1997 California Hydrologic Data Report


                          11413515 NEW BULLARDS BAR RESERVOIR NEAR NORTH SAN JUAN, CA

LOCATION.--Lat 39°23'34", long 121°08'25", in SE 1/4 NW 1/4 sec.25, T.18 N., R.7 E., Yuba County, Hydrologic Unit 18020125, Plumas 
  National Forest, in center of dam on North Yuba River, 2.2 mi upstream from Middle Yuba River, and 2.4 mi northwest of North San Juan. 
DRAINAGE AREA.--489 mi2. 
PERIOD OF RECORD.--January 1969 to current year. 
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is sea level (levels by Yuba County Water Agency). 
REMARKS.--Reservoir is formed by concrete-arch dam with a concrete-sidehill spillway. Spill controlled by three 30-ft by 53-ft radial gates. 
  Storage began in January 1969. Usable capacity, 727,380 acre-ft between elevations 1,732.0 ft, minimum power poo1, and l,955.0 ft, normal 
  gross pool. Dead storage, 233,920 acre-ft. Total capacity at normal gross pool, 961,300 acre-ft, e1evation, 1,955.0 ft. Water is released to New 
  Colgate Powerplant (station 11413510) through a tunnel at the dam. Water is diverted into the reservoir from Middle Yuba River via Lohman 
  Ridge Tunnel to Oregon Creek then via Camptonville Tunnel (stations 11408870 and 11409350). Records, including extremes, represent total 
  contents at 2400 hours. See schematic diagram of Yuba River basin. 
COOPERATION.--Records provided by Yuba County Water Agency, under general supervision of the U.S. Geological Survey, in connection with 
  a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission project. Contents not rounded to U.S. Geological Survey standards. 
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum contents, 972,224 acre-ft, June 27, 1995, elevation, 1,957.27 ft; minimum since reservoir 
  first filled, 178,230 acre-ft, Dec. 29, 1980, elevation, 1,700.00 ft. 
EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Maximum contents, 958,286 acre-ft, Jan. 2, elevation, 1,954.37 ft; minimum, 583,825 acre-ft, Nov. 16, 
  elevation, 1,863.02 ft. 
  Capacity table (elevation, in feet, and contents, in acre-feet)
  (Based on survey by Yuba County Water Agency in 1969)
	1,600	64,900	1,750	270,110
	1,630	90,570	1,800	389,977
	1,660	122,993	1,850	539,748
	1,690	162,983	1,900	721,130
	1,720	211,768	1,960	985,471


                                        DAILY OBSERVATION AT 2400 HOURS
DAY       OCT      NOV      DEC      JAN      FEB      MAR      APR      MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP

  1    680678   611738   607710   934670   788814   713542   717962   803137   865466   860165   762222   636070
  2    677664   610024   608208   958286   786464   713818   719347   804795   865689   858665   757424   633841
  3    674012   607603   607319   910398   783449   711771   720614   806540   865823   857011   755093   631870
  4    671207   606537   607319   868012   780065   708669   721804   808330   867922   856568   750772   631324
  5    668370   604196   627035   835985   776193   706867   724703   809654   870474   855550   746385   631032

  6    666182   602319   636875   813075   771463   705810   726773   811107   872222   855328   742258   630486
  7    664111   600587   642826   800590   767411   703309   728448   812005   873030   852629   737059   630377
  8    661858   598436   644447   793275   763990   700465   730244   815218   873255   851038   732365   630086
  9    659272   596922   650366   787387   760333   698948   731684   817451   873434   848436   727331   629431
 10    656655   595166   679457   782362   757506   696075   733526   819990   873794   845400   722439   629032

 11    654492   593202   708277   776900   755012   693558   734970   824175   873614   842020   717211   628051
 12    652557   591032   741814   771421   752319   691703   736456   828200   873345   838475   712597   627543
 13    650737   589286   764442   766709   749552   689890   738226   832326   873255   834851   708473   626637
 14    647439   587091   778607   764031   747764   688041   739636   835723   873075   831326   704598   626200
 15    645296   585144   788520   762633   745454   686849   741733   839087   873255   827507   701204   625259

 16    643157   583825   794498   760702   742864   687618   743916   841626   872985   823267   697084   624173
 17    641206   585700   795849   758488   741289   688272   746588   844478   872267   820033   693403   623162
 18    638745   594745   795047   755870   739112   689120   750487   847732   871684   816034   688888   622331
 19    637169   600058   793317   753012   737260   689081   758447   850686   870832   812390   685198   621356
 20    634826   604798   791168   750894   735572   690815   765225   853557   870295   809312   681481   621537

 21    632454   605543   793486   749145   732966   691047   771587   854796   869578   805178   677855   621248
 22    630413   607746   796991   754766   730604   692321   777066   856391   869086   801014   673671   620348
 23    628268   611309   798387   756278   729086   694525   783365   858166   868012   797583   669352   618080
 24    625983   613525   797329   752197   726215   696114   787806   860431   867609   793612   665304   615567
 25    624354   613310   795343   766833   723035   698015   789402   862256   866403   789906   661407   614778

 26    623198   611916   800293   795680   720337   700698   793275   862879   865600   785793   657701   614993
 27    620815   610738   807094   803094   717883   703309   795638   863592   863770   781902   653487   615245
 28    618583   610346   792221   800335   714488   706631   798006   864397   863325   778440   649142   615388
 29    617110   608458   785500   795089      ---   710946   798895   864082   861988   773950   644927   613919
 30    615710   607213   803817   792474      ---   713897   801269   863681   861143   769765   641978   612631
 31    614098      ---   838825   790412      ---   715434      ---   864127      ---   766503   638488      ---

MAX    680678   613525   838825   958286   788814   715434   801269   864397   873794   860165   762222   636070
MIN    614098   583825   607319   749145   714488   686849   717962   803137   861143   766503   638488   612631
 a    1871.61  1869.68  1928.25  1916.96  1898.32  1898.56  1919.53  1933.98  1933.31  1911.22  1878.34  1871.20
 b     -70102    -6885  +231612   -48413   -75924     +946   +85835   +62858    -2984   -94640  -128015   -25857

CAL YR 1996 b +156119
WTR YR 1997 b  -71569

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Last modified: Wed Mar 10 14:11:11 PST 1999