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Davenport Municipal Airport
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WeatherSky Cond. Temperature (ºF)PressurePrecipitation (in.)
AirDwpt6 hour altimeter
sea level
1 hr 3 hr6 hr
1006:52S 20 G 2910.00FairCLR4939 29.601002.6
1005:52SW 21 G 3210.00Fair and BreezyCLR4939 514829.581001.9
1004:52S 21 G 3010.00Fair and BreezyCLR4840 29.581001.7
1003:52S 21 G 2610.00Fair and BreezyCLR4941 29.581001.7
1002:52S 24 G 3710.00Fair and BreezyCLR5042 29.581001.6
1001:52S 22 G 3110.00Fair and BreezyCLR5044 29.591002.1
1000:52S 22 G 2910.00Fair and BreezyCLR5045 29.601002.4
0923:52S 24 G 3110.00Fair and BreezyCLR5147 555129.621003.1
0922:52S 24 G 3310.00Fair and BreezyCLR5248 29.641003.8
0921:52S 22 G 3710.00Partly Cloudy and BreezySCT0175348 29.631003.6
0920:52S 29 G 3810.00Mostly Cloudy and WindyBKN0205448 29.641003.9
0919:52S 24 G 3510.00A Few Clouds and BreezyFEW0485447 29.641004.1
0918:52S 22 G 3010.00Partly Cloudy and BreezyFEW050 SCT0755447 29.671005.0
0917:52S 1610.00OvercastSCT060 BKN075 OVC1005547 625529.691005.80.03
0916:52S 1210.00OvercastOVC0395548 29.711006.3
0915:52S 148.00 Light RainFEW017 OVC0555648 29.721006.70.02
0914:52S 158.00 Light RainFEW018 OVC0605748 29.731007.20.010.01
0913:52S 18 G 3510.00FairCLR5946 29.761008.1
0912:52S 22 G 2910.00Fair and BreezyCLR6046 29.821010.0
0911:52S 18 G 308.00FairCLR5746 573429.881012.2
0910:52SE 20 G 285.00Fair with HazeCLR5142 29.931014.0
0909:52SE 204.00Mostly Cloudy with HazeFEW047 BKN0554537 29.991016.0
0908:52SE 163.00Mostly Cloudy with HazeSCT060 BKN080 BKN0904034 30.031017.5
0907:52SE 142.50 Fog/MistFEW009 OVC0853632 30.071018.8
0906:52SE 133.00 Fog/MistBKN0343531 30.081019.5
0905:52SE 123.00 Fog/MistOVC0153531 353130.121020.9
0904:52SE 122.50 Fog/MistFEW004 OVC0233331 30.151021.7
0903:52SE 91.75 Fog/MistOVC0043230 30.171022.4
0902:52SE 92.00 Fog/MistOVC0043129 30.191023.1
0901:52SE 92.00 Fog/MistOVC0043128 30.231024.4
0900:52SE 102.00 Fog/MistOVC0043128 30.241024.7
0823:52SE 122.50 Fog/MistOVC0043128 312930.251025.0
0822:52SE 133.00 Fog/MistOVC0043028 30.271025.9
0821:52SE 83.00 Fog/MistOVC0063128 30.291026.5
0820:52E 94.00 Fog/MistOVC0083128 30.291026.5
0819:52E 104.00 Fog/MistOVC0083128 30.291026.7
0818:52SE 64.00 Fog/MistCLR2926 30.311027.3
0817:52SE 75.00 Fog/MistCLR3026 383030.311027.4
0816:52SE 65.00Fair with HazeCLR3327 30.321027.7
0815:52Calm4.00Fair with HazeCLR3627 30.331027.8
0814:52Calm5.00Mostly Cloudy with HazeBKN0153728 30.331027.9
0813:52S 35.00Partly Cloudy with HazeSCT0133427 30.351028.6
0812:52S 64.00Overcast with HazeOVC0113226 30.371029.3
0811:52S 84.00Overcast with HazeOVC0113326 333030.391030.1
0810:52S 54.00Overcast with HazeOVC0113126 30.421030.9
0809:52S 54.00Overcast with HazeOVC0093025 30.401030.2
0808:52Calm4.00Overcast with HazeOVC0113024 30.391030.0
0807:52NE 64.00Overcast with HazeOVC0113025 30.381029.6
0806:52NE 56.00Overcast with HazeOVC0113025 30.371029.2
0805:52N 87.00OvercastOVC0113025 323030.351028.6
0804:52N 127.00OvercastOVC0113126 30.331027.8
0803:52N 137.00OvercastOVC0113126 30.331027.5
0802:52NW 127.00OvercastOVC0113127 30.301026.7
0801:52NW 127.00OvercastOVC0113227 30.301026.4
0800:52NW 137.00OvercastOVC0113227 30.271025.4
0723:52NW 155.00 Fog/MistOVC0113228 393230.251024.9
0722:52NW 165.00 Fog/MistOVC0133329 30.221023.9
0721:52NW 177.00FairCLR3530 30.181022.5
0720:52W 810.00FairCLR3430 30.151021.5
0719:52W 910.00FairCLR3531 30.121020.6
0718:52W 910.00FairCLR3832 30.111020.0
0717:52W 810.00FairCLR3834 553830.071018.5
0716:52W 810.00FairCLR4638 30.031017.0
0715:52W 1410.00FairCLR5039 30.001016.1
0714:52W 1610.00FairCLR5340 29.991015.8
0713:52W 1710.00FairCLR5440 29.951014.5
0712:52W 1810.00FairCLR5442 29.931013.8
0711:52W 1810.00FairCLR5442 544829.931013.6
0710:52W 20 G 2810.00FairCLR5443 29.911013.1
0709:52W 149.00FairCLR5246 29.881012.1
0708:52SW 158.00FairCLR5045 29.841010.7
0707:52SW 166.00 Fog/MistCLR4844 29.821009.9
WeatherSky Cond. AirDwptMax.Min.altimeter
sea level
1 hr3 hr6 hr
6 hour
Temperature (ºF)PressurePrecipitation (in.)

National Weather Service
Fort Worth, Texas
Last Modified: June 14, 2005
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