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Zoology Archive

Male and Female

status     student
age        60s

Question - Dihydrotestosterone.

As far as textbooks are concerned, the prostate seems to be a taboo subject.

What does it do?

(Apart from producing dihydrotestosterone)

Do women have one?

Does dihydrotestosterone have any function in women apart from being
associated with problems such as premature baldness, polycystic overies
and breast cancer?

Here are the main functions of the prostate gland tha I can recall:

First off its a part of the male reproductive system which surrond the
ejaculatory duct and is located just beneath the bladder. The prostate
secretes a liquid that contains a number of enzymes , citric acid and
calcium. This fluid is added to the semen during ejaculation and since it is
alkaline it is believed to protect the sperm in the hostile acidic
environment of the vagina (that being the female anatomy (8 ) thus aiding
sperm motility and survival. The prostate contains a system of complex
valves which during ejaculation direct semen into the urthra while a round
muscle of the prostae called a sphincter contracts and seals off the bladder
during ejaculation and prevents urine from entering the urethra during the
process. The prostate often becomes a problem in older men if it enlarges
because it can constrict the urethra and prevent urination.

peter Faletra
Here are the main functions of the prostate gland tha I can recall:

First off its a part of the male reproductive system which surrond the
ejaculatory duct and is located just beneath the bladder. The prostate
secretes a liquid that contains a number of enzymes , citric acid and
calcium. This fluid is added to the semen during ejaculation and since
it is alkaline it is believed to protect the sperm in the hostile acidic
environment of the vagina (that being the female anatomy (8 ) thus
aiding sperm motility and survival. The prostate contains a system of complex
valves which during ejaculation direct semen into the urthra while a
round muscle of the prostae called a sphincter contracts and seals off the
bladder during ejaculation and prevents urine from entering the urethra during
the process. The prostate often becomes a problem in older men if it
enlarges because it can constrict the urethra and prevent urination.

peter Faletra

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