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ED427263 - Contextual Teaching and Learning: Preparing Teachers to Enhance Student Success in the Workplace and Beyond. Information Series No. 376.

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ERIC #:ED427263
Title:Contextual Teaching and Learning: Preparing Teachers to Enhance Student Success in the Workplace and Beyond. Information Series No. 376.
Descriptors:Constructivism (Learning); Educational Improvement; Higher Education; Learning Strategies; Preservice Teacher Education; Preservice Teachers; Problem Solving; Relevance (Education); Service Learning; Teacher Student Relationship
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Publisher:Publications, Center on Education and Training for Employment, 1900 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH 43210-1090 (order no. IN376, $30).
Publication Date:1998-00-00
Pub Types:Collected Works - General; ERIC Publications
Abstract:The papers in this volume outline a vision for teacher education based on the concept of contextual teaching, defined as teaching that enables learning in a variety of in- and out-of-school contexts to solve simulated or real-world problems. They are based on the realization that the construction of knowledge is situated within, and greatly influenced by, physical, social, cultural, and subject matter context. Paper titles and authors are as follows: "Contextual Teaching and Learning: An Overview of the Project" (Susan Jones Sears, Susan B. Hersh); "Introduction to the Commissioned Papers" (Kenneth R. Howey); "The Role of Context in Teacher Learning and Teacher Education" (Hilda Borko, Ralph T. Putnam); "Problem-Based Learning: Learning and Teaching in the Context of Problems" (Jean W. Pierce, Beau Fly Jones); "Community Service Learning: Collaborating with the Community as a Context for Authentic Learning" (Rahima C. Wade); "Preparing Preservice Teacher Education Students to Use Work-based Strategies to Improve Instruction" (Richard L. Lynch, Dorothy Harnish); "Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in Contextual Teaching and Learning" (Lauren Jones Young); "The Role of Self-Regulated Learning in Contextual Teaching: Principles and Practices for Teacher Preparation" (Scott G. Paris, Peter Winograd); "Authentic Assessment of Teaching in Context" (Linda Darling-Hammond, Jon Snyder); and "Afterword" (Kenneth R. Howey). An annotated bibliography contains 40 references. (SK)
Reference Count:N/A

Identifiers:Contextual Learning
Record Type:Non-Journal
Level:1 - Available on microfiche
Institutions:ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education, Columbus, OH.; ERIC Clearinghouse on Teaching and Teacher Education, Washington, DC.
Sponsors:Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), Washington, DC.; Office of Vocational and Adult Education (ED), Washington, DC.
Education Level:Higher Education