0.057352 0.265172 62.0547 1.000000 0.825315 0.000000 0.250000 0.823673 0.052047 0.463638 0.057912 0.270252 62.2506 1.000000 0.823673 0.000000 0.260000 0.821433 0.052756 0.468247 0.058485 0.275363 62.4257 1.000000 0.821433 0.000000 0.270000 0.818635 0.053613 0.473405 0.059066 0.280513 62.5754 1.000000 0.818635 0.000000 0.280000 0.815357 0.054598 0.479017 0.059651 0.285679 62.7118 1.000000 0.815357 0.000000 0.290000 0.811630 0.055703 0.485024 0.060234 0.290843 62.8402 1.000000 0.811630 0.000000 0.310000 0.802991 0.058225 0.498012 0.061381 0.301168 63.0706 1.000000 0.802991 0.000000 0.320000 0.797112 0.059905 0.505959 0.061964 0.307613 63.1470 1.000000 0.797112 0.000000 0.330000 0.790838 0.061687 0.514142 0.062521 0.314077 63.2166 1.000000 0.790838 0.000000 0.340000 0.784224 0.063554 0.522480 0.063045 0.320524 63.2886 1.000000 0.784224 0.000000 0.350000 0.777262 0.065508 0.530966 0.063532 0.326973 63.3575 1.000000 0.777262 0.000000 0.360000 0.769965 0.067545 0.539575 0.063979 0.333426 63.4276 1.000000 0.769965 0.000000 0.370000 0.762344 0.069659 0.548279 0.064380 0.339887 63.5009 1.000000 0.762344 0.000000 0.380000 0.754380 0.071855 0.557084 0.064733 0.346370 63.5815 1.000000 0.754380 0.000000 0.390000 0.746056 0.074136 0.565989 0.065034 0.352899 63.6736 1.000000 0.746056 0.000000 0.400000 0.737336 0.076511 0.575012 0.065278 0.359507 63.7706 1.000000 0.737336 0.000000 0.410000 0.728150 0.078995 0.584197 0.065460 0.366239 63.8834 1.000000 0.728150 0.000000 -1 change 14 2.49 3700.0 101.1 3700. linout 1 ;linout 4 elimit 50. scheff 0.05 0.05 20 40 0 0 1 1 2 start 1 stop 24 output 2 1 1 300 1 output 3 1 1 ;output 4 1 1 prtbeam begin ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Structure id,Nlast,F0,Fsf,deltaphi Structure 10 0, 402.5 402.5 0. title *** ORNL *** BTW tank 5-6 Transport Bore 1 2.5 ;quad L, Ra, outputflag, B, errorflag quad 1.75 0 1 -37.e2 1 drift 24.18518 1.5 1 4 quad 1.75 0 1 0.e+2 1 ;scheff deltaR. deltaZ, Nr, Nz, Nbunch, Nbetalambda, Remesh scheff .05 .05 20 40 0 0 3 output 2 1 1 300 1 prtbeam begin ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Structure id,Nlast,F0,Fsf,deltaphi Structure 11 22 402.5 402.5 0. title *** ORNL *** .DTL. SNS DTL Tank 6 ;ForceReadDTL DTL 1 -22 -25.0 3.60 0.00008 3.80 0. 0. 3. -3. 3.5 5 6 11 0. 1.25 0. 0. 0. 0 1 0 0 0 0 -25 phaselaw 1 1 1 22 -25 -45.00 change 14 2.49 3700.0 101.1 3700. change 16 3700 1 change 2 22 0. ; 10/8/99 J.Billen (New DTL design for FFODDO lattice) ; Include this file in the PARMILA input file. ; No correction to shunt impedance Z for coupling slots. ; Shunt impedance Z reduced by user-supplied factor = 0.8000. ; Geometric beta column not included. SFDATA ; Bore = 1.25, DTL ; Beta T TP S SP g/bl Z E/E0 Tave dZctr 0.210000 0.825803 0.051008 0.452184 0.055768 0.250346 61.2875 1.000000 0.825803 0.000000 0.220000 0.826469 0.050956 0.453806 0.056277 0.255203 61.5794 1.000000 0.826469 0.000000 0.230000 0.826263 0.051129 0.456330 0.056805 0.260158 61.8343 1.000000 0.826263 0.000000 0.240000 0.825315 0.051496 0.459632 0.057352 0.265172 62.0547 1.000000 0.825315 0.000000 0.250000 0.823673 0.052047 0.463638 0.057912 0.270252 62.2506 1.000000 0.823673 0.000000 0.260000 0.821433 0.052756 0.468247 0.058485 0.275363 62.4257 1.000000 0.821433 0.000000 0.270000 0.818635 0.053613 0.473405 0.059066 0.280513 62.5754 1.000000 0.818635 0.000000 0.280000 0.815357 0.054598 0.479017 0.059651 0.285679 62.7118 1.000000 0.815357 0.000000 0.290000 0.811630 0.055703 0.485024 0.060234 0.290843 62.8402 1.000000 0.811630 0.000000 0.310000 0.802991 0.058225 0.498012 0.061381 0.301168 63.0706 1.000000 0.802991 0.000000 0.320000 0.797112 0.059905 0.505959 0.061964 0.307613 63.1470 1.000000 0.797112 0.000000 0.330000 0.790838 0.061687 0.514142 0.062521 0.314077 63.2166 1.000000 0.790838 0.000000 0.340000 0.784224 0.063554 0.522480 0.063045 0.320524 63.2886 1.000000 0.784224 0.000000 0.350000 0.777262 0.065508 0.530966 0.063532 0.326973 63.3575 1.000000 0.777262 0.000000 0.360000 0.769965 0.067545 0.539575 0.063979 0.333426 63.4276 1.000000 0.769965 0.000000 0.370000 0.762344 0.069659 0.548279 0.064380 0.339887 63.5009 1.000000 0.762344 0.000000 0.380000 0.754380 0.071855 0.557084 0.064733 0.346370 63.5815 1.000000 0.754380 0.000000 0.390000 0.746056 0.074136 0.565989 0.065034 0.352899 63.6736 1.000000 0.746056 0.000000 0.400000 0.737336 0.076511 0.575012 0.065278 0.359507 63.7706 1.000000 0.737336 0.000000 0.410000 0.728150 0.078995 0.584197 0.065460 0.366239 63.8834 1.000000 0.728150 0.000000 -1 change 14 2.49 3700.0 101.1 3700. change 16 3700 1 change 2 22 0. linout 1 ;linout 4 elimit 50. scheff 0.05 0.05 20 40 0 0 1 1 2 start 1 stop 22 output 2 1 1 300 1 output 3 1 1 ;output 4 1 1 prtbeam begin ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Structure id,Nlast,F0,Fsf,deltaphi Structure 12 0, 805. 805. title *** ORNL *** BTW tank 6-CCL Transport Bore 1 2.5 ;quad L, Ra, outputflag, B, errorflag drift 0. 1.25 1 4 drift 2.4626 1.25 1 4 drift 8.53 1.25 1 4 quad 4.0 0 1 -29.131445e2 1 quad 4.0 0 1 -29.131445e2 1 drift 5.3265 1.25 1 4 ;scheff deltaR. deltaZ, Nr, Nz, Nbunch, Nbetalambda, Remesh scheff .05 .05 20 40 0 0 3 output 2 1 1 3000 1 prtbeam begin ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Structure id,Nlast,F0,Fsf,deltaphi Structure 13 336 805. 805. 14.1603 title *** ORNL *** .CCL1a. 8cell segment FDFD NewSF *** ;ccl Wf, Phid, E0, Ncav,Nbeta B, Lquad Quad Quad Quad Lattice,Dds,Polarity ; lamb Sequence Location entry Type ;The Quad length increased. The default B field should be set. Inherited value is not correct. ccl 174.0 -30. 3.06 8 2.5 2667.0 8. 1010 1 0 1 bore 1.5 SymDesign 8 1 ;QuadLocs (ExitCavface to Quad Entry face (cm)) Extquad 14 20.000 2.667e+3 1010. 2.667e+3 ! for CCDTL Extquad 10 0 -29.131445e+2 8. 1 Extquad 10 8 30.557173e+2 8. 1 Extquad 10 16 -28.754851e+2 8. 1 Extquad 10 24 28.581512e+2 8. 1 QuadLocs 8.97164 QuadLoc 0 8.97164 ! preceding quad positioning QuadLoc 8 18.64384 16 14.32914 24 11.20664 32 9.27432 40 8.52999 48 8.97164 ;QuadBetaLoc (Cav# 1) (beta 1) (toQuad Space 1) (Cav# 2) (beta 2) (toQuad Space 2 ;QuadBetaLoc 6 0.20451 8.31 104 0.30778 11. ; delaycmi delaypsi endcmi endpsi endw SetBetaRamp 1 0 0 0 0 ;PhaseRamp 0. -20. ;;phaselaw 1 1 1 88 -30.503 -30 ;;phaselaw 1 1 89 600 -30 -30 ;E0Ramp 0. 3.770 0.093704 E0Ramp 0. 3.770 0.08875 ;ETfixed ;deltabl 16 +0.00152 ; 1/18/00 Jim's new CCL sfdatae table. ; Include this file in the PARMILA input file. ; Shunt impedance Z corresponds to coupling = 5.0000% ; No other reduction in shunt impedance Z applied. ; Geometric beta column not included. SFDATAQ ; Bore = 1.5, internal CCL ; Beta T TP S SP g/bl Z E/E0 Tave dZctr 0.400000 0.888865 0.033349 0.357543 0.048078 0.122010 42.1645 0.999998 0.888865 0.000000 0.410000 0.890128 0.032998 0.356126 0.048014 0.125653 43.1684 1.000002 0.890128 0.000000 0.420000 0.891229 0.032694 0.355000 0.047979 0.129230 44.1406 1.000000 0.891229 0.000000 0.430000 0.892180 0.032433 0.354142 0.047971 0.132750 45.0783 1.000000 0.892180 0.000000 0.440000 0.892977 0.032217 0.353554 0.047991 0.136188 45.9910 1.000000 0.892977 0.000000 0.450000 0.893636 0.032041 0.353212 0.048036 0.139557 46.8707 0.999999 0.893636 0.000000 0.460000 0.894131 0.031913 0.353162 0.048110 0.142895 47.7311 1.000001 0.894131 0.000000 0.470000 0.894570 0.031801 0.353161 0.048188 0.146082 48.5666 0.999998 0.894570 0.000000 0.480000 0.894848 0.031736 0.353502 0.048302 0.149270 49.3705 1.000001 0.894848 0.000000 0.490000 0.895007 0.031706 0.354049 0.048437 0.152384 50.1477 0.999999 0.895007 0.000000 0.500000 0.895075 0.031702 0.354754 0.048589 0.155444 50.8981 1.000000 0.895075 0.000000 0.510000 0.895048 0.031726 0.355623 0.048756 0.158450 51.6260 1.000001 0.895048 0.000000 0.520000 0.894925 0.031778 0.356645 0.048939 0.161392 52.3375 1.000002 0.894925 0.000000 0.530000 0.894709 0.031857 0.357838 0.049139 0.164294 53.0210 0.999999 0.894709 0.000000 0.540000 0.894426 0.031955 0.359128 0.049347 0.167123 53.6798 0.999999 0.894426 0.000000 0.550000 0.894048 0.032082 0.360588 0.049573 0.169929 54.3276 1.000001 0.894048 0.000000 0.560000 0.893608 0.032226 0.362134 0.049806 0.172672 54.9549 0.999999 0.893608 0.000000 -1 SFDATAE ; Bore = 1.5, internal CCL ; Beta T TP S SP g/bl Z E/E0 Tave dZctr 0.400000 0.888865 0.033349 0.357543 0.048078 0.122010 42.1645 0.999998 0.888865 0.000000 0.410000 0.890128 0.032998 0.356126 0.048014 0.125653 43.1684 1.000002 0.890128 0.000000 0.420000 0.891229 0.032694 0.355000 0.047979 0.129230 44.1406 1.000000 0.891229 0.000000 0.430000 0.892180 0.032433 0.354142 0.047971 0.132750 45.0783 1.000000 0.892180 0.000000 0.440000 0.892977 0.032217 0.353554 0.047991 0.136188 45.9910 1.000000 0.892977 0.000000 0.450000 0.893636 0.032041 0.353212 0.048036 0.139557 46.8707 0.999999 0.893636 0.000000 0.460000 0.894131 0.031913 0.353162 0.048110 0.142895 47.7311 1.000001 0.894131 0.000000 0.470000 0.894570 0.031801 0.353161 0.048188 0.146082 48.5666 0.999998 0.894570 0.000000 0.480000 0.894848 0.031736 0.353502 0.048302 0.149270 49.3705 1.000001 0.894848 0.000000 0.490000 0.895007 0.031706 0.354049 0.048437 0.152384 50.1477 0.999999 0.895007 0.000000 0.500000 0.895075 0.031702 0.354754 0.048589 0.155444 50.8981 1.000000 0.895075 0.000000 0.510000 0.895048 0.031726 0.355623 0.048756 0.158450 51.6260 1.000001 0.895048 0.000000 0.520000 0.894925 0.031778 0.356645 0.048939 0.161392 52.3375 1.000002 0.894925 0.000000 0.530000 0.894709 0.031857 0.357838 0.049139 0.164294 53.0210 0.999999 0.894709 0.000000 0.540000 0.894426 0.031955 0.359128 0.049347 0.167123 53.6798 0.999999 0.894426 0.000000 0.550000 0.894048 0.032082 0.360588 0.049573 0.169929 54.3276 1.000001 0.894048 0.000000 0.560000 0.893608 0.032226 0.362134 0.049806 0.172672 54.9549 0.999999 0.893608 0.000000 -1 ;QuadLocs (ExitCavface to Quad Entry face (cm)) QuadLocs 8.97164 QuadLoc 0 8.97164 ! preceding quad positioning QuadLoc 1 18.64384 2 14.32914 3 11.20664 4 9.27432 5 8.52999 6 8.97164 ;QuadBetaLoc (Cav# 1) (beta 1) (toQuad Space 1) (Cav# 2) (beta 2) (toQuad Space 2 ;QuadBetaLoc 6 0.20451 8.31 104 0.30778 11. Extquad 14 20.000 2.667e+3 1010. 2.667e+3 ! for CCDTL Extquad 10 0 -29.131445e+2 8. 1 Extquad 10 8 30.557173e+2 8. 1 Extquad 10 16 -28.754851e+2 8. 1 Extquad 10 24 28.581512e+2 8. 1 linout elimit 2.0 scheff 0.15 0.20 20 40 0 0 3 start 1 stop 336 prtbeam optcon 1 3 output 2 1 8 3000 8 begin ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Structure id,Nlast,F0,Fsf,deltaphi Structure 14 48 805. 805. 0. title *** ORNL *** .CCL1b. 8cell segment FDFD NewSF *** ;ccl Wf, Phid, E0, Ncav,Nbeta B, Lquad Quad Quad Quad Lattice,Dds,Polarity ; lamb Sequence Location entry Type ;The Quad length increased. The default B field should be set. Inherited value is not correct. ccl 187.0 -30. 3.77 8 2.5 2667.0 8. 1010 1 1 1 bore 1.5 SymDesign 8 1 ;QuadLocs (ExitCavface to Quad Entry face (cm)) ;Extquad 14 170.000 2.667e+3 184.7 0.9e+3 ! ;Extquad 10 40 +21.266461e+2 8. 1 ;Extquad 10 48 -17.231711e+2 8. 1 QuadLocs 8.97164 QuadLoc 0 8.97164 ! preceding quad positioning ;QuadBetaLoc (Cav# 1) (beta 1) (toQuad Space 1) (Cav# 2) (beta 2) (toQuad Space 2 ;QuadBetaLoc 6 0.20451 8.31 104 0.30778 11. ; delaycmi delaypsi endcmi endpsi endw SetBetaRamp 1 0 0 0 0 ;PhaseRamp 0. -20. ;;phaselaw 1 1 1 88 -30.503 -30 ;;phaselaw 1 1 89 600 -30 -30 ;E0Ramp 0. 3.770 0.093704 E0Ramp 0. 3.770 -0.05 ;ETfixed ;deltabl 16 +0.00152 ; 1/18/00 Jim's new CCL sfdatae table. ; Include this file in the PARMILA input file. ; Shunt impedance Z corresponds to coupling = 5.0000% ; No other reduction in shunt impedance Z applied. ; Geometric beta column not included. SFDATAQ ; Bore = 1.5, internal CCL ; Beta T TP S SP g/bl Z E/E0 Tave dZctr 0.400000 0.888865 0.033349 0.357543 0.048078 0.122010 42.1645 0.999998 0.888865 0.000000 0.410000 0.890128 0.032998 0.356126 0.048014 0.125653 43.1684 1.000002 0.890128 0.000000 0.420000 0.891229 0.032694 0.355000 0.047979 0.129230 44.1406 1.000000 0.891229 0.000000 0.430000 0.892180 0.032433 0.354142 0.047971 0.132750 45.0783 1.000000 0.892180 0.000000 0.440000 0.892977 0.032217 0.353554 0.047991 0.136188 45.9910 1.000000 0.892977 0.000000 0.450000 0.893636 0.032041 0.353212 0.048036 0.139557 46.8707 0.999999 0.893636 0.000000 0.460000 0.894131 0.031913 0.353162 0.048110 0.142895 47.7311 1.000001 0.894131 0.000000 0.470000 0.894570 0.031801 0.353161 0.048188 0.146082 48.5666 0.999998 0.894570 0.000000 0.480000 0.894848 0.031736 0.353502 0.048302 0.149270 49.3705 1.000001 0.894848 0.000000 0.490000 0.895007 0.031706 0.354049 0.048437 0.152384 50.1477 0.999999 0.895007 0.000000 0.500000 0.895075 0.031702 0.354754 0.048589 0.155444 50.8981 1.000000 0.895075 0.000000 0.510000 0.895048 0.031726 0.355623 0.048756 0.158450 51.6260 1.000001 0.895048 0.000000 0.520000 0.894925 0.031778 0.356645 0.048939 0.161392 52.3375 1.000002 0.894925 0.000000 0.530000 0.894709 0.031857 0.357838 0.049139 0.164294 53.0210 0.999999 0.894709 0.000000 0.540000 0.894426 0.031955 0.359128 0.049347 0.167123 53.6798 0.999999 0.894426 0.000000 0.550000 0.894048 0.032082 0.360588 0.049573 0.169929 54.3276 1.000001 0.894048 0.000000 0.560000 0.893608 0.032226 0.362134 0.049806 0.172672 54.9549 0.999999 0.893608 0.000000 -1 SFDATAE ; Bore = 1.5, internal CCL ; Beta T TP S SP g/bl Z E/E0 Tave dZctr 0.400000 0.888865 0.033349 0.357543 0.048078 0.122010 42.1645 0.999998 0.888865 0.000000 0.410000 0.890128 0.032998 0.356126 0.048014 0.125653 43.1684 1.000002 0.890128 0.000000 0.420000 0.891229 0.032694 0.355000 0.047979 0.129230 44.1406 1.000000 0.891229 0.000000 0.430000 0.892180 0.032433 0.354142 0.047971 0.132750 45.0783 1.000000 0.892180 0.000000 0.440000 0.892977 0.032217 0.353554 0.047991 0.136188 45.9910 1.000000 0.892977 0.000000 0.450000 0.893636 0.032041 0.353212 0.048036 0.139557 46.8707 0.999999 0.893636 0.000000 0.460000 0.894131 0.031913 0.353162 0.048110 0.142895 47.7311 1.000001 0.894131 0.000000 0.470000 0.894570 0.031801 0.353161 0.048188 0.146082 48.5666 0.999998 0.894570 0.000000 0.480000 0.894848 0.031736 0.353502 0.048302 0.149270 49.3705 1.000001 0.894848 0.000000 0.490000 0.895007 0.031706 0.354049 0.048437 0.152384 50.1477 0.999999 0.895007 0.000000 0.500000 0.895075 0.031702 0.354754 0.048589 0.155444 50.8981 1.000000 0.895075 0.000000 0.510000 0.895048 0.031726 0.355623 0.048756 0.158450 51.6260 1.000001 0.895048 0.000000 0.520000 0.894925 0.031778 0.356645 0.048939 0.161392 52.3375 1.000002 0.894925 0.000000 0.530000 0.894709 0.031857 0.357838 0.049139 0.164294 53.0210 0.999999 0.894709 0.000000 0.540000 0.894426 0.031955 0.359128 0.049347 0.167123 53.6798 0.999999 0.894426 0.000000 0.550000 0.894048 0.032082 0.360588 0.049573 0.169929 54.3276 1.000001 0.894048 0.000000 0.560000 0.893608 0.032226 0.362134 0.049806 0.172672 54.9549 0.999999 0.893608 0.000000 -1 ;QuadLocs (ExitCavface to Quad Entry face (cm)) QuadLocs 8.97164 QuadLoc 0 8.97164 ! preceding quad positioning ;Extquad 14 170.000 2.667e+3 184.7 0.9e+3 ! ;Extquad 14 170.000 2.667e+3 184.7 2.667e+3 ! ;Extquad 10 40 +21.266461e+2 8. 1 ;Extquad 10 48 -17.231711e+2 8. 1 linout elimit 2.0 scheff 0.15 0.20 20 40 0 0 3 start 1 stop 48 prtbeam optcon 1 3 output 2 1 8 3000 8 begin end