The Model 70A is housed in a double width CAMAC module which occupies the con- trol station and adjacent normal station in the crate, thus having access to all Dataway lines. Communication with the Branch Highway is via a pair of multipin con- nectors mounted on the front panel. These two connectors are internally bridged to provide continuity of the Branch Highway through the controller, permitting all uni to be connected in a dais y-chain arrangement. In addition to its normal ON LINE op- erating mode, the controller has an OFF LINE mode which may be selected by a front panel switch. In this mode, the unit is effectively disconnected from the Branch, while remaining physically connected. Two front panel push buttons allow manual activation of Dataway Clear and Initialize in the OFF LINE mode only. Assignment of a CRATE ADDRESS to which the controller will respond, is accomplished by an in- ternal switch with visual indication of the selected address on the front panel which meets the requirements of the specification. This seven position thumbwheel switch is easily accessible from the side of the module,and may be set without the need for any tools. Several front panel indicator lights are included which should prove valuable during normal operation, and especially as an aid in trouble shooting and debugging of both hardware and software. Dataway INHIBIT may be activated via a Lemo connector which allows an external signal to be applied.

Gating is provided which gates write data onto the Dataway only during Write operations, and accepts Read data only during Read operations. This keeps the Data- way Write lines clear of data during Read operations resulting in lower Dataway noise levels. All Dataway lines have pull-up current sources in accordance with TID-25875. Pull-ups for the L lines are provided on the GL lines as per TID-25876.

Branch output lines are driven from open collector transistors capable of sinking more than the required current at low saturation voltage. Very high input imped- ance on all Branch Highway input lines results in loading far less than the max- imum permitted. The Model 70A thereby has minimal effect on Branch Highway imped- ance. This contributes to cleaner signals on these lines. The high input imped- ance is maintained with crate power off. Noise margins are improved by providing all Branch Highway input lines with threshold voltages which are higher than the usual TTL levels. Operation under adverse conditions such as high cable losses and reflections due to mismatches is thereby enhanced.

The Model 70A is capable of recognizing and executing a total of eleven dif- ferent commands addressed to the controller itself. Each of these commands imple- ments a specific operation within the controller. Among these is the ability to load a internal Station Number Register (SNR) with data from the BRW lines. Multi- station commands to preselected addresses may be accomplished by addressing the SNR, which activates Dataway stations corresponding to the data previously stored. In addition, a code is provided which addresses all stations simultaneously.

Since a Branch is not in a valid operating mode if more than one crate in the system has the same address, the Model 70A incorporates circuitry to guard against such a possibility. If a Model 70A is switched to a crate address which is already occupied, the controller will revert to the Off-line state and remain so until eith- er the other controller is switched to a different address(or off-line), or another valid address is selected. This feature is particularly useful when a Branch has crates in remote locations from each other, and will prevent interference to an op- erating system if an incorrect address is chosen.

While the basic timing requirements are defined by the CAMAC specifications, considerable latitude is permitted and in some cases the timing is either not spec- ified, or not clear and open to interpretation. The Model 70A has been designed us- ing "CERN Preferred Values" as a guideline which sets tighter tolerances on the tim- ing within the broader CAMAC specifications. This results in a controller capable of operating with optimum performance and small variations from unit to unit. The Model 70A features a precision clock generator which assures accurately timed steps throughout each timing sequence. The clock is started and stopped as required; no time being lost due to having to synchronize the clock to branch signals as would be necessary with a gated free running oscillator. Branch operations at the maxi- mum rate permitted are thus achieved.




  ON LINE-OFF LINE Switch          Selects On Line or Off Line Mode.
  C Pushbutton(effective in Off Line only) Generates Dataway cycle with C, Sl, S2, B.
  Z Pushbutton(effective in Off Line only) Generates Dataway cycle with Z, S1, S2, B.
                       Sets I flip flop.(Dataway I will assume
                       a maintained logic 1 state when controller
                       is returned to the On Line mode).
  I Input(effective in On Line and     Activates Dataway Inhibit line when CAMAC
      Off Line)            Logic 1 applied. Input load = 1 TTL input.


  ON LINE Indicator             Illuminated when controller is in On
                       Line state.
  CONTROLLER ADDRESSED Indicator      Illuminated during an operation addressed
                       to controller. N(28) + N(30) (TA+TB)
  BRANCH OPERATION Indicator        Illuminated during any operation initiate
                       from the Branch Highway.(TA+TB+BZ)
  G Indicator                Illuminated during a Graded-L operation.
  D Indicator                Illuminated when one or more Look at Me
                       demands(GL's) are present.
  I Indicator                Illuminated wherever Dataway I is at a
                       Logic 1.

   NOTE: Controller Addressed, Branch Operation, and G Indications are stretched
          so short duration-signals are visible.


  BRANCH HIGHWAY PORTS(2)          132 contact connectors-Hughes WSS0132S00BN


  CRATE ADDRESS Switch           Assigns crate address to which controller
                       will respond. Switch is set
                       with visual indication on front


  LAM GRADER                52 contact connector-Cannon 2DB52P


 2.2.1 BRANCH HIGHWAY SIGNALS    INPUTS                            BA,BF,BN,BCR,BRW,BZ,BTA,BV4

      Threshold   voltage                    +1.8v   typical
      Input current                          <+10uA @ +0.3v,+50uA @ typical OUTPUTS                              BQ,BX,BD,BTB,BRW

      Logic  1  voltage                      +0.3v max.  @  133ma
      Current   sinking  capability          133ma min.    TIMING

      Command Mode Timing Cycle              1450ns typical  (see figure 2-1)
      Graded-L Mode Timing Cycle             1050ns typical

2.2.2 DATAWAY SIGNALS   INPUTS'                            R,Q,X,L,P2

      Threshold   voltage                    +1.1v   typical
      Pull up capability                     10.2ma max. @ +0.5v
      Current source                         2.6ma max.  @  +3.5v OUTPUTS                              W,A,F,B,Z,C,l        N           S1,S2

      Current sinking capability      0.5v      39.4 max.      7.4  max.      56.Oma max.
      Pull up capability @ 3.5v                  2.6 max.      2.6  max.      12.6ma max.    TIMING

      Dataway cycle                          1.1uS  typical
      Sl,S2  Pulse  width                    220ns   typical


        ACTION                   COMMAND                       RESPONSE
1.   Generate  Dataway  Z     N(28)A(8)F(26)                    BQ=O
2.   Generate  Dataway  C     N(28)A(9)F(26)                    BQ=O
3.   Read GL                  N(30)A(0-7)F(O)                   BQ=l
4.   Load  SNR                N(30)A(8)F(16)-Sl                 BQ=l
5.   Remove  Dataway  I       N(30)A(9)F(24)-S1                 BQ=O
6.   Set Dataway I            N(30)A(9)F(26)-Sl+(Z-S2)          BQ=O
7.   Test Dataway I           N(30)A(9)F(27)                    BQ=l  if I    1
8.   Disable BD Output        N(30)A(10)F(24)-Sl+(Z-S2)         BQ=O
9.   Enable  BD  Output       N(30)A(1O)F(26)-Sl                BQ=O
10.  Test BD Output Enabled   N(30)A(10)F(27)                   BQ=l  if BD enabled
11.  Test Demands Present     N(30)A(11)F(27)                   BQ=l  if demands present

1.   All commands are accepted  only  in  response  to  BTA.  BX  is generated for each.
2.   A Dataway cycle with Sl,S2 and B is generated for commands 1 and 2 only.
     Dataway I is generated in response to Z-S2 and maintained until reset.
3.   In addition to the above, N(24) activates all addresses stored in Station
     Number Register(SNR), and N(26) activates all Stations simultaneously.


 BCR-1-7  Crate Address(BCRi) to which On Line controller responds. BCRi = BCR
      line corresponding to selected crate address.
 BTA    Initiates handshake and starts cycle in addressed crate. Internal TA
      is conditioned (integrated)approximately lOOns to suppress noise.
      TA = BCRi-BTA
 BTB  1-7 On line, unaddressed controller has BTBi line at logic 1, all other
      BTB lines at logic 0. Addressed controller generates internal TB at
      appropriate time in cycle. BTBi = 0 generated in response to TB. All
      BTB lines in Off Line controllers are at Logic 0. BTBi = BTB.line
      corresponding to selected crate address. BTB lines have controlled
      transition times of approximately 100ns.
 BRW 1-24 Data on BRW lines is gated onto corresponding Dataway W lines during
      write operations, F(16-23) (TA+TB). Data on Dataway R lines are gated
      onto corresponding BRW lines during read operations, F(O-7)(TA+TB).
 BZ    Generates Dataway cycle with Sl,S2,B, and Z. Sets Dataway I to maintained
      logic 1 state. BZ is integrated for approximately 3us, and takes pre-
      cedence over all other signals in the Branch, i.e., any cycle in progress
      is terminated, and a new BTA will not be accepted for the duration of BZ.
 BG    When BG is present, a Graded-L operation is initiated in response to
      BTA. Internal G = BCRi-BG.
 BA1,2,4,8Gated onto corresponding Dataway A lines during controller cycle,(TA+TB).
 BF1,2,4  Gated onto corresponding Dataway F lines during controller cycle,(TA+TB).
 BN1,2,4  Decoded by controller and gated onto appropriate Dataway N line during
  8,16  command mode controller cycle, G' (TA+TB).
 BQ    Dataway Q, and Q signals generated by the controller are gated onto the
      BQ line during a controller cycle,(TA+TB).
 BX    Dataway X, and X signals generated by the controller are gated onto the
      BX line during a controller cycle, (TA+TB).
 BD    BD is generated when an internal demand(D) signal is present(as a result
      of one or more GL lines at logic 1) and BD is enabled. BD has controlled
      transition time of approximately 100ns.
 BV4    Controller generates a "Fast Read" short cycle in response to BTA when
      BV4 is at logic 1. BV4 must be activated by user by addition of a jumper
      wire on circuit board.
 BSC    Cable shield grounding conductors(2). Grounded internally by means of
      jumpers which may be removed if desired.

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