1998 California Hydrologic Data Report

                          11413515 NEW BULLARDS BAR RESERVOIR NEAR NORTH SAN JUAN, CA

LOCATION.-Lat 39°23'34", long 121°08'25", in SE 1/4 NW 1/4 sec.25, T.18 N., R.7 E., Yuba County, Hydrologic Unit 18020125, Plumas National Forest, in 
center of dam on North Yuba River, 2.2 mi upstream from Middle Yuba River, and 2.4 mi northwest of North San Juan. 
DRAINAGE AREA.-489 mi2. 
PERIOD OF RECORD.-January 1969 to current year. 
GAGE.-Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is sea level (levels by Yuba County Water Agency). 
REMARKS.-Reservoir is formed by concrete-arch dam with a concrete-sidehill spillway. Spill controlled by three 30-ft by 53-ft radial gates. Storage began in 
January 1969. Usable capacity, 727,380 acre-ft between elevations 1,732.0 ft, minimum power poo1, and l,955.0 ft, normal gross pool. Dead storage, 233,920 
acre-ft. Total capacity at normal gross pool, 961,300 acre-ft, e1evation, 1,955.0 ft. Water is released to New Colgate Powerplant (station 11413510) through a 
tunnel at the dam. Water is diverted into the reservoir from Middle Yuba River via Lohman Ridge Tunnel to Oregon Creek then via Camptonville Tunnel (stations 
11408870 and 11409350). Records, including extremes, represent total contents at 2400 hours. See schematic diagram of Yuba River Basin. 
COOPERATION.-Records provided by Yuba County Water Agency, under general supervision of the U.S. Geological Survey, in connection with a Federal Energy 
Regulatory Commission project. Contents not rounded to U.S. Geological Survey standards. 
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.-Maximum contents, 972,224 acre-ft, June 27, 1995, elevation, 1,957.27 ft; minimum since reservoir first filled, 178,230 acre-ft, 
Dec. 29, 1980, elevation, 1,700.00 ft. 
EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR.-Maximum contents, 961,446 acre-ft, June 28, 29, elevation, 1,955.03 ft; minimum, 545,714 acre-ft, Jan. 1, elevation, 1,851.80 ft. 
  Capacity table (elevation, in feet, and contents, in acre-feet)
  (Based on survey by Yuba County Water Agency in 1969)
	1,600	64,900	1,750	270,110
	1,630	90,570	1,800	389,977
	1,660	122,993	1,850	539,748
	1,690	162,983	1,900	721,130
	1,720	211,768	1,960	985,471


                                        DAILY OBSERVATION AT 2400 HOURS
DAY       OCT      NOV      DEC      JAN      FEB      MAR      APR      MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP
  1    610667   562093   561518   545714   695609   753256   790622   848569   950559   960822   912015   772415
  2    609562   562534   560131   546446   700698   751708   791758   858121   952796   959721   907907   766833
  3    607283   562975   558780   549780   720654   750812   793359   866448   953606   958572   902987   762222
  4    605437   563382   557768   554873   730884   749470   794667   873255   953463   957999   897948   757056
  5    604196   563789   556635   556666   737462   748130   795933   878653   953463   956852   893020   751912
  6    600376   564366   555848   558847   743430   746345   797287   884255   954130   955514   887654   746345
  7    598647   564774   561484   561078   748008   744077   798175   888789   955180   953892   882400   740724
  8    597521   565216   564706   561180   749552   741773   798513   894569   955324   953129   878879   736215
  9    597204   565658   565624   560638   748008   739112   800251   900877   956469   952224   875907   732605
 10    595833   566100   566576   564740   747764   736375   800505   905100   957616   951415   871909   729286
 11    595376   566781   566815   577845   750731   733727   801905   907769   959147   950796   867699   725698
 12    593868   566474   566270   601398   753664   731404   802033   909567   959721   950559   862746   724147
 13    592536   565624   566372   614169   756810   729086   802415   910860   960295   949323   857810   723352
 14    590438   563755   567053   617433   761236   728926   801863   911645   960439   947424   852894   722002
 15    589286   561755   566508   631433   760702   729565   800759   911922   960008   945242   848745   720337
 16    587404   560063   565080   643341   759062   731124   799827   912846   958955   943301   846632   718516
 17    585561   558240   563993   667502   758160   733486   799149   913495   958620   941457   842854   718318
 18    585387   555983   563620   682553   757710   735492   798513   913818   958859   939333   838082   719026
 19    583930   555041   561992   692205   759718   736375   798175   914327   959338   940417   833415   714803
 20    582162   553597   561416   696152   760825   736978   798260   914976   959578   940748   828591   715316
 21    580709   553094   560334   697782   762386   738911   799445   915903   959290   940087   823786   715237
 22    576881   554033   559083   698054   759964   747602   802118   916088   958620   937729   820249   714961
 23    573651   556185   557633   697472   757219   762797   807435   916505   958381   935140   816420   714764
 24    570568   555680   556911   696812   756319   787848   813075   916830   958955   931758   811577   714173
 25    570090   555277   554941   695493   756442   795849   817580   923154   960200   929321   806583   713345
 26    570021   559894   554336   694796   756605   794836   820851   927823   960918   928993   802330   712951
 27    568485   562263   551720   693867   756074   792685   824391   930712   961254   926561   797371   712401
 28    567496   563891   551687   692630   754766   789024   830327   934999   961446   923994   793022   710985
 29    566202   564027   549847   694447      ---   786045   835636   940181   961446   921337   787890   709453
 30    564638   563144   548112   695377      ---   786715   841714   945100   961062   918501   783114   708238
 31    562737      ---   547311   695261      ---   789234      ---   947186      ---   914929   777981      ---
MAX    610667   566781   567053   698054   762386   795849   841714   947186   961446   960822   912015   772415
MIN    562737   553094   547311   545714   695609   728926   790622   848569   950559   914929   777981   708238
 a    1856.87  1856.99  1852.28  1893.40  1908.36  1916.68  1928.91  1952.04  1954.95  1945.16  1913.99  1896.73
 b     -49894     +407   -15833  +147950   +59505   +34468   +52480  +105472   +13876   -46133  -136948   -69743
CAL YR 1997 b -291514
WTR YR 1998 b  +95607

	a  Elevation, in feet, at the end of month.
	b  Change in contents, in acre-feet.

1998 California Hydrologic Data Report Index

USGS Water Resources of California

Last modified: Wed Aug 4 09:40:31 PDT 1999