MME. ELS A GREGOR! jSUFFRAGISTS SING NEW MARCH SONG! -------------------------------------------- i | Introduce It at Meeting to Get Pledges for the Big Parade on May 6. GOV. BRADY CHEERS THEMJ Tells How Woman Suffrage Has Helped in the West—Could Help Here to Reform Factory Laws, The woman suffragists, who are going to march down Fifth Avenue on May C, heid a mass meeting downtown in Clinton Hall yesterday afternoon to work up enthusiasm over the parade among the industrial women of the neighborhood. Gov. James H. Brady of Ifflho, Mrs. Florence Kelleyj and Leonora O'Reilly were the speakers. The wall back of the stage was decorated with banners, which read, "There is a word sweeter '¦- )m» nother, and country, that word is '^ V.'- " Who would be free fhemsehesTHi" ,trike the blow," "We snould[ i»ke^ aws under which we work and die, ¦ Trades unionism and the Da''°l- , Mrs. Mrs. Stanton Blatch Pres'dfnXe7 of fohn Winters Brannan and ;Lnu™0V he uptown women were preseIK ributed literature, tookpPled|es.." „¦, md sold copies of the new try. Political March," which had gs > tlw ¦>ut yesterday. Mme. Blsa GreB the. composer, wielded the baton I\n musicians on the stage, ana tii* ,s I ludience. which sang with a vim ¦ ¦¦ The women have mpo-e' hc ?am brand of politics upon us ^ e 0, feared ^me^Ts SrA to P— '"SThTa man tells yn^ '" too dignified f°r P0""^ up yf'1- ¦"''¦ after the Triangle Me. . vi.