============= Page 1 of 1 ============= Global Finance Summary (addendum to DASH) 1. Transaction Summary Total Deal/Project Capital Commitment Less: Financings Less: Syndications Net Enron Investment ,/ Market 0 Above Market 2. Investment terms and pricing: ,/ Market 0 Above Market Describe (if necessary): 3. Financing terms and pricing: Describe (if necessary): 4. Legal or practical liquidity restrictions: Describe (if necessary): 5. Any recourse to Enron (other than investment): Describe (if any): 6a. Business unit intent to syndicate: Describe (if necessary): 6b. Intended Enron hold period: 6c. Likely Syndication Market: 6d. Is this a JEDI 2 "Q Global Finance Rep XH003-01529 Investment"? 0 Below Market U Below Market ,/ Unrestricted 0 Legally Restricted 0 Practically Restricted Amount ($000) $-0- -0- -0- $-0- 0 Recourse ,/ No Recourse 0 None 0 Partial IAII U Industry/Strategic Partner 0 Direct Private Equity ,/Capital Markets 0 JEDI 1 0 JEDI 2 0 Enserco 0 LJM 1 or 2 0 Condor 0 Other: 0 Margaux o Yes ,/ No ~ o L ~ti(lej 11L~ ature Name (Printed) Date E0004402215