March 12, 2002 upd October 17, 1996 Brief information about OCS ___________________________ All OCS products are located in directory $OCS781_DIR. OCS scripts are located in $OCS781_BIN directory: ocs_fill_maker ocs_incl_maker ocs_init ocs_make_master ocs_prin_all_maker ocs_select ocs_assempble_table OCS sources are located in $OCS781_SRC directory. OCS includes are located in $OCS781_INC directory: - internal only - internal only - internal/user - internal/user All OCS routines compiled into library $OCS781_LIB/libocs.a (libocs_g.a - debug). Examples of code initially developed by P.Cooper and extended by V.I.Rud can be found in $OCS781_EXA directory as files/routines ocs_usage_min.F - minimal OCS example GNU_ocs_makefile - make file to run it ocs_test.F - Main for Example-2 event_analysis.F test_ocs.F - basic example test2_ocs.F GNU_ocs2_makefile - make file to run it peter_bin - sample binary file (='binary' table) - include for users table 'scaler' README README file contains references to OCS routines/actions - where to find them. Copy files into your local directory and run 'gmake -f GNU_ocs_makefile' for minimal OCS example and execute 'ocs_usage_min.exe'. Routine 'ocs_usage_min.F' shows how to initiate OCS, load tables and print them out. For complete example run 'gmake -f GNU_ocs2_makefile' and execute 'ocs_test.exe'. Basic OCS tables are located in directory $CON781_DIR, they will be taken by OCS automatically using following environment variables: $OCS781_TABLES - pointer to general DB 'tables' file; $OCS781_MASTER - pointer to general DB 'master' file; $OCS781_DDL - string with pathes to nonlocal OCS table includes which usually are setting by 'setup' command ('setup off781', for example). Example: printenv OCS781_DDL OCS781_DDL=$OCS781_INC/:$E781MC_DIR/include/:/home/rud/ocs/ocs/print/ How to run OCS ______________ 1.Set up OCS and its environment variables: setup ocs781 setup off781 # application example 2.Initialize OCS in your running directory by command ocs_init This call should be done everytime when you modified your *.ocs files. 'ocs_init' executes following calls: ocs_make_master # generates 'master' and 'tables' files ocs_fill_maker # generates 'ocs_fill.F' routine ocs_prin_all_maker # generates 'ocs_prin_all.F' routine If your running directory really contains *.ocs files with your user tables, then command ocs_make_master creates OCS user 'master' and 'tables' files in your current directory. 3.You may get help for some scripts invoking them with '-h' argument: ocs_make_master -h ocs_select -h ocs_assempble_table -h 4.To create your own standard OCS tables/includes do following for each table: - define field names and types for your table, - generate include file by 'ocs_incl_maker' script (see explanations in manual on our Web in section /Computing/Database/'Man pages for OCS' or in scripts body), - create .ocs file and fill in tables in accord with OCS rules (see manual). 5.Using OCS in your code (see $OCS781_EXA/ftn): a) define to compiler location of OCS includes (-I$OCS781_INC); b) define to loader OCS library (-L$OCS781_LIB -locs); c) at initialization stage set 'ocs_key_changed = .true.': #include "" ..... ocs_key_changed = .true. ! user key ocs_run = 10783 ! current OCS run number Remember, that selection on 'ocs_run' works so that tables with last_run=0 will be used for all runs with run numbers greater or equal than first_run. d) to initialize OCS and to read standard form tables in memory include in your code: ocs_prt_unit=10 open(unit=ocs_prt_unit,status='unknown', ! open file to store * file='OCS_OUTPUT') ! OCS printout ocs_class_main = 'anal' ! main CLASS (optional) ocs_class_out = 'test mc' ! CLASSes which should be rejected (optional) ocs_class_get = 'aa' ! CLASSes which should be stored (optional) CALL OCS_UPDATE ! main call to OCS That is enough to initialize OCS and read standard OCS tables in memory. All OCS prints are going into two streams - to standard output and to 'ocs_prt_unit'. If you will NOT specify 'ocs_prt_unit' then its default value (6) will be taken and you will see double prints on your standard output. e) to registrate to OCS your owned/used tables and to have ability to manage by OCS nonstandard tables, include in your code following call to 'ocs_register' (see '$OCS781_EXA/test_ocs.F' as the best example): * *-------OCS includes: * #include "" ! #include "" ! for use with OCS routines #include "" ! * *-------User includes: * #include "" ! a constant table I own #include "" ! a constant table I use ....... * ! initialization section if( ocs_register(ocs_id , ! the id OCS will give me * 'test_ocs' , ! my (routine) name * 'scaler user', ! the tables I own * 'spec_pos') ) then ! the tables I use but don't own *Stop: print *, 'TEST_OCS: bad OCS_REGISTER result for routine '// * 'test_ocs. Stop' STOP endif f) to print out from your code standard OCS table call 'ocs_prin_all': call ocs_prin_all('spec_pos','user routine') ! print table 'spec_pos' g) to include in your code printout of ALL loaded standard OCS tables, add in your code after 'call ocs_update' call to 'ocs_prin_all' with empty first argument: call ocs_update ..... call ocs_prin_all(' ','after OCS_UPDATE') ! print ALL standard tables i) to get info about current status of any active table use 'ocs_tab_version': #include "" ! for 'class,version,f_run,l_run,modes,n_out' ..... call ocs_tab_version(table,class,version,f_run,l_run,modes, n_out) c in out out out out out out c c12 c8 c8 i4 i4 c8(20) i4 In 'class' you will get class of currently active 'table', in 'version' - its version, in 'f_run' - first run for the table, in 'l_run' - last run for the table, 'modes' will have list of present modes for the table. 'n_out' > 1 if 'mod' was used in addition to 'fill' for the table and it will be the number of 'modes' filled. 'n_out=0' if requested table does not exist. 6.Table refilling can be done by user for any particulary table or by OCS itself in data driven mode if run number ('ocs_run') was changed. To refill particulary table user needs to call: call ocs_load_table(table, class, version, first_run, last_run, ierr) c in in in in in out c c12 c8 c8 i4 i4 i4 This routine will force OCS to load requested version of table (its 'fill' and 'mod' parts), if 'class' is allowed by previous requests, 'table' available with requested 'version' and 'first_run' and 'last_run' (ierr=1 if requested table not found). In data driven mode user should use second call to 'ocs_update' ocs_run = call ocs_update to reload those tables which are not valid anymore for new run number. At first call 'ocs_update' creates internal metatables and loads all tables in accord with automatic class/version/run selection procedure. At any next calls 'ocs_update' will reload only those tables which versions are not valid for current 'ocs_run' value. Actually in this case 'ocs_update' calls function 'ocs_ntab_reload' with key=1 (user may use it directly): n_tables=ocs_ntab_reload(key, tables, classes, versions, first_runs, last_runs) c out in out out out out c i4 i4 c12(*) c8(*) c8(*) i4(*) * - max number of tables (=mftab in 'ocs_reload') In the case of key=0 and for given run number 'ocs_run' (see '') this function will produce list of tables (in 'tables' array) with those classes, versions and first/last-run numbers (in 'classes', 'versions', 'first_runs', and 'last_runs' arrays) which need to be refilled ('n_tables' - number of refilling tables; if 'n_tables = 0' - NO tables for refilling). After that user is free to change class/version for each table before reloading it by yourself with 'ocs_load_table'. In the case of key=1 'ocs_ntab_reload' internally calls 'ocs_load_table' for each table to load new version of a table (with the same class) using standard OCS version selection procedure. Also user may (re)load all tables of given class choosing versions which are .le.'version' in OCS sense by call to 'ocs_load_version': call ocs_load_version(class, version, ierr) in in out c8 c8 i4 For each table those version will be taken which is mostly close to 'version' but not "older" than it. ierr=1 if no one table found for reloading. 7.To link one OCS table to another one use call ocs_link_tables(table1, name1, * table2, name2, link2, c1, c2) c in in out in in c c12 c12 i4 i4 i4 where table1 - name of table-1, table2 - name of table-2, name1 - table-1 name fields, name2 - table-2 name fields, link2 - link in table-2 to table-1 (row number), c1 - string region to match - first symbol, c2 - string region to match - last symbol. "Link" means that for each record 'name2' in 'table2' routine scans for a character match with 'name1'(c1:c2) ('name' field) and stores the index of the matched 'name1' record in 'table2' variable 'link2'. Example: #include "" ! a constant table I own #include "" ! a constant table I own ....... call ! link 'mag_pos' to 'spec_pos' * ocs_link_tables('spec_pos', name_spec_pos, * 'mag_pos', name_mag_pos, * lkspec_mag_pos, 1, 2) 8.Simple OCS rules: - each table included in *.ocs file should have appropriate include file; - there are 2 levels of tables selection: - OCS selects only those tables which satisfy class/version/run number conditions and usually takes the latest table version; - 'ocs_fill.F' actually is a filter - only those tables will be loaded in the memory for which you call 'ocs_fill_table.F' in it. - x -