Handbook of Engaged Learning Projects

Sight and Sound in Nature

Internet Links

The following World Wide Web sites offer information relevant to your project. Depending on your particular research interest, some sites will obviously be more relevant than others. To optimize the efforts of your Web search, each site has been described so that you might judge its usefulness in advance. As you proceed with your World Wide Web search, document your progress (both successes and failures) using the Web Site Trail sheet.

Bioacoustics Research Program


Cornell University operates a Bioacoustics Research Program. This site describes the research efforts conducted by the program, which focus primarily upon whale migration and bird calls and songs. The BRP has collected over 70,000 sounds of bird calls and ultimately plans to make them available (in part) on the WWW. A CD of whale sounds can also be purchased for a minimal price through the BRP. An additional treat involves the opportunity to subscribe to the BIOACOUSTICS-L mailing list in order to ask questions and receive answers from experts in the field of bioacoustics.

New Mexico Bat Survey and Acoustic Library


The University of Mexico conducts research on the sounds produced by bats. They have collected a wealth of sounds for analysis and have made them available for scientific study. The sounds can be downloaded and analyzed.

Laboratory of Marine Bioacoustics


The activity of the Laboratory of Marine Bioacoustics in Italy focuses on the development of research projects on the acoustic communication in marine animals, the study of practical applications in regard to the monitoring and censusing of cetaceans, the development of advanced methods of sound analysis based on digital signal processing, the establishment of a Sound Library of Mediterranean Cetaceans as well as the technical support to other institutions involved in bioacoustical research. A variety of sounds can be downloaded from this site.

The Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics (BLB)


The Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics (BLB) is a unit within the Department of Zoology of The Ohio State University, and is housed in the College of Biological Sciences' Museum of Biological Diversity. The BLB houses one of the largest collections of recorded animal sounds in the world. The collection contains approximately 23,200 recordings of over 1,000 species of animals. Many of these can be downloaded for analysis.

The Laboratory of Seismics and Acoustics


This lab conducts research and development on acoustic control. Desired audio signals (speech, music) are processed such that they have optimal quality and intelligibility, undesired sound (noise) is optimally suppressed. To achieve these goals, the concept of wave field synthesis is applied: not only the temporal, but also the spatial properties of the sound field are fully controlled. Transducer arrays are required to registrate and generate the relevant sound waves. The processing is performed with advanced DSP-technology.

Acoustic Society of America


The ASA is the premier scientific society dedicated to increasing and diffusing the knowledge of acoustics and its practical applications. Their Web page contains both information and links. Useful information at this site includes a page on the "wave theory of sound," a page on careers in acoustics, and a section called "Lay Language Papers."

The World Forum for Acoustice Ecology


The University of Oregon operates this site to provide links to those international sites studying the sound of mammals and other living organisms. Such topics include the vocalizations of birds, bats, whales, and insects.

The Wildlife Web


This site contains a wealth of links to useful information, a listing of sites where sound files can be downloaded, a listing of downloadable tools for sound analysis.

The Exploratorium Museum


The Exploratorium Museum in San Fransisco maintains a database of all exhibits which they have displayed over the past few years. The list of exhibits is organized alphabetically according to the name of the phenomenon which they illustrate. Each subject name links to a descripiton of the exhibit with an accompanying diagram (usually). In addition to these project descriptions, the Exploratorium site also includes several online exhibits, some of which pertain to your topic.

Bill Nye Online


An Internet science search would not be complete without a trip to Bill Nye's (the "Science Guy") site. From this site, you can find a wealth of information relevant to your topic, at-home (or in-class) demonstration ideas, and links to relevant Internet information. Be sure to search the Episode Guide for information related to each Bill Nye television episode.

Psychoacoustics Pilot Project


This site provides an online tutorial on acoustics and the perception of sound. There is a wealth of information (mostly textual in nature) on the physics of sound and hearing.

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Author: Tom Henderson, Glenbrook South High School, Glenview, IL.
Multimedia Handbook of Engaged Learning Projects sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Friends of Fermilab. Funded by the North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium based at the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL).
Last Update: July 8, 1997