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Answers to the FDA Consumer Quiz

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    1.  A muscle at the top of the urethra that opens and shuts to allow or stop the flow of urine is called:  (a.) sphincter

    2.  To reduce the risk of choking, parents should:  (c.) keep dangerous toys, foods, and household items out of children’s reach

    3.  More children suffocate on this type of toy than any other:  (b.) uninflated balloons and pieces of broken balloons

    4.  At what age should a woman start getting mammograms if she is not at an increased risk for breast cancer?  (d.) 40

    5.  Of the roughly 11,170 drugs listed in the FDA’s Orange Book in June 2005, about how many have generic counterparts?  (d.)  8,400

    6.  Which of the following does the FDA recommend to help lower your drug bill?  (a.) Asking your doctor about generic drugs

    7.  As of May 2005, how many states had some type of pharmaceutical assistance program in operation?  (c.) 32

    8.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, blacks between ages 45 and 64 are how many times more likely to die of heart failure than whites in the same age range?  (a.) 2.5 times

    9.  A person is considered to have epilepsy after he or she has had how many seizures?  (c.)     Two or more

    10. Pediatric medical devices treat or diagnose disease and conditions for what age groups?  (a.) From birth through age 21

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9 to 10 points: Excellent! Go to the head of the class.
6 to 8 points: Not too bad. You can skip cleaning the chalkboard erasers today.
5 points and below: Oops! Stay after school and reread the appropriate chapters.

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