US 7,424,017 B2
Techniques for introducing in-band network management packets in multi-protocol label switching networks
Samson Boodaghians, Wayside, N.J. (US)
Assigned to AT&T Corp., New York, N.Y. (US)
Filed on Apr. 07, 2005, as Appl. No. 11/100,735.
Application 11/100735 is a continuation of application No. 09/589466, filed on Jun. 07, 2000, granted, now 6,920,133.
Prior Publication US 2005/0180422 A1, Aug. 18, 2005
This patent is subject to a terminal disclaimer.
Int. Cl. H04L 12/56 (2006.01); H04L 12/28 (2006.01)
U.S. Cl. 370—389  [370/238; 370/401; 709/239] 22 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A method of introducing in-band network management packets in a network comprising steps of:
constructing a packet including an IP header field, at least one additional header field, and a packet data field;
inserting a predetermined code in a field of said one additional header field, which code differentiates between a packet that is an in-band network management packet and a user packet; and
providing the constructed packet to said network.