APPENDIX. 389 and a single one on the lengthened petiole, furnished at base with clasping, glandulosely villous stipules. Upper side of the leaflets smooth, the underside glaucously villous. The young branches thickly set with thin, unequal, hispid spines. 51. Potentilla ./mucosa, var. Jloribunda, P. p. 355. Canada and New York. 52. Potentilla norwegica, Pursh, p. 354. Common to the United States and Europe. Hab. Prairies of St. Peter's river. 53. Potentilla tridentata, Pursh, p. 353. Common to high mountains and northern latitudes on both continents. Hab. Falls of Kakabeka. 54. Geum album, Pursh, p. 351. Although the lower leaves are wanting, the circumstance of the " aristis apice pilosis" appears decisive. Common in the northern states. XII. CLASS POLYANDRIA. 55. Htidsonia ericoides, Nuttall, Gen. II. p. 4. Though in an imperfect condition, this is doubtless the above plant. Hab. Falls of Kakabeka. 56. Delphinium virescens, Nuttall, Gen. II. p. 14. On the plains of Missouri. I have specimens from the Cherokee country. 57. Ranunculus filiformis, Pursh, p. 392. /3. *hispidus. The imperfect specimens of the collection represent R. filiformis in every respect, except that it is impossible to ascertain whether they are repent or-not; and, that the Vol. IL 50