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Meet: Sonya Renner

Director of Development
Space Center Houston

Who I am - words that describe me:
I am eager to experience what the world has to offer because there's a lot out there to do and learn. I am intrigued by all the new things to learn because I love learning.

My personal challenges:
I pursue lifelong learning because I realize that college studies and a degree are only the tip of the iceberg. My parents wonder when I'll finish up going to school!

My career challenges:
I fund raise for Space Center Houston. I successfully raise gifts when I can stimulate the imagination of donors regarding the space-themed programs of our Center. Fund raising is about creating relationships and making a compelling case. This is accomplished by inspiring someone's imagination to soar with the possibilities of what their gift can do and how it can benefit people, particularly children. Space-themed programs inspire people to imagine achieving what was once considered impossible.

My career:
As a fund raiser, I work to involve people, corporations, and foundations with Space Center Houston. My work entails networking, representing the organization to the community, establishing contacts with funding sources, and cultivating sources of support. We are fortunate to have a Center that inspires and excites people, and our educational programs can tie directly to local efforts to accomplish school curriculum reform. Donors are encouraged to visit the Center, attend exhibit openings, and to take advantage of tours we offer. Research is important in learning about potential sources of funding and their interests, so that we can match up a program with their guidelines.

Likes/Dislikes about career:
Creating and maintaining relationships is what I like best about my career. As a longtime advocate of the space program, I enjoy learning about the space program and sharing my enthusiasm with others. I enjoy matching people's interest with specific programs at the Center, so that when they fund a program, they want to remain involved. I would probably reduce the amount of paperwork if I could, but I also enjoy writing, so developing a new proposal is always an opportunity to learn something new.

My 11th and 12th grade calculus/advanced algebra teacher is memorable and was very influential in my life. With the advent of calculators in the 70s, a classmate asked why we had to learn calculus. My teacher replied, "Calculators are for calculating. I expect my students to do the programming." Although I did not become a computer programmer, I view her response as a challenge to strive to be more than average, to take on meaningful tasks because they're difficult, and to stretch the mind.

Future goals:
I would like to study the Chinese language and learn Chinese water color. I find the study of languages to be very interesting and reflective of culture. I have studied a couple of European languages, and Chinese is from a different language family. This would broaden my knowledge of history and my cultural understanding. Chinese water color is beautiful in form and in its simplicity.

My thoughts about space exploration:
Space exploration interests me for many reasons. I admire and respect the space pioneers who undertook the first space flights, not knowing what they would encounter and trusting the untested technology. I have to wonder: Would I have that kind of capacity for courage and bravery? The concept of infinity and the immenseness of space are truly almost incomprehensible. Our planet, though fragile, is extraordinary in the combination of factors that create life (not just one type of life, but such a variety!). But with the immenseness of space, how can we believe that there could be no other combination of factors to sustain life elsewhere?

Personal information:
I enjoy reading, traveling, diving, raising pets, attending theater, visiting science centers and art museums, and being with family and friends.

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