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World Nuclear Reactors

Argentina, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 8.6 percent of Argentina's total electricity output.

“Argentina currently has two nuclear power plants in operation: the 357-MW Atucha I and 648-MW Embalse. Nucleoelectrica Argentina SA owns and operates both facilities. A third plant, the 745-MW Atucha II plant, remains under construction. Work on the Atucha II facility was halted in 1994, after the government was unsuccessful in privatizing the two existing facilities. However, the government announced in December 2003 that it plans to spend $300 million to complete the project. The government hopes that construction will began in fall 2004 and be completed in 2008.”[2]

·        Reactors in Argentina:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Argentina:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels.

Armenia, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 35.5 percent of Armenia's electricity output.

 “Domestic Energy Issues: Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant[3]
Armenia has one nuclear power plant, the controversial Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). The power plant, with two VVER-design reactors and a combined capacity of 815 MW, was shut down in March 1989 by the Soviet Union because of safety fears following the devastating earthquake that struck Armenia in December 1988. However, faced with a deepening energy crisis due to the country's lack of fossil fuels and the economic blockade imposed by Azerbaijan and Turkey, on November 5, 1995, Armenia decided to resume operation at the 440-MW second unit. The plant, which was built in 1980 with a design life of 30 years, now supplies around 30% of the country's electricity.

”Since the Metsamor NPP was inactive for six years, Armenian and Russian nuclear officials believe that the lone reactor functioning at the plant could operate through 2016. The European Union, however, is pressuring Armenia to shut the plant earlier, since the EU considers Metsamor to be a safety risk due to flaws in the plant's Soviet-designed reactors and the region's seismic activity. The EU has suggested the plant be shut down by 2004, and has pledged financial support to facilitate its closure.”

·        Reactors in Armenia:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Armenia:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels in Armenia and the surrounding region.

Belgium, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 55.5 percent of Belgium's electricity output.

Belgium's nuclear industry has a long history, with the country's first prototype reactor commissioned in 1962.  Although reactors supply more than half of Belgium's electricity output, the future of the nuclear industry is very uncertain.   In January 2003, an Act was passed barring the construction of any new nuclear plants in Belgium and establishing a limit of 40 years for the operating lives of Belgian reactors.[4]   But the government faces a problem already plaguing other countries intent on phasing out their nuclear industries:  most notably Germany and Sweden.  If nuclear power is curtailed, what will replace it?  Choose fossil fuels and the task of obtaining sufficient supplies and improving air quality standards becomes more difficult.  Choose renewables, and the problems may include changes in the weather and the resources required to build enough units.          

Belgian law limits nuclear power reactor operation to 40 years.  The oldest reactors in Belgium (three units) were completed in 1975, the newest in 1985.  The law thus has no anticipated impact for another decade, but closes all operating reactors by 2025.  The closure schedule appears impractical and expensive to achieve.  Nuclear power now provides 56% of Belgium's electricity, thus a sizable share of capacity would need to be replaced during 2015-2025 under the law.  None of this replacement is related to the condition or safety of the plants.  The closure law was passed during Green Party participation in a coalition that no longer exists.  Other parties in Belgium have mixed views on nuclear power with some favoring nuclear power and none but the small Greens favoring inflexibly closing existing units.  The present government is reassessing the closure policy and intends to soften the law. The law includes force majeure clauses that allow operation beyond the nominal closure dates.  Projections thus accept the direction of existing nuclear power law but not the schedule.  Two reactors are allowed to operate beyond 2025.  No construction is projected.[5]

·        Reactors in Belgium:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Belgium:  The Country Energy Balance, contains statistics on all major fuel markets in Belgium.

Brazil, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 3.6 percent of Brazil's electricity output.

Nuclear Power
Brazil has two operational nuclear plants -- the 0.66-GW Angra-1 and the 1.35-GW Angra-2. Angra-3 remains partly completed, with the plant foundation already constructed and $700 million worth of parts waiting in storage. The 1.35 GW plant was originally scheduled to become operational in 1988, but a lack of political support and funding have repeatedly postponed completion of the project. France's Framatome, a joint venture between French nuclear energy company Areva and German engineering group Siemens, has reportedly shown interest in the plant, but it still remains unclear whether Angra-3 will ever be completed. Eletronuclear, a subsidiary of Eletrobrás, operates Brazil's two nuclear power plants.[6]

·        Reactors in Brazil:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Brazil:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels.

NOTE: Britain, Commercial Nuclear Industry of (see United Kingdom)

Bulgaria, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 37.7 percent of Bulgaria's electricity output.

“The Bulgarian (nuclear) facility--Kozloduy-- has allowed the country to become a significant regional power exporter, supplying the Balkans and Turkey. But authorities from the European Union have expressed concern over Kozloduy, pressing Bulgaria to decommission the plant's reactors No. 3 and No. 4 by 2006, about five years ahead of schedule. Seeking a smooth entry into the European Union in 2007, the Bulgarian government agreed in October 2002 to close Kozloduy-3 and Kozloduy-4 on the condition that the European Commission provide monetary compensation. Later, however, the government's decision was overruled by two Bulgarian high courts, leaving the country's (and the region's) future fuel mix and EU ascension in question. Bulgaria has also approved the construction of a new nuclear plant at Belene, 25 miles west of Kozloduy. Several international firms have shown in interesting in building the facility, but no timetable has been set yet.”[7]

·        Reactors in Bulgaria:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Bulgaria:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the key fuels in Bulgaria and the surrounding region.

Canada, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 12.5 percent of Canada's electricity output.

Canada's state-owned Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) aggressively promotes reactor construction. AECL's newest design, the ACR700, is receiving attention in the United States and Canada and sporadically in the United Kingdom.  AECL has stated that it intends to complete an ACR700 in Canada by 2012 or 2013 though this is not backed by specific orders.  Ontario Power Generation or Bruce Power anticipate announcing their views on a new reactor during 2004 or possibly 2005.  Other provinces that have expressed an interest in new nuclear power include Saskatchewan and Alberta.  While the chief motivation is electricity, ACR700s have been proposed for extracting oil from Athabaskan sands.  The reference case includes four new ACR700s by 2025 though the latter units might actually be the larger ACR1000 design now in advanced preparation.  Not all of Canada's reactors are aging well and a number will probably retire by 2025.  It is unclear that all of the older Pickering and Bruce units will restart.  The reference projection restarts all Pickering units but not two at Bruce.  The opposite might occur with at least one more Bruce reactor restarting but not two at Pickering. The reference case is thus “representative” for these units.[8]

·        Reactors in Canada:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Canada:  The Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels.

·        Canadian-built Reactors (including exported units): Atomic Energy of Canada, Limited, is currently developing a new version of its CANDU reactor. CANDU is a trade name for the Canadian-designed and built pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR) that is now in use in North and South America and in Asia. A list of CANDU reactors in operation or being built appears on this site. For more information about the Canadian-built reactors, see the comprehensive data at CANDU, a site developed by Dr. Jeremy Whitlock.

China, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 2.2 percent of China's electricity output.

China Feature: (UPDATED:  June 4, 2004)  "No other country in Asia (or anywhere else on the planet) is expected to grow as fast as China" according to a feature prepared by the Energy Information Administration on the Chinese Nuclear Industry. The feature has an interactive map, provides an historical chronology of the development of commercial nuclear power in China, summarizes current nuclear situation, and projects future nuclear trends.

·        Reactors in China:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Argentina:  The Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels.

Czech Republic, Commercial Nuclear Industry of the

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 31.1 percent of the Czech Republic's electricity output.

“Czech Republic
Both electricity generation and consumption have been rising in the Czech Republic in recent years. Between 1993 and 2002, electricity production in the country rose 29%, to 71.8 Bkwh from 55.6 Bkwh, while electricity consumption increased 10.3%, to 55.33 Bkwh from 49.61 Bkwh. In 2002, the country's net power exports were an estimated 16.42 Bkwh, primarily to Germany, Austria and Slovakia. Electricity exports are becoming increasingly important for the Czech Republic, particularly with the commissioning of the Temelín nuclear power plant in 2001. The Czech government also aims to increase the contribution of renewable sources to the total consumption of primary energy sources to about 3%-6% as of the year 2010 and about 4%-8% as of the year 2020.

“State majority-owned Ceské energetické závody (ČEZ) is the dominant power company in the Czech Republic, supplying 74% of the country's power in 2003. The company operates the country's two nuclear power plants ( Dukovany and Temelín), along with 10 coal-fired plants, 11 hydropower plants, two wind plants and a solar plant. ČEZ also holds majority stakes 5 of country's 8 regional electricity distributors. Germany's E.ON owns and operates two regional distributors – JME and JČE. In May 2004, in accordance with country's anti-monopoly regulations, ČEZ announced a tender for the company's 34% stake in Pražská energetika (PR) (regional distributor for Prague), with a buyer expected to be selected in November 2004. Other stakeholders in PR include a 50.8% stake owned jointly by Energie-Baden Württemberg (EnBW) and RWE and minority stake by the city of Prague. The anti-monopoly authorities also require ČEZ to dispose of its majority stake (97.72%) in Středočeská energetická (STE) and 34% minority stake in ČEPS, the country's transmission grid operator. In June 2003, the government's attempt to tender its 67% stake in ČEZ was temporarily suspended, mainly to liabilities surrounding the Temelín plant (more detail below). A new effort to privatize the company is not expected until 2005. Other major power producers in the Czech Republic include U.S.-based Appian Energy, ECK Generating and Elektrárny Opatovice (International Power)****

The Czech Republic has two nuclear power plants, Dukovany and Temelín. After years of delay, on October 9, 2000, the Czech Nuclear Safety Authority cleared Temelín nuclear for operation, located only 37 miles from the Austrian border. The first reactor was connected to the national grid in December 2000. The second reactor of the Temelín nuclear power plant was put into trial operation on April 18, 2003, with both reactors beginning full operational in May 2003. In 2003, the two nuclear plants comprised 30% of ČEZ's installed generation capacity and generated 42% of the company's power.

“Temelín has been controversial since construction first began in 1986. Opponents have argued that the plant is unnecessary, noting that the Czech Republic already produces more electricity than it consumes, and that additional electricity can be generated by improving the existing distribution network rather than installing new generating capacity. Although Temelín meets and even exceeds EU safety standards for nuclear power plants, Czech and Austrian environmentalists claim that it is not safe because it combines Soviet design and western fuel and safety technology. In June 2004, Temelín experienced one minor incident when radioactive water leaked out the plant's second reactor. The Czech State Authority for Nuclear Safety concluded that the incident was insignificant.”

·        Reactors in the Czech Republic:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in the Czech Republic and elsewhere in North Central Europe:  The Country Analysis Brief, provides a general summary of the energy trends, markets, and policies.

Finland, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 27.3 percent of Finland's electricity output.

Finland approves nuclear reactor

May 24, 2002 Posted: 7:34 AM EDT (1134 GMT)

HELSINKI, Finland -- Finland has voted to defy environmentalists and build the first new nuclear reactor in Western Europe in more than 10 years.

Parliament voted by 107 votes to 92 for the coalition government's controversial proposal to construct a fifth atomic reactor to guarantee long-term energy supplies, cut its dependence on Russia and meet greenhouse gas targets.  It will be the first such plant since 1991, when France decided to build a new reactor, and could encourage similar decisions elsewhere in Europe.[9]

·        Reactors in Finland:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        VVER Reactors:  Finland currently has two Russian-built VVER reactors and has contracted to build one more, the first new reactor to begin construction in Europe in more than a decade.  A table listing all existing VVER units (the Russian equivalent of the light water reactor) is available on this website.

·        Country Energy Balance, statistics on all energy industries in Finland. 

France, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 77.7 percent of France's electricity output.

France is advancing the building of a domestic EPR “prototype” reactor even though the design will be completed earlier in Finland.  The project is proceeding with the most influential debate being whether it would not be wiser to await new designs. Some favor developing in North America (AP1000, ESBWR, or ACR700) and others favor the international Gen IV program which will have greater French input.  Opposition to nuclear power in France is strong enough to encourage formal public discussions, but has not seriously delayed any project.  France now generates 78% of its electricity using nuclear power but operates its units well below potential operating capacities.  Some nuclear electricity is exported thus actual French nuclear dependence less than it appears.  If a new reactor is built during the coming decade, some existing reactors might need to be closed.  Because French units are relatively new this implies unnecessary expenses and power exports would be a preferred approach.  A less expensive means to expand French nuclear power generation might also be to either upgrade existing units or to increase their utilization rates as demand grows.  Projections do not include any retirements even though this is under discussion.  (This does not apply to the Phenix prototype which will retire.) Beyond the initial EPR only two additional reactors are projected in the reference case, all during the last decade of the projection period.[10]

·        Reactors in France:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Unique Reactors   In the 21st century, France brought on line the two largest reactors ever built.  The super giants are discussed in the unique reactors feature under “Largest Reactors (World).”

Country Analysis Brief, overview of all energy industries in France.

Germany, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 28.1 percent of Germany's electricity output.

“Nuclear Power
Currently, Germany ranks fourth worldwide in installed nuclear capacity, behind the United States, France, and Japan. Germany's 19 nuclear plants comprise about 20% of Germany's electric generation capacity, and about 30% of actual generation. E. On, RWE, HEW, and EnBW own nuclear generation capacity, with E. On holding stakes in 11 of Germany's 19 nuclear power plants.

“Nuclear Power Phase Out
Nuclear power has become controversial since the September 1998 elections. The Greens, the environmental party that is part of the ruling alliance, are staunchly opposed to the continued use of nuclear power. Chancellor Schröder had decided to close all 19 nuclear reactors in 2005, but he has since amended his position. The government formally signed an agreement with utility companies in June 2001 to gradually phase out nuclear power, and in April 2002, the German Parliament amended the country's atomic energy legislation to reflect this amendment. Each nuclear plant isallowed to produce a finite amount of electricity. Power plants will have a life span of about 32 years. The deal could see the total elimination of nuclear power by 2021, as the newest nuclear plant opened in 1989. Generation volumes are transferable; if an older plant closes before reaching its production ceiling, its remaining allowable production can be transferred to a new plant.

“Some observers suggest that there are few economically viable alternatives to replace quickly such a significant portion of the fuel mix, especially in the wake of power-sector liberalization. As European markets become more liberalized and more price-sensitive, replacing the mostly amortized plants will prove difficult. Over the longer term, however, high costs (high fixed costs, long depreciation periods and long annual operating times) associated with nuclear generation could work to decrease nuclear generation's role in Germany's power sector. Nuclear installations currently are initiating programs to reduce production costs and waste disposal costs in order to become more price-competitive. Some executives in Germany's nuclear industry have claimed that the June 2001 agreement is not irreversible, and that an electricity shortage and a change in the political climate might lead to a renewal of nuclear energy.”[11]

·        Reactors in Germany:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Germany:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels.

NOTE: Great Britain, Commercial Nuclear Industry of (see United Kingdom)

Hungary, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 32.7 percent of Hungary's electricity output.

In 2002, Hungary generated approximately 34.1 Bkwh while consuming 36.0 Bkwh of electricity, making the country a net importer of power. The Paks nuclear power plant is the largest single power producer in Hungary, generating nearly 40% of the country's power in 2002. The Paks and the Vértesi coal-fired power plant are operated by state-owned MVM, which also operates Hungary's national high voltage grid. Besides Paks, the other significant power producers in Hungary are the 836-MW coal-fired Matra power plant (RWE 50.96%, MVM 25.5%, and EnBW 21.6%); the 2,000-MW oil/natural gas-fired Dunamenti plant, operated by Belgium-based Tractabel; and the 860-MW oil/natural gas fired Tiszall II power plant, operated by U.S.-based AES. E.ON also operates Hungary's first wind power plant, the 600-kilowatt Emszet. Hungary's power generation capacity could be further diversified after Mol received a grant from U.S. Trade and Development Agency to conduct a feasibility study to determine the best location for the country's first geothermal power plant. If sufficient geothermal sources are found, Mol plans to construct a 5-MW geothermal plant. There are 6 regional distribution companies in Hungary: Dedasz; Demasz; Elmu; Edasz; Emasz; and Titasz. The majority are held completely or partly by foreign companies, mainly E.on and RWE.


The Paks nuclear power plant in Hungary consists of four Soviet-design, second generation VVER-440/213 reactor units. There are plans not only to expand generation capacity of the reactors by 8% but also to extend the life-cycle of the reactor units by 20 years. The normal life span of the four units ends between 2012 and 2017. In order to ensure continuous operation of the plant, the necessary modernization improvements would have to begin in 2007.

·        Reactors in Hungary:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Hungary:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels in Hungary and the surrounding region.

India, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 3.3 percent of India's electricity output.

”India is trying to expand electric power generation capacity, as current generation is seriously below peak demand. Although about 80% of the population has access to electricity, power outages are common, and the unreliability of electricity supplies is severe enough to constitute a constraint on the country's overall economic development. The government had targeted capacity increases of 100,000 megawatts (MW) over the next ten years. As of January 2002, total installed Indian power generating capacity was 120,000 MW.

“The drive to increase the country's generating capacity, along with the general trend toward economic liberalization in India in the 1990s, led to much interest among foreign investors in setting up Independent Power Producers (IPPs) in India.  While dozens of projects were approved, most of the largest projects were stalled by delays in regulatory approvals and in some cases failure to secure adequate financing.  India's state electricity boards (SEB's), which run the power distribution infrastructure and own most current generating capacity, are in very poor financial shape, with many of them technically insolvent. One reason is the sale of power at subsidized rates, which does not cover costs (particularly in the agricultural sector). Other problems include the high level of transmission and distribution losses and widespread power theft.  Since the SEBs would be the main purchasers of power from IPP projects, resolving their financial problems is critical to attracting the capital necessary to ensure the country an adequate supply of electric power.

“In July 1998, the Indian government announced an easing of rules related to foreign investment in the power sector. Proposals for investments up to 15 billion rupees (about $350 million) involving up to 100% foreign equity now will be approved automatically. Such approval will be given for investments in generation or distribution from hydroelectric, coal, lignite, oil, or gas power plants, but not for nuclear plants and associated distribution networks. The earlier policy had allowed for only up to 74% foreign equity.  Still, the financial problems of the SEBs have prevented substantial foreign investment from flowing into India's electric power sector.” [12]

·        Reactors in India:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in India:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels. 

·        CANDU technology in India:  Canada discontinued its reactor projects in India when concerns were raised about nuclear proliferation.  India, however, completed work on the Canadian reactors and adopted the technology to build more.  This table shows all the CANDU and CANDU-based reactors in India, existing or under construction.

Iran, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

As of September 1, 2004, there are no commercial nuclear power plants operating in Iran.  Two reactors are scheduled to come on line and there have been discussions on building more.

“Currently, Iran has several small nuclear research reactors, in addition to a large-scale nuclear power plant under construction at the southern town of Bushehr. Iran claims that its nuclear power is for peaceful purposes and that it will help free up oil and natural gas resources for export, thus generating additional hard-currency revenues. The country has stated its aim of having 7,000 MW of nuclear power online by 2020, accounting for 10% of the country's power generation capacity at that point.

“In September 2003, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) gave Iran until October 31 to provide guarantees that its nuclear program was for peaceful purposes and to open the country to snap inspections by the IAEA. On October 6, 2003, Iran's envoy to the IAEA, Ali Akbar Salehi, said that Iran would withdraw from the Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty (NNPT) if Western pressure continued. On October 30, IAEA head Mohammed el-Baradei declared that Iran's report on its nuclear activities appeared to be "comprehensive," but that he would still have a lot of questions. On November 14, Iran's Foreign Minister, Kamal Kharazzi, said that his country was committed to "complete transparency," and added that the IAEA report made clear that Iran's nuclear program was for peaceful purposes. On December 18, Iran signed a protocol to the NNPT that will allow the IAEA to have more comprehensive access to sites in the country. It is not known when Iran will officially ratify the protocol. In mid-March 2004, Iran announced that it was barring nuclear inspectors from entering the country for an indefinite period of time after the IAEA passed a resolution rebuking Iran for failure to fully disclose the details of its past nuclear activity. However, Iran shortly reversed course and allowed IAEA inspectors to continue their work.

“In December 2002, Iran and Russia signed a protocol for peaceful cooperation in nuclear power. Russia has been assisting Iran on the Bushehr nuclear power facility, work on which first began in 1974 by West Germany, but was halted (80% complete) following the 1978/1979 revolution. Significant amounts of money, possibly billions of dollars, had been spent on Bushehr to that point. Following the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988), during which time Bushehr was bombed six times and seriously damaged, progress on the plant resumed when Russia signed an $800 million contract in 1995. The contract with Russia called for completion of a 1,000-MW, pressurized-light-water reactor, as well as the possible supply of two modern VVER-440 units.  Since then, work has proceeded slowly, although reports in early March 2003 indicated that Bushehr was 70% complete, and was expected to come online as early as March 2004. Subsequently, the completion date for Bushehr-1 was pushed off by a year -- supposedly due to technical difficulties -- and is now scheduled to come online in 2005. In early September 2003, a Russian Atomic Energy Ministry spokesman said that it would cost "$1.2-$1.3 billion to complete the construction" of Bushehr's first unit. In November 2003, Russia proposed that it build a "totally new" second nuclear unit at Bushehr, instead of completing the one started in the late 1970s.

“Although Iran is a signatory to the NNPT and insists that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes (i.e., power generation), the United States strongly opposes the Bushehr project and has in the past provided Russia with information pointing to the existence of an Iranian nuclear weapons program. In May 2002, U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham met with Alexander Rumyantsev, head of Russia's nuclear agency, and discussed this issue, with Rumyantsev stating the Russian position that Bushehr "is not a source of proliferation of nuclear material." In late March 2003, U.S. Undersecretary of State for Arms Control, John Bolton, said, "In the aftermath of Iraq, dealing with the Iranian nuclear weapons program will be of equal importance as dealing with the North Korean nuclear weapons program." In April 2003, Russia and Iran reached a deal on returning spent nuclear fuel rods from Bushehr back to Russia for reprocessing. Russia hopes to earn as much as $40 million per year supplying Iran with nuclear fuel and with shipping out spent fuel. The two countries also have discussed construction of additional nuclear power plants in Iran.

“In February 2003, Iran announced that it had begun mining uranium deposits at Saghand near the central Iranian city of Yazd, and was constructing a uranium enrichment facility at Natanz, located 200 miles southeast of Tehran. In March 2003, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors examined Natanz and described it as "impressive." Other news reports indicated that Natanz was "extremely advanced" and involved "hundreds" of gas centrifuges for producing enriched uranium. Some analysts believe that Yazd and Natanz are part of an Iranian effort to attain self-sufficiency in the entire nuclear fuel cycle. Besides Natanz, the IAEA also has expressed interest in inspecting a heavy-water plant at Arak.”

·        Reactors in Iran:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Iran:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels.

Italy, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

Italy's four nuclear reactors were shut down in 1997 and none have re-started, nor have any new Italian reactors come on line.  The shut down resulted when Italian citizens voted in favor of a moratorium on nuclear power following the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station in the Ukraine.

Japan, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 25 percent of Japan's electricity output.

By raising its reliance on nuclear-generated electricity, Japan is hoping to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions.  Japan's current 10-year energy plan, approved in March 2002, calls for the expansion of nuclear generation by about 30% by 2011.  This is expected to entail the construction by between 9 and 12 new nuclear power plants, with 17.5 GW in new nuclear generating capacity.  The Japanese government also plans to offer subsidies for nuclear power plant construction, to offset expected cost-cutting pressures on utilities due to deregulation which might lead to increased reliance on fossil fuels for electricity generation.  Currently Japan ranks third worldwide in installed nuclear capacity, behind the United States and France. Japan currently has 51 reactors with an installed capacity of 45 GW. Japan's government has indicated that it is still committed to increasing nuclear power's share of generating capacity in the future, but many independent analysts think that the target of a 41% nuclear share of electric power generation by 2011 is unlikely to be achieved. Public opposition to Japan's nuclear power program has increased in reaction to a series of accidents at Japanese nuclear plants, especially the accident at the Tokaimura uranium processing plant in September 1999, the 2002 TEPCO reactor shutdowns, and an August 2004 steam pipe burst at the Mihama nuclear power plant which killed four workers. 

In August 1998, the Atomic Energy Commission approved the construction of a new light-water reactor, which will be built in Higashidori in Aomori prefecture in northern Japan. Also, in March 1999, the Japanese Nuclear Safety Commission approved plans for Hokuriku Electric Power Company to build a new nuclear power plant in the central town of Shika, which will be operational by 2006.

To enhance its energy security, Japan's government advocates uranium and plutonium recovery through reprocessing of spent fuel. The Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC) operates a reprocessing plant with an annual capacity of 90 tons, but a larger reprocessing plant, Rokkasho-Mura, with a capacity of 800 tons per year, planned for completion in July 2005, is under construction. Reprocessing is expensive and costs can quickly rise with new safety requirements and the development of new technologies. Estimated in 1993 to cost about $8 billion, more recent estimates put the cost of the facility much higher.  In the meantime, Japan is negotiating with the French firm COGEMA for the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel in France.  COGEMA may continue to reprocess some spent fuel even after the Rokkasho plant is completed.  Japan also is interested in recycling recovered plutonium. In 1999, Japan began -- in two prefectures -- a controversial mixed-oxide utilization plan, which involves burning a highly

·        Reactors in Japan:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Japan:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels.

Lithuania, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 79.9 percent of Argentina's electricity output.  This is the largest market share for nuclear power in any country.

Electricity: Market Dynamics
Estonia and Lithuania are net electricity exporters, sending their surplus to neighboring Latvia and parts of northwest Russia. In 2001, Estonia generated 7.9 billion kilowatts (bkwh) of electricity, the preponderance of which came from the country's Narva oil shale-fired power plants. Lithuania generated 14.6 bkwh in 2001, of which 11.4 bkwh came from the country's Soviet-era Ignalina nuclear power plant which is to be closed in two stages beginning in 2005 and ending in 2009. While Lithuania has agreed to the shutdown of its nuclear facilities under strong safety concerns from the EU, the country has indicated its interest in developing a new nuclear facility. The proposal has received support from Estonia, which will see its environmentally hazardous oil shale-fired electricity generation decline over time under EU environmental policies. Importation of nuclear electricity from Lithuania would then serve as an alternative to imports of natural gas from Russia.[13]

·        Reactors in Lithuania:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Lithuania:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels in Lithuania and the surrounding region.

Mexico, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 5.2 percent of Mexico's electricity output.

In 2002, Mexico's installed electric power generating capacity was 42.3 gigawatts. In the same year, the country generated an estimated 198.6 billion kilowatthours (Bkwh) of electricity, of which thermal (oil, natural gas, and coal) electricity generation account for 81%. Oil-fired power plants accounted for the largest share of Mexico's thermal electricity generation, but many of these plants are being converted to natural gas. According to Sener, fuel oil accounted for 49.4% of thermal feedstock in 2002. By 2012, natural gas is forecast to account for 63%of Mexico's power output while fuel oil's share is expected to drop to 24.2%. In 2002, hydropower accounted for 12% of Mexico's total electricity generation, followed by nuclear with 4.5% and geothermal with 2.5%. Mexico also has one wind-power installation in Oaxaca, which generated 0.005% of the country's total electricity generation. There are plans to increase Mexico's wind capacity.

Demand for electricity in Mexico has increased steadily over the last decade. Sener has forecast demand to grow at a rate of 5.6% between 2003 and 2012. The regions that are expected to see the largest increase are the Northeast, the Baja California and the Yucatan peninsula, mainly due to industrial and tourism development. According to government estimates, the country will need $50 billion in investment over the next decade to meet the country's growing electricity demand. [14]  

·        Reactors in Mexico:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Mexico:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels.

Netherlands, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 4.5 percent of the Netherlands' electricity output.

Netherlands nuclear power industry consists of one old and small reactor.  The reactor is insignificant to the Netherlands' overall electricity balance and future.  Attempts to force the reactor to close early have been abandoned but the reactor is still anticipated to close at the end of its licensed period.  There has been recent talk of a new reactor but no new Dutch reactor is projected (by the Energy Information Administration).[15]

·        Reactor in Netherlands:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Netherlands:  The Country Energy Balance contains statistics on all major fuels.

North Korea (Peoples Republic of Korea), Commercial Nuclear Industry of

Prior to 1994, North Korea's nuclear program had been a major concern for regional security, since its graphite reactor technology produced fissionable plutonium which can be used in nuclear weapons. North Korea precipitated a crisis in March 1993 when it announced it would withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1993. In June 1993, North Korea agreed to "suspend" its withdrawal after talks with the United States.

Under the Agreed Framework negotiated with the United States in October 1994, North Korea had agreed to freeze its nuclear program in exchange for two new pressurized light-water reactors (which are considered less capable of producing weapons-grade plutonium) and 500,000 metric tons per year (about 3.3 million barrels) of heavy fuel oil to meet its energy needs until the first new reactor becomes operational. KEDO, an international consortium led by the U.S. government (with South Korea, Japan, the European Union, and others), was established to implement the agreement. The European Union joined KEDO in September 1997.

Japan signed a contract in May 1999 committing to provide its $1 billion contribution to KEDO to fund the new light-water reactors, an action which had been delayed by North Korea's missile test in August 1998. The project was expected to cost a total of $4.6 billion, with South Korea providing the greatest share of funding at $3.2 billion. The United States and the European Union also had pledged to contribute funds.

Construction of the light water reactors was to be performed under a turnkey contract with KEPCO, which was awarded in December 1999. Initial site preparation work had begun, and the concrete foundation at the site was laid in August 2002. Training of North Korean technicians who were to operate the reactors had begun in June 2002. The project had faced many delays, and the completion date for the first reactor has been pushed back to at least 2008, from an original completion date of 2003. One hurdle the project had faced was the issue of indemnity for potential liabilities created by the plant.  General Electric had originally been chosen to supply the generators, but pulled out of the project when the issue was not resolved to its satisfaction.  In January 2001, it was announced that a consortium of Japanese firms, led by Hitachi and Toshiba, would supply the generators.

The disclosure by North Korea in October 2002 that it had a clandestine nuclear weapons program called into question the basis under the Agreed Framework for continuing construction of the reactors. On November 21, 2003, the Executive Board of KEDO, comprised of the United States, Japan, South Korea, and the European Union, made a formal determination that North Korea had not met the conditions necessary for the continuation of the light water reactor project. The project was suspended for a period of one year, beginning December 1, 2003. The future of the project is to be decided by the Executive Board before the end of the suspension period.[16]

Pakistan, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 2.4 percent of Pakistan's electricity output.

”Pakistan has 18 gigawatts (GW) of electric generating capacity. Thermal plants using oil, natural gas, and coal account for about 70% of this capacity, with hydroelectricity (hydro) making up 28% and nuclear plants 2.5%. Pakistan's total power generating capacity has increased rapidly in recent years, due largely to foreign investment, leading to a partial alleviation of the power shortages Pakistan often faces in peak seasons. Rotating blackouts ("load shedding") are, however, still necessary in some areas. Transmission losses are about 30%, due to poor quality infrastructure and a significant amount of power theft. Periodic droughts affect the availability of hydropower. With much of the Pakistan's rural areas yet to receive electric power, and less than half of the population connected to the national grid, significant power demand growth is expected in the long term, though in the short term, Pakistan has some excess generation capacity.

“The electric power sector in Pakistan is still primarily state-owned, but a privatization program is reportedly underway. The main state-owned utilities are the Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA), and the Karachi Electricity Supply Corporation (KESC), which serves only Karachi and surrounding areas. Together, WAPDA and KESC transmit and distribute all power in Pakistan -- over half to household consumers, about one third to industrial consumers and the rest to commercial and government consumers. Rates are determined by the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) and disputes over adjustments to rates are common within the industry.”[17]

·        Reactors in Pakistan:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Pakistan:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels.

Romania, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 9.3 percent of Romania's electricity output.

“Romania's one-reactor nuclear plant, Cernavoda, accounted for about 10% of electricity generation in 2001. Romania is working to develop a second reactor at the facility, and hopes to commission the new reactor by 2006. In October 2003, the Romanian government announced plans to overhaul the country's electricity sector following a series of blackouts in 2002. The government's plan aims to spend $10.4 billion on developing new nuclear and hydroelectric generating facilities, as well as upgrading the country's transmission infrastructure. Hydroelectric power also plays a significant role in Romania, accounting for almost 30% of generation in 2001.”[18]

·        Reactors in Romania: This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Romania:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels in Romania and surrounding region.

Russia, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 16.5 percent of Russia's electricity output.

Electricity Generation and Consumption in Russia, 1992-2001 graph.  Having problems contact our National Energy Information Center on 202-586-8800 for help.

Russia's power sector includes over 440 thermal and hydropower plants (approximately 77 of which are coal-fired) plus 30 nuclear reactors. The system has a total electric generation capacity of 205.6 million kilowatts, and in 2002 generated approximately 850.6 billion kilowatt hours (bkwh) of electric power (see graph). Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, electricity generation has shown both a dramatic decline, (down 18% between 1992 and 1999), and a gradual recovery (up 8% between 1999 and 2002)--see graph. As with similar patterns in oil, natural gas and coal, electricity generation was stunted by the economic slowdown which followed the collapse of the Soviet Union. Economic recovery has resulted in an increase in total electricity consumption from 715 Bkwh in 1998, to roughly 780 Bkwh in 2002, resulting in corresponding increases in electric generation (see graph).

Thermal power (oil, gas, coal) accounts for roughly 63% of Russia's electricity generation, followed by hydropower (21%) and nuclear (16%)--see graph. The Russian government has stated that it intends to expand the role of nuclear and hydropower in the future in order to allow for greater export of fossil fuels. Russia has an installed nuclear capacity of 21.2 million kilowatts, distributed across 30 operational nuclear reactors at 10 locations, all west of the Ural Mountains. However, Russia's nuclear power facilities are aging, and the nuclear power industry has been hard hit by Russia's transition to a market economy. Russia already has shut down several reactors that were over 30 years old, and many more are over 20 years old. By 2010, Russia plans to construct five new units at existing facilities throughout the country. By 2020, the Russian Ministry of Atomic Energy predicts that nuclear generation could reach 300 bkwh per year, more than double the 2002 level. 

·        Russian-built Reactors: The former Soviet Union and the modern Russian Federation built a variety of reactor models. A table focusing on Russian pressurized light water reactors (VVER is the Russian designation, PWR is used in the West) is available on this web site. The VVER reactors are the only type being built by the Russian Federation, but two other Soviet designs are still in use: the BN600 fast breeder reactor (FBR) and the light-water cooled, graphite-moderated (LGR) reactor, popularly called the "Chernobyl reactor." Although all LGRs currently in use have received some safety modifications, international concerns about safety remain and they are gradually being phased out.

·        Reactors in Russia:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Russia:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels.

The Slovak Republic, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 57.4 percent of the Slovak Republic's electricity output.


Slovakia has two nuclear power plants, which generated an estimated 54% of Slovakia's electricity in 2001. The Jaslovske Bohunice plant at Trnava has four, 408-MW reactors that are functioning, and one decommissioned reactor. The plant's two older reactors are due to be decommissioned in 2006 and 2008 as part of the energy chapter of Slovakia's accession agreement with the EU. The Mochovce plant has two 412-MW reactors in operation and two uncompleted reactors. Construction of these reactors has been halted, as government financial support for them has ended.[19]

·        Reactors in the Slovak Republic:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in the Slovak Republic:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels in the Slovak Republic and the surrounding region.

South Africa, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 6 percent of the South Africa's electricity output.

Parastatal company Eskom, one of the largest utilities in the world, generates nearly all (approximately 95%) of South Africa's electricity. Eskom's generating capacity of 38,211 megawatts (MW), which is primarily coal-fired (33,878 MW), also includes one nuclear power station at Koeberg (1,930 MW), two gas turbine facilities (342 MW), six conventional hydroelectric plants (661 MW), and two hydroelectric pumped-storage stations (1,400 MW). Eskom also has four mothballed coal-fired facilities that have a capacity of 3,800 MW. South African municipalities own and operate 2,436 MW of generating capacity, of which the majority (1,932 MW) is coal-fired. An additional 836 MW of generating capacity is privately held.[20]

·        Reactors in South Africa:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in South Africa:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels.

South Korea (Republic of Korea), Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 40 percent of the South Korea's electricity output.

South Korea uses a combination of thermal (oil, gas, and coal), nuclear, and hydroelectric capacity to meet its demand for electric power. Total power generation capacity was 52 gigawatts (GW) as of the beginning of 2001. The South Korean government estimates that its electricity demand will rise at an average annual rate of around 4% per year through 2015.

In September 1998, KEPCO officially dedicated its Ulchin Number 3 nuclear reactor and launched the construction of Ulchin Nuclear Power Plants Numbers 5 and 6. Ulchin Number 3 has a generating capacity of 1 GW and is the first nuclear power plant built completely with South Korean technology from design to construction. The Number 4 Ulchin nuclear plant was completed in late 1999, and Numbers 5 and 6 are targeted to be completed in 2004 and 2005.

The South Korean government is moving ahead with plans to break up and privatize most of the assets of KEPCO, albeit at a much slower pace than originally planned. The South Korean government plans to split KEPCO into separate generation, transmission, and distribution units. In early 2001, KEPCO split its power generation holdings into six separate subsidiaries, in a preliminary move to facilitate a split into competing companies. Five of the six operate thermal and hydroelectric facilities and are of roughly equal size in terms of installed generating capacity - between 7 and 8 GW. The sixth is comprised of all of KEPCO's nuclear plants, which will be kept together in one corporation under government ownership. The privatization plan has been controversial, with unions fearing layoffs by new management and some politicians opposing foreign ownership.  Current plans call for the first initial public offerings (IPO) for Korea Southeast Power, to take place in June 2004. The others would follow in 2005.

While most of South Korea's generating capacity is still controlled by KEPCO, a few independent power producers (IPPs) exist.  LG Power, owned by the LG Group conglomerate, operates a 540-megawatt (MW) independent power plant at Bugok near Asan Bay.  The facility began operation in April 2001.  LG Power purchased the existing Anyang and Puchon plants in June 2000, with a combined capacity of 950 MW, from KEPCO after a competitive tender.  Tractebel is also investing in a new 519-MW IPP plant in Yulchon in partnership with Hyundai. In another significant development, South Korea's original IPP, Hanwha Energy was spun off from its chaebol parent company in June 2000, in a deal in which El Paso Energy acquired a 50% stake. Hanwha Energy operates a 1,800-MW plant at Inchon. In general, IPP project activity has been slowed down by the uncertainty over the timetable for the privatization of KEPCO's generation assets.

South Korea has ratified the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gas emissions, and while its status as a "non-Annex I state" means it has not undertaken to meet specific targets, its future plans emphasize the development of more nuclear power plants to reduce growth in carbon emissions. A dozen additional nuclear plants are planned before 2015.[21]

·        Reactors in South Korea:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in South Korea:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels.

Spain, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 23.6 percent of the Spain's electricity output.

In 2002, Spain had the fifth largest electricity market in the EU (behind Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Italy). For the year, Spain consumed 218 billion kilowatthours (Bkwh), an increase of 3.3% year-on-year. From 1998 to 2002, Spain's electricity consumption increased annually on average 6%. In 2002, Spain's generation mix comprised the following: thermal (oil, natural gas and coal) accounting for 52.3%; hydro 25.2%; nuclear 14.9% and other renewables (mainly wind), 7.6%. Spain has nine nuclear reactors in operation with one, Vandellós I, having been decommissioned in July 1990. Union Fenosa reportedly plans to close its nuclear power plant, Zorita (José Cabrera), on April 26, 2006. In 2002, Spain's nuclear reactors produced 59.9 Bkwh, a 1% year-on-year decrease.

According to Spain's current 10-year energy plan, natural gas and renewables are projected to increase their share of electric generation considerably, providing 33.1% and 28.4%, respectively, of total electric generation by 2011, while nuclear, coal and oil are expected to account for smaller percentages of total generation.[22]

·        Reactors in Spain:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Spain:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels.

Sweden, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 49.6 percent of the Sweden's electricity output.

·        Reactors in Sweden:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Sweden:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Energy Balance, contains statistics for all major fuels in Sweden.

Switzerland, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 39.7 percent of the Switzerland's electricity output.

·        Reactors in Switzerland:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Switzerland:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Energy Balance, contains statistics on all of the major fuels in Switzerland.

Ukraine, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 45.9 percent of the Ukraine's electricity output.

Electricity Generation in Ukraine, 1992-2001 graph.  Having problems contact our National  Energy Information Center on 202-586-8800 for help.


Ukraine's power sector is the twelfth largest in the world in terms of installed capacity, with 54 gigawatts (GW), slightly more than South Korea (52 GW). However, generation and consumption have fallen sharply since independence (see graph), and in 2001 the country generated 165 billion kilowatt hours (bkwh) of electricty--representing only 60% of South Korea's generation. The country is currently in the process of revamping its electricity sector, by privatization, increased utilization at existing facilities, and the completion of two new nuclear plants (see below).

In Ukraine, thermal power plants (oil, natural gas, coal) account for nearly 50% of generation, with nuclear power generating another 40%, and hydroelectric accounting for approximately 10% (see graph). Ukraine has more than enough generating capacity to produce twice its electricity needs. However, the country's distribution system is in need of investment and maintenance as significant quantities of generation are wasted via line losses and several of the country's nuclear facilities are often intermittently shut down throughout the year owing to technical problems. In April 2003, President Kuchma announced that all of Ukraine's 27 regional electricity distribution companies should be privatized in 2003-2004 in an effort to encourage investment. Currently, only six Ukrainian distribution companies have been fully privatized.

Ukraine currently has four operating nuclear power plants. These power plants have a combined capacity of 12.8 gigawatts, which accounts for approximately 24% of the country's total power-generating capacity. Ukraine's nuclear power plants produce 40% of the country's power, despite frequent malfunctions and lengthy repairs and maintenance.

On December 15, 2000, Ukraine permanently shut down the 925-MW, Unit 3 at the Chornobyl power plant, disabling the last remaining working reactor at the ill-fated power plant. To replace the power generated by Chornobyl, which Ukrainian officials say produced approximately 5% of the country's total, Ukraine has resumed construction of two 1-GW reactors at the Khmelnitsky and Rivne power plants.

Construction of Khmelnitsky-2 and Rivne-4 was begun under the Soviet Union, and both were more than 80% finished when Ukraine received its independence and ran out of money to complete them. Ukraine had been hoping to finish construction of both reactors with the help of financing from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), but an EBRD loan for the project was put on hold in December 2001. In September 2003, after lengthy deliberations, the Ukrainian government announced its intentions to compete the reactors on its own, without the involvement of the EBRD. However, in late September 2003, talks between the two sides resumed. The plan has been criticized by environmentalists and others as unnecessary given Ukraine's existing overcapacity.[23]

·        Reactors in Ukraine:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in Ukraine:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels.

United Kingdom, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

In 2003, nuclear power supplied 23.7 percent of the United Kingdom's electricity output.

In 1995, the government announced that it would privatize its more modern nuclear stations while retaining ownership of older stations. In 1996, the more modern stations were privatized and British Energy became the holding company of Nuclear Electric and Scottish Nuclear, which merged in 1998 to form British Energy Generation, the nation's largest private nuclear generator and the world's first wholly privatized nuclear utility. British Energy operates eight nuclear power stations in the UK. Each station consists of two advanced gas-cooled reactors, except Sizewell B, which is a modern pressurized-water reactor. Nuclear power stations were not privatized simultaneously with non-nuclear stations.

Of the UK's 33 reactors, 26 are of the old Magnox design. Six of the Magnox reactors are being decommissioned, as is the Dounreay prototype fast reactor. The remaining Magnox plants are run by the state-owned British Nuclear Fuels. British Nuclear Fuels operates the Sellafield reprocessing plant, and is one of only two companies in the world that provides reprocessing and recycling technologies. The British nuclear industry is regulated by the Department of Trade and Industry's Nuclear Directorate.[24] 

·        Reactors in the United Kingdom:  This table, based mainly on data from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, provides the following information on the country's reactors:  names, types, net capacity, date construction began, date of grid connection, date that commercial operation began, and the operating utility, agency, or company.

·        Energy industries and markets in the United Kingdom:  In addition to the information excerpted in the summary, the Country Analysis Brief, summarizes the key trends for all of the major fuels.


Vietnam, Commercial Nuclear Industry of

The state power company, Electricity of Vietnam (EVN), is working on a plan to develop a national electricity grid by 2020, patching together several regional grids. By 2005, EVN aims to build hydropower plants in the central and central highland regions. Three hydroelectric dams, with capacities of between 285 MW and 370 MW, are planned, and construction of the first at Dai Ninh began in 2001. EVN also plans to increase Vietnam's natural gas consumption, using gas from offshore fields to fuel new power plants. Two small gas-fired plants are currently in operation. Construction of Vietnam's first nuclear power plant is included in the plan, to be completed by 2020.

In March 2004, EVN announced plans to spend $1.3 billion building and refurbishing power plants in 2004 with a combined capacity of 1,510 MW. The projects include, the add-on combined cycle power plant Phu My 2.1, the hydro electricity station Can Don, the thermo Phu My 3 and Phu My 4 plants and Na Duong. Additional projects include the Song Ba Ha, Bac Binh, Se San 4, Dong Nai 3 and Dong Nai 4 hydro-stations and the Quang Ninh, Ninh Binh extension and the O Mon 600 MW thermal plant. In addition to power plants, the Tan Dinh 500kV power station will be built and the Cai Lay-O Mon section of the Nha Be-O Mon 500kV power transmission line will be erected in 2004.[25].

Projected World Nuclear Capacity: Forecasted nuclear capacity up to 2020, by country, appears in a table developed by the Energy Information Administration.

Russian-built Reactors: The former Soviet Union and the modern Russian Federation built a variety of reactor models. A table focusing on Russian pressurized light water reactors (VVER is the Russian designation, PWR is used in the West) is available on this web site. The VVER reactors are the only type being built by the Russian Federation, but two other Soviet designs are still in use: the BN600 fast breeder reactor (FBR) and the light-water cooled, graphite-moderated (LGR) reactor, popularly called the "Chernobyl reactor." Although all LGRs currently in use have received some safety modifications, international concerns about safety remain and they are gradually being phased out.

The Following Information Available on Other Websites:

All the World's Reactors:  This web page makes extensive use of data gathered and reported by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria.   The Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) produced and maintained by the IAEA was the primary source used for the Reactors (Existing and Under Construction) Table.  In addition to the information reproduced here, the PRIS file includes gross capacity, reactor manufacturer, and other data. 

Diagrams of Unusual Reactors:  The Berkeley web site contains diagrams and photos of various reactors, including the following:

Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR)
Advanced Liquid Metal Reactor: (ALMR)
Integral Fast Reactor (IFR)
Modular High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor (MHTGR)

The International Atomic Energy Agency site, in addition to maintaining the PRIS file, (see All the World's reactors, this section) provides information on virtually every aspect of nuclear power throughout the world:  nuclear weapons and surveillance, nuclear-related electricity generation, nuclear waste, government policy, and much more.

The International Nuclear Safety Center (INSC) website was developed by the Argonne National Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy. The INSC web site has interactive maps, data on plant ownership, reactor suppliers, and various articles.

Technical Notes and Sources:

[1]Commercial Generating Units: The adjective “commercial” is used to distinguish from military or research reactors. Historically, some military and research reactors have supplied a limited amount of electricity on the open market, but they are not designed specifically for that role. The term “generating unit” is used for clarification. A reactor does not produce the electricity, but provides the power to operate the generator that provides the electricity. Therefore, the term “reactors” wherever it appears in this section (unless otherwise indicated) is synonymous with commercial nuclear generating units.

[2] Energy Information Administration, Country Analysis Brief: Argentina, January 2004.

[3] Energy Information Administration, Country Analysis Brief: Caucasus, October 2003.

[4] World Nuclear Association, “Nuclear Power in Belgium,” August 2004.

[5] Energy Information Administration, “Belgium,” by Ron Hagen, September 2004.

[6] Energy Information Administration, Country Analysis Brief: Brazil, August 2004.

[7] Energy Information Administration, Country Analysis Brief: Southeastern Europe, March 2004.

[8] Energy Information Administration, “Canada,” by Ron Hagen, September 2004.

[9] CNN, Finland Approves Reactor, formerly on-line: http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/europe/05/24/finland.reactor/, May 24, 2002.

[10] Energy Information Administration, France summary, by Ron Hagen, September 16, 2004.

[11] Energy Information Administration, Country Analysis Brief: Germany, September 2003.

[12] Energy Information Administration, Country Analysis Brief: India, June 2004.

[13] Energy Information Administration, Country Analysis Brief: Baltic Sea Region, January 2004.

[14] Energy Information Administration, Country Analysis Brief: Mexico, March 2004.

[15] Energy Information Administration, Netherlands, by Ron Hagen, September 2004.

[16] Energy Information Administration, Country Analysis Brief: North Korea, January 2004.

[17] Energy Information Administration, Country Analysis Brief: Pakistan, July 2004.

[18] Energy Information Administration, Country Analysis Brief: Southeastern Europe, March 2004.

[19] Energy Information Administration, Country Analysis Brief: North Central Europe, June 2004.

[20] Energy Information Administration, Country Analysis Brief: South Africa, December 2003.

[21] Energy Information Administration, Country Analysis Brief: South Korea, December 2003.

[22] Energy Information Administration, Country Analysis Brief: Spain, April 2004.

[23] Energy Information Administration, Country Analysis Brief: Ukraine, September 2003.

[24] Energy Information Administration, Country Analysis Brief: United Kingdom, April 2004.

[25] Energy Information Administration, Country Analysis Brief: Vietnam, June 2004.

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