As of: February 10, 2009
Tracking No. 806ab9ad
Comments Due: August 13, 2008
  Late comments are accepted

Docket: FAA-2007-29015
Modifications to Rules for Sport Pilots and Flight Instructors with a Sport Pilot Rating

Comment On: FAA-2007-29015-0001
Certification of Aircraft and Airmen for the Operation of Light- Sport Aircraft; Modifications to Rules for Sport Pilots and Flight Instructors With a Sport Pilot Rating

Document: FAA-2007-29015-0085
John C. Listi

Submitter Information

Name: John  C  Listi


General Comment

August 3, 2008

Dear FAA,
I am a Sport Pilot, Weight Shift Control CFI, and would like to comment on a few
of the proposed changes. For the most part I am in agreement to the changes and
see them as positive.

#3 - I understand the rational for wanting DPE’s to test pilots on additional ratings,
however as a CFI, I take the “Practical Test Standard” seriously. I have
given “Added Cat/Class” to several fixed wing private pilots and the system works
well. I also realize that there are few WSC-L DPE’s in the US and this will add
more cost to a prospective pilot wanting to “add on” and he/she might not do it. I
cannot see #3 helping to make Sport Pilot a success.

#4 – As a SP WSC-L CFI and just completing my Bi-Annual FIRC with a room full
of Subpart H instructors, I have to say there are huge differences between the
abilities and complexities of CFI’s. I cannot fathom having to learn the Garmin
1000 to teach in a trike. We need to be different because we teach in very different
aircraft. I could not find a GA or ATP CFI event tell me he knew anything about
Sport Pilot or a trike. Please keep Subpart K and H separate.

#16 – As a former Ultralight BFI (one of the guys who actually wanted to instruct) I
had cautious optimism on the whole Sport Pilot rule. I feel that unless the existing
Ultralight pilots are able to use their knowledge and time, then they will most
likely give up on SP. I hope we will see more Ultralight pilots join the ranks of SP
as it is a great program. It certainly has made me a better pilot and I enjoy
instructing my fellow Ultralight pilots. Please do not make it more difficult for our
fellow Ultralight pilots to give up on such a great program.

In conclusion, if they give up, or SP CFI’s give up due to increasing demands and
responsibilities, then the whole intent of the rule is wasted. Grass roots aviation
and Sport Pilot are for the every day American. My hopes are it will remain that
way. We as Americans often wonder how many freedoms will be altered or taken
from us. It is difficult to fight to keep them from being taken away, but far worse to
give up and let them be.
What a blessing from God to allow us to do what he did not design us to do….FLY

John C. Listi