IN THE EAST AND WEST INDIES. 461 tals fixty-fix pounds of fugar, which produced boo 38,703,463 livres [1,612,644k 5s. iod.] ; by five hun- , f1"" dred thoufand five hundred and eighty-two quintals forty-fix pounds of coffee, which produced 23,727,608 livres 13 fols [988,650b 7s. 2-|-d.] ; by eleven thou- fand three hundred and fix quintals thirty-eight pounds of indigo, which produced 9,610,423 livres [400,434b 5s. iod.] ; by feven thoufand nine hun- dred and twenty-two quintals feventy-five pounds of eacao, which produced 554,592 livres 10 fols [23,108k 5d.] ; by fifteen hundred and thirty-one quintals fe- venty-eight pounds of arnotto, which produced 95,838 livres [39931. 5s. iod.] ; «by one thoufand and twenty quintals eleven pounds of cotton, which produced 255,027 livres 10 fols [10,626k 2s. nd.] ; by twelve hundred and feven quintals fifty-nine pounds of black caffia, which produced 32,605 livres [1358b ios. iod.] ; by forty-one thoufand eight hun- dred and eight quintals twenty pounds of wood, which produced 598,723 livres [24,947b 5s. iod.] ; by five hundred and fixty-eight hides, which produced 5112 livres [213k] ; and by one hundred pounds weight of rope-yarn, which produced 1000 livres [41I. 13s. 4d.]. To return to St. Domingo ; its aftonifliing wealth was produced by three hundred and eighty-five fu- gar houfes for raw fugars, and two hundred and fixty three for earthed fugars ; by two thoufand five hun- dred and eighty-feven plantations of indigo ; by four- teen millions eighteen thoufand three hundred and thirty-fix cotton plants ; by ninety-two millions eight hundred and ninety-three thoufand four hundred and five coffee trees ; and by feven hundred and fifty-fe- ven thoufand fix hundred and ninety-one cacao trees. At the fame period, the cattle ofthe colony amount- ed to feventy-five thoufand nine hundred and fifty- eight horfes or mules, and feventy-feven thoufand tine hundred and four head of horned cattle. Its provifions confifted of feven million feven hundred and fifty-fix thoufand two hundred and twenty-five Vol. IV. C c K