*Pages 1--2 from Microsoft Word - 17517* PUBLIC NOTICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 445 12th Street, SW WASHINGTON, DC 20554 News Media Information (202) 418- 0500 Fax- On- Demand 202/ 418- 2830 Internet http:// www. fcc. gov TTY: 202/ 418- 2555 DA 99- 2769 December 10, 1999 AT& T COMMUNICATIONS SECTION 214 APPLICATION TO DISCONTINUE TOLL FREE DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE SERVICE, 1- 800- 555- 1212, NOT AUTOMATICALLY GRANTED NSD File No. W- P- D- 443 On November 12, 1999, AT& T Communications (" AT& T") filed an application requesting authority under section 214( a) of the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U. S. C. § 214( a), and section 63.71 of the Federal Communications Commission’s rules, 47 C. F. R. § 63.71, to discontinue providing AT& T Toll- Free Directory Assistance Service, which is called by dialing 1- 800- 555- 1212. The date of the planned discontinuance is March 31, 2000. Public Notice of the application was released on November 16, 1999. In accordance with 47 C. F. R. Section 63.71( c), such applications are automatically granted on the 31st day after the release date of the public notice, without any Commission action, unless the Commission has notified the applicant that the grant will not be effective automatically. The Commission normally authorizes proposed discontinuances of service unless it is shown that customers would be unable to receive service or a reasonable substitute from another carrier or that the public convenience and necessity otherwise is adversely affected. AT& T’s application states there are available substitutes to toll free directory assistance with which its customers (Responsible Organizations, or RespOrgs) may list toll- free service numbers, including internet- based directories such as AT& T’s AnyWho, bill inserts, product packaging, and caller- paid local and national directory assistance services such as 411. AT& T also states that it intends to begin providing AT& T listings to alternative directory services that request them, and that it will consider offering a database administration service to collect and update other RespOrg toll- free listing information into a centralized database if there is a sufficient level of demand for the service. Numerous comments objecting to this application have been received. The comments argue that there may be no reasonably substitutable service and that the public convenience and necessity may be adversely affected. Commenting parties object, for example, that not all customers have or can afford access to the internet, that additional fees will be implemented for this service, that elderly and disabled people depend on the service, that many AT& T employees (some filing comments as members of Communications Workers of America) will be harmed, and that small 1 2 businesses will incur economic hardship. Accordingly, based on these comments, by this Public Notice, AT& T is notified that its application to discontinue Toll Free Directory Assistance Service, 1- 800- 555- 1212, will not be granted automatically but will be acted upon based on its merits, following further examination of both the comments received and any responsive comments that AT& T files. For further information, contact Marty Schwimmer, (202) 418- 2320 (voice), mschwimm@ fcc. gov, or Al McCloud, (202) 418- 2499 (voice), amccloud@ fcc. gov at the Network Services Division, Common Carrier Bureau. The TTY number is (202) 418- 0484. -FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION- 2