2004Q-0151 Qualified Health Claim (QHC): soy protein and cancer
FDA Comment Number : EC610
Submitter : Ms. Elizabeth Valsala Date & Time: 05/06/2005 02:05:35
Organization : Ms. Elizabeth Valsala
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I am a 58-year-old female hypothyroid patient, 4 years post-menopausal. In order to succeed at WeightWatchers, I began using soy products occasionally in May, 2002. In January and February of 2003, I experimented with eating a vegan diet. To save time, I ate several soy-based foods for protein. In preparation for a February 17th annual physical, I had blood tests done on February 10th, 2003. Results showed a drastic reduction in T3 and T4 and estrogen and progesterone below measurable levels. A bone density test showed a considerable loss of density. My doctor prescribed 90 mg of Armour thyroid and gave me free samples of a popular anti-depressant. She said my bone density would be restored over time. She didn't mention soy.

I went to any acupuncturist on February 26th. She told me the soy had caused the thyroid problem. I was shocked. No one had told me. No soy label had warned me. Employees at health food stores laughed at the idea.

I was suffering with memory and cognition problems and didn't begin to stop soy consumption until March 9. My thyroid came back to the level I was accustomed to on June 8th. I began reducing my dosage of Armour thyroid from 1.5 to 1.25 to 1 grain. I haven't retested my bone density, so I don't know if the damage to it remains.

Two years later (March, 2005), I attended a school for 9 days and ate a vegetarian diet there, including soy. My thyroid problems came right back!

I would like a warning label on ALL soy products, but at least on all the synthetic meats, protein powders and energy bars that warns against the use of soy for thyroid patients (hyper or hypo) and infants and children (see other research for the damage to them).

I could have died when I was driving under that soy-induced thyroid malfunction. I couldn't earn a living during the months I was disabled by the soy damage. My relationships suffered due to personality changes related to the thyroid malfunction. I don't want anyone else to have to go through what I did.

Modern day soy processing (precipitation instead of fermentation) means products that can harm instead of heal. If you take your data from a population consuming FERMENTED soy products in MODERATION, it is DECEPTIVE to apply it to a population consuming PRECIPITATED soy products as a DAILY source of protein!

It seems obvious that money is the motivation for promoting soy products as healthy for all. Even if soy helps some people with hormone levels and cancer prevention, it is harming others, especially CHILDREN and thyroid patients and other categories of cancer patients.