333 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. MAY, 1903 companied by a simultaneous increase in the absolute amount of the charge; at an altitude of 3 kilometers we have a charge of more than 4 electrostatic units per cubic meter. For ex- ample on the basis of the Elater-Geitel determinations of the electrical charges in the atmospheric precipitation, V. Con- rad (Wiener Berichte, 111, Abth. IIa. p. 342, 1902.) has com- puted that the amount of electricity in 1 gram of the water of a cumulus cloud amounts to 1/36 of lo4 of a coulomb. Within a dense cloud in which the vision could penetrate to a distance of only 18 meters, there was according to Conrad’s measurement 5 grams of water per cu1)ic meter, consequently an electric charge of about l/7 of lo4 of a coulomb per grain of water. Now if the above-mentioned value of 4 electro- static units, or 4/3 of lo”= 4/30 of lo-$ of a co111oml) of nega- tive electricity be assumed as the charge per cubic meter, then even this amount of electricity would sul-fice to explain qiian- I n general the process of condensation brings clown only a small fraction of the electrons present. Suppose now that n e consider that only the negative electrons take part in the pre- cipitation, then these are weighted clown by coatings of water and sink down as rain, but according to our measurements about an equal quantity of positive electricity per cubic meter remains behind in the cloud. Nom as Conrad has already shown, if, for instance, we suppose a cumulus cloud of spheri- cal form of only 1 kilometer radius to rest with its center 3 kilometers from the earth’s surface, then i t will by its own in- ternal charge cause a decrease of potential at the earth‘s sur- face of about 11,000 volts per meter of vertical distance. Now, such values have been actually observed in thunderstorms at the earth’s surface. If we reflect that for such a graclient a point in the air of 500 meters above the earth would sliow n, difference of tension of 5,600,000 volts with respect to the earth, then we find ourselves here brought to consider tensions such as we see relieved by the mightiest electric, process of the atmosphere. i. e., the thunderstorm. As early as 18S7 Liiis’ had calculated the immense electrical forces called into being when the charges assumed by him to exist in a cloud, were separated by great stretches of space, ancl showed that sources of energy were here revealed to us, which were more than sufficient to explain the most violent phenomena of thunderstorms. The theory of electrons now gives us, as we hare shown, a sur- prisingly simple explanation 6f these charges, and our elec- tron traps deliver to us catches whvse iuagnitucles arc quite sufficient to explain the phenomena i n a quantitatire way. And now finally the last problem, the one wliicli offered alto- gether insurmountable dificulties to all the old theories. be- gins to gradually become resolvable from the standpoint of the new theory, viz, the problem of the permanent charge of the earth and the existence above it of a field of electrical tension, or the so-called ‘( fine weather electricity.” It was clear even to the earlier observer8 that the earth’s s ~r - face always possessed an electric charge relative to the atmos- phere, even in typical fine weather, when there was no trace of thunderstorm conditions within a considerable radius. At such times the earth’s mass showed itself negatively charged as compared with the surrounding air; only during cloucly, rainy weather inclining to th un ilers torm forma tion. W O U ~J the sign of the earth’s charge occasinally reverse, but eveu then only for short periods. To explain this electric charge proper to the earth itself the most divergent theories have been sng- gested, but none of them have been proved satisfactory. The properties of the electrons furnish a wholly new point of view from which the problem appears surprisingly sinlple. The positive and negative electrons are to be distinguished from one another wherever they occur by the different velocities at See Pellat tranhlatrd hy A. G. MoAdie, dme~ican Meteorological Jour- nal September, 1885, Vol. 11, pp. 215-331, and Park Morrill at ~J J . 438- 445 of the same volume.-E,r>. titatively the observed electricity of precipit a t’ 1on. ~~ which they travel. Under the impulse of a given electrical force the negative electrons are more easily set in motion and they travel much faster than the positive electrons, which seem to be loaded with a greater quantity of inert matter. On the other hand both positive and negative electrons seem to be charged with the same quantities of electricity, which are dis- tinguishable from each other only by their opposite signs. Now i f such an electrical particle pass near a conducting sur- face, such as the earth’s surface or that of some conductor in electric contact with the same, then the passing particle induces in the conducting surface a superficial charge of the opposite sign, which attracts the particle to it. This attracting force, which is directly proportional to the square of the charge and inversely proportional to the square of the distance of the particle from the conducting surface, influences both species of electrons in the same way, but the negative are able to re- spoud to the electrical forces more easily and quickly than the positive. Thus, during a unit of time and with equal charges of positive and negative electrons in the air, a larger num- ber of negative thau of positive electrons will always reach the conducting surfaces ancl give up their charges to them. On mountains, tree tops, and similar places this process is of subordinate importance, since on these projections the charges of the negative earth repel the negative electrons and collect, BH we have seen above, a preponderating number of positive electrons. There are, however, many spots on the earth’s sur- face where its own charge is without effect in reference to the particles in the air and where, therefore, the inflow of negative electricity can proceed undisturbed. As Elster and Geitel have showii these places are all concavities, particularly those occurring under the leafy roof of the earth’s vegetation, which are of the greatest estent, but also the cavities formed by caves, chasms, and fi8sures. I n the latter cases the projecting portions and points form a very perfect electrostatic protec- tion against the electrical field of the earth, which otherwise woulcl hinder the wandering of electrioity into the charged ground. We have evidences that the vegetation in particular plays a very important part in the atmospheric electric pro- cesses, ancl that the process above explained is quantitatively sufficient to renew the electric charge of the earth in the man- ner just described. It is certain that such a renewal of the earth’s charge must occur, since the air is not a perfect electric insulator, and the conductivity due to the wandering of the electrons causes a perpetual tendency to equalization of the earth’s charge ancl of the gradient of tension in the atmosphere. There is still much to be said on the subject of the relation of this latter gradient to the conductivity of the air and the charge of electrons, and there is already a rather ertensive collection of observations at hand which opens a series of new and interesting perspectives. A further consideration of this subject on this occasion would lead us too far; but we may rejoice in the fact that in the theory of electrons the processes of atmospheric electricity have acquired a point of view that promises to contribute very much to the solution of problems, some of wliicli are centuries old, and that incites US to the most zealous pursuit of further studies in this much contested field of research. ABNORMAL VARIATIONS IN INSOLATION. R) Mi ti. 11. KIND41 L, h.i*tant Editnr. d a t d April 15, 1W3. I n the Comptes Rendus. Paris, March 16, 1903. Volume C’SSSVI. pp. 713-715, Monsieur Henri Dufour announced that hi^ observations with a Ckova actinometer at Lausanne, Switzerlnncl, indicated a diminution in the ainount of solar radiation received a t the surface of the earth at that place (latitude 46” 3 8 ’ ) in January, February, and March of the present year, as compared with the average of corresponding months for previous years. This is shown in the following table: MAY, 1903. Month. 1897- 1902. January. ..... 0.79 February .... 0.86 March. ....... 0.89 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 1903. Difference. ~_____~ 0.6R 0.11 0. 71 0. 15 0. 70 0. 19 233 1902. 1903. January ........ ~~ Average solar radiation at noon at Laueanne, S-land, in gram-enloria per equare centimeter per mini&. ~~ 0 0 36.2 .............................. 31.2 .............................. 3s. 2 .............................. 89.3 ............................. .................... 0.9% Ji. R ~~~ ~ ~ -~ M. Dufour is inclined to attribute this deficiency to the pres- ence of large quantities of volcanic dust in the air as the re- sult of the eruptions of last year in the West Inclies. It is evident that tlie solar radiation of M. Dufour is the radiation from the sun, as received by us on the earth, after it has been diminished by the very appreciable losses due to absorption and other atmospheric influences. This insolation, as actually measured by physicists, is expressed in gritiu- calories per square centimeter per minute. It has regular diurnal and annual variations but the abnormal variations are those that we are now considering. Observations of insolation were imde by nie for the United States Weather Bureau with an h ~g s t r h i n electrical coinpen- sation pyrheliometer, from November 10, 1902, to March %;, of about 2200 feet and a latitucle of alJOUt Y G O 36'. There are no previous observations a t tliese points with which to coiupare results, but it mas noted at the time and was the occasion vf comment, that tlie measurements did not increase after Dr- cember as much as had been expected. The folloniiig are the monthly averages for the dates of observation, at iiooii, in gram-calories per centimeter per minute: 1903, at Asheville ancl Black Mountain, N. C., a t an elev n t' 1on not sufice for the observations made in this country when considered by themselves, but i f the insolation was deficient over most of the Northern Hemisphere, and continued to be deficient for a period of several months, then some more general explanation must be sought for. If volcanic dust is the cause, no doubt it will manifest itself in other ways, as, for instance, by causing brilliant aft,er glows following the usual sunset colors. Observations of insolation and of sunsets for t,he coming months should therefore have special interest for meteorologists. ~ The following monthly means of insolation observed with the Bngstriim apparatus a t Washiiigton, D. C., a t noon on clear clays during April, May, and June, 1593, are added as this note goes to press: Solnr rcrtlicrtioii, i l l grciiri-cnlorirs per nqiscrre cmfintefer per miiiicte. I--I 1!1113. ~ I April _. ._ ._. . I ____ HAILSTORMS IN PORT0 RICO. BJ bf1. lv. H .i L l \ \NI>ER, O h e ~\e i \~cnthaT Bllrr.au, dlnlral Alwil 70, 1903 Hailstorms itre so rare in Porto Rico that the impression seems to be quite general even among Porto Ricans that they never occur. This is a mistake as wah recently demonstrated. The change of senson from winter to summer occurs about the middle of April :mil is, as a rule zery iuarked, being char- acterized by uiiusnnlly n ariu, sultry clays, frequent thunder- storins, the setting in of the trades, ancl in a iueasure the Le- ginning of tlie so-called rainy season. This sew was no ex- ception unless i t be in the unusud strength with which the trades have set in. The recortls show that from the 11th to the l i t l i thunderstorms were quite geileral over the island. The only important. because unusual. feature of the season worthy of special iiieiitiou was the occurrence of a heavy pre- cipitation of hail on the 12th instant in the vicinity of Caguas. Thinking a report of this iuiglit l ~e of interest, efiort has been macle to secure as full ani1 izccurate inforiuntiou relative thereto as poshible. Two intelligent gentlemen, one an American and the other R Porto Rican, who were eyewitnesses of the event have been interviewed, and their reports are fully reliable and confirm other information obtained froiii other sources. The forenoon of Sunclay, April 12, 1903, was warin ani1 sul- try, very faroralde for tlie developmelit of thunderstorrus. It appears that the storm now under consideration liacl its begin- ning about 2 1). iu. in the neighborhod of Agnas Buenas, moved eastward along and down the 1 alley of tht. Bairo River, acrnss the Loizn, and up the alley of the Gurabo. The storm was accoiupanied by some lightning ant1 thuncler and very violent w i d s , rendered more violent ant1 destructive, no doubt, by the peculiar topogralhy along the storin's track. Some small huts were overturned and considerable claiuage done to the uncut tobacco along the valley of the Bairo River. Hail was first observed ttt ilguas Buenas where, as reported 1)y RIr. Bowser, the fall mas light, lasting :tlwut ten or twelve minutes. but hrther down the river the fall wits so heavy that the river 1 ~~1 was b L n-liite as snow," so thick were the hail- stones. The track of the storiii qqwars to have been just north of C'tlguns, although hail fell there for almit fifteen inin- uten acscor&iig to Dr. Lngoviiio, who mas in tlie city at the time. The 1)recipitation of hail coutinuecl its far as Gurabo, but how much farther is not known. A s to the tiize aiic1 form of the ldbtunes, there >are Heveral