Subject: file #57-24-99 Date: 11/14/99 3:35 PM Something must be done about the naked shorting of bb stocks by market makers, as well as foreignfirms. This practice is rife with mischief and possible illegality by some market makers and traders. These small stocks represent small businesses that are struggling in America to become profitable and to add to the wealth of goods, services, technology in this country. However, when their stock can be literally played with...walked down, naked shorted, for any number of reasons, the playing field for them is not level, nor anywhere near fair. Anyone can manipulate their trading, who wishes them ill. And it is a known fact that most marketmakers short most of them and try to keep them from going up. Thousand of us have seen this going on from day to day, hour to hour, moment to moment, and it is totally unfair to the small investor. I am speaking of those who do their due diligence, really look into the company and then decide to invest for the long haul. Not day traders. Many of these small companies will become important in our economy, but the uphill fight they face is daunting and should not exist in a society such as ours...where fair play is the watchword. Something must be done and soon before all confidence is lost in this area and that same doubt spreads upward to larger cap trading. It has become critical that something be done now. If theSEC has no power...who does? Will people have to turn to Congress to get this remedy for investors? The time is now for action. Thank you for your attention to this message and I do hope it is not ignored and that the SEC who is the protector of investors, extends that concern to the small investors, those least able to fight back when injustice in te market is allowed. Sincerely, Sally Prescott