Welcome to the July 12 Robotics and Engineering. Today we have a special guest speaker, David Giandomenico from Lynbrook. He will be speaking on Robot Winch Design and decisions you must consider in building your robot. Also, stay tuned for Salvatore Desiano, a research roboticist from Ames. Later, thanks again to Al Bayer, we will make a trike-bot with a special feature!
scarter We are streaming NASA TV right now so you are in the right place. We will switch over at 1
gondorf <Q>hello
NASA_Moderator <A>Hi. Welcome.
gondorf <Q>cool jump button
NASA_Moderator <A>Thanks to Seth Carter
Dan <Q>Is the powerpoint download ready yet?
abayer <A>The powerpoint will be ready in about 5 min.
abayer the new powerpoints are ready now
abayer refresh you screen to see them
katy hey
Vova Where the rpm and the torque curves intersect, is that like "the perfect" rpm to power ratio in this case?
katy how do we find out our grades on the nidterm
Vova you should get an email
admin you will be sent grades on the midterm
abayer you will receive an email with your grade
bshaw27 I got red messages saying "so and so has joined room #course" what is this??
hhsrobotics Could you please tell us what slide we are on?
Vova 12
NASA_Gio don't worry about people joining messages
abayer we are on slide 11
MarsGuy When will the powerpoint be available for download?
abayer the entire powerpoint will be ready in about five min
abayer the current slide is up now
Aditya_Nath <Q>what slide are we on?
abayer <A>slide 14
gondorf <Q>what is a passing grade for this class?
Shorty <A>70%
keith <Q>my power point slide show wont open
Shorty <A>PPT should be downloadable shortly.
abayer slide 13
rc10gt <Q>fair grade
LAW <Q>are we able to retake the test, or is there another way to raise our grade if we didn't do so well on the test
Shorty <A>Study for the final! Also, we may have an extra credit option. I will ask Mr. Headley. (:
keith <Q>my power point slide show isnt working
Shorty <A>Try refreshing the page. It should be working now.
LAW <Q>thank you
rc10gt <Q>will the final also be an exam?
Shorty <A>Yes.
rc10gt <Q>i mean a Q&A exam
Shorty <A>It will be multiple choice again.
Chris_Tsai <Q>And will it cover all the lectures or just the second half?
Shorty <A>Just the second half.
Aditya_Nath <Q>are grades like A,B,C given, or is it pass/fail?
Shorty <A>The course grades will ultimately be P/F
Chris_Tsai <Q>Will the Final be about the same difficulty as the midterm?
abayer <A>Yes, it should be about the same.
Rameez731 <Q>what happens if you haven't received you grade back yet?
Shorty <A>There are about 10 more exams to grade. If you do not receive a grade by tomorrow morning, contact Michelle at mgoldschmid@mail.arc.nasa.gov. There may have been a problem when you submitted the exam
LAW <Q>so anything under 70% is fail
Shorty <A>Probably not. I will have to check with Headley. You should email him and ask.
Rameez731 <Q>when will we get our grades by?
Shorty <A>Tomorrow morning for the midterm. Probably within the week at the end of the class (after the final)
gondorf <Q>a 70 hurts. here in mass we have 65 for passing. i got to do really good on that final to pass. how many points are given for chat participation?
Shorty <A>That depends on Steve Headley. I wouldn't worry about your grade for now. Just pay attention to the lectures and you will have to study less!
rc10gt <Q>uh oh, if we are building a robot today and i am still trying to perfect my own design can i work on that instead and then later this day take pictures of mine and build the ne in this lecture
abayer <A>well, I would like it if you worked on you own design after the classes and built the class robot when everyone else did but if you can't take it apart right now just make sure that you build it later
Aditya_Nath <Q>so 70% gives u a pass in this class?
Shorty <A>Yes. I just asked Mr. Headley
Rameez731 <Q>thanks
Shorty Pass/Fail will not do anything to your grade average
Shorty Extra credit (straight from Mr. Headley) Send in a personal design of a robot that we have not yet built!
Aditya_Nath <Q>kewl
Shorty Extra Credit! Send us a picture of your personal robot design. Build a robot using the VEX kit and send it to us!
gondorf <Q>what address
Shorty <A>send it to al and michelle. abayer@mail.arc.nasa.gov and mgoldschmid@mail.arc.nasa.gov
LAW <Q>would this design be just the robot that we were told to make? and do we need all the build slides or just some pics of it
Shorty <A>Design a NEW robot. Then take a couple of pictures of it. You will NOT need to make slides.
LAW <Q>i did design a new robot so i just send in the pics
NASA_Gio <A>yes
Rameez731 <Q>can we use pieces outside of the kit?
abayer <A>Yes, you can. I don't in the robots that we build in class because there is no way of knowing if the other 200 people building the robot have access to the parts so we must stay with the stock parts. For your own enjoyment though do what you can
gondorf <Q>i have built multiple robots. should i just keep taking pictures and sending them in?
abayer <A>yes please do.. send them as separate emails though, so that I can keep them straight.
LAW <Q>does this extra credit robot have to be over and above the design your own robot on thurs. of last week?
abayer <A>not over and above, but you want to do your best to get all the points that you can. tell us how long it took you to make it. how well it runs. what it's name is. and anything else you can about it.
katy <Q>if you do more than one robot do you get more extra credit?
abayer <A>only one robot for credit but we would like to see as many designs as you could make. So make your credit robot the best one you can
di <Q>still cannot open the slides after downloading it
scarter <A>The powerpoint slides will be up shortly
Greg <Q>Are the motors in the vex kit strong enough to make a winch possible?
Shorty <A>probably not
me <Q>where can I find the Mid term?
Shorty <A>email michelle at mgoldschmid@mail.arc.nasa.gov
Greg <Q>Are the motors in the vex kit strong enough to make a winch possible?
abayer <A>I would say no..they are not really that strong
bshaw27 <Q>What slide are we on?
Shorty <A>we are on a break right now, we will be starting up soon and there are no slides for the next speaker
abayer our guest speaker will be starting in just a minute.
abayer thanks for waiting
abayer Here is our speaker....
CJ <Q>How much of al the physics formulas and motordynamics will we be tested on. I have not had any of this in H.S. nor have I had Calculus?.
Shorty <A>You will be tested on what is on the slides. All questions come from the slides. We will try to keep it more general vs nit-picky, and we'll stay away from the really advanced subjects.
Greg <Q>Thanks for keeping away from the nitpicky stuff =)
Shorty <A>No problem. It will, however, be similar in difficulty to the midterm
ericreed <Q>Can you repeat the speakers name for me please?
Shorty <A>Salvatore Dominic Desiano. (: phew
CJ <Q>OK I will study those. Thanks
ericreed <Q>Thanks!
Shorty <A>No problem.
gondorf <Q>sorry i am having a ton of connection problems
Shorty <A>What types of problems
Roger_K_Chen <Q>what slide we on?
Shorty <A>There are no slides for this section. Please pay attention to the speaker
LeVerne_Rizor <Q>it would be nice to have a transcript of the speaker, he's coming thru garbled
Shorty <A>What type of connection are you using?
Shorty I will see if we can get a transcript for him. Sorry, we will not have this until after
Dan <Q>this guy is fun
Shorty <A>Yeah. He's really cool.
Dan <Q>i kno a drive, to make sure when another super power rises we got a head start
aaron <Q>Didn't NASA also have a hand in developing restaurant packets of ketchup (those small "bags" found in fast-food restaurants)?
Shorty <A>We'll find out Aaron! You sure?
B_Flaherty_1626 <Q>Just a tip to those that are having connection problems, if you are behind a router, try bypassing it if you can. I did it and everything finally works. Don't know if it was just my router though.
morerobots <Q>Greg, the vex motors are strong enough to create a winch, but it requires massive amounts of gears. I had greated a winch for the vex kick-off tournament in Atlanta, GA.
Shorty <A>Great. Thanks.
morerobots <Q>I should also note that our robot contained the parts from 3 vex kits
aaron <Q>Well, I recall hearing that it was part of the development of finding a way to keep food fresh in space. Those ketchup packets DO last a good long time.
Shorty <A>(:
Greg <Q>Thanks for the info morerobots, if you've got any pictures of that robot Id be interested in seeing them
Dan <Q>O O! the X-29!!!
aaron <Q>Then again, the lecture was given on a friday afternoon probably near the end of the year, in a hot gym -- two years ago, so I might have missed something. But what about, say, the 'foam' mattresses "developed by NASA for the space program" -- is that right?
Shorty <A>Sal isn't sure about that. Try looking it up on google
patrick_pilvines <Q>I couldn't find anything about the Ketchup packets and NASA!!!! NO LUCK, I checked on google and MSN search
aaron <Q>I remember that episode of Twilight Zone. Interesting allegory.
Dan <Q>Did NASA have a hand in making army MREs (Meals Ready to Eat)?
Shorty <A>I'm not sure about that, but I think the military actually came up with the idea first.
Dan <Q><Patrician|Away> what does your robot do, sam <bovril> it collects data about the surrounding environment, then discards it and drives into walls
morerobots <Q>Greg, What is your email? I would be happy to send you pictures! ^_^
Shorty <A>Hi guys, i don't know if you want to post here. (You can though). You can send michelle an email with instructions if you want
Greg <Q>Proof that duct tape really can fix anything
Shorty <A>(:
katy <Q>wat slide show are we on
Shorty <A>No slide now. We are following the video. I apologize for the inconvenience
Greg <Q>morerobots my email is Javahulk@hotmail.com
Brian <Q>Did they use duct tape on Spirit and Opportunity? :)
Shorty <A>Hmm. I think by that point they swapped it out with something a little more resistant to radioactivity.
B_Flaherty_1626 <Q>I want to thank you for distracting me, i googled "ketchup packet development" and found a funny site about "The Tale of the Ketchup Bandit"
Shorty <A>uh oh
aaron <Q>Factoid!! (Sorry, false alarm)
Shorty <A>This is all factoid!
patrick_pilvines <Q>the problem with the Vex Challenge is this: You can't teach robotics if you won't allow the use of Duct Tape!!!!
abayer <A>well, at least they give you zip ties...
aaron <Q>Yeah, I meant the pics of the Mars rovers are, of course, the ones used on the factoids.
Shorty <A>Oh yeah. Good call!
Dan <Q>my team's robot in FIRST is basically held together by zip ties
LAW <Q>the guys lights are off
Shorty <A>Correct. That's so you can see the screen
bshaw27 <Q>Jobs on the cutting edge have got to be interesting, challenging, and stressful. How difficult is it to get a career there?
Shorty <A>These days pretty difficult to work at Ames, but there are a lot of openings at the other Centers. Many people start off in internship positions, especially as a high school student
rc10gt <Q>a motor is a motor and a servo motor is a servo?
Shorty <A>Hear live answer now
rc10gt <Q>Thank You, just didn't understand the meaning of the terms, i understand what both do though...thanks for being informative though
Shorty <A>No, that's exactly what were here for. Anything that Al can answer for you...
katy <Q>for steps 11-12 do we need bearing flats or bearing blocks, they say we need bearing blocks but i doibnt remember them say9ing it in the inventory
Shorty <A>live answer now
bshaw27 <Q>I have experienced a problem with the kit. First, the motor screws tend to strip, loosen, and attract trouble. I suspect this is because they are smaller and receive the most stress, but this can render the screws unusable. Any suggestions?
Shorty <A>uh oh. hope you don't mind that answer...
hhsrobotics <Q>We are missing slide 111
Shorty <A>thanks. I'll look into it.
bshaw27 <Q>This robot is very different from the one I sent in, despite the fact they serve the same purpose
Shorty <A>We liked yours too. At first Al thought they were basically the same until you sent in the detailed pics. He was very interested in your castor setup.
gondorf <Q>i heard something about mentoring programs...where are they and how do i get into one?
Shorty <A>Have you looked into the SHARP program? Also, check out the homepage of the NASA website and follow links to internships and working at NASA.
hhsrobotics <Q>We are still missing slide # 111.
Shorty <A>looks okay to me. try refreshing
Steven <Q>The mesh between the two gears on the steering unit does not have enough support. As a result, the gears skip, causing a driving problem. I tried adjusting the trim on my radio, but sadly it still had a problem.