Date: 8/26/98 11:19 AM Gentlemen, I am writing to express my opposition to proposed amendments to Rule 102(e) of the Rules of Practice as such amendments affect the determination of when an accountant engages in professional misconduct. The proposed rule would lower the negligence standard to a level which will, or could, include even one error in judgement and will allow measurement on a retrospective, un-evenhanded basis. The amendment should have much more clearly defined standards for "improper professional conduct" as conduct which clearly demonstarates that as professional is substantially unfit to practice before the Comission. These standards should include provisions for a clear demonstration that the professional; * knowingly and repeatedly violated professional standards or * engaged in a pattern of conduct that repeatedly violated professional standards before any sanctions could be assesed. Further, these rules should apply to ALL the professionals associated with filings, including (heaven help us) lawyers, investment bankers and even CEO's (see WSJ article "When CEOs Can't Add Up the Numbers", p. A19 August 19, 1998), not just to accountants. The proposed rules discriminate against accountants, especially all those in industry and certain of those who also happen to be officers and/or directors, and will serve to weaken their role as guardians of the integrity of the financial reporting system. David. D. Gathman