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Bulletproof Vest Partnership Logo Bulletproof Vest Partnership
Other Resources > Show Me a Sample > Application

See Link Below for Description

What appears on this screen is a selection of vests, which meet the criteria specified in the previous screen.

Scroll through the listing of vest model names. The vest model names listed are approved National Institute of Justice (NIJ) vests. Find the vest model(s) you are interested in adding to your application. In the Actions column there are three action buttons.

Add to Application - By clicking this link the program will add this particular vest model to your application.

More Information - This link will allow you to view contact information of other lea's who have selected the specified vest type. Plus the NIJ Test Results - You will be taken to an outside website (the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, www.nlectc.org) were you can review or request test data for the selected vest model. If you know your vest Model name but cannot find it in the listing, you may not know what the NIJ number is. Select the vest manufacturer name, it is a link to contact information for this manufacturer. Call this person and tell them what you know about your vest model and ask them if they can supply you with an NIJ model name. The manufacturer should be able to cross-reference the vest name, to the NIJ vest model name listed above.

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   For immediate assistance, please call us toll-free at 1-877-758-3787. You may also reach us by email at vests@usdoj.gov