National Park Service Plans for Barrett Beach/Talisman Site

The National Park Service has approved a plan for renovations at the Barrett Beach/Talisman section of Fire Island National Seashore.

The plan will remove the deteriorated marina, renovate the concession building and restrooms, allow the reestablishment of a natural shoreline, and restoring disturbed land. This work should also help reduce the risk of breach by redesigning the area.

As part of the plan the National Park Service would remove the deteriorated marina and old dockmaster’s house and restroom. The concession building, walkways, Talisman restroom, picnic area and operations/maintenance building would be renovated and improved. A new ferry loading dock and a dock for visitors to off-load private boats will be constructed. A new marina, while desirable, is beyond the ability of the funds available. The plan that has been adopted allows for a future marina if federal funds become available or if a concession is warranted.

Fire Island National Seashore was established in 1964 for the purpose of conserving and preserving for the use of future generations relatively unspoiled and undeveloped beaches, dunes, and other natural features as examples of unspoiled areas of great natural beauty. The National Park Service is charged to "administer and protect the Fire Island National Seashore with the primary aim of conserving the natural resources located there." (Public Law 88-587)

To see a map of these plans, click here.
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