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Larry Handley Receives Geographical Honor Society Award

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Lawrence R. Handley
Larry Handley
Lawrence R. Handley, geographer at the USGS National Wetlands Research Center, Lafayette, LA, recently received the Presidential Citation Award from Gamma Theta Upsilon (GTU), the International Geographical Honor Society. The presentation took place at the National Council for Geographic Education's recent annual meeting and awards banquet in Vancouver, British Columbia.

The award recognizes outstanding individuals for their meritorious contributions to the operation or advancement of GTU and its interest during the current year. According to Catherine M. Lockwood, GTU president, Handley has promoted the goals of GTU for the past 27 years through participation in the honor society, serving as an officer, attending meetings, assisting colleagues and peers, and mentoring students.

Handley was especially cited for his outreach work. GTU Past-President M. Duane Nellis nominated Handley for the award. The citation read, "In all ways, Larry epitomizes what is best in providing important and responsible service that has benefited thousands of young people who have in some way been touched by GTU, or through Larry's outreach to geographers and other related scientists in numerous organizations."

Handley was also honored for increasing the visibility of the GTU Executive Council, his leadership in establishing a GTU Educational Endowment and his current role in planning the GTU 75th anniversary celebration. Additionally, Handley has served as a faculty member at several universities, published numerous articles, and presented many workshops.

Related Web Sites
Gamma Theta Upsilon (GTU)
International Geographical Honor Society

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)